Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Blue - how are you doing? When do you expect to ovulate? Will you try the soy again this month?

Still wishing we would hear from Aleeah!
Hey guys sorry I havent been able to catch up properly been really busy with FIL. Hope you all are doing well.

Not really sure if we are going to keep trying. Im not going to temp any more. Its just not happening for us need to focus on something else now. Its coming up to a year and just so gutted that we are still no where near our rainbow.

Wish you girls all the luck with your pregnancies. Ill try keep up now and then.

Blue - Don't leave us! I feel guilty that so many of us are pregnant now and you must feel left behind. But we still want to hear about your journey every step of the way. You are GOING to get pregnant... I just know it! Maybe a "break" is what you need to get this thing kick started. Won't you go to the dr next month to say you've been trying for a year and need more tests? You shouldn't have to try for this long with no answers. Surely there is something they can do to help you.

It is understandable you are feeling down and need a break. I am sure it will be healthier to set your sights on something else for a while. But I pray your rainbow baby is just around the corner!

I hope your FIL heals fully and that things start looking up soon. :hugs:
I'm sorry you are so discouraged, Emma. It must be a tough time right now with FIL being sick. I hope that you take good care of yourself and that when you decide to try again you have an easier time.
Emma - I hope you don't stay away! We would all miss you! I also hope very much that your little rainbow comes along and surprises you. I wish your FIL well.
Linny, I'm glad you had a good chat with your sister in law, it's always nice to talk face to face with someone who has been through something similar. I must say, the 20 week scan really helped me to feel more relaxed and start enjoying this pregnancy :) I hope it will be the same way for you. Glad to hear you've got a quiet weekend planned next weekend, definitely needed after the holidays!

LL, I hope your doctors appointment goes well tomorrow! Have you told your family about your pregnancy yet?

Emma, so sorry you're having such a hard time right now :hugs: I too, hope you won't disappear for too long , we would all miss you! I really hope that your rainbow is coming very very soon.
Sara - How are you doing? Have you started reading those books yet?

Lindsay - Still only my mom knows, but my sister has me on this stupid "Find My Friends" app and saw that I was at the doctor today and asked if I was pregnant. I told her there were other reasons to go to the doctor and if I had good news to share, she would hear it. =;. But I know we won't be able to keep it from her much longer, so we will probably tell once I have my ultrasound, provided the news is good! We won't tell dh's side til closer to 12 weeks. Thanks for remembering my dr's appointment! Here is my update:

The dr's appointment went very well. I got a dr's note to leave the office whenever they use that chemical that my workplace was being sticky about before. I got a prescription for anti-nausea meds which I am filling just in case I need it. I even woke up in the night to puke last night, so I think the nausea is getting worse. I might do as you (Lindsay) did and take it before bed. She answered all my questions and was really nice. My blood pressure was already a bit high, but she didn't really seem concerned. I think my BP is always a bit high at the doctor because I get quite nervous there.

The good news is she did up my ultrasound requisition for whenever I can get an appointment. I managed to get an appointment for Wednesday, January 8th (I could have gotten in a bit sooner, but dh is only available to come along if it's on a Wed), so I will be 9 weeks + 5 days then. It was too soon to try to listen with the Doppler, but she checked my uterus and said it seemed to be the perfect size for 8.5 weeks, so that was great! My tubes felt fine as well, so that was also encouraging. I was basically so thrilled to find out my uterus was nice and big!

I have to get my pre-natal blood work soon...and *Linny* you may want to note this: (In regards to being Rh-) I can't speak for the shot you get where you live, but I asked my doctor and she said our shot (WinRho) lasts for 3 months. So I do have to go in if I have any spotting, but if I got the shot then I wouldn't need it again for another 3 months. So I would definitely check with your doctor about how long your shot lasts.

Also, I opted not to get any genetic screening done. I don't want the worry if something does come back, and I will accept my baby no matter what. I personally know someone who got the screening done and was told her baby was 100% healthy. The baby ended up having Trisomy 18 and dying immediately after birth. There are no guarantees either way, so I'd rather not know, I think.
LL, I'm so glad to hear your appointment went well and that you have an ultrasound coming up really soon :) You should be thrilled to find out your uterus is nice and big! Glad you got some anti-nausea meds - I found my ms was worst from 9 - 11 weeks and it made a huge difference to be able to take something before bed and feel half way decent in the morning. Sounds like your sister is very suspicious, haha. I'm impressed you've been able to keep it a secret from her for so long.

Sara, I love your profile pic! It's so cute :) How are you doing? Any sign of AF?
LL-sounds like you are right on track. I'm sure you will enjoy watching your little one squirm around on ultrasound!

I'm doing ok. No sign of AF or of O. My doctor told me she's not sure I will have a period anytime soon. I'm just trying to be patient and remember that I don't have to be pregnant RIGHT NOW. My acupuncturist will be back in her office this week and I will call and make an appointment.
Sara - That is right - you don't have the be pregnant RIGHT NOW, although it always feels like a race against time when you're TTC. I hope your acupuncturist helps!

Lindsay - Thanks! Yeah, I've noticed I've been puking a lot more since I hit 8 weeks so if it gets any worse I'll definitely need it to be able to function in the mornings.

Yeah, I guess I just feel really safe with hardly any people knowing or being excited for me. I hated the feeling that I was disappointing people when the baby died last time. And, it is a HUGE pet peeve of mine when people outright *ask* if I'm pregnant. Random people ask me or my dh all the time (even before we were TTC) and I find it downright rude, so after she asked me I really felt like she didn't deserve to be told yet. It's just mean to take away someone's special announcement like that! I want to be able to tell them in a fun way when her dh is around too...not just via text message when she asks me right out! hahah, I guess a bit of cranky pregnant person is coming out. :haha:

My pregnancy fatigue is also really ramping it up this week. Last night I slept from 5:30 pm to 11 am today and still felt tired after. I get hit with these "attacks" of fatigue where I do NOT have the ability to do ANYTHING but succumb to sleep. :sleep: I physically cannot keep my eyes open or talk or lift my head or do anything at all. It's all I can do just to wake up to pee! It's ridiculous. But I am just so thankful I've been on holidays and have been able to let myself get all the sleep I need. I am getting really worried for being back at work on Thursday. I am almost thinking I might need to use up a vacation day next week sometime just so I can catch up on sleep.

What is new in your pregnancy these days? Is the insomnia still bothering you a lot? Does the baby kicking make your ribs sore at all? Do you have any back pain? Is work getting difficult at all?

What are everyone's New Year's Eve plans? Anything exciting?

My dh and I have been hosting a board game party for the past 3 years, and so we will be doing that again. We're just having 3 close couples over. We'll have a ton of junk food and some virgin cocktails to enjoy. No one there knows I'm pregnant so I'm sure my not drinking will seem suspicious, but 3 out of the 6 people we invited don't drink, so we're going to act like we're doing virgin drinks this year for their sake. I am obviously very worried about being able to stay awake til midnight, but at least I got sooo much sleep last night, and I will definitely allow myself some caffeine in the evening. :)

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL time ringing in the new year and that your 2014 is full of many happy blessings, including ALL of our rainbow babies! HAPPY NEW YEAR! And thank you for being such a wonderful support group for me in 2013!
Sara, I'm glad to hear you're doing okay and it sounds like you've got a good plan. You're right, you don't have to be pregnant right now. And, I think that the fact that you got pregnant recently is a very good sign that your body knows what it's doing.

LL, I see what you mean about the way your sister asked. I agree, much more fun to be able to tell someone (especially family) in person with your DH around too than via text message. Do you have any plans for how you will tell the rest of your family?

The fatigue should improve a little bit once you get to second tri... although having said that I still find I have less energy than normal. We've got quite a list of things we want to get done before baby arrives and I'm finding that by the time the weekend rolls around I'm too tired, lol.

Your New Years Eve plans sound like fun! I hope you're able to stay awake and hide your not drinking :) Hubby and I have a quiet night in planned - we are both just feeling totally worn out from the holidays and thought we'd do a quiet one this year.

There's not much new with me... just the same old. The insomnia has been better the last couple weeks but I think it's because I've been off work (or working from home) and able to sleep in. We'll see what happens next week. Otherwise I'm feeling quite good, no back pain or sore ribs yet (but I can feel him kicking up near my ribs now). Started feeling a little short of breath recently but it goes away when I change positions so I think it's just baby growing but I will run it by the doctor when I'm there next week. Work is still good too - just having a little more difficulty getting up and down from the floor with the kids.

Anyway, I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year!!! I hope that 2014 will be a better year for all of us :thumbup:
Hello Ladies,

We lost our baby boy on 12/12/13 at 14wks and had a D&E on 12/18/13. We were so devastated:cry:. We would like to start again DH more than me. I guess I am scared but I am leaving it in God's hands and letting my body do what's best. Any suggestions ladies?

Hi Brighteyez, I'm sorry about your loss but welcome to our group. How long ago was your miscarriage? I don't think there is any doubt that TTC and pregnancy is totally different after a miscarriage. I think there is always a whole lot of worry mixed in with your excitement and joy. It sounds like you have a good attitude and are letting your body guide you through the process. It looks like you have several kids already so I'm guessing chances of another miscarriage are low unless your health has changed since your last baby. Hang in there, I believe everything gets easier with time. :hugs:
Hi Brighteyez, I'm sorry about your loss but welcome to our group. How long ago was your miscarriage? I don't think there is any doubt that TTC and pregnancy is totally different after a miscarriage. I think there is always a whole lot of worry mixed in with your excitement and joy. It sounds like you have a good attitude and are letting your body guide you through the process. It looks like you have several kids already so I'm guessing chances of another miscarriage are low unless your health has changed since your last baby. Hang in there, I believe everything gets easier with time. :hugs:

Thank you for the welcome!!. The miscarriage has been 3 weeks now. I had the D&E two weeks ago. I am trying to think positive and keep the faith. I had my tubes tied after my last baby who is 12 years old now. In 2012 I had a tubal reversal because me and my husband wanted to have another baby so this pregnancy was the first pregnancy after the reversal. I also had a myomectomy when my tubes were untied. I had 3 large fibroids romoved. I also know they say age plays apart because I am over 35. I just hope it works out we really love raising our children and would love to start over again. Your words of encourage really help, thanks!!:hugs:
Brighteyes - I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm 40, have had 6 children, and we are trying again after 2 very early miscarriages last year. Like you said, it is all in God's hands. He knows what to do. Good luck!

I've heard from Aleeah. We shared e-mail addresses a while back. I wrote her a week or so ago but didn't want to get anyone's hopes up of hearing from here until I received a response. She, her DH, and little one are all doing well! They are caring for a relative and have been very busy. She says she hopes to be back online soon.

I hope you are all doing wonderfully!

My internet has been down since noon on New Year's Eve. It finally came back this morning, so...

Lindsay - glad to hear your insomnia is giving you a bit of a break. I guess you really needed a break from work too, I've been struggling a wee bit too, the waking in the night is normally ok but recently I've been waking to pee around 4 and am very restless for an hour or more after. Hoping that drinking less in the evenings will help?!

LL - 9 weeks lady! Your scan is coming up soon?

Bright eyes- I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, you're very welcome here. there's a lot of support..... and a few laughs when you really need them too. X

Cryss - happy new year to you too! May 2014 bless you! Thank goodness aleeah is ok! I was at the point of commenting on her journal hoping maybe she would check there first! Good stuff, feel better knowing that all is well.

Afm - not much to report, back to work etc. Anyway, happy new year all!
Lindsay - I am glad you avoided rib and back pain this far! That is definitely a good sign. I am actually already having posterior pelvic pain, but it's very mild. It's no wonder you're having a little trouble getting up and down these days, though!
I actually don't have any interesting plans for telling the family. Creativity ran out last pregnancy. I'm not even excited to tell anyone this time. We will probably tell my dad at Sunday night dinner after the scan if it goes well, and then I will see if we can Skype with my sister and her husband to tell them.

Brighteyes- I am terribly sorry about your recent loss - and such a late one! You must be devastated. Welcome here.

Linny- Yep, just 5 more days til the u/s. I'm back to work too and it has taken all the fun out of everything again. *sigh*

Crys - wow, thanks so much for letting us know that Aleeah is okay! It's terrible, but I actually start to panic when someone doesn't reply for a while. I hope she can come back soon!

speaking of which, where did LJ go? :)
Bright so sorry for you loss. I hope you are holding up ok. Great bunch of ladies for support here. Hope you get your rainbow soon.

Happy new year everyone. ��

Dons dads home safe and sound. Doing ok. Im back at work (nightshift). Still not trying not preventing this month. No temping no opks and no worrying. Lost hope really. Dont see the point wasting money. Best friends just announced shes 9 weeks and didnt want to tell me because it was unplanned and they where thinking or aborting it.... wasnt beat pleased so was glad she told me over the phone so I could at least sound happy for her. This is her second unplanned pregnancy...

Anyway. I havent had a chance to catch up with everyones post. But did see crys had heard from Aleeah. Glad shes doing well.

Sara-love your display picture.

Hope all you pregnant ladies are keeping well and hope morning sickness is not treating you too badly.

Blue - I am sorry about your best friend's announcement. I don't know why she would tell you that she didn't want it, although I suppose best friends share all. It is a good thing it was over the phone. Getting a pregnancy announcement in person when TTCAL is extremely difficult because it's so hard to hide the fact that you want to cry.
Yeah. Its not soo easy. Specially when she was debating abortion.... but glad she hasnt gone through with it. Shes a good mum.

Heyho... she likes to do things like fall pregnant, get engaged and plan a wedding before us or right after we tell her thats our plans lol. Suppose she doesnt like being left behind.

Waiting for the nice doctor to come back on and then we are going to see him together see if theres anything he can do to help... doubt he will knowing our luck. Dont know how far you let it go before you can demand for some help? Its our 11th cycle... surely thats long enough? Xxx

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