Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

I just popped over to babycentre and tried the chinese gender one there and it says girl both for when i think i conceived and for when the nhs think i did :haha:
Blue - hehe! I have heard it gets it right quite often....or maybe only the poeple it's right for bother to say anything about it? I dunno, it's fun though! Ohhhh Blue! How exciting XXX
I'm glad it's beginning to set in for you Blue! Enjoy! :flower:

Linny - It's so wonderful to feel those bigger movements. When they are so tiny, you feel it more at night because you're quiet and still. During the day you're busy and moving around, so you don't notice it as often.
Blue - What can I say? So pleased this is it for you:hugs::happydance::friends::juggle::wohoo::fool::loopy::flasher::):yipee::lol:\\:D/:mamafy::D:thumbup:, I just know it!!! I love, love, love your new ticker! Dons sounds so sweet telling your little one he loves him or her, I wish my OH would!! the most he says is, you've got a fat belly... stupid man!!!:blush::haha: So excited for you xxx

Oh and your dog is lovely and so is where you live! Can I come live with you please?! I'd love to see the beauty you see on your walks, I get to see fields and fields of muck..!!!:haha: xx

Crys - I'm trying not to speculate here but your temps look A-Mazing!!! What a beautiful, beautiful chart!! I can't wait till you test but also (total contradiction I know..!!) want you to wait to test too as that's what you want to do. Can't cope with all this, my brain is fried!!!:wacko::haha: xxx

Lit - Don't worry, like Linny said (wise wise woman there!:winkwink:) you'll be bonding without realising it. I don't talk to this baby but did the others. I guess I'm still bonded with it but I feel the need for a bit of space, even though it kicks me all the time now!!

Your 20 week scan will be amazing, I loved mine and want it to happen everyday!! Best scan ever!! It'll be here before you know it and I've no doubt those little nudges are kicks, I was told in my earlier appointments I'd definitely be able to feel baby by 16 weeks as I "was" (not so much now!!) so slim, I couldn't feel anything then but maybe I wasn't really looking for it xxx

Linny - Wow look at that beautiful bump (and gorgeous you!), you definitely popped!! I said the same thing about it being amazing everything gets pushed up. My tummy had all that lazy space before baby, to fill up with food and chocolate and remarkably, it still fills up with all that food and chocolate but must have a lot less space!!! You look really small pregnant too, I love your cute bump!!:hugs: xxx

SLG - Reading your comment about you not knowing at 4dpo made me giggle a bit, embarrassingly, I was testing from around 4 dpo one cycle... of course it was a negative every day but did that stop me? No not at all...!! Funny to think back now I know what I know about testing, and how I shouldn't have tested that early... the things we do!! Give it a week and you'll be having us in suspense too, I really hope this thread shoots to the sky with luck for everyone :flower: xxx

LjsMummy - How's bump coming along?? Can't believe you're at 17 weeks already, it's amazing! xx

Teacup - Thank you thank you thank you for telling us when you're testing, you will be held to Friday now, as we'll all be badgering you!! Can't wait to find out xxx

Lindsay - How did hubby's appointment go at the fracture clinic? I hope you've been resting lots too? Remember you're growing a perfect little bean in that tummy, so rest lots as it'll be taking it out of you, especially with everything else that's going on around you xx:flower:

The thread has had so much excitement the last few days, I feel like I've just read a book, I love it! As hate it when a book ends but long live this thread!!!:flasher:

So I had a busy weekend, not sure if I told you all or not but we never 'fully' moved house as we're still paying rental on old place for a few months, so we're between the houses. The old place is closer to my office, so we mostly stay there for now. I do love the new house but can't move completely yet.

I did a lot of moving of boxes etc on Saturday, didn't seem like a problem as it didn't hurt... then. Sunday I felt terrible, blood pressure went sky high and started getting pains in my pelvis. I called the midwife up who told me to go to the hospital where they admitted me for the night to make sure baby was ok (not me, just the baby!! Well that's how it felt!:winkwink:). Baby was fine throughout, turning and kicking lots (they had my tummy out and we all watched as it morphed into different shapes, so strange! I've never noticed it do that before but then I've never looked).They did a quick scan too and it really does look like a baby now, was staring back at us which was funny! I've been told I've got Pelvic Girdle Pain (or SPD as it was known in the UK previously). I need to have physio for it and sit on an exercise ball in the office (which I'm actually excited about!!), otherwise all's good. We were really scared, as they admitted me into the labour suite, there was a little cot there and all the labour stuff, I was so upset as although I know I've reached V day now, it's still too early. Thankfully baby wanted to stay put too, he or she has been very active since, so maybe just had a growth spurt and put weight on my legs xxx
I'm glad everything was okay, Aleeah. Make sure you don't overdo things. SPD is no fun.
LL, I think a diffuser would be just fine, if they weren't we'd probably know about it :)

Sara, glad you've got some distractions for the TWW, here's to hoping for good news in a week or so!! :thumbup:

Blue, yay for sore boobs!!! Your OH sounds very sweet talking to baby :) The chart says girl for me - so unless the dreams I've been having (about baby coming out and being a girl and having all this boy stuff, lol) the chart is wrong for me.

Linny, I'm sure you'll start feeling those bigger movements more and more now! It took us a while for DH to be able to feel them because it seemed like as soon as he (or anyone else for that matter) would put his hand on my belly, baby would stop moving. He's caught it a bunch of times now though. Sometimes we just sit there and watch - my whole belly moves when baby wiggles around, it's crazy.

Aleeah, sounds like you really did overdo it! Remember you need to be resting more too, it takes lots of work growing a little one! I'm very glad to hear you and baby are doing fine :)

As for me, took hubby to the fracture clinic yesterday and they said that he'll be at least another 5 weeks on the crutches and not driving. He'll be re-checked on March 24 - I will be just over 38 weeks at that point so hopefully there will be lots of healing by then, and baby will cooperate with our timelines. I think I've also decided that I'll stop working at 38 weeks. Was going to go to the end of the month, but given the circumstances, I think that may be a good time. His fracture is a little bit displaced but they don't do surgery for mid-shaft fibular fractures as there is no joint nearby and it will just heal with a larger bone callus. He's allowed to put 25% of his weight on the leg with the crutches which has helped with getting around a little bit easier. I'm off to see the OB this morning and have a growth scan and non-stress test on thursday, it's going to be a busy week!
Aleeah im glad both you and baby are ok! Didnt realise all that happened !! Take it easy! And a ball at work sounds interesting haha! Xxx

Linds hope hubbies ok. And hope baby behaves himself! (Glad your chineese thing is wrong. I want it ro be a 50 50 chance! ) lol xxx
Blue - That is so sweet that Dons has been talking to the baby already. I remember the first time my DH talked to this one was when I got the call from my doctor confirming that my beta hCG was in the perfect range at 5 weeks 3 days. He came and put his hand on my belly and started talking to him/her. It was so touching! I hope they do a scan for you at your appointment next week! I am so very excited for you! It will feel good to get today over with.

Your chart told me I'm having a boy. Sigh! We'll have to see! ahha

Linny - That is amazing about those big kicks and rolls! One of my apps said that babies are most active at night because of your digestion/blood sugar levels when you've gone to sleep. I've also heard you tend to 'rock the baby to sleep' when you're up and moving but once you lie down they sometimes wake up. I am very happy for you that you're feeling stronger movements now.

Crys - Your chart does look quite good! Are you still holding out testing?

Aleeah - Yeah...this weekend my aunt asked if I was feeling any movement yet and I described what I was feeling and she said that was definitely how it felt. Then my mom came over and got all excited and I told her that most people I knew didn't feel these sensations til about 16 weeks, but I'd been feeling them for a couple weeks already so I wasn't sure...but when I said that she sounded VERY confident that they were already movements I was feeling. I guess she felt very early as well. So that's interesting! I don't feel them very often and when I do they're barely noticeable so I can't wait til they're stronger.

I am definitely looking forward to my 20-week scan. That is a scary situation about your trip to the hospital but I am glad to hear your baby is doing well. Sounds like you just strained yourself with all that lifting and triggered your pelvic pain. That's not fun! Sorry you're going through that but I'm glad baby is still healthy! Rest up and PLEASE take it easy!

Lindsay - Wow, that really was quite the injury your poor husband suffered! That is tough that he can't drive or anything for at least another 5 weeks. Things are always extra stressful when they happen when a baby is on the way. It sounds like a very good idea to stop working at 38 weeks (I am quite shocked that you were going to try for another week yet!). Hopefully your husband will be significantly healed up and a lot more mobile then - and hopefully he can drive! Do you have someone you can call to rush you to the hospital if you go into labour before he can drive? I hope your scan, appointment and test all go well this week! It does sound like a busy one!

AFM - We've told pretty much all friends and family in the past few weeks. I've noticed friends are WAY more excited than family seems to be? Perhaps it's because they found out in person. I've received lots of hugs and congratulations in the last little bit. However, I still haven't told work yet and really have no inclination to! I told myself I'd tell them this week but I'm not sure if I will. I know I need to tell them soon, but it just seems like a trial and I don't want them to be mad at me for the extra burden that will be placed on them when I'm away. I also am due for my yearly review soon and feel like if I tell them I'm pregnant, I probably won't get a raise. However, I'll have to tell them before then anyway so I guess I'll likely be out of luck.

Oh, also...dh and I went window shopping for baby stuff yesterday just to get an idea of what's out there even though we can't buy anything for a while. It was fun but I ended up getting really dizzy and almost falling over at one point. I ended up going home and just plopping on the couch for the evening...so my plans to make a nice lasagna for supper went out the window. The dizziness didn't subside til bedtime. I'm feeling fine today, though.
LL - I'm with everyone else - reckon those diffusers are probably fine! We got one for Xmas and was thinking of cracking it open, although mulled wine scent is probably the wrong one for February :) x

Cryss - looking at your temps and thinking 'yowzers' - that's one good looking chart. Well done for holding off testing (probably :haha:) x

Aleeah - wow, that sounds like a scary experience! I'm
So so glad your LO (and you! :haha: ) are fine though. Blimey, pregnancy is no easy ride is it, I hope the spd doesn't cause you too much trouble if you get good help early. And thanks for your kind bump words :) x

Lindsey - even getting to 38 weeks and working is heroic in my book! Heh, but yeah that might help both of you if his recovery coincides etc. only 5 more weeks then till sweet maternity leave woohoo! X

Afm - suddenly losing weight. Thought of what you said about this LL . It's been really quite sudden. Poss because I have more energy now, swimming and walking more. Anyway, it's good but font want to lose much more! Can't win can we ladies? :haha:
Swhy do you have to tell them before you yearly review ? Xxxx
Didn't see your post there LL . Yeah when are you obliged to tell them? For us it's 15w before due date or some equally mad late time.... Like they wouldn't notice the bump! So glad your friends are excited for you and you're getting the good vibes from that. It's a shame family didn't seem to be as much but when baby arrives they'll all be going nuts over them! X
Linny - It's funny how pretty much anything will make us worry these days. I'm guessing your weight loss is related to your extra exercise...and you might have also lost some unnecessary fat if your appetite has been reduced lately since I know you were like me and had to eat constantly before? I know my appetite has been reduced so I'm sure I'm consuming way fewer calories. I felt the same way because I felt like I was getting chubby but as soon as I lost that bit of weight I was worried and I definitely don't want to lose anymore!

(Also - a mulled wine scent sounds delightful...but might trigger cravings that can't be fulfilled. :haha:)
Well I guess I don't -have- to tell them, but my employer tends to procrastinate with reviews so I may not get one til I'm well past 20 weeks and I'm certain I'll be showing quite a bit by then. I'd also like them to know since I'll have to continue to miss for quite a few appointments. They'll also need some time to figure out who will be taking on my duties and who I need train before I leave! So I feel I should probably tell soon.
Nope! No testing for me. Haven't even bought any so I won't be tempted early.

Lindsay - I hope he heals up quickly, that you enjoy your appointments this week and can get some rest in between.

Linny - Good for you getting moving again. It's normal for your weight to fluctuate here and there, as long as it's not a huge change in a short period of time.

LL - Good luck with telling your job when you do decide to tell. Be careful with those dizzy spells.
It's going well. Doing my best to leave symptom spotting in my head. :haha:
LL - hehe , I know it's going to be a running joke by the time pregnancy is over, everything is potentially a worry. Did I tell you I got really worried that my bump might be too big and found all kinds of potential bad causes for this on google :haha: that lasted 3 days.

Cryss - you've an iron will! :)

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