Lit - Awww what a gorgeous smile Nevada has! She looks a lot like you! Sorry to hear Nevada has a cold and isn't sleeping well, I hope she feels better soon. xx
Emma - Yes, baby is on my bladder too - I go to the loo feeling desperate and all I get out is a super slow trickle! How are you doing? I'm getting excited now! Not long until we meet baby! xx
Whisper - Sorry this wasn't your cycle. AF teased me so many cycles too, getting later and later and giving me symptoms galore! I'm sure your rainbow BFP is coming soon.

Linny - Sorry Elka isn't sleeping well at the mo! Like you say, it's probably a growth spurt! Glad she went to bed without fuss last night, I hope she's good for you tonight too! xx
Lindsay - Aww that's lovely that Rowan is sitting up on his own and playing with his toys happily! Can't believe how quick they grow! xx
Mrs W - Good luck this cycle! I hope this is your month! xx
Bright - Did you get all the issues sorted for your injections? I hope everything is good to go ahead next week!

Sara - How are you? xx
Crys - How's it going?

AFM - I still have an awful cold.

I went to the doctor today to have my whooping cough jab and the nurse recommended that I came back to have it when I feel better. She said my immune response may not work so well if I'm fighting off the cold. So it's been rescheduled for Monday. I'll be almost 38 weeks then, so really cutting it fine to develop the immunity before baby is born!
I hope everyone else is doing well! xxx