Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Tea- its actually to sore getting in and out of bed and im the same getting up 4-6 times a night! Baby is definitely on my bladder. Also shes super low when i walk it feels like shes lying on my cervix! Roll on next 2 weeks !

whisper i say test too hehe

mrs w- fingers crossed !

Lit- i know. He never done much for my birthday haha.

Thanks mrs w! And we must have posted at the same before as I never saw your post. I love your positivity at the end of your post - yes, it really MUST be your month soon! So excited for you!

Blue - well I suppose he deserves a less than exciting birthday then! :haha:
Just thought I would post a recent pic. Sorry it went sideways for some reason!


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im due today or tonight at latest and temps gone up blobs are really hurting under my arms lol and feel really hot and sick

and my mother in laws post doesnt come till at least mid day!


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Lit - Nevada is just beautiful! What a cheeky little smile! She's gotten so big too, the time is flying already :-(

Whisper - good luck, your chart looks great to me! And dont forget this is a really lucky thread!

Hope everyone has a great weekend x x x x
Lit- what a beautiful photo! She does have a cheeky little smile ! So heart melting ! Hehe.

Whisper- fingers crossed for you. Let us know how you get on!!!

Ljs- you too honey! Xxx
Whisper - sorry about the bfn. Clearblues aren't very sensitive though?

LJ - thanks! They really do grow up so fast!

Blue- it definitely melts my heart! Can't believe you are 38 weeks already!!!

Ps - Happy thanksgiving weekend to my fellow Canadians! Lindsay...and if I'm not mistaken Sabster? Hope you have a great time celebrating.

Linny - I see you're very active on the baby forum so I know you're lurking. Hope you're doing well! Have you been doing some work from home these days?
Hey ladies

Yup, i'm lurking! I try to find a day to read back over the thread and comment - but it never seems to transpire haha.

Lit - nevada looks beautiful! How are things going at nights now? Any improvements in sleeping blocks? Elk has started to wake a bit more at night, think (hope) it's just a growth spurt and will pass.

Whisper - sorry about the bfn love :hugs: Time to crack open the wine x

Blue - Ugh, I remember those bladder pressure days! Can't wait to see your little lady, crikey not long now! Do you have a name all picked out?

Tea - sorry about the cold, I just got over it, god it was rotten. I could barely function for 2 days of it. Hope you get over it asap! Keep warm and take plenty of Vit C!

Hi to everyone else that i've missed!

Afm - Think we're going through a growth spurt. Elka a lot more cry-y again, quite clingy, eating loads, not sleeping as much. Ah the joys! We're going to try and get her swimming later today though. See if it cheers us all up x
Linny - things have not improved much in the sleep department except that she's been more consistent rather than occasionally regressing to even shorter chunks occasionally ...so that's good. Baby steps! Haha. That's too bad Elka's sleep has worsened but you're probably right it is just a growth spurt! Sadly Nevada is going through a horribly fussy time the last few days. Since her vaccine she hasn't been napping properly so gradually each day as her sleep deprivation builds and builds she has been spending more and more of the day/evening screaming her lungs out but basically nothing will calm her down! And this of course had to happen in the company of extended family celebrating thanksgiving on Saturday and Sunday (which almost certainly had something to do with it - overstimulation and all that) so that's fun. :s She also seems to have a bit of a cold - just a mildly stuffy nose, slight cough and sneezing. She does not seem distressed otherwise (besides her screaming fits but I don't think they are related. She seems happy while coughing) and has no fever. It is always worrisome though! She already had this before she got her vaccines and the nurse was not worried at all so I assume I just need to wait it out unless she gets a fever or something. Blah. Anyway, I do hope Elka starts sleeping better again soon!!

Whisper - wine is always the best medicine for cd1! Haha. Sorry about AF :(
Whisper - Wine is frankly the best thing for a period. Wine, chocolates, a good movie, a foot massage....not enough to make up for it but it's a start X

Lit - Aw poor wee thing. Give my hugs to Nevada! Yep, I know that feeling - family round and baby screaming. It's very stimulating for them and some babies take it in their stride while others I think it is just too much for them to handle, especially if naps go down the toilet. I really feel like naps are the key. I sometimes could get her settled in company if i gave her a dummy right from the get-go so she could soothe herself through it....rather than when she got to the point of being overwhelmed....didn't always work mind you

Today actually Elk had amazing naps 3 x 1.5 hours and one 45 min one....must be a hangover from yesterdays nap strike? And she went to bed tonight with no drama at all. heh, babies eh? They keep you on your toes. Hope she starts napping again soon - do you swaddle? I can't remember if i asked you already.
Yes I'm not sure if that would have worked but I will definitely try giving a soother early on next time. Poor little girl.

That's amazing about Elka's naps! She was probably so exhausted from the previous bad day as you said. I wish Nevada would have longer naps. She is such a cat-napper! I always swaddle for bed time and sometimes for naps but sometimes she falls asleep without it so then I wouldn't risk anything waking her up by trying to swaddle. She definitely has better naps when swaddled though!
I am always the most active on here ahah...too much time on my hands constantly nursing! Hehe

Linny - since Elka goes to bed early, I am wondering what you do when you are out with her in the evenings? Do yoU let her sleep wherever you are then put her in her car seat then when she gets home just put her straight to bed? Nevada always wakes up and cries going into her car seat and also wakes up as soon as we are home so I worry if we ever get an early bedtime for her we will never be able to leave the house again...which will not work as we meet with a small group from church every Thursday evening and also go to my parents' house every Sunday eveniny. Just curious how you deal with this!

Also - for everyone who is pregnant or has a baby right now: This is ridiculously early to be asking, but if you want more kids, when do you plan on trying for the next one?

Kim - I haven't heard from you in a while! How are you doing?

Sara - thinking of you lately! :hugs:
Blue, how are things going? When does OH join you? Looking forward to hearing your news :)

Whisper, sorry to hear AF got you :hugs: - wine sounds like a great plan for CD 1 though. I hope you get your sticky bfp soon!

Teacup, I hope you feel better soon! I'm looking forward to hearing your news too - not much longer now!

LL, glad to hear Nevada has recovered from her shots - it's so hard to see them unwell isn't it. I love the recent pic too, what a cutie!! We had the same problem at thanksgiving celebrations - Rowan did great until I tried to put him to bed and he had a complete meltdown. Too much stimulation I think (and of course we were still at my parents house with all the guests so they got to experience first hand how strong his lungs are, lol).

As for another baby - I do want another one. Hubby is still rather traumatized from the birth though and is not ready to think about it yet. Ideally I'd like to wait until Rowan is a bit older anyway. How about you, do you want another one?

Linny, how did Elka like swimming? We've just started swimming lessons - the first few times Rowan was not sure what to make of it, but he loves it now (and sleeps very well when we get home, haha). I hope she's back to sleeping better again! I am wondering the same as Lit, what do you do when you're out in the evenings with Elka's early bed time? We don't really go out in the evening anymore because Rowan has quite a hard time sleeping other places (with the exception of the carrier and the stroller - he gets so distracted by new sights and sounds) - if he's not in bed by 7:30 - 8 pm he turns into a major cranky pants, lol. I'm hoping once he is better at drinking from a cup (or will take a bottle) then we can leave him with my parents (or babysitter) to put him to bed - but as of now, we just plan to be home for his bedtime.

AFM, Rowan has gotten very good at sitting on his own in the last couple weeks and I can now leave him sitting on the floor with his toys which he quite enjoys. He's always been a baby who wouldn't tolerate being put down on his own for very long (about 5 - 10 mins max) but he just loves sitting and as long as I keep talking to him, will sit quite happily and play for a while on his own :) He's also started having one longer nap each day so, I'm feeling like I can get a little more done these.
Lit - Awww what a gorgeous smile Nevada has! She looks a lot like you! Sorry to hear Nevada has a cold and isn't sleeping well, I hope she feels better soon. xx

Emma - Yes, baby is on my bladder too - I go to the loo feeling desperate and all I get out is a super slow trickle! How are you doing? I'm getting excited now! Not long until we meet baby! xx

Whisper - Sorry this wasn't your cycle. AF teased me so many cycles too, getting later and later and giving me symptoms galore! I'm sure your rainbow BFP is coming soon. :hugs: xx

Linny - Sorry Elka isn't sleeping well at the mo! Like you say, it's probably a growth spurt! Glad she went to bed without fuss last night, I hope she's good for you tonight too! xx

Lindsay - Aww that's lovely that Rowan is sitting up on his own and playing with his toys happily! Can't believe how quick they grow! xx

Mrs W - Good luck this cycle! I hope this is your month! xx

Bright - Did you get all the issues sorted for your injections? I hope everything is good to go ahead next week! :happydance: xx

Sara - How are you? xx

Crys - How's it going? :flower: xx

AFM - I still have an awful cold. :-( I went to the doctor today to have my whooping cough jab and the nurse recommended that I came back to have it when I feel better. She said my immune response may not work so well if I'm fighting off the cold. So it's been rescheduled for Monday. I'll be almost 38 weeks then, so really cutting it fine to develop the immunity before baby is born!

I hope everyone else is doing well! xxx
Lindsay - I guess thanksgiving meltdowns are a common problem with babies. ;) Nevada's strong lungs have definitely been revealed to the whole family now as well! :haha: and while I thought she had recovered from her shots, she ended up being really fussy all day yesterday too...however, I am wondering if she is teething and if this could be playing a factor. Does Rowan have any teeth yet? Nevada has started sticking her hands in her mouth constantly and chomping down on them. She is also drooling so much she needs a bib. If her poor little gums are bothering her it may explain why her fussiness is persisting (and she is still suffering from terribly short naps...argh!).
That is sOOO cute and exciting that Rowan can sit so well on his own now! I am glad you are getting a bit of a break now between that and his longer nap! It feels SO good to be productive during nap times. Since Nevada refuses to nap for more than 10-45 minutes I barely manage to get food down my throat let alone cleaning! Haha. I just spent her last nap finishing up all my thank you cards - that was a lot of work!! As much as I appreciate all the gifts I am sort of glad that is over with! :haha:
I am guessing we will start trying for baby #2 sometime between November 2015- January 2016. We'd like about a 2.5 year gap (I would prefer closer to 2 and dh would prefer closer to 3) so that gives us a good gap even if it takes several months again. We want 3-4 kids (well - I'm sure about 3 but not so much 4! Haha) so I don't want to wait too long.

Also re:Rowan and a bottle. Have you offered and a bottle and he refused? When did you first introduce a bottle? I introduced one with Nevada at 4 weeks and we have tried giving her one every 1-2 weeks so she doesn't get out of the habit. However, the last couple times she has tried to refuse it. Technically she will eventually drink it but she will cry and cry first then gulp it down angrily usually just as I arrive home and go immediately to nursing so I really don't get any break at all. It makes me wonder if I will ever be able to leave her for more than 1-1.5 hours. I hope Rowan will eventually take a bottle or cup so you can go out!

Teacup - Aww! Thanks for saying she looks like me. :) sorry to hear your cold is persisting. What a bother! I hope 38 weeks is not cutting it too close but I am sure it will be fine. You are on the home stretch! So exciting! I forget - did you do up a nursery or anything? Do you have everything you need?
Hey ladies

Another 5am start! Elka has got the cold, argh! I really hoped she'd skipped it and my anti bodies would protect her. So, there's been a lot of nasal aspirating and eucalyptus oils and soothing. Poor wee thing. She's just gone back down for a nap but is currently chatting to herself in bed....she's handling it pretty well tbh! I thought she'd be awful.

As for early bed times, the truth is we don't go out at night with her...it's possible thing have changed now but we learnt the hard way early on that if we keep her up bad things happen! :haha: The line was drawn after we stayed late at a freinds wedding. She had a pacifier to help soothe her but as soon as I tried to put her to bed it was like your thanksgiving experience. I think it took 3 hours! I had never seen her awake and upset for that long before and never wanted to again! Basically we can only go out if we have a babysitter - which is fine, she goes down at 7 and only occassionally wakes before 2 am - and if she does a quick shot on a bottle will get her back down easily. We've only left her once and she slept right through (think the babysitters were a bit dissappointed not to get some newborn cuddles!)

Lit - I guess it might be teething, Elka's practically always got her hands in her mouth these days too...and I have wondered if it's giving her some jip.But also, you might want to check it's not a wonder week - that makes them fussier too...hands in the mouth for soothing, naps going to the dogs etc.

The only thing I could suggest re: bedtimes and going out if you can't do a babysitter is perhaps to put her in the car seat and keep her in there when going out? Woud she learn to fall asleep in there and then you don't need to worry about transferring her? we have a couple of sleep cues for bed time - swaddle, ocean waves noise and her little bear night light which is portable. This worked well when we went away and I didn't have a crib with me - I could put her in a safe place with her waves and light and she'd fall asleep...of course, I could never transfer her either so I don't know what i'd do there.

RE: the bottle, Elka is a very angry bottle feeder. But she takes it better and better - I give her a bottle last thing before bedtime every night, some nights DF gives it to her. That way hopefully in future she will be fine getting a bottle from other people before bed time. I think the only thing that's worked for us is constantly doing it...she really wasn't happy about it to begin with!

Lindsay - Elka loved swimming! Like Rowan she was out like a light within about 5 minutes of being dressed after. I remember when I was a kid i'd be the same, something about swimming exhausted me! :haha: Elka's like Rowan, doesn't really sleep while out and about - always wakes up. I've not tried her out at night for over a month so i'm not sure if it'd be easier now, but i've not really had cause to try it...We're lucky in that she will take a bottle, so we can leave her with people. Great to hear he's getting good at sitting! And is happy to play independantly for a while. Depending on the time of day Elk will play alone for 10 mins or so in her play gym but that's about it. It's really hard in the beginning when you realise - they don't want noone but you 24/7! :haha: I mean, it's lovely to be wanted but it does mean you can't get much done if napping isn't happening.

Tea - Sorry about the cold love! Hope it clears up quickly...I think it's a fortnight for the immune response for jabs...hopefully you'll go to term...most do with the first one (I read somewhere)
Lit - Awww what a gorgeous smile Nevada has! She looks a lot like you! Sorry to hear Nevada has a cold and isn't sleeping well, I hope she feels better soon. xx

Emma - Yes, baby is on my bladder too - I go to the loo feeling desperate and all I get out is a super slow trickle! How are you doing? I'm getting excited now! Not long until we meet baby! xx

Whisper - Sorry this wasn't your cycle. AF teased me so many cycles too, getting later and later and giving me symptoms galore! I'm sure your rainbow BFP is coming soon. :hugs: xx

Linny - Sorry Elka isn't sleeping well at the mo! Like you say, it's probably a growth spurt! Glad she went to bed without fuss last night, I hope she's good for you tonight too! xx

Lindsay - Aww that's lovely that Rowan is sitting up on his own and playing with his toys happily! Can't believe how quick they grow! xx

Mrs W - Good luck this cycle! I hope this is your month! xx

Bright - Did you get all the issues sorted for your injections? I hope everything is good to go ahead next week! :happydance: xx

Sara - How are you? xx

Crys - How's it going? :flower: xx

AFM - I still have an awful cold. :-( I went to the doctor today to have my whooping cough jab and the nurse recommended that I came back to have it when I feel better. She said my immune response may not work so well if I'm fighting off the cold. So it's been rescheduled for Monday. I'll be almost 38 weeks then, so really cutting it fine to develop the immunity before baby is born!

I hope everyone else is doing well! xxx

Hi Teacup - How are you doing? I did get the meds situtated. One part of my insurance was not covering the meds but my scripts card covered it and I only had to pay $56.22 for all of them God is so Good!!! So everything is ago next week. Last BCP on Friday and baseline appointment I am so excited.

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