Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Linny - it is definitely not a wonder week according to The Wonder Week app. However, the wonder weeks have never been accurate for me. She wasn't fussy at all for the other two wonder periods and when I read the descriptions she had clearly already figured those developments out earlier. So Nevada must be on her own timeline. I actually got excited because despite her naps going terribly she had a couple amazing nights this past week and I got excited that she was going to keep doing longer stretches. Well the stretches got shorter all week until last night she was back to her 4 hr stretch and up every hour after that. It was particularly bad because her cold has gotten worse and I think she was having trouble breathing properly out of her nose. Poor girl! I'm sorry Elka caught your cold! I have one now too and obviously Nevada still has hers. I hope I don't make her more sick but I assume we have the same thing.

It's too bad you are now stuck at home every evening because of Elka's bedtime. At least she will take a bottle so you can go out after she's asleep! I try not to let Nevada spend much time sleeping in her carseat as it isn't recommended but I suppose it could come to that if I needed and we were out. Although she cries when we put her in she is able to fall asleep if her rock it back and forth for long enough. We have an ocean sounds turtle we could always bring for her 'sleep cue' so I could try that as well.
That is interesting you have to give the bottle every night for
Elka to accept it! Maybe I should try introducing it more often. I would like someone else to be able to feed her once in a while! But I absolutely hate pumping.

Bright - good you only had to pay $56! Not bad at all. Good luck.
Hey Lit - Ugh, sorry to hear about the hourly waking thing - how are you coping with the tiredness? For us sleep progress has been a bit of a spiral, so she'll do brilliantly, then regress back a bit, then better etc...so don't give up hope that things are improving overall now. Elk's gone back to waking twice a night after going to waking only once for a while, but the timings are ok so I don't mind. However, she always wakes for the day at about 5:30am these days so, it's early doors for me!

Have you tried a nasal aspirator for her stuffy nose? My friend picked one up for me and it was a god-send! She couldn't breathe to breastfeed at one point - not sure what i'd have done without it!

Yeah, the bottle every night is a great thing for us because for example I went out on Thurs night without any qualms...I don't give breast milk in the bottle, it's formula, again I started giving her formula a while ago just so she was used to it...when we went away it was a god send because we were on the road so much that expressing and stuff was just not going to be easy/possible! And, I also hate pumping too! :)

I would definitely recommend trying the bottle every night and maybe get DH to give it to her? I get DF to do it a few times a week and also put her to bed too - again because I want to be able to get a baby sitter in future and just try and get Elka used to different people feeding and putting her to bed etc....who knows if my master plan will work though! :haha:
I'm surprisingly not doing terribly for tiredness but probably because it's only been one bad night so far! Haha it was nice of her to let me rest up with some longer stretches for a couple days beforehand.:haha: I hope you are right that it is just a small regression and will still overall improve. I do think/hope that must be true because come to think of it the last time she regressed she ended up going back to a very slightly better schedule after (15-30 min longer).
I do not have a nasal aspirator but guess I should think of picking one up!! How does Elka tolerate it? I've heard babies generally get very upset from it. I let her play on her activity mat in the bathroom while I showered today in hopes that the steam would help. I almost wonder if one side of her nose must be more plugged than the other because the last few days she doesn't seem to want to nurse on my left side! Which unfortunately is resulting in me getting a bit engorged / feeling like my ducts are getting blocked. I am trying now holding her in some semblance of the football hold. She is way too big for it but she seems to be staying on a lot longer so that must be it.

I think I will take your advice soon trying to get DH to Give her a bottle more regularly and maybe even putting her to bed. It would be nice to get a break once in a while and as you said it is a good strategy if you want her to tolerate someone else putting her to bed when you want to go out!

That 5:30 wake-up sounds horrible! I am SO not a morning person so I would hate that! Do you manage to take a nap at the same
Time As her Morning nap? I pretty much always do or else I wouldn't survive! I hope Elka starts sleeping til 6 or 6:30 for you very soon!
Count me in! I had a D&C two weeks ago. I'm hoping AF won't take to long to show because I want to start trying again! :)
Lit - depending on the time of day elk finds the aspirator quite funny, hehe, or quite traumatic. Big variation. She is happier when the snot is out though and calms down quite quickly afterwards.

After having said elks sleep improved she suddenly woke 5 times before being up for the day at 5:30 3 nights ago. Argh it was harsh getting through the next day, but now she's back to only one wake up again....I'm thinking it was just a result of waking herself up coughing. The trouble is she is fine going to sleep alone but waking in the night I can't settle her without feeding which she really doesn't need every 2 hours...she goes every 3 during the day. So trying to figure that out before it happens again!
Hi everyone. DH and I had a weekend to ourselves and doctor's appointment yesterday, so I haven't been on in a few days.

Sea - I'm so sorry for your loss. Welcome to this lovely group.

Lit and Linny - I hope your little ones settle into a routine for sleep soon.

Everyone TTC - Good luck!

Everyone expecting - I hope you and your babies are doing very well.

Blue - Did you go off and have a baby? Haven't seen you on here in a while.

AFM - My doctor thinks I have placenta previa, so I have to see a specialist on the 31st for an ultrasound. Baby is doing well. Had its back to us this time so still not a good bottom shot. Doctor thinks it's a boy, but I'm not convinced yet. It doesn't look like any of the other boys' scans did, and she kept getting the umbilical cord confused for "something" last time. This time, she was more worried about the placenta, and her scan is not very clear. Maybe the specialist's ultrasound will be more clear and they'll be nice enough to double check for us.
Emma - How's it going? Any labour signs yet? xx

Lit - that's good you can get a morning nap when Nevada sleeps - I'm hoping I can do that too if Baby doesn't sleep well through the night. I am also not a morning person! :haha: How are you both doing? Yes nursery is all sorted, have a woodland animal theme going on - will try to take a pic to upload in the next couple of days! xx

Linny - Aww I hope Elka is better soon and the cough goes! How is she now? xx

Bright - Yay, great news everything is on track - good luck! xx

Seaoftwilight - So sorry to hear about your loss, I hope the D&C went quickly for you. Good luck with ttc, I'm sure your rainbow baby BFP is only around the corner. :hugs: xx

AFM - I had my routine midwife appointment today and my fundal height was measuring 2 weeks ahead! I hope that isn't too bad! I have another appointment in a week, so if my fundal height is too big again then they may send me for a scan. No labour signs yet, a few twinges where baby has it's head on my cervix but nothing else to report! I had my whooping cough jab on Monday, and just feel like I have been punched in the arm - so not too bad. My feet have got super puffy in the last couple of days, I burst out laughing on Saturday night they were so huge! :haha:
Sorry Chrys, your post snuck in there without me seeing it! Sorry to hear you may have placenta previa. I hope your doc was wrong and that your scan with the specialist proves otherwise. I only know a little about it, but heard vaginal delivery can still be possible? Hopefully the clearer scan will give you more of an idea. xx
Thank you, Tea. Doctor did mention it usually means C-section. We will wait and see. As long as the little one is okay, C-section is fine with me.
Crys - that is scary about the potential placenta previa. I hope everything is ok!

Teacup - what a nice nursery theme! I do hope you get a chance to post a picture!!! Sorry about your swollen feet. Mine were so horrendously swollen. I am so glad it was summer as I couldn't fit any of my shoes and had to wear flip flops all the time. Are you still working? How long is your mat leave? I wouldn't worry about the fundal height. Mine was measuring ahead for a bit and then baby dropped a bit and went right on track.
I hope you are able to take morning naps while baby sleeps as well! It really is a lifesaver, especially since the rest of Nevada's daytime naps are 5-20 minutes long only. :/ I have a feeling Nevada might be an extreme NON morning person just like her mommy. :)

Blue - I was wondering the same thing. Hoping no news means you went into labour! Hope all is well!

Kim - thinking of you and hoping you're doing ok

Alt - how are you doing as of late?

Sara - how is this month of trying going?

Sabster - you've disappeared for quite a while. How are you doing?

Linny - sorry about that rough night! Sounds brutal. I am glad she is back to just one wake-up now! Nevada seems to be back to a slightly longer stretch again. With the longer stretch seems to come hourly wake-ups after that...so you win some you lose some I guess! I couldn't find a nasal aspirator but bought some baby saline nose spray and it seemed to help a tiny bit. Nevada is still sick but it only seems to bother her at night.
Hey ladies sorry i have been mia... just been enjoying time with OH before baby comes. Havent had a chance to properly catch up but i hope all baby colds have cleared and babies are sleeping better.

Crys- what will they do for placenta previa ? Have you had it before?

Afm- ive just had an appointment. Im 1-2 cm dialated and my cervix is softening... i am being taken in on sunday afternoon to have pessary to help things along. If they can they will burst my waters and hopefully have a baby here by monday /tuesday. Any of you girls had experience with induction? Xxx
Blue - glad to head you are doing well still! And spending lots of time with DH! Definitely good to take advantage of the alone time together!

Sounds like your body is getting ready! I cannot wait until your LO is here! You have waited so long for this! I have no experience with induction but I hope it goes well for you!
Emma - Wow how exciting! :happydance: My cervix hasn't even been checked yet, was that a standard check I should expect soon? I don't know anything about induction, but I hope everything kicks in naturally for you this weekend! xx

Lit - I quit my part time job in mid August, and my main job is my freelance illustration, which I finished all my illustration jobs last month, so am quite relaxed now. Except I'm still waiting for confirmation that I'll actually get any maternity pay from the government - so that's pretty stressful! I'll take a pic of the nursery soon, it's still looking a little disorganised, but I'll tidy it up today. :thumbup: xx

Crys - yes C sections are really safe now, and it will be nice for you to walk into hospital prepared and relaxed knowing that you'll meet your baby on that day. :flower: I think I read it all depends how much the placenta is covering the cervix as to whether a natural birth was still an option or not. Good luck with your scan on 31st! xx

AFM - this baby seems huge now! My tummy's jumping about loads and making me feel like I'm going to wee myself! Can't believe I still have a couple of weeks to go - and potentially a couple more! Lit and Linny - how many weeks were you when labour kicked in? I want to meet our baby now! xx
Teacup - I think both Linny and I gave birth on our due dates...but linny's story was more complicated. I went into labour at 39 + 6 and gave birth at 3:00 am the next day. At 39 + 5 I got a membrane sweep and a bit of pre-labour contractions and I do believe that is what put me into labour! Does your Dr or midwife offer membrane sweeps?

That is wonderful you haven't had any work for the past month or so! But very stressful not knowing if you will get maternity pay. I am sure it will all work out though. In my experience the government takes forever to process these things but you're very likely to qualify! :) I am very excited for you to only have two weeks (ish!?) to go! Your pregnancy has flown by for me...although you may not feel that way! Hehe. It will be so amazing when you have your rainbow baby in your arms!
How is everyone doing this weekend? All is so quiet lately! I wonder if blue is in labour yet? hehe

I've been staying at my parents' again because now we're getting all new windows in our house (the renovations.never.end) and I am starting to crawl out of my skin because I just want to be in my own home again. Also - when we get back we're not going to have any blinds or curtains in the entire house and although our landlady is providing them, she never comes to the city so I'm guessing we'll be waiting at least a month or two to get any. So I'm slightly freaking out about trying to nurse in the privacy of my own home!? The sun goes down early these days so it's going to be quite a show for the whole world to see. We'll have to figure out how to hang sheets or something but there are no curtain rods either. In my sleep deprived state at the moment I feel like screaming about this...so just needed to rant!!

How are all the preggos, TTCers and moms?

Nevada is going a bit longer between feeds finally (every 1.5 - 2 h instead of hourly) but instead of being relieved (which I suppose I am as well),I actually feel kind of antsy and confused about what to do with myself and I get this sad feeling like she doesn't really need me anymore. :( Weird how that works. I really am relieved that she is starting to go longer though as it is a bit easier to leave the house now.
Good. how are you, bright?

Hello LL,

I am doing well. I am on day 8 of my IVF cycle and follicles may not be ready for ER on the 31st but possibly the 1st or 2nd. I only have 8 follicles that they can see right now. But I am staying hopeful and prayerful!!
My waters broke at 4am this morning, went into hospital at 6am for them to check me and am back at home now waiting for things to get going! Have bad period pain in my back and I keep gushing more and more water. :wacko: Gonna try to get some sleep now, but hospital said to come back at 10pm if things haven't progressed as they'll probably want to give me something to get my contractions going properly. They were every 5 mins at the hospital but not very painful so they want to wait until I'm more obviously in labour before checking my cervix because of the risk of introducing infection. So exciting that I'll be meeting my baby in the next 24 hours! xx

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