Lindsay - so glad Rowan is sleeping better for you finally!! May I ask how you taught him to fall asleep in his crib? Last night I decided to try to teach Nevada this but quickly got frustrated and have up. I know it would take a lot more than one night but I am way too tired lately so I am just going to wait a bit longer before I try again. Haha.
That is awful news about AF coming back after your fertile CM. at least yours waited a good 6 months! I am going to try to continue in denial until AF shows.
Exciting about Rowan starting solids! I'm glad baby led weaning is going well for you.
Oh yes, people are the same with Nevada! That is quite annoying. If only they knew the meltdowns that ensued the moment they left!
For sure I can share what worked for us

Rowan has never been a baby that could just fall asleep on a stationary surface, even as a newborn - in fact prior to starting this, I could count the times on one hand that he has done that. He was quite dependant on me nursing him, and bouncing (on an exercise ball) to fall asleep. I think his biggest problem was that he couldn't get from one sleep cycle to the next without me helping.
I started by putting him down in his crib when he was very sleepy (after nursing and bouncing him), but still awake. I would let him fuss, but if things started to escalate I would first try and settle him while he was still in the crib, and then pick him up and calm him down if necessary (he is also a baby that will vomit if he gets too upset). Gradually I started putting him down more and more awake. I did this for every bedtime and nap time. It's been two weeks and I now nurse him before bed, but don't bounce him anymore, and put him down quite awake and he will fall asleep. He will still often fuss for about 5 minutes, but nowhere near what it used to be. I didn't leave the room at first, but now can leave the room and he will fall asleep.
To be honest I didn't think it would work - I thought I'd be there for hours and hours trying to get him to sleep. I was surprised though, even when I first started it only took at most about half an hour.
The night wakings didn't go away at first, then last thursday I decided to wait a few minutes before getting him at night, and also to try and settle him in the crib before picking him up and nursing (my previous go to during night wakings). Then when I did feed him, I made sure he was still awake when I put him back down. I think that is what has made the big difference because friday night he started sleeping 3 - 4 hour stretches, and then last night 5.5 hours.
You're right though, it's very hard when you're already tired. If you're going to try, I would suggest starting when DH is around the next day so you can have a nap. If you have any other questions, let me know

Good luck and I hope you can find something that works for Nevada! When Rowan was Nevada's age, the secret for him was the miracle blanket - maybe worth a try as well.