Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Our daughter Ida was born on Wednesday 29th October at 3.35pm weighing 8lbs 1oz.

After my waters broke at 4am, and the hospital sent me home, I progressed well with contractions and went back in to hospital at 9.30pm Tues eve. I managed to get to 5cm dilated, and then went into the birthing pool at about 5am Wednesday morning, after an hour in the pool I started feeling exhausted and nauseous, so came out and asked for the epidural in the hope it would allow me some rest. But the anesthetist had 3-4 failed attempts at getting the needle in right, and while he tried he hit a nerve and my left leg started uncontrollably jumping around! Then he informed me he had gone too far and had punctured the dura which meant I had leaked spinal fluid.All of this stressed me out and put my contractions off. So I ended up continuing without the epidural but they had to put me on a hormone drip to stimulate my contractions again. After a few hours and increased dose of hormones, I still hadn't got beyond 7cm, and was getting exhausted, plus had an awful headache caused by the spinal fluid leak. They offered me the emergency c section which seemed the only option, and Ida was delivered at 3.35pm on Wednesday 29th Oct. I have suffered with a headache on and off since the spinal fluid leak but hope to leave hospital tomorrow!

All in all it was a fairly traumatic long labour but I'm glad Ida was delivered safely. :-)

Emma - Asiah is beautiful - congratulations! That scraping sounds awful! I hope you're enjoying parenthood! xxx

I'll catch up properly when out of hospital, I hope everyone is doing okay! xxx
Congratulations, teacup! What a precious little girl Ida is! Love the name, too! And, sort of funny that it matches the a/ah ending pattern as well! Hahahah she is so so cute!

Sounds like an awful labour!!!! That is frightening about leaking spinal fluid! Ouch! I am glad Ida came out safe and sound in the end. It definitely all sounds traumatizing! :hugs: I hope the headache goes away and that you heal quickly from the c-section. I am so happy for you that you have your baby girl!
congratulatons on both new babies little beauts!

As for me had a pos ov test on day 15 now day 21 and no ovulation:shrug: i guess im in for a long one
Teacup- congratulations ! She's adorable! I can't believe you also had a failed epidural - same here. Though the spinal fluid thing sounds awful! Hope your headaches clear up soon. Get plenty of rest. I loved being in the hospital able to recover without worrying about the dishes or anything really. Xxx

Whisper - oh nuts, how do you know you haven't ov'd? Temping?
Congratulations Tea! She's beautiful. I'm sorry you're labor was difficult. I hope the spinal leak doesn't cause you any problems and you heal quickly from the C-section.
Teacup- congratulations ! She's adorable! I can't believe you also had a failed epidural - same here. Though the spinal fluid thing sounds awful! Hope your headaches clear up soon. Get plenty of rest. I loved being in the hospital able to recover without worrying about the dishes or anything really. Xxx

Whisper - oh nuts, how do you know you haven't ov'd? Temping?

Yeh i temp but no rise think maybe stress. just saw my 3RD accidental preganancy announcement on fb since my mc bloody hurts every time wish i could just accidently fall pregnant stupid pcos
I had a failed epidural too! But I can't complain at all because the second one worked...for a few hours, anyway! It was an unpleasant surprise the first time though!

Whisper - pregnancy announcements are so hard when TTC...especially after a loss. :hugs:
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Our daughter Ida was born on Wednesday 29th October at 3.35pm weighing 8lbs 1oz.

After my waters broke at 4am, and the hospital sent me home, I progressed well with contractions and went back in to hospital at 9.30pm Tues eve. I managed to get to 5cm dilated, and then went into the birthing pool at about 5am Wednesday morning, after an hour in the pool I started feeling exhausted and nauseous, so came out and asked for the epidural in the hope it would allow me some rest. But the anesthetist had 3-4 failed attempts at getting the needle in right, and while he tried he hit a nerve and my left leg started uncontrollably jumping around! Then he informed me he had gone too far and had punctured the dura which meant I had leaked spinal fluid.All of this stressed me out and put my contractions off. So I ended up continuing without the epidural but they had to put me on a hormone drip to stimulate my contractions again. After a few hours and increased dose of hormones, I still hadn't got beyond 7cm, and was getting exhausted, plus had an awful headache caused by the spinal fluid leak. They offered me the emergency c section which seemed the only option, and Ida was delivered at 3.35pm on Wednesday 29th Oct. I have suffered with a headache on and off since the spinal fluid leak but hope to leave hospital tomorrow!

All in all it was a fairly traumatic long labour but I'm glad Ida was delivered safely. :-)

Emma - Asiah is beautiful - congratulations! That scraping sounds awful! I hope you're enjoying parenthood! xxx

I'll catch up properly when out of hospital, I hope everyone is doing okay! xxx

Teacup - She is beautiful!!! I am so happy for you!!!! :hugs: :happydance:
Good morning ladies,

How have you all been? Hope all is well.

AFM - I have been missing with school, work and appointments it's been hard to get on. Yesterday I triggered so ER is tomorrow Tuesday, November 4th at 10am. And transfer will be 3day(Friday - 11/7) or 5day(Sunday - 11/9).

10/17/14 - Estradiol - 8.7, evening meds150 Gonal F and 75 Menopur

10/20/14 - Estradiol - 88.5, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 75 Menopur

10/25/14 - Estradiiol - 202, 4 follicles on Right measuring 10mm/5 follicles on left Measuring 10-11mm, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 75 Menopur

10/26/14 - Evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur

10/27/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 423, Progesterone - 0.327, 5 follicles on the left 11-12mm/3 follicles on the right 10-11mm, evening meds 150Gonal F and 150 Menopur

10/28/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, need to order more meds, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur.

10/29/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 844, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur

10/31/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 1635, Progestrone - 1.03, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 150 Menopur

11/1/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 1890, Progesterone - 1.12, 7 follicles largest 19.1mm, evening meds 150 Gonal F and 225 Menopur, Symptoms: sore boobs, vaginal pressure, left ovary pain, nausea and bloated

11/2/14 - Ganirelix in the morning, Estradiol - 2465, Progesterone - 1.8, 9 Follicles 12 - 21mm, Lining 9.1mm, Trigger at 10pm - HCG 2ml with 10,000iu (NO MORE INJECTIONS)

11/3/14 - antibotics tonight, nothing to eat after midnight.

11/4/14 - arrive at 8:30am and 10am ER
Good luck, bright! I just saw an announcement on my fb of a girl whose ivf baby was just born (they tried for 8+ years)! Such a miracle IVF is and I truly hope this will be your rainbow baby!
Whisper - ugh that sucks. I wished after my mc that there was a pregnancy announcement filter on fb. You'll get there love. It'll happen! X

Bright - good luck love! X
Congratulations Teacup!! Ida is beautiful and I love her name. In fact all the names everyone has chosen for their little girls have been perfect! Sorry you had to go through a c-section. I hope you are healing quickly and not in too much pain. Be kind to yourself and dont do too much, enjoy having your feet up and all those newborn snuggles! Ida is a little gem :-) you lucky lady!

Lit - At the moment we dont plan on having anymore children. The run up to the surgery really affected me and I dont think I would risk having to go through it again. If I could have natural births we would maybe have one more child. Saying that, I have just had the contraceptive implant fitter which lasts 3 years. I will be 32 when its due for replacement, we said we will discuss at that point if we are completely done or not, and that will be our last time to think about it if we do decide on one more.
I agree with cryss,3 years is a good age gap, and thats what we planned and tried to get ds1 potty trained before oscar arrived, but life didnt work out that way for us as he wasnt interested in ditching the diapers until he saw his baby brother wearing them, and by then he was already 3! On the plus side, it took a matter of days to successfully potty train him at that age. Its exciting that it may only be a year before you try for another baby, im excited for you already!

Cryss - congratulations on having a boy! Im so happy for you. And its about time we had some more rainbow boys on this thread to even up the numbers!

Bright - good luck I have my fingers crossed for you that this is your time.

Hope all the ttc-ers/preggos/mamas and babies are doing well!
Lots of love xxx
Whisper - even though I have my rainbow boy, accidental announcements still majorly p*ss me off! DHs brother and girlfriend just announced their 2nd oopsie (the first was 3 months after my DS1 was born, this one 3 months after Oscar was born...you see the pattern?!) . And even though we have everything we wanted it still annoys me when we had to work so hard for it and it sometimes feels like they do it just because we have! Also she realllly wants a girl (they already have a son) and says she will be annoyed if its another boy. Urggh. People are so selfish and insensitive. Especially when they've never experienced a loss. Sorry, I ranted there when I actually meant to sympathise with you! Anyway, what I meant to say was, I dont know if the accidental announcements get any better even when you arent ttc. It still cuts deep! Hugs to you hun, I feel it for you xx
we have decided to not ttc now EVERYTHING is so messed up right now, First the miscarriage in august,we have our own buisness on etsy and were doing good then september they changed some things down went our sales we couldnt afford our rent anymore so moved in to mother in laws apartment in germany, were getting sales but slowly now sales are at a stand still and we pay more for advertising then we make (its our only income) then our car died so we have no car and stuck in with a toddler who just wants to be active, cant afford to get that fixed so right now we are living on mattress's on mother in laws floor not knowing when we will get back to the uk or anything of our future , so its best right now ttc does not happen until things pick up... they have to get better right?
LJ- aw, thanks! You're so sweet. I love it when you post here and wish you could update is more! How great that Oscar potty trained so quickly after seeing his baby brother in diapers! My nephew is STILL messing up on potty training and he is turning 4 this month. :s It gets a bit gross at that point! Haha.

I hate the 'oops' announcements too! Why is it so easy for some people?

Whisper- that sounds terrible about your financial situation! I am sorry about that! I hope things with your business improve very soon so you can feel good about TTC again.

It sure is quiet here lately. :( I'm getting lonely!!
Hello ladies,

Just wanted to hop on and update the ER went well, they retrieved 11 eggs. Today the report is 9matured but 7 fertilized. I will give another update tomorrow.

Baby dust to you all and H&H9months.
I also hate oops announcements just had a couple on fb and even though we also have our rainbow its frustrating because we also had to work so hard to get here with so much heartache.

Whisper-sorry your going through this trouble ! But your right it will happen for you guys at the right time. Never give up.

Bright- good luck bright!

How are all you mamas and ttcers ?

Afm-loving motherhood. Little chunk is 10 days old and is 4lbs over her birth weight so now weighs 8lb9!! How clever is she! Had a couple of nights where she was unsettled and she really struggles with her wind ! Even though shes breastfed and everyone tells me.they dont really get wind... lies... poor wee mite struggles in pain and just wont give it up. Tried infacol and she ended up with a runny bum and sore tummy so back to just different positions! But apart from that she has been a dream.

Tea - how is baby Ida doing ? Xxx
Whisper - ugh, I have a shop on etsy too and used to get a lot of sales. Seriously tanked recently though. Really wish they'd stop tampering with their SEO etc. anyway, that sounds tough. Really hope sales improve soon!

Blue- ah bless her. Bf babies definitely get wind!!! I can testify :) poor wee mite, hope she's getting better doon. Never really found in in infacol that useful myself - had better luck with camomile tea fed in a bottle. But I heard it works for some! Xx
Hello ladies,

I am hopping on to give another update. All 7 are still thriving. 4 @4cells, 1 @6cells, 1 @7cells and 1 @8cells. Transfer will be Sunday (5day) I am so thankful to God for his blessings. Thank you Jesus!!! :happydance::dance::yipee::headspin::wohoo:=D>[-o<
Whisper - ugh, I have a shop on etsy too and used to get a lot of sales. Seriously tanked recently though. Really wish they'd stop tampering with their SEO etc. anyway, that sounds tough. Really hope sales improve soon!

Blue- ah bless her. Bf babies definitely get wind!!! I can testify :) poor wee mite, hope she's getting better doon. Never really found in in infacol that useful myself - had better luck with camomile tea fed in a bottle. But I heard it works for some! Xx

We were averaging 150- 200 usd a night now we are lucky to even see 30 etsy has really messed up with this last change

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