Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Bright - Wow! :happydance: Good luck! Sounds really promising. :thumb up: xx

Emma - Aww great to hear Asiah is doing well! I hope her wind problem goes soon so she can be more comfy after feeds. xx

Whisper - Aww sorry to hear that ttc has had to be put on hold. :hugs: I hope things are sorted for you soon. xx

AFM - We came back from hospital on Sunday night, and then the midwife visited on Monday morning and weighed Ida, but she had lost 15% of her weight since birth. :cry: I had been breastfeeding her at least every 3 hours but my milk hadn't come in so she wasn't getting what she needed. So we had to go back to the hospital and stay another night, as well as the rest of the following day. When we got back from hospital my milk finally came in, so I have started pumping and feeding her the expressed breast milk as well as the formula and it seems to be fattening her up nicely! She doesn't seem to have the patience to latch properly and breastfeed now, I think the bottle feeding has made her lazy with sucking. But the combination feeding seems to be working well, and OH is enjoying feeding her too.

I hope everyone else is doing okay! xxx
Teacup - sorry to hear you have had some struggles with feeding and weight gain! I am glad Ida is on the right track now and that your OH is enjoying sharing the responsibility! I love your ticker! :) The first week is so amazing (and difficult)! I remember having such a whirlwind of emotions and I had a HUGE cry when she turned 1 week old because she was growing up too fast! How are you holding up?

Blue - sorry about Asiah's painful gas issues! Nevada had painful gas in the beginning and everyone kept telling me to give gripe water but I just didn't feel good about giving her anything other than breastmilk unless absolutely necessary (I don't think it's bad to...I just personally didn't want to at that point). Part of my problem was the oversupply and overactive letdown so block feeding helped as well as breaking the latch several times and letting her catch her breath when I first had my letdown and she was coughing and sputtering. You didn't mention that being a problem for you but another major factor is they have such immature digestive systems at this point. They really do improve after a few weeks. Nevada is still very prone to gas and spitting up LARGE amounts...but for the most part she doesn't seem in pain or fussy from it! So sometimes (not always) it does get better on its own if that is of any comfort! When she was just a newborn she cried every time she passed gas and also screamed before spitting up which was rough! I hope Asiah's issues resolve themselves soon as it's so hard seeing them in pain. Also - that's definitely bogus about breastfeeding babies not having troubles with gas!

Bright - that is excellent news! Best of luck to you.

Linny - how is Elka? I see from the baby forums that she is going through a bit of a sleep regression? Not fun! Hang in there!
Tea- aw sorry to hear you've had some feeding troubles- they say it takes 150 muscles for them to bf and a third of that to bottle feed so it's easy to see why they might prefer the easier option. If you keep persisting I'm sure it'll be fine... At least you know she'll take a bottle now too! Loads of bf'ers struggle with that! X

Lit- were doing great. The sleeping hiccups we've had seem intermittent so I can't really complain much. I commiserate with you on it though. ... It's really hard when sleep seems to be going better and better and then it's up in the air again! No resting on our laurels with babies around! How's Nevada doing these days? Elka is so much happier now she's capable of holding toys, playing, babbling etc. such a pleasure to be a mum now x
Linny- Nevada is the same since she figured out how to play with toys! Well, I would still say she is fussier than the average baby...and has recently acquired an aversion to car rides (she generally screams the entire time) but the rest of the time she is so happy and excited and energetic all the time! It does me good to see her chuckle at her toys and smile so much! I'm glad Elka is doing so well and that you're loving being a mom! I am too. :) I'm glad Elka's sleep problems aren't constant! The one irritating thing I find is when Nevada has a good night I am often struck with insomnia! Go figure.

Also, in recent developments, Nevada has outgrown her bassinet! :( I'm a bit sad. I have to decide between using her pack 'n play in our room or moving her to her own room now but I don't feel nearly ready for that yet so I suppose the pack 'n play will have to do although that will be a little annoying to lean over in the night! I do know most people say their LOs sleep better in their own room so I suppose that is tempting! I'm curious what others have done? Lindsay? LJ? Etc?
Lit - re: car rides, oh man tell me about it! Elka was dreadful with them for a solid month....she's better now with a dummy and a toy. She'll be fine in fact, but if the dummy comes out for any length of time or the toy gets dull she'll start to get very complainy. Yeah - i'd say Elk is still fussier than the average baby tbh but looking back I can see what it was like originally and thank goodness for just a bit of fussing...I reckon i could look after the average baby in my sleep :haha:

Yep - i've been there too with being unable to sleep only for elka to sleep soundly all night. really frustrating! ... re: sleeping in another room - this really turned it around for me with elk's sleep. I found i was waking her and she was waking me from 3am onwards. I thought she was wanting food A LOT but it turned out she wasn't....just a couple of times, the rest she was probably just going through sleep cycles and making a bit of noise....but if you're not ready to move her then don't go against your instincts obviously :)
Lit - I never had a moses basket (i think same as you'd call bassinet) for Oscar, and its a good job as he would only have fitted in it for a few weeks hes so chunky! Ive had a travel cot (same as a pack n play??) for him since birth. I purposely got it knowing I was having a c-section and chose one with a drop down side so it was easy for me to get to him for night feeds without me over stretching. So hes still in that at the moment and pretty comfy. He will be sharing a room with Luca DS1 eventually so will need to be sleeping well consistently before we think about moving him into his cot in there. With DS1 we put him in his own room about 4 months and he did instantly sleep much more soundly. If Oscar had his own room I would probably be putting him in it soon. But he generally doesnt wake for night feeds anymore. It is tiring running to the next room to feed and then trying to get back to sleep again after, thats what I did with Luca. I am terrible for being wide awake even once baby has gone back to sleep! So keeping Nevada in with you or putting her in her own room both have pros and cons. If you dont feel ready to move her yet then dont, you'll know when its time :-)

In other news...Oscar has a tooth cutting through! Makes me so sad, I want him to stay my tiny baby forever and he's already growing too quickly :-(

Lit - I never had a moses basket (i think same as you'd call bassinet) for Oscar, and its a good job as he would only have fitted in it for a few weeks hes so chunky! Ive had a travel cot (same as a pack n play??) for him since birth. I purposely got it knowing I was having a c-section and chose one with a drop down side so it was easy for me to get to him for night feeds without me over stretching. So hes still in that at the moment and pretty comfy. He will be sharing a room with Luca DS1 eventually so will need to be sleeping well consistently before we think about moving him into his cot in there. With DS1 we put him in his own room about 4 months and he did instantly sleep much more soundly. If Oscar had his own room I would probably be putting him in it soon. But he generally doesnt wake for night feeds anymore. It is tiring running to the next room to feed and then trying to get back to sleep again after, thats what I did with Luca. I am terrible for being wide awake even once baby has gone back to sleep! So keeping Nevada in with you or putting her in her own room both have pros and cons. If you dont feel ready to move her yet then dont, you'll know when its time :-)

In other news...Oscar has a tooth cutting through! Makes me so sad, I want him to stay my tiny baby forever and he's already growing too quickly :-(


tell me about it is goes so fast my tiny 5 lb baby is now almost 2 years old feels like yesterday she was so tiny


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Linny - good to know (but also not!) that Nevada isn't the only one who hates car rides! I am glad Elka is growing out of her hatred a bit. We did give Nevada a toy yesterday and she was still very upset; however, it wasn't a toy she liked very much and it was dark so perhaps she couldn't see it well enough to play with and felt bored/under stimulated. She was screaming so much I was sure she would need to be fed it something when we arrived at our friends' place last night, but the moment we took her out of the car seat she was happy as can be! Silly babies. Hopefully she grows out of it soon.

You really have had a tough go in terms of having a fussy baby! I can imagine an "average" baby would seem very easy to care for to you! I am glad that although Elka is in the fussier side that things are so much better now than they were! A little fussiness is nothing, really!

So good about your experience with moving Elka to her own crib! I do notice Nevada sleeps a lot lighter in the last half of the night and her wiggling and grunting tend to disturb me. I don't think I am ready yet to switch rooms but a less disturbed night will be something to look forward to when I do! I'm glad everyone on this thread is so supportive always. Makes me happy! :)

LJ - good to know about Oscar and the pack 'n play (you are correct about the different terms) working well for you! I wondered what you did with Oscar since he is so chunky! Hehe! I appreciate your list of pros and cons! I definitely think getting all the way out of bed to go to the nursery in the night would be really hard and might disturb my sleep more!! I am guessing I'll try to move Nevada to her room around 4 months like your DS1!

Crazy about Oscar cutting a tooth already! He is getting so grown up! I feel sad about Nevada being almost 3 months. :(

Whisper - wow your DD is so cute! They really do grow up way too fast!
:hi: just popping in to say hi

Congratulations emma and tea. Amazing to see pics of your beautiful daughters!

Way to go bright! Sounds like your ivf cycle is right on track. I bet your bfp is right around the corner.

I'm doing ok. On progesterone this month in case it can help my situation. I'm right in the middle of my LP now.
Hello ladies,*

Hope everyone is well!*

I have completed transfer. 2 embryos were transferred successfully. A picture is attached. Now the wait begins. Thanks for all the love and support! So I am sitting here chilling.


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Hi Ladies!!

I've missed you!

I took a step back from B&B while trying to heal over losing Gummy. I've missed you all, and still dropped in on the board to keep up with you.

I'm so excited to read about all of the rainbow babies that have been welcomed to the world recently! So Awesome!

AFM, we went through all the tests and everything was normal. We decided to give it a go and just found out last week that I'm pregnant again. It's still so early, but my HCG is doubling properly and I am cautiously very excited.

Praying that the third time is the charm!!! <3
Lit- yep it took a while for car rides to not be horrible. It's since she turned 4 months tbh... Bizarrely her nights are worse (sleep wise) but her days are better. Sonething is obviously changing in her body/mind . Will Nevada take a dummy/paci? I'm not sure if you're into them... We don't use them for sleep as I know it can cause issues if they can't put it in themselves. Seems like we can use it in the car/other places and she still settles to sleep without one. Might be helpful for car journeys. Initially I would sit in the back and just hold it in. Now she can keep it in herself but noticed recently that she's been dropping it but not crying in the seat still. Which is great!

Bright - wow! Cingratulations! I really hope this is your much wanted baby!

Sara- really nice to hear from you. Hope the profesterone works out. Is it injectables or cream?

Di!!! Wow!! Great news love! Sounds really positive. Hope you'll be back more often now to keep us updated on your babes progress! X

Afm- we've hit the 4 month sleep regression. Every night dd has been waking earlier and earlier. Initially I was just going in and feeding but realised she was then eating less in the day and I didn't want this to be a viscous cycle. Ugh. So last night she woke 1.5 hours after last feed (she can go 3-4 hours between feeds in the day) so I sent DF in to soothe her. Walked her about, patted her bum etc... Anyway when he put her down she fussed on and off for 10 mins. Then slept and hour. Then awake again out of her swaddle. The swaddle situation has been annoying me as she's always out of it when I go in... So I just decided to ditch it last night after the second wake up. If I'm going to be sleepless I wanted to at least have that issue gone. Anyway I fed her at 3 which was always her usual time and then she slept till 7! Hurray! I'm still exhausted but at least it's some progress. X
Linny - that honestly sounds absolutely terrible! I am scared for that! It's interesting that it is happening even for Elka as what I had read implied it was completely due to object permanence and so in theory if they fell asleep on their own they would not go through the regression. But I know Elka already goes to sleep on her own so it really sucks that the regression happens anyway! Eek!!!! I hope Elka settles soon and you can have a less interrupted night!!!

As for the soother, Nevada originally took it sometimes but now has very little/no interest in it whatsoever! It is too bad because it would really be handy for car rides and such to keep her occupied! Did you find when you changed the incline in her car seat base it helped at all? I'm just wondering because she is 3 months now so we have to change ours and we were wondering if she was uncomfortable before.
That does sound like Elka is going through something. Hopefully soon both her daytime and nighttime sleep will improve!

Alternated - glad you popped back in for a visit! Congrats again on your pregnancy! When are you due? Love the ticker! I really hope all goes well this time. :hugs:

Sara - thanks for updating us! Sounds like you are getting close to testing time! I think of you often and am praying for your rainbow BFP! When is AF due?

AFM - my hubby surprised me with a little trip to the mineral spa a couple hours away this weekend. He had me pack my bags but didn't tell me where we were going until we were on the highway! He booked a nice jacuzzi suite and also booked me a hot stone massage and pedicure for Saturday. We ordered room service and went to the mineral pool for a bit, etc. He also arranged for a family gathering with some extended relatives and my grandma got to meet Nevada for the first time! Nevada is her first great grandchild so that was so nice for her to meet her finally. It was a nice weekend but I have to tell you - when you bring a baby along for a romantic, relaxing weekend, it is FAR from romantic or relaxing!!! :haha: I only got a couple minutes in the jacuzzi before Nevada started squawking. The travel made her wired so she was up super late and never gave us a moment alone. The two-hour drive up there took over four hours because of all of Nevada's screaming, and visiting relatives (or any people) with her always makes me very stressed. So it was a great surprise and still a fun weekend but I am glad to be home. ;) I definitely LOVED my hot stone massage though! I'd recommend it to anyone who was curious about them!
Lit - trip away sounds lovely but yeah - its a totally different thing with a baby! :) very nice of your oh though!

Nah - babies who go to sleep on their own are generally better during regressions than ones who need a lot of rocking etc but it still gets them... Also there's a contextual thing going on because in the night I always feed... So she wakes and expects to feed even if only an hour has passed since the last one. So basically I'm just trying to teach her that she doesn't need to feed to go back to sleep. Last night was much better. One feed and back to sleep with no other wakings. Phew. I still feel shattered though. Actually she is better with adjusted car seat.... And I also had to go through a ton of pacis to find one she liked. Literally I think I tried about 10!!! She'll only take the latex ones. Might he worth trying a few but poss Nevada is not into it in the same way she doesn't like a bottle - different sucking action.
Linny - that makes sense about expecting to be fed since babies don't have a concept of time! I'm glad you had a bit of a better night last night. Hopefully she gets over this regression in no time!

Interesting about only taking latex soothers. The ones we have are silicone. I may try a few other brands yet although I suppose it's not the worst thing for her not to take a soother! I think you're probably right that it is the same reason she doesn't like a bottle either. Ah well!
Hello ladies,

How is everyone?

I need your lovely eyes. I brought a few test to test out trigger, they started getting lighter but today it seem to be darker. Let me know what you ladies think.


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Congratulations Di! Hope your keeping well!!!!

Bright- i think i see something on the frer but im not sure is there colour??

Tea-hows little Ida doing ? Any pictures of your little beauty?

Glad you ladies are doing well. Sorry about the sleepless nights. I know how you guys are feeling. Asiah is still struggling with her wind and is screaming and crying after feeds.

How are you ttcers ?


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