Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Those tests never got dark for me whisper. Congratulations honey. Try to stay positive as you can.

I am trying the block feeding with Asiah... i think my latching might not be the best yet... Asiah is also not sleeping through the night. Shes awake more at night than during the day. Tried trying to wake her during the day but a bomb wouldnt wake this girl.

Linny! So glad Elka is sleeping better ! Whats the secret haha! Linny can you private mail me your address and i will send you your doppler back. I completely forgot all about it but seen it today. Sorry!!!

Lj- think the bottle says to wait till one month to use the gripe water. Do you just give it on a tea spoon. Did you try the colief too? Is there a site that yous are using for all the changes the babies go through ... e.g sleep regression. Hope little oscar gets better soon with sleeping and travelling !

Crys- i dont know what to leave out of my diet. I tried not drinking or eating dairy. Made no difference. Havent tried leaving anything else out.

Lit- not been to doctor yet as the midwives and health visitors dont seem concerned at all. Will go next week if its not settled.

Sorry if ive missed anyone. Im not good at catching up. Little miss keeps me busy.

Crys how are you keeping ! Your pregnancy is flying in!

Sab - how are you?

Tea- everything ok?

Sara- how are you and your princess?

Bright-any more testing ? Xxx
Those tests look like they are getting darker to me whisper !!!! Exciting!!! Xxxx
Blue - my dr told me it is something you've eaten far less often than you might think so I wouldn't go crazy with changing your diet just yet unless your midwife or someone suggests it. Hope the block feeding helps. Asiah is probably still in the sleepy baby stage. It'll get easier to wake her and show her what night and day is soon I am sure! I would keep trying though because soon she will learn that in the day she gets woken up and in the night she is not!
Blue -sorry I meant 1 month for gripe water, not 3!we used it from 2 weeks, just half the dose so 2.5mls. We just used the small end of a medicine spoon but gave it very slowly as it can take their breath away a little at first! It helped Oscar instantly, he would get his wind up straight away. We also used the colief drops as the gassiness seemed to be making colic worse. They are also amazing, you mix the drops into breastmilk and give before a feed. Its expensive though at £11 per tiny bottle which lasts maybe 1 week, but if you try it and it works then ask your GP to prescribe it for Asiah. We also found some baby massage movements helped relieve wind and I still do that now as part of a bedtime routine. Hope that helps love.

Whisper - todays tests really do look darker to me!

Sorry just a flying visit, have a horrible cold and Oscar is cranky from having his immunisations yesterday :-( catch up properly tomorrow xxx
Whisper - aw love... I hated those Internet cheapies for the very reason you just never know where you stand with them. Hoping you can get a frer sometime soon. X

Blue - lit's right just keep trying to wake her. But I know what it's like - elka would barely wake up sonetimes in the day - the main things I did were to keep her Moses basket in the window area when she was sleeping in the day. Exposure to light helps establish the circadian rhythm. Also taking her out a lot even if she was sleeping. At night even now I never take her out of the bedroom and I keep it very very dark. I also don't chat to her or interact much at night. Heh, well last night we had a bad one so it's never fixed either way! I'll pm you my address. X

LJ - Is the coiled the black stuff? I think that's the one thing I didn't actually try!
Hi ladies! Thanks for the congratulations - I'm terrified but things seem to be rolling along fine (I'm 6w2d today and my this time I'd already started spotting with Gummy, so that gives me some comfort).

We have our first ultrasound Friday and I'm so excited and terrified. We've never had a perfect ultrasound before and I am so hopeful that this might be it!

Whisper, congratulations! I know it's terrifying, especially those early days. My tests seemed to go light, light, dark, light. I cried and swore it was over numerous times, all the while my HCG was happily doubling but the tests were awful.

Here's my frers so you can see what I mean!


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Alt - your lines are looking good but I see what you mean! So happy that things seem to be going well with no spotting etc. wonderful that you have an ultrasound already this friday! I hope all goes well. I know you must be so nervous! I remember with Nevada I was sooo nervous and had been blocking myself from bonding with her because I was so afraid I'd lose her. We went to that ultrasound and saw the heartbeat and that all was well. I felt relieved but really numb and barely enjoyed it. When we got to the car I started bawling because I realized how terrified I was of losing her especially now that we'd seen she was ok! I guess I'm just babbling but basically don't feel bad with whatever reaction you have - joy, excitement, numbness or major anxiety like me! It is normal to find ultrasounds traumatizing after what we've been through. I also was tearing up the entire 20-week scan because I was so afraid something would be wrong. Anyway, I am sure your scan will go well and this will finally be your rainbow!
Whisper - Congratulations! That looks like great progression so far.

Alt - I pray your ultrasound is perfect.

Blue - I love spicy food, but one of mine couldn't tolerate it. Every time I ate anything spicy he was gassy and felt bad all day the next day. I cut spicy out of my diet and never had an issue with him again. The others had certain foods that would bother them here and there. One was bothered by beans. Another was bothered by egg substitute. I never buy that stuff but I tried a breakfast sandwich made with those a couple times and each time it made him miserable.

I hope you figure out what is causing Asiah's gas soon.

AFM - 26 weeks today. Belly looks a bit flat so I think he's gone transverse again.


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went the the doc today She said they cant do anything as the ehic card doesnt cover it then said she will do a scan n said she could see nothing and she would need to do bloods then said that she saw the corpus lithium? and that she didnt need to do it anymore and it is a very early pregnancy 4 weeks maybe less but gave me progesterone
Crys - beautiful bump! Thanks for sharing

Whisper - hope the progesterone helps! Makes sense she couldn't see anything much this early. Will you get another scan soon?

AFM - Nevada has a cold again :( she was up every hour all night and was crying at every feed because she couldn't breathe properly. :( poor girl. She has also become wise to the ways of saline spray and does NOT like that at all! Haha. Since being up for the day she seems fine. I think it helps not to be flat on her back.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Is anyone thinking about their Christmas plans yet?
Crys lovely bump! I miss mine already haha! But so glad to have Button here.

Alt! They look great! Looking forward to hearing your good news about scan on friday!

Whisper - fingers crossed the progesterone works for you this time i have my fingers crossed for you!

Lit-thats rubbish Lit has the cold. I dont think it will be long before Asiah gets the cold as both daddy and i have it!

Tea- hows You and Ida doing ? Xxx
I hope Asiah doesn't get it! I am not sick yet but my DH has it pretty bad so I think she got it from him. Argh!

Cute that you miss your bump! I found I didn't miss being pregnant one little bit afterward! Hehe.
AFM - Nevada has a cold again :( she was up every hour all night and was crying at every feed because she couldn't breathe properly. :( poor girl. She has also become wise to the ways of saline spray and does NOT like that at all! Haha. Since being up for the day she seems fine. I think it helps not to be flat on her back.

Put Mentholatum or Vicks on the bottom of her feet with socks and prop the head of her bed up with a pillow under the mattress.

Crys lovely bump! I miss mine already haha! But so glad to have Button here.

I always miss my bump. That's part of the reason we have so many. Lol. I love being pregnant.

Whisper - it is very early so sounds like everything is right on track.
Thanks crys. Hopefully I'll have a chance to dash to the store and buy some baby Vicks.
Thats a beautiful set of lines you have there whisper!!!! I hope it gives you some reassurance that things are progressing well. It looks great to me! Xxx
Congrats Whisper!! Those tests look like they're progressing wonderfully!!

Alt, congrats on your new pregnancy too!! That's great news that your HCG is doubling properly and you haven't had any spotting!

Linny, sorry to hear you've encountered the 4 month sleep regression - I hope it passes quickly for Elka (and you too!). Sounds like she's transitioning well out of the swaddle and you're making progress with the feed to sleep pattern. That was our biggest issue - Rowan thought that every time he woke up I should nurse him - he finally started sleeping longer when I didn't nurse him on his first wake up... I think it broke the pattern.

LL, your weekend away sounds very nice :) I totally know what you mean though, it's very different with a baby. Rowan really disliked the car as well until he was about 4 months old. He tolerates it much better now, and will even sleep in the car if I time the trips for his usual nap time. I hope Nevada's cold goes away quickly! Rowan is also wise to the ways of saline spray (and the nasal aspirator, lol) - he gets upset when he even sees them now.

Bright, any updates?

Blue, sorry to hear that Asiah is having difficulty with painful gas. Rowan also went through a phase like that early on. We tried gripe water and oval, but nothing seemed to make much of a difference for him, it just seemed to pass on it's own. When he was having a really hard time I would take him in the bath with me and that calmed him right down. I think sometimes it takes them a while to figure out night and day - I did the same as Linny, kept him in the room in the dark at night, and tried to keep things bright and noisier during the day and he eventually figured it out.

Crys, I love your bump photo! Time is flying :) I hope you're doing well!

AFM, things are going well. We were out of town for a week visiting my extended family - Rowan was a pro on the airplane and slept quite well while we were away. The sleep situation in general has improved dramatically recently, he's now only up twice a night (and sometimes only once) and we're moving towards 2 longer naps every day instead of a whole bunch of short ones. We had his 6 month shots last week (a bit late) and found out that he has not gained much weight at all in the last 5 - 6 weeks (only about 150grams) so I'm working hard on getting him to nurse more (which is hard because if he's not hungry he doesn't want to eat) and increase his intake of solids (also hard because he doesn't like things from a spoon, lol). Going to weigh him again next week and if he hasn't gained then we will have an appointment with a dietician for some more ideas. He's growing in length and head circumference, but he's still only 15 bs 14 oz (a lot of his similarly aged buddies are up around 20 lbs). Apart from that, he is soooo much fun these days. He's moving all over the place, interested in everything, and doing lots of "talking". Anyway, I'm sorry if I've missed anyone - lots to catch up on in here!
Lindsay - sounds like you're at a very fun stage with Rowan!! I'm glad you're enjoying every minute of it! Shame to hear about his weight gain (he actually weighs the exact same as Nevada weighed at her 3 month check-up last week! But she is a very large baby :haha:). I hate to think he isn't getting enough to eat...you must feel a bit concerned I'm sure! But I wonder if it can be normal for a baby to slow down and drop in percentiles at some point if he is just meant to be smaller? Maybe he is meant to be a long, lean child! Or maybe you caught him right before a growth spurt and he will shoot right back up at the next visit? It would be really hard to try to get him to nurse more if he doesn't want to! Do you feed Rowan purees or more finger foods? I can imagine it would be difficult to get him to take more! I hope he starts gaining more again and that you don't have to worry about seeing a dietician!

Good to know Rowan likes his car seat more! Now it seems it depends on her mood. If we can get her in close to nap time she will sometimes just sleep.

Good for Rowan for traveling on a plane so well! I am also glad that he is sleeping so much better for you at night now! That must be a relief. A couple night wakings is still tiring, though, I find! It would be nice if our babies could get a hang of the whole STTN thing earlier. ;)

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