Today's update, didn't sleep at all, was so worried, she said those words no-one wants to hear: "we're concerned it's another miscarriage". Why say that until you know?! My doctor is lovely and has been amazing, as has suffered multiple miscarriages too but just wish she hadn't said that.

I had hubby with me and he barely picked up on that sentence and seems to think it's all ok! Men!!
I did another FRER this morning and it was very strong, so feel happier. I'm going for bloods this afternoon and guess will get results when they are fed back to the surgery probably not for a few days. Meanwhile I did ask her about continuing to take 5mg of Folic Acid and she said to continue. Also asked her about Baby Aspirin and she said she couldn't recommend it as only a specialist can do that but she took it through her 2 healthy pregnancies and winked at me! I take it from that I should be taking it, so will get some today. Waiting game but for now I'm pregnant, I'm lucky to be pregnant, so am very grateful and happy to be so.
Bluestars - Poor you!! Being eaten alive doesn't sound nice at all!! I always attract mosquito's, in Asia I have what they call sweet blood. I come back covered in bits head to toe from holidays, albeit nice with nice and brown tanned skin!!!

I hope your bites heal soon, are you smoothering them in lots of creams to keep the itching at bay?
Nat - It's so sad you're going through this. Have you chosen to have a natural miscarriage, or did they even give you a choice? Try and keep busy, it will start and when it does try and take it easy. I vegged out the few days after in front of the TV, watched lots of films and ate tonnes of chocolate! Just fill your time with other stuff for now, I'm praying for you.
Lindsay - Remember, every pregnancy is different like the others have said. And if I'm honest I still think my symptoms are very slight this time and all the others to be honest. The asthma thing absolutely could be a good sign

, I had the same last BFP and this time (but I think it's more hayfever related this time for me), fingers and toes crossed for you.
Crysshae - You're nearly back to the baby dancing window!!

Fun stuff!! Me and hubby have yet to dtd since getting the BFP, not from not wanting to, just not having the time too. I think we're all practised out!
Nina - Bummer you don't have FRER out there. But I guess the CB ones are just the same these days, my favourite tests are the normal CB ones, I love seeing that positive cross appear. Hate the waiting around of a digital test and I got a negative with one of those and a day later a positive, so not keen on those until later. Your temps still look good hun, can't wait for you to test, not long left now. Got everything crossed for you. Any new symtoms today??