Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Have you ladies heard about glow? They have a program where you pay $50 a month and if you don't get pregnant in a year, they pay for infertility diagnosis and treatment?
Penguin - that sucks, good that they can do something about it though....yep, the progesterone suppression of ov seems to have some good reviews about the place for getting regular cycles back on track. Hope it all works out whichever way xx

Rachel - sorry to hear that, was hoping it was IB ... Could still be no? Or did you test again ? X

Grgirl - sorry to hear about the flu! Weird ov would come earlier when I'll...you know what they say though it only takes one bd...certainly we were all traumatised by that message at 16! Wishing you luck and vitamin c x

Afm. Spotting light pink again. Argh. Scan tomorrow. Some of the girls have heard this about 3 times in diff threads! Sorry girls. Df wants me to go talk to a counsellor after scAn to help with my anxiety...cinsidering it. Love to ya'll! Xxx
Hi ladies! I'm back from vacation! You've been busy! I will attempt to catch up...comments go back 10 days :)

GRGirl- I know it's frustrating to have tests that don't give answers, and "bad luck" is the world's crappiest explanation, but try to think of it as better than having something really wrong that is tough to fix. If it was truly just bad luck, then hopefully a successfull pregnancy is just around the corner!

Slg - I hope your daughter is sleeping! It must be tough to think you're past the sleepless night phase and have it return!

You're moving up in the tww, when are you testing??

Munchkin - I'm sorry you're feeling so terrified. I don't know how any of us are going to manage to be relaxed and pregnant. I fear that went out the window with the first loss. If I ever manage to get pregnant again, I will be focusing on a lot of positive affirmations, I don't know what else I can do.

Google the Motherisk website. They have great, current research on a lot of drugs. It's really helpful. I find the taking nothing is best attitude really not helpful. If you aren't sleeping or are feeling awful, that's not good for you and therefore not good for baby. There are safe choices!

Garfie - So sorry AF found you :( I hope you ov soon and can have a holiday bfp :) I think it's tough for men to understand how consuming ttc is for us. Sending lots of baby dust your way!

Linnypops- Wonderful news about your scan! Congratulations!

IAW - Wonderful news about your scan! Enjoy sharing your news!

Jalanis - Welcome here, although I'm sorry you find yourself here :( It's tough to be surrounded by babies and pregnancies and announcements all the time. It's been getting me down lately too.

Rachel - You get AF dreams?! That's cruel! I'm sorry if AF has found you :(

LL - YAY!! Congratulations!!

Kittycat - Sorry for your losses :(

Annie - Hi! Glad a break has been good for you!

Boodley - Welcome to the tww! I'm only a couple days behind you :)

AFM - I had a nearly positive opk Saturday and a definitely positive opk yesterday, so I think an eggy is on it's way out. Cramping and lower back achy today...on both sides. No idea how you ladies can tell which side you're ovulating from, maybe both ovaries are trying to release eggs?!

A week on the beach was exactly what I needed. No temping, so I won't have much of a chart this month. I think I will temp for a few days to confirm ov, but then I'm not sure I will continue, trying to reduce stress!

First thing I saw on fb when I got back were two friends announcing pregnancies in the same week as my first due date :( Trying hard not to focus on being thrown back into seeing all the bellies and babies around me. It was so nice to be unplugged, I guess I could just stay off fb.
Yes, our health care is certainly more expensive. I pay about $450 a month for medical insurance for me, hubby and dd!! This was much lower (about 300?) until about two years ago when the whole ObamaCare situation started to go into effect. But, when I go to the doctor it is only $20-30 per visit and I can usually find a doctor to do whatever test I want. We are in the middle of huge changes to our health care system in the states and it's hard to say what it will look like in a couple more years.

Rachel-sorry AF is starting up. Frustrating!

GRGirl-so sorry you are so sick. I think 1BD is plenty. Men have a whole heck of a lot of sperm in only one go!

I have heard of several programs in the states that have a "baby guarantee" in that if you don't get pregnant they refund a lot of the cost of treatment.

I'm doing fine. Just waiting for something to happen. Way too early to test and can't even be sure that I ovulated.
I've read everything but I'm so tired I'm going to wait till tomorrow to reply as it's quite a lot.
I'm not holding out hope that it's IB but I've got a plan! I'm going to see what happens, if it calms down and stops I'll retest the day when there's nothing. If it carries on and turns to full blown AF I'm going to drown my sorrows in my tea and chocolate club again :) 'AF' is red but light red if that makes sense and it seems quite.. watery? and so far I have no red on my pad just when I wipe.
Someone mentioned AF dreams.. Yep. I love the BFP dreams as it means I'm pregnant but I've never had an AF dream so early it's normally AF dream.. within the next 2 days I get AF this time it was a good week or so. It's good in a way as I know AF is soon but still sucks when I want that BFP dream :( I'm sorry if I missed out what someone's said. I'm off to bed now.. Niiight girls! xx
Rachel - glad you've got a plan! I hope things ease off and you get to put it into place.

Linny - sorry to hear you're spotting again, but hoping the scan tomorrow reassures you.

Penguin - bleeding every two weeks? You poor thing! Hope it resolves quickly.

GR - you've been so unwell! It takes dedication to get a BD in there when you feel like that. Hope it does the business for ya.

Garfie - here's hoping the scan gives you some useful info. And if you include this week, three weeks is before Christmas.....hopefully they'll fit you in.

For all my TWW buddies - bored much??? I hate this time sitting around! I never get symptoms in the TWW, so I've nothing to spot. Aargh!! When are you ladies thinking of testing?
Rachel - So weird about your very light bleeding. I like your plan, though. It sounds solid. If you are out, nothing like chocolate to drown your sorrows...and how great would it be to get a BFP at Christmas time!?

GRGirl - Wow, so sorry you're suffering from the flu! That sounds brutal. Don't count yourself out just because you Oed early. I Oed earlier than usual the first time I got my BFP (cd 12 or possibly even cd 11). And BDing the night before sounds like excellent timing, even if it was only one time. I was feeling really down on my timing this cycle, and I still managed to get a BFP, whereas other times I've had perfect timing and AF showed up. So you never know! Sorry you're having to get so much blood work. I know that's no fun. :( Enjoy your nap and I hope you're back to full health very soon. :hugs:

Linny - So sorry you're having a bit of spotting again. That is so scary and I can only imagine your anxiety. Was your scan for tomorrow already booked, or were they able to get you in that quickly? I hope your scan gives you all the reassurance you need. :hugs: I know it's so hard to convince yourself, but so many women have bleeding and still go on to have a healthy baby. That sounds like not a bad idea about seeing a counselor. It's no fun dealing with so much anxiety all the time, and you shouldn't have to suffer through it alone.

Arabelle - So sorry to hear you're feeling really down lately. I know how hard it is seeing baby bumps and cute newborns everywhere. :hugs: Sometimes it is better to unplug for a while to avoid upsetting yourself.

That's exciting that ovulation is either happened or already over!! Into the TWW you go! :happydance: Lots of people can't tell which side they ovulate from. I'm sure I am just a weirdo. :p I'm glad you enjoyed your week on the beach and I hope you get your rainbow BFP soon!

Slg - What does your medical insurance cover? Do you have to pay for all your tests/ ultrasounds fully yourself even though you have insurance? Or does it cover that? I do hope you ovulated on your own this month. The TWW is tough but I hope it goes by quickly for you!

Boodley - Welcome to the TWW! Sorry you have no symptoms to spot but at least you won't drive yourself as crazy that way. I do hope it's your BFP month! Every one of you TTC ladies deserves your BFP ASAP!!!
Im not sure when ill test. 14 days is the 15th, but I have an average luteal phase of 13 days so maybe test early.

I have been noticing since my mc that my right hip where I presume my ovary is, is painful. It feels like a pulled muscle but I know I didnt pull it. Have you experienced anything like that?
boodley: YES, BORED!! :coffee: I took an HPT today (just a cheapie strip) just for kicks. There really wasn't any way it was going to be positive. I was tired and had a little headache today so hubby asked if I was pregnant. That's cause enough to test, right??? :haha:

Rachel: I think your plan sounds just right. Is this a normal way for AF to start for you? Doesn't sound like it. Sounds like you are only spotting.

LL: I have to pay a fee everytime I see a dr. (about $25) but insurance covers most tests/ultrasounds from there. The insurance company decides what they think is "medically necessary" and that's what they cover. We have a list of what is covered and what is not. Most prenatal care is free. I do extra testing to monitor my breasts since the cancer and that isn't covered :nope: I can get a mammogram every year for free but my breast tissue is so dense that I really need an MRI every year and that costs me about $900. A small fortune given our income.

Hooray for sore boobies!!! You can just keep pinching them if you really want them to be sore :haha: I absolutely understand why you want to feel symptoms but I'm glad you know in your head that you are still early on for that. I'm sending all my healthy baby vibes to you today :friends: I think you and baby are going to be just fine.

GRGirl: why do you think an early O is a problem? Just because you didn't BD enough? You get extra credit for BD when sick :thumbup: We have certainly have had some less-than-sexy sex since ttc.

Arabelle: :hi: welcome back. Jealous that you got to spend so much time at the beach! Looks like you are in our tww club. Many of us are close in our cycle this month.

Hubby, Emily, and I just took a drive around the neighborhood to look at all the Christmas lights. Pretty impressive displays considering Christmas is still three weeks away. :xmas9:
Emily has decided that she doesn't want Santa in our house so he should just leave her presents on the porch. lol. :xmas6:
We are expecting snow tomorrow and I think most of the week which I like. :xmas8:
And that's enough playing with the smilies for me. Told you I was bored. :xmas13:
Slg - Love it!! Both the early testing and the festive smilies :) gave me a good laugh!
Rachel - we need an update! Has the spotting stopped? I hope it's some late IB and not the witch.

Slg- I too like your festive message! I can't believe you have to pay for an mri, when it's clearly necessary for you.

Boodley - I'm not sure which is worse, no symptoms, or symptoms to obsess over?!

AFM - Temp jumped this morning, hopefully confirming ov. Opk was less dark yesterday as well. So I think that means I ov yesterday, and I'm 1 dpo! Hello tww! I haven't ov on cd 14 for a very long time. Leads a person to believe that having less stress can play a large role.

There was lots of :sex: while away...:blush: took a day off on return (was worried about :spermy: quality), and then bd Sunday and Monday, so hopefully lots of opportunities to catch an egg!

I can feel the symptom spotting on its way...we've planned lots of outings to see holiday displays :xmas9: hopefully that will help pass the time, and keep me from prematurely poas! I only have a few tests left, need to go count, I'm thinking 3 cheapo strips, 1 clearblue, 1 frer. Obviously not enough to allow for obsessive testing, but not wanting to order more as they are so expensive! Planning a few cooking and sewing projects to bide the time as well.

I think we're due for a new list with so many in the tww. If you message me I'll put one together...help keep me busy! (If that's ok with you Munchkin, if you want to do it, I won't step on your toes!)
Arabelle - Is your list just for those in the TWW:cry: I'm not there yet but hoping to be soon - unless of course I have another Fake Ovulation :haha:

Good luck ladies in the TWW - time for another round of BFPs :dust::dust::dust:

Anyone want to be my cycle buddy this month:hugs:


I'm at my MIL so quick update as I've been asked :blush: AF came with a wish to kill me. I've had to been given pills to slow it down as (sorry TMI!) it was so heavy this morning I had to put my PJs in the wash :(
Also my rib.. It's not broken but it's majorly bruised and possibly cracked but I've just been given painkillers. He said no chest infection or anything so that's good.
Not sure why it's so heavy this time :shrug:
Will be home shortly and will read everyone's updates FINALLY. X
Rachel - Damn her - some months are like that - so heavy you think you are dying:winkwink: it's just our bodies throwing us a curveball - hope it lets up soon:hugs:

Sorry about your rib - was that from coughing to much maybe BIG :hugs: all around for you


Rachel - booo :( sorry to hear you're out, and that it's so heavy - and about your ribs! Hope you feel better soon.

Arabelle - good idea! I'm 5dpo - tick, tock!
Jrepp - If it feels like a pulled muscle, it could actually be ligament pain. Last year around this time I noticed some pain around the right ovary and it sort of felt like a pulled muscle but I also didn't know how that could have happened. I was freaked out it was something internal, but when I went to the dr it was just my inguinal ligament. I think I actually strained it doing all the shoveling. It took over 7 months to heal.

Slg - That is really too bad you have to pay for your yearly mammograms. $900 would be a fortune for us too! Yikes. But I'm glad at least most of your pre-natal care is covered.

And thanks for all the well-wishes! For some reason it is reassuring when people say they think my baby is okay.

Arabelle - I am going to message you right away! I was getting short on HPTs this cycle as well so I couldn't test too early. I hope your projects keep you going so you don't obsess too much. Good luck in the TWW!

Rachel - That is absolutely brutal about AF hitting you so hard. I'm so sorry! It's also too bad about your poor rib. That must be so uncomfortable. I hope AF settles down soon and you can feast on lots of chocolate and tea in the mean time.

Munchkin - How are you doing???

AFM - I bought a box of digis last night thinking maybe I will test to see if I can get a 3+ this weekend. But then I dreamt last night that I tested and it only gave me a "1-2 weeks" which was very distressing so now I'm scared to test.
Hi ladies I will catch up properly soon but just to let you know I'm feeling like total crap so really pleased at the moment. Hoping to book in for a scan tues or weds next week when I'll be over 8 weeks. Still scared but feeling more confident. Arabelle please do a list. I've been slacking off. I've worked every day since Thursday and my oh is short of work so being grumpy and messing up the house so with feeling like Crap I've not had much time!

I'm now 7+1 praying for a rainbow xx

Rachael so sorry she got you. Maybe a damn good clear out and fresh start will be just what you need for your new year bfp :) :hugs:

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