Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Grgirl - make up buying is my fave distraction! Although this morning I dropped and smashed the Clinique foundation I splashed out on 3 days ago :( sad.

Garfie - horray for temp spikes! I think it's very easy for everything to revolve round this stuff, I can't recall much of anything happening the last few months which has outweighed it. It'd be great to be all chilled about it. But.. How does that even happen ?? :)

Celine - Aw love, it's surely safe to start doing bump progress now x

Sara - sounds lovely! We've got snow forecast for tomorrow. Can't wait!

LL - it is scary testing for that 3+ but the odds are on your side! Don't forget it! X

Afm - all my trousers are now too tight and I can't blame it on my state. A shocking Addiction to chips and gravy and ham and cheese sarnies ( I was a committed veggie since 12 years old!) is taking its toll.
Jrepp - hooray for the tww! :) Hope the progesterone cream works out, i don't know if this time i'm being helped by the progesterone or if it is just that there's no other issues this time, but i'm still using it. It cannot harm the baby, or at leas i've done enough research to reassure myself on that score.

I think it's an odd thing pregnancy - for us it's all about the baby - for our hubs it seems - especially early on - it's still all about us? My DF had the same problem after this round of spotting, he was upset I was spotting but more so when he saw the mess I was in....For my own sanity and to shield him from some of that roller-coaster i'm seeing a counsellor on friday for a chat. Hopefully i'll get some good advice about coping with fears etc. Either way, yep it's hard for the husbands having to stand by and watch us go through it. X

I hope the counselor goes alright. Ive convinced myself that it cant hurt either.

Linny- Good idea on the counselor. Can't hurt and can only help, ya know?

Rachel- so sorry AF was horribly heavy :( My 1st AF after my Oct MC was like that- I literally thought I was dying it was so bad for a day :( Hope it helps "flush you out" and it'll help for next cycle :)

Munchkin- yay for feeling awful! woot! and 7 weeks!

Jrepp- I'm a day behind you and about to start the Progesterone tonight too :( I think my DF is the same way- seeing me hurting or unhappy makes him miserable and he goes into "fix it" mode because he wants so badly to help me. TTC is bad like that, because there's nothing really that he can do.

AFM- 2dpo here, starting Progesterone suppositories tonight (oh joy!). Distracting myself by buying makeup right now lol- I have a side business doing makeup for weddings/parties/events and I need to restock on some things, plus I just like to shop for myself. Finally feel human again and like the illness is going away. Just gotta get through the next 10 days until I can test.

We can be cycle buddies. Have you been on the progrsterone long?

Hi Ladies

Just a quick pop in - as I'm at work:blush:

JR - Hope you are alternating where you put the cream are you using it morning and night or just once a day? - I will also begin my progesterone cream this cycle - as it looks like (I hope) a more normal cycle I guess the next few days will tell:hugs:

It seems like a lot of us are taking progesterone cream this cycle - the one time I used it I got a BFP - once again co-incidence? - I hope not:happydance:

How are all you pregnant ladies doing - trust you are all starting to bloom:winkwink:

Arab - If a pregnancy is doomed - progesterone can in fact prolong the inevitable just like it can delay af and give you some fantastic pregnancy symptoms along with cracking high temperatures:wacko: - my last pregnancy was a prime example of the progesterone doing it's job but also if you have a progesterone issue it can be a godsend - I will never forget seeing his heartbeat and how happy I was for a short while so in that case progesterone was good for me:cloud9:

AFM - I got a POS OPK today and a good temp spike (earliest one for a while) I do hope it's not a fake ovulation:haha: I am trying to keep busy and seem to be wishing my life away:cry: do you ladies do the same - can't wait for af to arrive, then wait to bd, then ovulate, then in tww, then symptom spot, then count days down until testing, then test :happydance: then begin all over again - phew!:wacko:



So far I have only pit it on once. Im going to alternate a few places, but I dknt care for the smell. I dont notice the tww up to the tww, but at about 10dpo im ready to know or flow. Welcome to the tww. It seems a lot of us are in the lump group.

Rachel: Sorry about your rib. I know several people who have broken ribs this way. My husband cracked a rib two years ago when his 13 year old niece picked him up while they were wrestling :rofl: I also seem to hurt myself doing random things. Sometimes I make up stories just to make my injury seem more interesting :haha: Like, no I didn't fall down the stairs, I hurt my wrist rock climbing :laugh2:

GR: Your husband sounds very caring and supportive. I'm glad you are both on the same page about having a baby. I think it is very hard for our men not to be able to fix this situation for us and just give us a baby.

I have to remind myself often that my whole life can't be about ttc. I have to live my life for what it is now and be happy with it because there is always the chance that I will never have another child. I don't want to miss anything good now hoping for what might be later on.

We are having a beautiful snow storm today. Staying inside and drinking a cup of coffee.

You are lucky you get to stay in. Ive been out twoce already and still have to go home lol. It is gorgeous oitsode

Grgirl - make up buying is my fave distraction! Although this morning I dropped and smashed the Clinique foundation I splashed out on 3 days ago :( sad.

Garfie - horray for temp spikes! I think it's very easy for everything to revolve round this stuff, I can't recall much of anything happening the last few months which has outweighed it. It'd be great to be all chilled about it. But.. How does that even happen ?? :)

Celine - Aw love, it's surely safe to start doing bump progress now x

Sara - sounds lovely! We've got snow forecast for tomorrow. Can't wait!

LL - it is scary testing for that 3+ but the odds are on your side! Don't forget it! X

Afm - all my trousers are now too tight and I can't blame it on my state. A shocking Addiction to chips and gravy and ham and cheese sarnies ( I was a committed veggie since 12 years old!) is taking its toll.

What is a sarnie? Go ahead and blame it on a baby belly
A sarnie is a sandwich! Also known as a 'piece' in Scotland :)
Oh lol. I thought it was so,e sort of fish salad. Lol!
AFM: today has been interesting to say the least. I went to physical therapy for a slip and fall accident back that happened back in July (pic attached). I then got to work and had an alright day. Lots of cm, and I'm feeling somewhat hot. It could be the cream or it could be the 8' temps outside that mare making the heaters work overtime in this old building. Went to lunch and a teacher is being carted off in an ambulance from fainting!!


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Hi all

Literati – I’d agree with others, don’t test for a while yet – no news is good news, as they say. Why put yourself under undue stress. Though I’m confident you’ll get your 3+ weeks.

Jrepp – I had a funny twingy pain around my ovaries after last mc. It wasn’t there all the time, but came and went through my cycle. I went for an anatomical scan to have it checked out and they said they couldn’t see anything. Around the same time, I took up pilates and it may have been that I pulled my hip flexor – anyway, since second mc it doesn’t seem to be there anymore. Didn’t stop me conceiving anyway. Is it still as bad? I would also use the progesterone cream, cept I’m nervous about buying it online – you can’t get it in pharmacies or healthfood shops here, far as I know. Anyone bought from amazon and had a good experience?

Munchkin – glad you feel so crap! What wonderful news – bring it on!! 7 weeks – the time is ticking away. Hoping for a great outcome to your scan next week – do you have a date yet, so we can all obsess for you?

Linny – delighted the good news continues! The most important thing is that bubs is doing well. I’ve been thinking about counselling too – it really can’t do any harm, and it’s good to have a safe space to let it all out, and not feel bad that you’re bringing someone else down, which is how I feel if I get upset with OH or friends. It’s important to look after yourself too. I hope Friday goes well for ya. When did you cave in to the ham???

Elizabean – congrats on getting to second tri!!! Hope all’s well. How’s the bump coming along?

Celine – speaking of bumps – go on with the pictures!!!

Apple – Hi! Good luck with NTNP – my friend got her BFP in December when doing just the same thing! Have you any plans to try DTD around ov signs or will you be able to stay totally relaxed and spontaneous?
(how bad would I be at NTNP – look at me now, looking for the plan behind the not-planning!)

GRGirl – welcome to the TWW! Hope the different regime works out for you, and you get your rainbow starting this month. Just did a big E.L.F. haul this evening – free shipping for a few days??

Rachel – glad things are easing off. That was some superhuman sneeze!! You poor thing. Uugh, just picturing hearing the crack then that pain! Ouch! I cracked a rib once – in secondary school, chasing a boy down a field. It’s a long story ;0) The TTC journal sounds like a good idea – good luck! Is this for yourself, or are you starting it on here? Just re the OCD thing – I saw a really cool t-shirt recently that said ‘I have CDO – it’s like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order’

Garfie – good spike today alright! I’m with you in the wishing away category. I feel like my brain is 90% taken over with TTC. I look at Fertility Friend on my phone about ten times a day just to obsess over it. I flick between charts to see if I can magically decipher something I missed before. OH and I end up talking about babies every time we socialise together – he’s as bad as I am! I feel like I can’t rest till I get the next positive, but I know even at that I’ll be worried after I get it and wishing time away to scans etc. I’m not really myself in work – I’m getting stressed out easily (partly also coz of the situation at work, which is not so good at the minute, but I’m not handling it very well anyway) – I can’t wait for Christmas to have two weeks off. I know we could decide to stop trying for a while to have a break, but I also know how my brain works – I wouldn’t switch off. I’d just go crazy waiting for the next time we started trying. I’m exhausted, to be honest. But I just can’t give up on making our little person. OK – offload over.

Slg – you sound like a really grounded person! (contrast with me – see rant above!). Cold snow outside, warm coffee inside sounds heavenly!

AFM – 6 dpo. I’m not feeling too positive about this cycle, tbh. We timed things alright but – TMI warning – last times I was pregnant I got thrush a few days after ov and there’s no sign this cycle (which is a good thing, but I’d like something to read as a sign!). Anyone else notice that? Anyway, I just don’t think with our luck that it will happen so quickly. If AF comes as scheduled, my next fertile period is right at Christmas – which we’re spending with my MIL (very thin walls, rooms right next door to each other, you get the picture)…….I wouldn’t be hopeful about making anything happen those days. So – 2014 it might be :0(

Ah well, I’ll have to be thankful for the glasses of wine I can have with all that turkey! Slg – going to try to take a leaf out of your book – it’d be a far better approach.

Love to all

Jrepp-OUCH! You must have more injury than just the horrid bruises to need physical therapy. Hope it's getting better. I ventured out in the snow but only to drive to a friend's house to let out dd's play together. I'm so lucky that I get to stay home and not work!

LL-if you think testing would let you stop wondering about it then I would go for it. Just remember that HCG levels can vary so much from person to person. My sister's HCG was so low her first pregnancy that the Dr. told her to just wait for the mc. That "mc" is now my 4 year old nephew.

I'm a big believer in counseling. Sometimes hearing yourself say something out loud makes you think about it in a way that you wouldn't otherwise. And, sometimes a person outside the situation can put things into perspective for you.

I've never used progesterone cream but I order things from Amazon ALL THE TIME and have never had a problem with them. I don't really like shopping so if I can buy something online then I do. Amazon always has the cheapest prices. I just did most of my Christmas shopping on Amazon in the past few days.

Boodley: Thanks for the compliment! I like to "take things as they come". I will say that with ttc I have to force myself to chill out. My instinct is to go overboard and obsess about it. I have to give myself a talking to every week or so :haha: Two weeks off? You must be a teacher?

Speaking of obsessing about it :blush: I tested today. I think I'm 9 dpo? Not sure if I was looking at the very, very beginnings of a line or just the indent where the line should be. Will wait 'till at least Friday to test again. So let's get personal...I had crazy sex drive last week and have a strange, slight tingly feeling in my vulva. The only time I can recall having that tingle is when I was pregnant but I know my hormones could do weird, mean, confusing things to me this month from the mc. Time will tell....
Slg - those intimate details sound like good signs if you had them with the last pregnancies! And a squinter, you say? You should post so we can analyze. :) I so hope you get your BFP on Friday!!!

Boodley - I completely related 100% to your TTC obsession as well, and also not being able to take a break b/c you're too obsessed. That's exactly how I was.

Linny - that is too cute about your pants fitting tighter. I would still blame it on the pregnancy because that *is* the reason you're suddenly hungry/having cravings all the time. Embrace the extra weight and go but maternity jeans soon, I say!

Jrepp - that looks like a terrible accident... You poor thing!!!
LL-I would post but I'm sure you wouldn't see it in a picture. It was the kind of line you can only just make out if you hold it to the light just right. I'll post Fridays if there is anything interesting on it.
Stay on..... I finally have internet access but need to run toilet paper to my sisters house!!
Slg - nope, I work in the health service - I've just stored up my annual leave for the hols. I always try to take those weeks off coz I have to travel around to spend time with family.

But on another note - Yeah for the squinter!!!! I'm tentatively excited for you. Wow - roll on Friday - without trying to encourage you to wish the week away ;) xx
Boodley - That is so exciting about your 2 weeks off. I am getting a week and a half off although it isn't technically holidays. It's all unpaid but my employer closes down for the holidays and we're all allowed to take the time off without pay if we want it. Yes, I will be a bit more broke because of it, but to me time off around Christmas is always worth it!

Jrepp - Yay for getting your internet back!!
L.L. I agree, it's a lovely time to be off. My sisters both live away, so it's great to all meet up and spend some time together when we get the chance. A week and a half is good going too - does that bring you past new year, then? Hope you get to chill out and relax on your time off anyway!
I wish one of my sisters lived close enough to bring me toilet paper!
Boodley - Yes, I will be off from Dec. 21 to Jan 1st (inclusive) so I am not back to work til January 2nd! When are you back to work? I hope you enjoy your get-togethers with your sisters. My sister lives far enough away that I don't see her too often either. She and her dh will be up for almost a week so that will be really nice to see them.

Slg - heheh!

AFM - I am having some mild cramping at the moment which is never reassuring. Hopefully it's just that uterus stretching and making room for when my baby won't just be a 'poppyseed' anymore! :)
I've a picture in my mind of the poor lady sitting on the toilet waiting for Jrepp to hand the roll in around the door!
L.L. - lovely! I'm off till the Monday after new year, so what's that - the 6th, I think. One of my sisters lives in Australia - she often comes home at Christmas, but not this year unfortunately. Thank goodness for Skype!

Thr cramps are probably good news - like you say, getting ready to fit the next fruit in. I never had cramps - and that was my bad sign! It's all happening as it should......every day is a step closer to seeing your healthy baby on the scan xx

Boodley - That's an excellent stretch off! It will be nice not to have to go anywhere for a few days after the New Year as it always takes a few days to recover from the late night on NY Eve! ;) Wow, a sister in Australia! That is a ways (where do you live? ahhaha). It is SO great we live in such a high tech age where we can still "see" our friends and family face to face even when they're so far away.
you've got to make room for a little pea now!

My older sister and her DH used to visit me once a year around the holidays. He passed away 10 years ago and she has only visited twice since. It's always up to me to go to my sisters if I want to see them (my brothers too). I go home about twice a year. I have good friends and neighbors here which helps.

DH often has to work on holidays but this year he has Christmas off! Hooray!!

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