Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Apple- it's still early; it could come soon!

MrsW- hopefully your system will get straightened out soon.

Jrepp- yeah I'm with you in the "3 in 6 mos" club. Hopefully getting that out of your system clears it for next cycle. I'm so sorry :( it sucks!

Celine- I'm working on crocheting my blanket; hopefully I can take a pic of it to show you guys as long as it's not too embarrassing :p

Kitty- how're you feeling, my September pregnancy buddy?

AFM- feeling like crap and that makes me so happy. 5w1d today which is further than the last two losses, I'm so exhausted I can barely function and the nausea started this morning. I had hyperemesis with DS and I'm praying I don't get it again, but it started at 6 weeks with him so there's time for it to get bad with this one.

Wedding in 2 days!!!! I'm getting nervous, mostly bc I'm worried I won't look very good. I'm a hot mess most days, exhausted with greasy hair and my skin is acting up. Gonna take a lot of makeup to help me out.

Not sure how well I'll hide being pg at the wedding- I literally start yawning at like 6 pm and I'm useless after 8 pm. Oh well ; maybe nerves will keep me awake :) I'm watching caffeine so I can't even have too many Diet Cokes!
Scrap that I've actually got 2 faint lines one from this morning one from a 4.hour hold. Ahh but these tests are so rubbish. So I'm doing another water test to compare evaps!
Oh maybe! TEST TEST TEST:)

I am 18dpo and took FRER and test is DARKER then control. Took one on 10dpo and was faint.

10dpo 13dpo and 16dpo (i think) took Clearblues and all 3 gave 1-2.
Pland to get a pack when husband gets paid end of month. Want to see 3+.

Some pulling and what not,especially when I am about to fall asleep. Starting to really get sick to stomach at night and limiting what I eat/drink then. Tuna is out...for sure!
Jessica- I'm sorry that you're dealing with another loss. On the positive side, it sounds like your dr is super supportive and helpful. Just a heads up because it was something I found very frustrating to deal with...if your hormones are normal and you're ovulating on your own, you may be told that there is nothing to do but keep trying and waiting. That clot must have freaked you out, but I agree with everyone else, a good cleaning out will only make next cycle more likely to be successful!

AFM - I had a really vivid nightmare that I was told I was going to miscarry and then really struggled to sleep the rest of the night because I was freaking out. I have 2-3 vivid dreams each night, fortunately that has been the only scary pregnancy related dream so far.
Arabelle - sorry about the dream, awful isn't it - I think mc dreams must be pretty common since i've had one and have heard a lot about them on threads too. Horrible really but I guess it's just the brains way of getting our fears out into the open x
It's inconclusive but I think my tapwater might be pregnant.

They were just evil evaps I think but will keep testing.
Arabelle-Sorry about that dream. I have had vivid dreams of dead people/animals and miscarrying and they really ruin my sleep a few days.

Apple_20-Awl sorry to hear. But it is still possible as you are early enough you could have + this cycle.
Yeah my dreams have been crazy but I only remember bits of them when I wake up.
Yesterday am I woke up thinking I was blind. Was still in dream and eye would not open in dream and it carried over. My cat woke me up few hours before, was sitting and had head right over mine and just staring. That is his way of saying I need to go use litter, open the bedroom door!
Wow jrepp! I cant imagine what you must of thought oassing that huge "clot"! Im so sad to hear thats its 3 mc in 6m but im glad you are getting twken seriously, i know u were concerned bcos technically you sre getting preggo and are ovulatng on your own etc. I hope its a silly issue, quickly resolved and you can join in the legue of rainbow babies xxx

Munchkin wow what an emotional day it must of been yesterday. I like your train of thoughts too, i have a friend via bnb who has four gorgeous girlies all 16m apart (shes crazy!) anyway she had a mc before her very first dd and and another before her last dd and she says that when you have those rainbows and cant imagine your life without them you know they would not be in your lofe it werent for the losses. I hope i have that attitude.

Garfie hun how are things on your end?

Thanks Celine. I can't believe you are already 17 weeks! Have you told anyone else?

Jrepp, Gosh jrepp, big hugs, I am so sorry xx. Will they be doing further tests now they have confirmed you have had 3 MC? I hope as literati says, you get your bfp and your rainbow baby on your cycle. xx

Munchkin :hugs: My EDD would have been July and although I am hoping to be pregnant by then, I know that day will be very hard. I think we will plan something that day to take my mind off it. My DD will be 2 just 2 days before so I will be busy in the run up focusing on that.

I am still waiting and hoping I will ov this cycle. Lines on opk getting fainter and cervix moving up slowly so I am hopeful. xx

They already did quite the panel on me yesterday before the clot and I have an ultrasound scheduled for Friday next week. I think that's all they can do for now. I passed two more larger clots last night but the bleeding has completely stopped. When/if the doctor calls back I am going to ask her if I should try this month or take a break.

Apple- it's still early; it could come soon!

MrsW- hopefully your system will get straightened out soon.

Jrepp- yeah I'm with you in the "3 in 6 mos" club. Hopefully getting that out of your system clears it for next cycle. I'm so sorry :( it sucks!

Celine- I'm working on crocheting my blanket; hopefully I can take a pic of it to show you guys as long as it's not too embarrassing :p

Kitty- how're you feeling, my September pregnancy buddy?

AFM- feeling like crap and that makes me so happy. 5w1d today which is further than the last two losses, I'm so exhausted I can barely function and the nausea started this morning. I had hyperemesis with DS and I'm praying I don't get it again, but it started at 6 weeks with him so there's time for it to get bad with this one.

Wedding in 2 days!!!! I'm getting nervous, mostly bc I'm worried I won't look very good. I'm a hot mess most days, exhausted with greasy hair and my skin is acting up. Gonna take a lot of makeup to help me out.

Not sure how well I'll hide being pg at the wedding- I literally start yawning at like 6 pm and I'm useless after 8 pm. Oh well ; maybe nerves will keep me awake :) I'm watching caffeine so I can't even have too many Diet Cokes!

If people say anything, you can pass being tired off as staying up late preparing for the wedding. Are you going to tell anyone?

Scrap that I've actually got 2 faint lines one from this morning one from a 4.hour hold. Ahh but these tests are so rubbish. So I'm doing another water test to compare evaps!

Good luck! I'm sorry that your tap water seems to be with child. Kinda nerve wracking IMO.

Jessica- I'm sorry that you're dealing with another loss. On the positive side, it sounds like your dr is super supportive and helpful. Just a heads up because it was something I found very frustrating to deal with...if your hormones are normal and you're ovulating on your own, you may be told that there is nothing to do but keep trying and waiting. That clot must have freaked you out, but I agree with everyone else, a good cleaning out will only make next cycle more likely to be successful!

AFM - I had a really vivid nightmare that I was told I was going to miscarry and then really struggled to sleep the rest of the night because I was freaking out. I have 2-3 vivid dreams each night, fortunately that has been the only scary pregnancy related dream so far.

I'm fully prepared for infertility with no known reason. I know that if this round of testing is normal, they want to do genetic testing on both me and hubby. My doctor also told me that the re might want to do a progesterone treatment and clomid even though I appear to be doing everything on my own to "boost" my chances.

All in all, it sucks. I am feeling very worn down with every passing cycle. I'm so much less enthusiastic about testing and symptoms than I was a few months ago. At this point there isn't much more that I can do than I am already doing and it will happen when it happens. Hubby and I kind of spoke a bit about it and we are going to cut back a bit. We have decided to temp only and try to have intercourse in the mornings because I tend to ovulate mid day. We may or may not try preseed depending on what my body does.
GRGirl - Wow! I can't believe your wedding is in 2 days! No wonder you are nervous! One thing I've noticed is that the body does what it needs to do. You might be SO fatigued and unable to lift a finger right up until the wedding, but once the adrenaline kicks in your body will know what to do and you will be able to stay awake for the whole wedding. Yes, you might shut it down a bit earlier than you would have otherwise and you may need a couple days to recover afterwards, but I firmly believe your body will manage what it needs to! You might even get that beautiful bridal glow just by wanting it so bad! And don't worry - I did NOT look my best on my wedding day. That's what make up is for. You will look awesome anyway! And at least you're not too sick yet. Have you been taking Vitamin B6 supplements?

Apple - Yay for faint lines! :happydance: I hope they're not evaps!

Arabelle - I'm sorry about your nightmare! I've been lucky so far and haven't had any vivid dreams, which also means no nightmares. But I'm sure it would be very unsettling. :hugs:

Jrepp - So sorry you're feeling so run down. :hugs: I know there's nothing anyone can say or do to make it better.
Thanks LL! I can't believe you are almost!12 weeks along. I hope you are doing well.
Jrepp, I'm so sorry that you are going through this again. :hugs: You know we are all here for you.

GR, Literati is right, you may well have a burst of energy to get you through your wedding day. I hope all goes well for you and you have a day filled with love and laughter (and not too many yawns)!

Apple, I can't believe how mean those tests are! I would just throw them out.

Arabelle and Kitty, those dreams sound awful. I used to have the most amazing vivid and memorable dreams but now I just cant seem to recall having them when I wake up.

Munchkin I'm glad you were able to get through your EDD this week with a positive approach. This whole process has made me very philosophical about how everything that happens in your life is all part of something much bigger- who knows how different our outcomes could have been if it didn't happen. I don't want to say "everything happens for a reason", because I don't think that is the case, but it certainly takes us in other directions...

Literati, are you starting to feel better as you get close to 12 weeks?

AFM, I had my 20 week scan this week (cant remember if I mentioned that before) all looked good on the day but I haven't seen the report yet. They gave me a usb of pictures but it didn't work :nope: DH will go and ask them to fix it as he works in the same hospital. He can be very charming so I hope they agree!
Thanks Elizabean! You ladies have all been so amazing (although I feel like a Debbie Downer having to keep saying miscarriage instead of bfp). I haven't made this one public knowledge yet, but am doing pretty well mentally. Don't get me wrong, it is tough to have suffered so many loses so close together, but I have faith that I will one day get my forever baby. I am actually kind of planning my own baby shower (lol) because with 2 kids I think my sister won't be able to really do what I want, and I'm planning her sprinkle party for this baby on the way.

Whenever I finally get pregnant for keeps, I want a gender reveal baby shower so that I get a lot of gender neutral stuff. The guests would have to pick a team (team boy or team girl) based on what they think the baby would be and then compete in a bunch of competitions to see who the winners are. Hubby would come in at some point to reveal what we are actually having. I was just reading about a party game that we could turn into the reveal possible. It's called the dirty diaper game. Guests would take a diaper (white in the original game, but I would have them pink and blue) made of felt and pin it to their shirt. Depending on how many babies I am pregnant with, the diaper would have a little brown fabric paint smudge of poop to reveal the gender. :rofl: Wishful thinking, but it passes the time!
Elizabean - I am feeling a bit better, but anxiously anticipating my dr's appointment on Monday when we'll get to hear the heartbeat. I am trying to stay positive, but I know I'll feel a lot more positive once I hear that.

Glad you had your 20 week scan but terrible that the usb of pics didn't work! I hope your dh can turn on his charm and get them to fix it! And I do hope you get to see the report soon.

Jrepp - Glad to hear you're staying positive. It's fun you're planning your own baby shower. :happydance: It sounds like your gender-reveal party will be super fun!
Ugh, its odd how quickly things can change. I have had some light spotting today which has scared me a bit so have to go in and see the midwife from my doctors office- she wants to check my antibodies, give me an anti-d shot and check bub. Not the relaxing Friday afternoon I was hoping for :wacko:

She didn't seem to concerned as I had the 20 week scan 4 days ago and everything was fine... I'm a bit scared though as I'm sure you can all imagine.:cry:
Oh elizabean i can imagine the worry! Hope all ok xxx will they scan you again or just use doppler for hb?

Jrepp i love your attitude! I often feel bad cos most us are moving on but we are totally her 100% to back you up and support you, thats what this thread is for and not to make you feel down, if you feeling down you can say so because odds are someone on here knows how you feel <3 i say daydream and pinterest ideas away, it will come true! Im loving the gender reveal party! I wish id done that cos i think now by the third its not really proper and also my sons tells everyone he knows anyway.

Grgirl have a fabulous wedding tomorrow x
Still stalking ladies just got my own problems at the moment with eldest (he has autism):cry:

Elizabean - Fingers crossed that everything is okay for you :hugs:

JR - We don't have baby showers in the UK - but I also dream about how I would reveal:flower:

GR - Have a lovely day - it goes by so fast - so take some time when just you and hubby can be alone - don't fall asleep :sleep: :haha:

Munchkin - I think everyone on this thread has a reflective day - I have been doing it quite a lot lately and although I don't want to give up I may have my hand forced (as you all know hubby is not fussed either way) and I am having some major problems with my eldest - so I ask myself would it be fair to have another and then the yearning takes over and I think well whatever I will manage :flower:

LL - How are you these days:happydance:

Love to all the pregnant ladies (lots of them on this thread now) so that gives me hope - even though some of you are a lot younger than me - think I might be the dinosaur of the group:haha:

Love to the few ladies still trying:dust::dust::dust:

AFM - Apart from the problems with my eldest - just :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Elizabean - Sorry to hear about the spotting, I hope the scan puts your mind at enough ease though...spotting seems to be so common, i'm not sure why noone speaks about it openly (except on these forums!) x

Garfie - Why, how 'young' are you? :) I'm 36 (will be 37 when baby arriveS)....how old's everyone else out of interest?

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