Apple - I totally get being scared to dtd but I don't think anything can happen if you do. If you aren't comfortable with it by all means, wait until you are ready......but I hope you're at least helping your hubby out a little in other ways.
Hubby and I dtd last night, but I feel bad because I was numb so I didn't feel much. Poor guy tried his hardest but I couldn't get aroused. We are going to have some fun tonight too. I had a huge glob of ewcm that reached all the way into the toilet. I had a lot of cramping about 2 hours ago, so I think I ovulated. I had to take a #2 shortly after, so it might have been an urge to use the restroom though. I am still having some mild cramps in my ovaries (and it felt like they both released an egg).
So if I did o, we dtd -6, -5,-4,-3x2,-1 and hopefully day of o. I read that sperm can last for an average of 48 hours up there so the swimmers from both times Tuesday and the guys from last night should still be going strong. Swimmers can make it up in as little as 30 minutes so if we get it in when I get home the egg should still be alive by the time they get up there.