waiting to test countdown

Hi there:hi: could I join in the fun?:winkwink:
My name is Abi, my hubs is Nick and together we made a gorgeous daughter who just turned 1 on the 16th:kiss: she is our whole world. We are now ttc our 2nd bub and would like a boy but we will absolutely be over the moon for another lil girl too:blush:
I am currently having 29 day cycles but I didn't take my first opk until cd15(because I ordered opks and preseed online but didn't get it till that day) and that was also when I got the + so I am assuming I ovulated on the 22nd(cd16) which puts me at 8dpo today. I am testing on Aug 3rd but shouldn't get af until the 5th unless she makes an early appearance. My only symptoms really are cramping and fatigue, I did have shooting pains in my boobs and some twinges today but I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
Hope you all are doing well:flower:
hey gals, im waitin to test too.:coffee: dunno when or if i o'd but theres a chance, always... maybe my hormones are just all messed up...who knows :shrug:

if i dont get my BFP just hoping the :witch: comes quick so i can start temping and charting my stuff and see whats goin on...

good luck to you all!!!!:flower:


Your right theres always a chance I just hope and pray this is it. If not im with you hope the :witch: come on time and not play here tricks I hate to get hopes up that's why I started temping so I wont be all obsessed it works sometimes Lol
Hello Abii sticky baby dust to you. I have wandered about preseed is it just for if you don't have enough Cm or can you use it even if you have lots of Cm.
babysalazar: yah i really appreciate being able to see whats going on with hormones and ovulation or not lol. it was cool cause the month i concieved ligia i could tell my chart was a preggo chart before i tested cause it was triphasistic. i would be happy if i got a bfp this month, but i feel like chances are good that its just part of the post partum crazy hormone train... good times haha. still hoping though... praying that i will get my bfp at the right time. whenever that will be. :thumbup: hope you are having a good night!
o0o0 a pact sounds good! oh my gosh its such a long wait...
Ahhhh I think I have a bit of a POAS addiction.

I have a good feeling that one of us will get a BFP... Good luck everyone!

Does anyone have any tips on distracting yourself during the TWW?
I have full time work AND full time uni and somehow I still manage to CONSTANTLY think about it. Every little twitch, every headache, every wave of sickness... Even when its way too ridiculously early for anything to have even happened yet!
Nothing keeps me busy enough to not test I just keep telling my self its was too early just 8 more days until some of us test and even less for some of us come on ladies what do we want a lot of fake negative then a positive or a great big fat bfp first test of the month. In stead of posing pictures asking what people think standing under the light on your head with the test held upright and you think you seen a line. Wouldnt it be so much easier if we just waited and got beaming bfp so strong you could see it in the dark! One of us must get it this month theres like 5-6 of us :) good luck girls one of us here is pregnant and it wont be long before we will know. Good luck to you all xx
oh my gosh how amazing would it be... No squinting... no staring at nothing until something appears... just a BFP! Ah the dream.

Feeling good for you all :)
It must happen to at least on of us lucky ladies this month, how long has everyone been trying? We started trying in march after my implant removal so about 4 month, is this peoples first baby? I have a son finnley who turned 2 earlier this month hes a little angel :) x
We tried previously for a year but without success... we had a break from trying after I had a bit of a complete breakdown (eep) and now after getting myself in order and feeling good about things as well as sorting out other aspects in my life, we are trying again!

We are TTC#1. My husband is a teacher and so I already know that he is great with kids... I cannot wait until I get to see him be a dad!

Alex - Finnley is such a cute name!
Thank you :) thank god we had a boy because that was the only name we could agree on. Oh I cant even imagine how hars you must be finding it, I really do hope this moth is youe month you deseeve it a hell of a lot more than me, having finnley brought out my partners inner child, he bought him a jigsaw a couple of weeks ago and wouldnt let him touch it because he was playing with it haha its lovely to watch them together x
Ok ladies, we are in the midst of another day of waiting....only 7 more days to go for me. My obsession comes in waves where one minute I think I am and can't wait to test and then the next minute I know I'm not pregnant and would hate to see a bfn again.
I agree that between us all one of us has to be pregnant. Either way I am thankful I have you guys to wait with.
Im exactly the same my emotions are like a roller coaster one minute I think there's no way I cant be pregnant weve only missed 3 days of dtd then the next minute I think its just my luck that one of those days will absolutely be the day I needed his swimmers :S you just cant help but stress and the more you hear your trying too hard stop thinking about it the more you stress about it it is impossible to stop trying once you start! I am so thankful I have you all to talk to someone who knows exactly what im going through who are just as desperate to have a baby, who would of thought that tge most natural thing in tge qorld could be the hardest thing in the world to achieve :( x
The pressure and the stress can be overwhelming. My poor husband has been trying to understand and he wants a baby but his thoughts are "it'll happen naturally, just relax" my thoughts are the exact opposite. He doesn't understand the science behind it like trying different pills and planning when to BD but he says he knows that using monitors, opks and everything else makes me feel better so do it. I had him on Fertilaid (spelling is off) a few months ago and I went to order some more and he said no....he didn't want to take anything that is not FDA approved. He is taking Geritol (they say there is a baby in every bottle) and we compared vitamins and minerals and that's what convinced me to not order anymore. And I have no idea if Fertilaid is FDA approved but for a baby I would have him take close to anything lol
I must say that the monitors and opks don't really make me feel better....its stressful...but at least I feel like I have some control over something that is just so uncontrollable.
The pressure and the stress can be overwhelming. My poor husband has been trying to understand and he wants a baby but his thoughts are "it'll happen naturally, just relax" my thoughts are the exact opposite. He doesn't understand the science behind it like trying different pills and planning when to BD but he says he knows that using monitors, opks and everything else makes me feel better so do it. .

I understand this TOO well...my husband wants a baby too but HATES when I tell him it's my fertile period and we should get down to business...or even if we're doing it every other day and he's tired, he doesn't want to be forced to. It gets me very upset b/c it's like, I'm doing 10 different things here, all you have to do is show up!!! But we'll see, maybe I'm making it more stressful than it needs to be, but I'm a type A personality. I don't feel right unless I'm charting, opk etc. I'd hate to miss a month b/c he doesn't feel like it esp b/c we do it naturally so much anyway [sorry tmi lol] - maybe next month I just wont tell him it's that time, I bet he'll want bd moreso lol.
prolley a good plan, just dress all sassy and pretend u r just really into him that week :shhh:
prolley a good plan, just dress all sassy and pretend u r just really into him that week :shhh:

Hahaha exactly!! You read my mind...well if there is another month...keeping my fx for a :bfp: this month despite my wonky bbt chart...
:lol: i think thats the ticket! sometimes the details arent as interesting to our hubbys as they are to us... plus i think for a man pressure and preformance arent super compatible... hehe.. good luck tho, go to the lingerie store and chart out when to use it... ha... than everyody is happy, good luck buddy!!! :thumbup:
I understand this TOO well...my husband wants a baby too but HATES when I tell him it's my fertile period and we should get down to business...or even if we're doing it every other day and he's tired, he doesn't want to be forced to. It gets me very upset b/c it's like, I'm 10 different things here, all you have to do is show up!!! But we'll see, maybe I'm making it more stressful than it needs to be, but I'm a type A personality. QUOTE]

I'm type A personality too and I feel the same, all they have to do is jsut show up. My husband and I went out of town Sunday and I asked him how could I make it less stressful and he said to not tell him when I am fertile. So if there is another month, I will keep my mouth shut but when I want it, he has to give it up lol

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