Waiting to try until 6 months pp?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
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DD will be 6 months old on June 10 and we are planning on TTC # 2 at that time. Are we crazy? :haha: Should I give my body more time to heal? I am 33, will turn 34 in August and DH is 35 so I worry time is not on our side. Anyone else in the same boat or have a close age gap? Advice / experience would be appreciated. Thanks in advance ladies! :)
Hi :) I'm Regina , I'm 41 and my LO is almost 11 weeks old . As you can see I'm late to the game ;) lol .. Had mmc when I was 40 at 11 weeks . I really want a sibling for LO so want to try again as soon as I can. Am breast feeding so no sign of AF yet . Will BF exclusively till LO starts solids so have to wait to ttc a little while longer :( ...............
The general rule is 9 months to bake a baby, 9 months for your body to heal. Some people feel that their body is ready sooner, some take longer. In general though, back to back pregnancies are hard. This isn't something I've gone through, but what I've seen through friends.

If you feel you will be okay and able to manage your LO alongside all the joys that pregnancy can throw at us, go for it. Only you will know if you feel ready emotionally and physically.

Left wonderin - AF returned for me at 3.5m pp even though I was EBF!! You might get it back sooner than you expect :)
For me personally I don't know if I would have another baby six months after the first one but that's me. If you feel ready then I don't see the problem.
We conceived our third (by accident) when our second was 6 months old, the pregnancy was quite difficult as i kept getting ill with low white blood cells and mystery virus's but i wouldnt change it now for the world, the age gap is lovely but it was quite draining having 2 in nappies etc lol. Just consider the practical things aswel such as double pushchair etc xx
Thank you ladies for your input. I do EBF and unfortunately AF returned at 8 weeks pp. Had it not returned yet, I wouldn't even be having these thoughts/ideas. :haha:
My doctor recommended 12 months minimum between pregnancies, but I imagine there's not a one size fits all time, I would probably wait that long if I'd of had a c section or difficult labour though, and/or difficult pregnancy. I would go on a bit of a health kick if trying that soon, get a healthy diet going, good fitness etc, make sure I'd lost previous weight. I guess we should all do that anyway :haha: but I'm sure we can help the healing process. It's more the two toddlers I'd find difficult, but I bet they'd be really close :)
We started ntnp around 3 months [now we're really crazy :haha:] but so far nothing. I would LOVE to get a bfp this next cycle but I think, for financial reasons, we're waiting to start actively TTC #2 in August [DD will be 9-10 months old if I get a bfp first go - which I doubt will happen as it took us 11 cycles to get DD]
I love the idea of a small age gap and if it were all up to dh we'd have been knocked up 6 weeks PP :wacko:
I do agree, though, that it's totally up to you and how you feel. There are plenty of women out there that are pregnant weeks after giving birth and end up with perfectly healthy babies - so 6 months is good in my book!
Personally I like big gaps, so perhaps I am biased, but from what I've read at least a year, preferrably two is best in between pregnancies so your body can heal and gain back nutrients etc. Babies with really small gaps are at higher risk of various issues, mostly because your body isn't really designed for gaps that small. I'd also be worried re. two toddlers together and stuff. But I can see the advantages of a small gap and compressing the "small child" years. As a PP said, if I wanted a tiny gap I'd be eating an incredibly nutritious diet, getting plenty of sleep and exercise and doing my pelvic floor exercises!
My nephews are a year apart to the day!

We are going to wait until Hattie is 12months then TTC. Conceiving her was so stressful, I just want I enjoy her first. Plus it will be more beneficial financially.

Em xxx
With my DS I tore badly and was advised to wait a year to get pregnant again. With my DD I had a nice easy delivery and at my 6 week check up my doctor OK'ed me to ttc again (not that I was planning on it I just asked because I wanted to know if we needed to wait another year). I have 21 months between mine and if DH had been up for it I'd have liked an 18 month age gap between 2 and 3. There are benefits to smaller and bigger age gaps, but at the end of the day if a smaller age gap appeals then I'd go for it! :)
Hi ladies! :hi: My baby will be 5 months on June 4th. We want another one soon, but we're planning to wait until she's a year old. I'm 34 (almost 35) and my age definitely makes me feel even more of a sense of urgency but I don't feel quite ready yet.
I'm pregnant with our second and the age gap will be 2y 9m but it took us 5 months to conceive, starting from when dd was 19 months old. I'd like to start ttc earlier for our third and last baby, maybe 9 months to a year pp. I had complications having dd as well as pnd though so I'm going to see how things go with this one before deciding for definite.
I have been wanting to ttc (we both have) since she was 6 weeks old! But we are getting married in September and my dress has no room to grow so we have to wait 3 more months, when she'll be 9 months, to ttc
I had mine close together. The risks, they say, are that the second baby could be premature or low birth weight if your body hasn't fully recovered. Well, I guess that depends on the person. I had a completely healthy second pregnancy, which lasted 41+6 and baby was born 10lb 2oz. Do what you feel is right for you. I was ebf when I conceived our second.
I had mine close together. The risks, they say, are that the second baby could be premature or low birth weight if your body hasn't fully recovered. Well, I guess that depends on the person. I had a completely healthy second pregnancy, which lasted 41+6 and baby was born 10lb 2oz. Do what you feel is right for you. I was ebf when I conceived our second.

Sorry for the late response, but were you able to continue breastfeeding thru your pregnancy? I've read that a lot of times our milk will dry up?
Hi, the milk supply carried on as though there were no difference. I breastfed until my daughter was 8 months (half way through the pregnancy) but could have continued.
So who is actively ttc now ??? I'm hoping to start next cycle when LO hits 6 months . I cannot wait :)
Not yet, but in about 6 months! Good luck to everyone!

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