Rach honey, I think it would be good for you to take some time for yourself, and grab life by the balls and make changes that you know will make you happy!! Take control of it...do some small things each day towards your ultimate goals and they will happen. TTC is so frustrating, but all the wishing and hoping in the world can't make it happen. Easier said than done, but try not to let it consume you, because it's one of the few things we REALLY have no control over!!
Confused your bean is absolutely perfect!!! So happy for you!!
Moo- it's the same in Canada (well, NB anyway)...if I was under 35 I wouldn't even get an ultrasound until 20 WEEKS!!!! Can you believe they do that shit to people?! That's way too late to find out that something is wrong.
I would normally also have to wait until 12 weeks for my high risk scan, but due to my harassment skills, I have one at 10 weeks (but still hoping for a call this week). It's totally torturous for them to make us wait. BUT...I'm sure everything is fine, with both of us...and things will work out
JKB...I can't watch the video you posted atm because I'm at work, but that's exactly how I feel about my MC. That I was given something special even though it was so devastating that I lost it...and I need to be happy, even for that. I found a lot of peace thinking about it that way.
Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday! Sons of Anarchy season finale tonight...omg....!!! Can't wait.