We Love Chart Stalking

Hi eternity:hi:
So it seems to me like cd 7 is too early for a positive OPK. Are your cycles regular? How long are your cycles usually? What kind of OPKs are you using? I find that using the cheaper ones are good and then when you think you've got a positive, that's when I use the clear blue digital OPKs (the ones that show a smiley face if it's positive)
But going by your chart so far, it looks like you are gearing up to O, but haven't yet. Keep bding until you have a significant temp rise three days in a row. Also, it's not unheard of to get a positive OPK and then O 5 days or even a week later. (usually its 24 to 36 hours after)
Hope this helps, the key is to keep on bding:)


So I think I'm going to wait it out, it's too late to go to the doc because my OH is leaving tomorrow. But we are going to bd tonight and tomorrow morn. If O haven't Od or gotten a positive OPK by Friday I'm going to call and make an appointment to get an ovulatory ultrasound on Monday, and if I have a nice big follicle or two ill have them give me the trigger shot. How's that sound? I hope I O on my own though, he might bump me up to 150mg if not:( I'm still havein hot flashes from the last round!
Hoping you o now or when oh is back :) if not your plan sounds like a good plan :)
Sounds like enought bd to get you through the next few days incase :) but booking the scan sounds good so you know whats going on with your body :)

Hot flashes on clomid are murder aren't they! Poor you :hugs: :hugs:
Thank you so much for your help.
I use the smiley opk, but I do O quite early (cd9 last cycle, 13 cycle before)
Then I have a longer LP (2and a half - 3 weeks)

I was very tired and stressy this morning so I was at the end of my tether :blush: but I'm pretty sure I should be Oing today as watery cm is turning ewcm.

Thank you again!! :hug: this charting malarky is all new to me.

Congrats to those in this thread already with their bfps, and lots of :dust: to those still trying!! :hugs:
eternity- That's really interesting. I think it is a good thing that you are charting. You may find that you are having an early LH surge but then don't release the egg until 4-7 days later. That would give the illusion that your LP was longer. :shrug: just a theory.
Once your temp rises you can be sure you've O'd. But keep on :sex: 'till then :)
Hi ladies!!! Hope everyone is doing well!!
I thought I would stop by and give an update!
Monday was DH TESE/Biopsy. We didnt get the great news we expected...doc only found a few sperm and thinks it could be a reproductive issue. We were devastated....until... Yesterday we got the call from the IVF clinic for me to start my BCP because they have 2 vials of sperm...you only need one per IVF cycle!!!! We are beyond excited. It has been a rough couple of days. DH is beyond sore and has had fevers on and off. I feel helpless, but now that we found out there is enough sperm for 2 IVF cycles(hoping it works on first try), it makes him feel better....like all this pain he is going through was worth it.
So thats where we are at now....IVF here I come!
Yay Stinas! So happy for you, best of luck for you IVF!!!! I'm sure we will be pregnant together. That's awesome!
Thanks Ash!!! We are super excited! I almost freaked out when the doc told me he only found a couple...I must have looked like I saw a ghost. He wants to put DH on meds and go back in a few months. DH & I have agreed thats kind of pointless since we did get enough sperm this way. Plus I cant watch DH go through this again, with just a small chance they may find more. Its just crazy. Never ever in my life did I think I would be going through this. Its just madness. Thank god they found some more in the samples. We are soooo thankful!
I hope we become bump buddies Ash!!!!
Congrats to you and your oh Stinas looking forward to your Ivf :hugs:
Stinas- congrats on being able to do IVF! And two rounds! That's great news! :hugs: Keep us posted, hope your DH feels better soon!
Thanks ladies!!!
DH is feeling good enough to get back to work today. He says hes still sore but hes glad he is getting back to his normal routine.

Ash - I am on the BCP's right now until the 22nd...then I go in for bloodwork and ultrasound that wed...the 25th i believe...then I get the meds that day. I think I will start that day.
When do you start?
Stinas- great you are able to start Ivf this month- everything crossed for you :dust:

Ash- I can't find your journal hope you are ok?
Thanks Scerena!! I hope your injectables work this cycle! Did they ever tell you why you havent fallen preg yet?
Yes I never ovulated on my own until after my operation (ovarian drilling) now my body is doing its job I have a chance :)
Thanks I am 13dpo I don't think this injectable cycle is mine so I am hoping next cycle is :)

Glad to hear your oh is getting better that is great news :)
Oh yes...I think you told me once before...I just get all my bnb buddies confused after a while.
You just never know until the old witch shows!

Thank you! DH is doing better...hes back at work and tom am we are off to the Bahamas. He is not allowed to go in the water, but he think he can bag his balls and dip in here and there lol I cant wait to see that.
I am the same I ask all my buddies stuff again as I forget sometimes who's got what etc easily done :)

Very true until the :witch: shows in still in the game :)

How lovely the Bahamas how long are you going for? Enjoy your break :) and you know af won't interrupt! Aw bless him would be funny to watch though :haha:
Your have to throw buckets of water over him to cool him down lol!
We are going for 5 days. I wish we can stay longer, but DH cant take too much time off of work.
I bought him these fans that spray water...two of them...plus they have showers everywhere, so im sure he can manage. Hes not working, so im sure he will be fine lol hot and sweaty, but he will get over it.

I forget everything!!! I cant even keep up with my own stuff going on in my life lol

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