Weight Loss While TTC Support Group

Hi Everyone! May I join? I'm looking to drop some lbs while ttc as well. We are on cycle 3 of trying to conceive #2. I went into my last pregnancy a good 30lbs above my normal weight (it was our first year of marriage and we really enjoyed our food) and then proceeded to put on 70lbs during pregnancy! When I delivered I was 228. I started watching what I was eating immediately and at my 6 week postpartum checkup I was 190, probably a good 20lbs or so was water and all that other stuff that comes with the baby. I started working my butt of with isagenix & a lot of exercise and managed to lose it all with a few lbs to spare. I maintained it through spring and summer, but started to put back on lbs in September and have put back on a good 20lbs :dohh: I started dieting and working out again last Monday and have lost 5lbs, yay! :happydance:

Starting weight: 141 last Monday
Today: 136
Goal: 120

And :hi: Mommyb!!! I also own and love the Brazilian Butt workout dvds! They are awesome and really do give great results if you are consistent. I just need to get consistent with them :blush:
Hi Everyone! May I join? I'm looking to drop some lbs while ttc as well. We are on cycle 3 of trying to conceive #2. I went into my last pregnancy a good 30lbs above my normal weight (it was our first year of marriage and we really enjoyed our food) and then proceeded to put on 70lbs during pregnancy! When I delivered I was 228. I started watching what I was eating immediately and at my 6 week postpartum checkup I was 190, probably a good 20lbs or so was water and all that other stuff that comes with the baby. I started working my butt of with isagenix & a lot of exercise and managed to lose it all with a few lbs to spare. I maintained it through spring and summer, but started to put back on lbs in September and have put back on a good 20lbs :dohh: I started dieting and working out again last Monday and have lost 5lbs, yay! :happydance:

Starting weight: 141 last Monday
Today: 136
Goal: 120

And :hi: Mommyb!!! I also own and love the Brazilian Butt workout dvds! They are awesome and really do give great results if you are consistent. I just need to get consistent with them :blush:

Welcome! We are have very similar stories! I too started my 1st pregnancy overweight, then continued onto gain about 70lbs too, I was 230 the day before I delivered :dohh: thankfully for us both of us SOME of that was baby! I dropped to about 200 for my postpartum visit. But then had to wait to lose more with exercise since I had a csection. But thankfully once I was cleared for exercise I got down to the 170s, but then lost all motivation till now. Congrats on your first 5 lbs! I feel like starting is the hardest part, so good work! This is cycle 4 for me ttc #2. Hope we both get our bfp's! And I think we both learned our lessons and hopefully only gain the recommended weight for our next pregnancies! I was so disgusted with myself for letting it get so bad, risking mine and dd's health :nope:

We can do it!!!
Did butt and thigh aerobics video today and will go for a bike ride with dh and dd this evening since we have gorgeous weather!

My brother in law has his bday on Saturday, I'm baking the cake for it. I can't wait to have a slice!!!! :blush::haha: I'm not gonna have a huge piece but I'm also not going to never have a treat either. I'm just trying to limit them to bdays and holidays, since there is one almost every month!
Our stories are similar! I actually ended up with a complicated labor that ended in emergency c as well. I'm also hoping for a v-bac and will need to drive an hour to the hospital when it comes time as the one near me won't do them. I hope you're able to get your bfp soon and a v-bac too!
Our stories are similar! I actually ended up with a complicated labor that ended in emergency c as well. I'm also hoping for a v-bac and will need to drive an hour to the hospital when it comes time as the one near me won't do them. I hope you're able to get your bfp soon and a v-bac too!

I haven't even discussed that with my doctor yet to see how she handles vbacs if she is a nope 1 csection, forever more csection type doctor, that won't even consider vbac, I will find another once I'm pregnant again. I didn't think about the hospital it self not allowing for vbacs! Thought it was just a doctors choice, will have to find that out too!
Yeah, you actually have to find a doctor that will do them and a hospital that will allow them. Then you have to hope that that doctor has privileges at that specific hospital! It's a real scene. I lived in Chicago when I had my daughter so I needed to find a new doctor here in California anyway so I started looking for one that does v-bacs. That's when I found out that some hospitals had no v-bac policies. I wouldn't have thought it would be such a challenge, but I guess not living in a major city anymore can limit your choices.
Hi id like to join too if you dont mind. I do slimming world and this month was my first month on clomid.
I started at 254lb and currently 233lb and would like to get to 140lb. However long itll take me to reach my goal im determined.
Hi id like to join too if you dont mind. I do slimming world and this month was my first month on clomid.
I started at 254lb and currently 233lb and would like to get to 140lb. However long itll take me to reach my goal im determined.

Welcome! Sounds like you are off to a great start! Good for you!:happydance: Never heard of slimming world, are they videos? Or a plan?

How long have you been ttc? Hope the clomid works for you!
Yeah, you actually have to find a doctor that will do them and a hospital that will allow them. Then you have to hope that that doctor has privileges at that specific hospital! It's a real scene. I lived in Chicago when I had my daughter so I needed to find a new doctor here in California anyway so I started looking for one that does v-bacs. That's when I found out that some hospitals had no v-bac policies. I wouldn't have thought it would be such a challenge, but I guess not living in a major city anymore can limit your choices.

So frustrating! It's our bodies! It'd be different to me if I've had many c sections, but just 1 to me shouldn't disqualify you from vaginal birth in the future, so many women have successfully had vbacs, it's not like it's RARE for vbacs to be safe... hope I don't have issues finding a doctor/hospital willing to at least CONSIDER it, I understand there is still that chance the I will need another...
Last night was anothe awful night, think I got MAYBE 3 hours sleep? :nope: I didn't want to but after getting caffinated I still did my workout! It was the cardio video with burpees, man those suck! :haha: Glad I didn't use sleep deprivation as an excuse, I feel better knowing I stuck to my plan. I didn't go over my Calories either. Bad nights used to mean I'd eat a ton the next day to make myself feel better.

CD 6 today, just some spotting today, so hopefully AF is completely gone tomorrow. Ready for this cycle to really start! Starting opks daily on CD 9

How are you ladies doing????
I heard someone refer to our cycles as "bucket list" time right before the O! I like the idea of getting in all the strenuous workouts before my next ovulation. I did serious time in the sauna today and got rid of a lot of water weight and toxins.

Tomorrow I'll focus on cardio and legs. Am I the only one who worries about working out too hard in the TWW? I just don't want to make a hostile environment for the little bean. Is that even what happens from working out really hard?
I heard someone refer to our cycles as "bucket list" time right before the O! I like the idea of getting in all the strenuous workouts before my next ovulation. I did serious time in the sauna today and got rid of a lot of water weight and toxins.

Tomorrow I'll focus on cardio and legs. Am I the only one who worries about working out too hard in the TWW? I just don't want to make a hostile environment for the little bean. Is that even what happens from working out really hard?

As long as you aren't straining yourself like crazy, being sore is fine but if you get too eager, try running a marathon or something, then you could throw off your cycle, since you'd be putting your body in survival mode. But normal amounts of physical activity (an aerobics video, moderate run, time on a machine, etc) are all perfectly healthy and won't affect your chances of conceiving. Just have to find the middle ground, you dont have to be sedintary or only go for walks, but don't get overly ambitious and push your body insanely hard. So no marathons or start body building or something and you will be fine :flower:

Many pregnant women still run, dance, do aerobics, etc till birth, so it's not gonna harm a little bean :flower:
Please may I join? I started trying to loose weight last year and I am still trying. I did quite well, but then my Dad passed away in August and I kind of ate my feelings for five months and piled the weight back on. :(

My starting weight is 143lbs and I would like to be 126lbs as i'm only 5 foot 4 inches and quite a petite build (before children anyway!).

I weigh in on a Monday as i'm doing a biggest looser type of weight loss challenge with a group of friends.
Please may I join? I started trying to loose weight last year and I am still trying. I did quite well, but then my Dad passed away in August and I kind of ate my feelings for five months and piled the weight back on. :(

My starting weight is 143lbs and I would like to be 126lbs as i'm only 5 foot 4 inches and quite a petite build (before children anyway!).

I weigh in on a Monday as i'm doing a biggest looser type of weight loss challenge with a group of friends.

Welcome! I've got you on the front page :flower: so sorry for your loss :hugs: I'm a stress/emotional eater too, so can't imagine going through a loss like that without gaining weight.

That's great that you are doing a biggest loser type challenge. I think the more people involved in your weight loss the better! :thumbup: what kind of stuff are you doing to lose the weight?

Good luck!!!
Made the cake for my brother in laws bday, I only licked the spoon a couple times while making it, haha! Can't wait to have a slice!!!! I've been under my calorie limit all week so it will be fine :thumbup: had a small slice of the Hershey pie my sister brought yesterday, I would've passed on it but only had a 250 calorie frozen meal for dinner so had the extra calories to spend.

Didn't get my workout in yesterday :growlmad: got so busy making the cake and we went out to a dealer and bought a van, so didn't have time. Normally tomorrow would be my day off, so I'll just make it up then.

Super excited about the mini van, now i can take the jogging stroller to parks too, so I don't get sick of running in my sub!

Weigh in day for me is tomorrow, I know it's tapered off, but think it's been another 2 lbs or so, which is still really good!
Hi ladies!

Sorry I've been away. Honestly, I could make up all the excuses in the world, but the truth of the matter is, I was just embarrassed. I wasn't doing much in the way of weight loss. :blush:

I did, however, get my plan made up and while I didn't start it when I originally intended, I finally started it today and I'm so proud of myself. I kept trying to make up excuses and put it off (Oh, I'll start tomorrow at the beginning of the week :dohh: ) but I finally convinced myself to do it. :happydance:

I'm doing a combination of 30 day challenges to kind of get back into the swing of things. So my workout routine consists of crunches, leg raises, push ups, and squats. I'm hoping to get some cardio in, but I'm not quite sure what to do that would help me get back into the swing of things slowly. I was thinking of going for walks, but the bitter cold of Wisconsin makes walks difficult to keep up with.
Thanks very much for the welcome and for adding me to the front page! :)

There are 10 of us including myself and we all paid in £20 to the "pot". Whoever looses the highest percentage of their original body weight by the end of 8 weeks gets all the money and the only condition of winning is you have to spend all the money on something nice for yourself.

I'm not doing so good yet. I lost 3.5lbs the first week but then last week I gained 1lb!! I'm blaming AF but it's really piss poor will power, lol!

I've just mainly been making healthier choices. Cutting way down on bread, no biscuits or crisps in the house, meal planning for healthy meals etc. I swear I could loose a good few lbs a week from not eating a massive bag of sweets every night!!! I've got better at that but been dipping into the kids left over chocs from Xmas this week.

I'm away from the PMT craving zone now though so I'm going to have another good week this week. I'm going to try to run at least twice too. :)
Can I join?
Goal: 130
Current: 181
Lost: 5lbs

I have an almost 3 year old...gained about 40lbs with him but lost it all super quickly (less than 2 weeks). But then I just slowly gained and gained. I had actually lost 10 lbs before Christmas but gained most of it back and now I'm back in the gym and trying to eat more responsibly. We are TTC #2 and I just REALLY want to lose some weight...I was terrified of going over 200 with my first (I didn't) but I obviously would if I got pg now and didn't keep exercising.

i would love to join, if there's room for one more?

i got married (legally) in august 2013 but we didn't move in together until november and then just had our wedding last june. since moving in together, i've gained about 20 pounds and would like to lose those pounds! currently at 144 and would like to get to at least 130, but mostly just be stronger, since muscle weighs more than fat, yeah yeah yeah:roll: also would love to fit back into all my clothes.:dohh: (simultaneously, we are going to start TTC again in february, so not sure how far i will get with all this?:shrug:)

i have a fitbit, but haven't used it in months, and previously used an app to calorie count, but it never seems to stick. also calorie counting made me really grumpy.:haha:

i eat fairly healthy, though i have a weakness for candy and chips and guacamole/cheese queso. am currently in the process of training my brain/body to like a small bowl of frozen fruit instead of candy. sort of semi successfully.:blush: mostly i feel like if i add legit exercise, i don't (yet?) need to make huge alterations to my diet.:shrug:

this past thursday, i tried this class at the gym called PiYo (basically using pilates and yoga poses but it makes them more like moves to make it cardio) so i'm trying to come up with a workout plan i can stick with. my husband wants to go to the gym most days, so i will go with him, but i'm still trying to figure out what days i'm actually going to be able to make it to the gym. the PiYo class kicks my butt so hard i don't think i will be able to go to the gym on the day after PiYo. it's offered tuesday, wednesday, thursday, so not much room for arranging the schedule.

my husband and i went to the gym today, and here's what i did:
- stationary bike for 10 minutes (20sec hard, 40sec recovery) then a 2 minute cool down
- a bunch of machines (lat pull down, row, leg press, crunch machine, 1 chest machine but it hurt so i used dumbbells to finish)
- 1 mile run

so am thinking something like...

M: gym + 1 mile run
T: PiYo class
W: rest/walk
T: Piyo class
F: rest/walk
S: gym + 1 mile run
S: 1 mile run

suggestions? thoughts?

hope to find some accountability and friends too!:friends:
Hi id like to join too if you dont mind. I do slimming world and this month was my first month on clomid.
I started at 254lb and currently 233lb and would like to get to 140lb. However long itll take me to reach my goal im determined.

Welcome! Sounds like you are off to a great start! Good for you!:happydance: Never heard of slimming world, are they videos? Or a plan?

How long have you been ttc? Hope the clomid works for you!

Hi, Slimming world is like a UK based diet plan and you attend weekly group.

Ive been TTC since a MC in may but i had to use clomid to conceive my son so the Fertility specialist thought it was the best way to go this time too. This is my first cycle but i fell with my son on the first cycle so im cautiously optimistic :happydance:

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