Weight Loss While TTC Support Group

aidensxmomma: sorry you were having trouble getting started with your weight loss. Yay for starting!!! :happydance: Honestly for me it's the hardest part. I kept coming up with excuses, dd didn't have a good night so didn't feel like it, so on. Also kept eating awful saying I'll be better tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes and still eating bad, no worries, I'll just start caring TOMORROW. Th is went on for months before I was just disgusted with myself. Then I started and have kept it up for 2 weeks so far and feel so much better mentally and physically. I know what you mean with the cold, I prefer to be outside to workout but winter makes that difficult. Aerobics videos have worked well for me :flower: The crunches and such sound great!

Sausages: sorry for the 1 lb gained! I know what you mean about will power. The only way I lose weight is to not have any of my favorite snacks in the house, if they are there I can't help myself :blush: oh bread, how I love it and hate it! Haha, I still have some but also cut way down on it, so many calories!! Candy is just something I can't have at all, for now at least. Running is great! I feel like that's the easiest way for me to burn calories, I've been getting out when I can but I hate the cold, so don't do it often, can't wait till spring and I can run more! Good luck to you! :flower:

JohnsPrincess: welcome! You have been added :flower: congrats on starting your weight loss with 5 lbs! Ugh it's the worst when you gain back the weight you already lost. I hate when I do that cuz I'm like "I did this already!" I get excited about losing the weight but then think to myself this is weight I lost before! I've done it so many times, you'd think I'd learn my lesson! :dohh: TTC has been a great motivator for me, like you said, if I start out at the weight I was/am I'd be close to 200 again, and don't want to be! Not healthy for me or baby. What kind of stuff are you doing to lose the weight?

Jumpingo: welcome, you've been added too! With ttc I'm just getting as far as i can with the weight loss, the healthy habits I want to keep up, but realize if I get pregnant (hopefully soon!) I won't get to my goal weight, that will just have to wait till after. But i dont want to see getting pregnant as a free pass again. I want to remain active with exercise and mindful of what I'm eating, only giving into the occasional craving and not ALL of them :blush: I can't wait for my fitbit to come! For me tracking calories is the only thing that works and keeps me accountable for what I eat, though I agree, it's a pain in the butt! Your exercise chart looks great to me! That class sounds interesting! I'd love to do classes but no gym close by and I'm the type that the more out of my way I have to go the less likely I'll do it.

Youngmamttc: that would explain why I haven't heard of it! :haha: sounds similar to weight watchers here. Hope you get it on the first try again! That would be awesome! :flower:
Down another 3 lbs!!! :happydance: So close to the 150s! Can't wait to see that 5! It's been since before conceiving dd that I was in the 150's. Did elliptical on Saturday for 30 mins, longest time yet! and ran yesterday for 25 mins, also longest run! :happydance: normally yesterday would be my day off but missed Fridays workout. I'm trying really hard to stick to 6 days a week.

Also cd10, so starting opks and bding every other day. also scheduling an appt. Since this is 3rd month that I've had light bleeding a day or two after AF was completely gone. Want to get it checked out to make sure everything is fine, for just my health and TTC, hope it's nothing! Also hope if it is its something minor that doesn't affect ttc!
:hi: new members! I hope we're all able to achieve our weight loss goals while on our way to our BFP's!

Weighed in today at 133, 3 more lbs lost, yay! I should be O'ing in the next few days, hopefully we'll catch the egg and if not, that'll give me another month to get closer to my goal weight. My goal is actually a little lower because I want to give myself a little more cushion for pregnancy weight gain. I really want to control myself better and stay active this time around, but I think going into my next pregnancy at a lower weight will certainly help!
Weigh in today and I'm 140 lbs now so about 2lb lost since last week and 5lbs down in total. :)
I was great on my diet all week and gained! First time ever but im wondering if it may be related to clomid?
:hi: new members! I hope we're all able to achieve our weight loss goals while on our way to our BFP's!

Weighed in today at 133, 3 more lbs lost, yay! I should be O'ing in the next few days, hopefully we'll catch the egg and if not, that'll give me another month to get closer to my goal weight. My goal is actually a little lower because I want to give myself a little more cushion for pregnancy weight gain. I really want to control myself better and stay active this time around, but I think going into my next pregnancy at a lower weight will certainly help!

Yay! Congrats on the 3 lbs, that is great!!! :happydance:
O should be in the next days or so for me too, hopefully we both catch those eggies, if not I feel the same as you, I prefer bfp but another month of losing weight is good too, the lower we start our next pregnancies the better! :flower:

Weigh in today and I'm 140 lbs now so about 2lb lost since last week and 5lbs down in total. :)

Whoo hoo! Congrats on the 2 lbs! That is great! :happydance:

I was great on my diet all week and gained! First time ever but im wondering if it may be related to clomid?

That is so frustrating :hugs: I have heard of other women having some weight gain due to clomid :wacko: Hope this week is better! Maybe your body just needs to adjust? :shrug:

AFM: woke up with dd's cold :cry: so not feeling so great! Won't eat horrible just cuz I don't feel good. But will give myself a pass on working out if I don't feel up to it. Though I'd like to still try, maybe do something less intense...
Down another 3 lbs!!! :happydance: So close to the 150s! Can't wait to see that 5! It's been since before conceiving dd that I was in the 150's. Did elliptical on Saturday for 30 mins, longest time yet! and ran yesterday for 25 mins, also longest run! :happydance: normally yesterday would be my day off but missed Fridays workout. I'm trying really hard to stick to 6 days a week.

i'm going to try to stick to 6 days a week too. as of yesterday i was 6 for 8, but it was the first time i did this class at the gym and needed 2 days off.:dohh: but eventually i want to do at least something on the days after hard classes, even if it's just a jog or a walk.:thumbup: getting through the first couple weeks is just hard (i hope!).

:hi: new members! I hope we're all able to achieve our weight loss goals while on our way to our BFP's!

Weighed in today at 133, 3 more lbs lost, yay! I should be O'ing in the next few days, hopefully we'll catch the egg and if not, that'll give me another month to get closer to my goal weight. My goal is actually a little lower because I want to give myself a little more cushion for pregnancy weight gain. I really want to control myself better and stay active this time around, but I think going into my next pregnancy at a lower weight will certainly help!

:wave:shellgirl! 3 pounds - impressive! way to go!!

Weigh in today and I'm 140 lbs now so about 2lb lost since last week and 5lbs down in total. :)

on a roll!!:happydance:

I was great on my diet all week and gained! First time ever but im wondering if it may be related to clomid?

this is me!:roll: and i don't even have clomid to blame.:dohh: i have been exercising and pretty much switched all "bad" snacks to fruits and veggies, and i do let myself have a cup of chai tea with lots of creamer:blush: every other day or so, and still went up between last week and this week. when i joined this group, i gave the new weight, so we'll see what happens next week.:coffee:

how often do you guys weigh yourselves? once a week? we don't own a scale, so i can only weigh myself at the gym. sometimes i just run near home, and sometimes i go to the gym, and sometimes i go to the natatorium, so nothing set just yet. but it seems like i need to be more actively picking the same day and time or something...?:shrug:
Jumpingo: 6 days a weeks, as often as possible is awesome. It makes me feel so healthy, that one day is great to rest, but in the past I used to shoot for 3-4 days and I don't think that was enough.... I weigh in once a week, sometimes I cheat and check mid week to see how I'm doing but don't record those numbers. I try to keep it the same conditions, same time of day, before eating breakfast. ..

AFM: my fitbit came yesterday :happydance: I did a double workout since Tuesday I didn't feel up to it. So did my aerobics video, weights and 30 min run! I was feeling really good! Minus the slice of cake on the weekend and a couple extra snacks on Tuesday when I didn't feel good I've been really good this week but so far shows I gained a pound :growlmad: weigh in day isn't till Sunday, hopefully it will change by then! I'd be happy with even half a pound lost, but gaining anything will really make me mad!

O should be soon, got my first blinking smiley yesterday, doing smep, yesterday was a bding day then tomorrow, doing every other day till I get a positive or peak, then hopefully dh can manage 3 days in a row! Doctors appt Wednesday to ask about the light bleeding I've had at about cd 9 for 3 cycles now...

Hope all you ladies are doing well staying healthy and good luck ttc!!! Hope to hear about some bfps!
Hi ladies, may I join? :flower:

My stats:
Starting weight: 165
Current weight: 161
Goal: 140

Havent been 140 since before my son was born, so I dont know if its feasible at this point but I'll try for it!

DH and I have been ttc #2 since August, and have had 2 mc since then. One at 5 wks and the other at 11 wks. Currently we are going through some genetic testing so we are techinically ntnp until after our test results come back. Next genetic counseling apt is Feb 23.

As for working out, I enjoy going to group fitness classes so I usually go to classes (Zumba, Latin Hip Hop, strength training classes) about 4x week. I am using My Fitness Pal app on my phone to track calories.
i did PiYo yesterday at the gym and it went better than last week!:thumbup:

i wish they offered PiYo 3 or 4 days a week, because that plus 2 days of weight lifting and running would be perfect. i'm too much of a slacker to do anything at home with any consistency. having people i know in class who are somewhat "expecting" me there helps me.

if my husband gets his computer back together tonight (it's in pieces all over the living room floor at the moment:haha:), i might work out to something on youtube, but i have a therapy appointment this afternoon, so a nap on the couch might be more likely.:dohh:

hi kozmik:wave:
Can I join in?? I'm trying to eat healthily and lose weight while TTC. I have PCOS & for a while, didn't have any periods - The Drs think because of my weight. I lost 20lbs & my periods returned, along with ovulation! :D I've had a rough couple of months, December started with a chemical pregnancy & I've only just ovulated since then! I've gained weight because I eat when I'm stressed or upset :( My stats are:

Starting weight: 229lbs
Current weight: 219lbs
Goal weight: 140lbs

I can't believe my loss is down to 10lbs now :( How depressing!
Hi ladies, may I join? :flower:

My stats:
Starting weight: 165
Current weight: 161
Goal: 140

Havent been 140 since before my son was born, so I dont know if its feasible at this point but I'll try for it!

DH and I have been ttc #2 since August, and have had 2 mc since then. One at 5 wks and the other at 11 wks. Currently we are going through some genetic testing so we are techinically ntnp until after our test results come back. Next genetic counseling apt is Feb 23.

As for working out, I enjoy going to group fitness classes so I usually go to classes (Zumba, Latin Hip Hop, strength training classes) about 4x week. I am using My Fitness Pal app on my phone to track calories.

Welcome! You've been added :flower: We have similar stats, currently at 161 too, I put my goal at 145, but would love 140, but don't know if it's attainable since it's been so long :shrug: so I plan to get to 145 and anything past is just bonus :thumbup:

Sorry about your 2 mc :hugs: hope you get some answers at your appt!

Sounds like you are off to a great start! Congrats on the 4 lbs so far! :happydance: That is great that you have those classes to go to, more fun than an elliptical! I tried zumba once and loved it, super fun, but no gym near me..

i did PiYo yesterday at the gym and it went better than last week!:thumbup:

i wish they offered PiYo 3 or 4 days a week, because that plus 2 days of weight lifting and running would be perfect. i'm too much of a slacker to do anything at home with any consistency. having people i know in class who are somewhat "expecting" me there helps me.

if my husband gets his computer back together tonight (it's in pieces all over the living room floor at the moment:haha:), i might work out to something on youtube, but i have a therapy appointment this afternoon, so a nap on the couch might be more likely.:dohh:

hi kozmik:wave:

Glad the class went better this time! I can notice a difference with my workouts now too, still hard Luke they should be but I can keep up better! Do they offer any other classes you are interested in on the days PiYo isn't available? I understand what you mean about people expecting you. When I KIND A started trying to be healthier in the summer, I found other SAHM's to go for walks with so I'd be more likely to keep up with it and go since I was supposed to meet them. But then winter came and we stopped, and walking isn't enough for me, wasn't losing any weight...

There are soooo many free videos on youtube, it's awesome. I'm sticking with cafemom right now, but might try some others once I get bored with them :flower:

Keep up the great work!
Can I join in?? I'm trying to eat healthily and lose weight while TTC. I have PCOS & for a while, didn't have any periods - The Drs think because of my weight. I lost 20lbs & my periods returned, along with ovulation! :D I've had a rough couple of months, December started with a chemical pregnancy & I've only just ovulated since then! I've gained weight because I eat when I'm stressed or upset :( My stats are:

Starting weight: 229lbs
Current weight: 219lbs
Goal weight: 140lbs

I can't believe my loss is down to 10lbs now :( How depressing!

Welcome! You've been added to the front page :flower: that's great that your cycle has started to come back to normal! So sorry to hear about your chemical :hugs: I think many of us know how you feel about going backwards with weight loss, it can be super frustrating. I too am an emotional eater, makes it hard to stay consistent! Hope you have more success, with both TTC and WL! You can do it!!! :thumbup:
Yesterday I ran 30 mins WITH dd in the jogging stroller and it was windy, so the damn thing was like a sail going against the wind, it was rough but I did it! Back down to my 161 from Sunday weigh in, hope to be 160 or 160.5 this sunday, I'd hate to not lose ANYTHING this week, especially since I've been good! :growlmad:
today WAS my cardio aerobics video day but I did something to my neck this morning so sticking with the elliptical

Cd14 today O is any day now so we've been BDing as much as possible. Blinking smiley so far, hope for positive opk today! At least by tomorrow though...

SOOOOO hoping this is our lucky cycle!

How are you ladies doing??
So had a bad day yesterday, ate a whole bag of goldfish, 700 calories worth :dohh: I was so mad at myself, don't know why I did it, just kept grabbing handfuls at a time which didn't seem bad till the whole bag was gone. Feeling guilty and gross I did an hour on the elliptical to make up for it :thumbup: According to fitbit burned 730 calories. So hopefully I made up for my poor decision!

Going for a run later this afternoon and tomorrow will be my day off...

Maybe TMI, I but anyone else very irregular now while eating less calories? I know with eating less, there will be less waste. And read that it can take months for your body to adjust to new eating habits. just annoying, makes me feel bloated and gross. Only going every 2-3 days, ick :blush:
So had a bad day yesterday, ate a whole bag of goldfish, 700 calories worth :dohh: I was so mad at myself, don't know why I did it, just kept grabbing handfuls at a time which didn't seem bad till the whole bag was gone. Feeling guilty and gross I did an hour on the elliptical to make up for it :thumbup: According to fitbit burned 730 calories. So hopefully I made up for my poor decision!

Going for a run later this afternoon and tomorrow will be my day off...

Maybe TMI, I but anyone else very irregular now while eating less calories? I know with eating less, there will be less waste. And read that it can take months for your body to adjust to new eating habits. just annoying, makes me feel bloated and gross. Only going every 2-3 days, ick :blush:

when i was counting calories and really trying to eat healthy and lots of fruit and veggies, i had the opposite problem.:dohh: i had diarrhea so often, but i think was because a lot of things were high fiber foods. maybe try some of those to get things moving again?:shrug:

also, i have had a complete fail of a weekend, food wise. i went to the gym and did elliptical for 15 minutes and then lifted with my husband both days, but gained a whole pound between saturday and sunday!:huh:

am beginning to think that i don't have the self control to not do stuff like eat a whole bag of goldfish, so at least i'm going to the gym...as opposed to eating the goldfish and NOT going to the gym!:shrug::haha: baby steps! you are still working out, so probably deserve those goldfish!:winkwink:
Jumpingo: at least you are doing the gym, better then nothing! Eating is my weakness too, once I get into the habit of working out I don't mind it at all, but I love to eat :blush: I really try not to cut out all of my favorite things, just eat much less of them.

Enjoyed my day off yesterday. I weighed in and lost 1 pound, so at 160, come on 150s!!!!! SO CLOSE!! My goal is 2 lbs a week. But just happy to have still lost weight. Today I did the elliptical, I tried intervals instead of steady pace. Heard it's more effective at burning fat.

O is either today or tomorrow. Will know later this week once I see my temp rise. I'm ready to be in the TWW!
Jumpingo: at least you are doing the gym, better then nothing! Eating is my weakness too, once I get into the habit of working out I don't mind it at all, but I love to eat :blush: I really try not to cut out all of my favorite things, just eat much less of them.

Enjoyed my day off yesterday. I weighed in and lost 1 pound, so at 160, come on 150s!!!!! SO CLOSE!! My goal is 2 lbs a week. But just happy to have still lost weight. Today I did the elliptical, I tried intervals instead of steady pace. Heard it's more effective at burning fat.

O is either today or tomorrow. Will know later this week once I see my temp rise. I'm ready to be in the TWW!

woohoo!! good luck this week!!:thumbup:

i've read that about intervals too. in the turbo class i do at the gym, the instructor says a similar thing. after we get warmed up, we do an "old" routine then we practice (aka LEARN for me:haha:) a different routine once, to get our heart rates back down, and then do that routine hard. and then repeat with different routines and kicks and stuff. turns out to be two minutes easy two minutes hard. i started 2 thursdays ago, so i've almost been doing it for 2 full weeks.:bodyb: it's actually starting to be fun...!?:shock::haha:

as for ttc, i'm on CD2 and having the worst cramps ever. it was a struggle to get out of bed this morning.:dohh: am about to call for a telephone consult with the OB doc who did my miscarriage follow-up appt to talk about ttc and my upcoming colposcopy and timing and everything, but i am hoping we can at least try in february.[-o<
I am cautiously pregnant so my weight loss will have to go on hold until the end of the year. I will still be eating healthy though.

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