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Welcome to the ttc in fall group..........AUTUMN ACORNS!!!!

Ahh, you too are lovely my dear! :hugs:

With reguards to the game 'show me yours and I'll show you mine' We best all have BFP by the time we get to 'Z' as that will be all the way in November! :haha:

My nominee is on its way to you, and then I am off to bed, it's almost 3am here! I am such a night owl!

By the way, zumba rocks! I haven't been to a class in months but I'm thinking about getting the Wii game for it.

I know what you all mean by being worried about people knowing. Most of my family would say it's way too soon. Also, I know this sounds strange, but I'm a little worried about what my gynocologist will say. I have my yearly at the beginning of August, and she'll ask what bc I'm on. I'm afraid she'll say it's too soon after a c section. Ultimately it's my decisoin, but I really respect this woman, and I have a thing about doing what I'm told.:blush:
By the way, zumba rocks! I haven't been to a class in months but I'm thinking about getting the Wii game for it.

I know what you all mean by being worried about people knowing. Most of my family would say it's way too soon. Also, I know this sounds strange, but I'm a little worried about what my gynocologist will say. I have my yearly at the beginning of August, and she'll ask what bc I'm on. I'm afraid she'll say it's too soon after a c section. Ultimately it's my decisoin, but I really respect this woman, and I have a thing about doing what I'm told.:blush:
Well how long will it have been as of september???
By the way, zumba rocks! I haven't been to a class in months but I'm thinking about getting the Wii game for it.

I know what you all mean by being worried about people knowing. Most of my family would say it's way too soon. Also, I know this sounds strange, but I'm a little worried about what my gynocologist will say. I have my yearly at the beginning of August, and she'll ask what bc I'm on. I'm afraid she'll say it's too soon after a c section. Ultimately it's my decisoin, but I really respect this woman, and I have a thing about doing what I'm told.:blush:

Hope you're given the green light to TTC!

I've taken a few Zumba classes at my gym. They aren't bad. I prefer the treadmill and elliptical though (because they don't require coordination LOL)
Hakunamatata, I love your 2012 baby banner. So cute!
Name game: Simon

(Dont want us falling off the radar!)
Good Morning Ladies ~ :flower:

I have 10 votes for the group name, so if anyone else wants to vote ~
Please do so as soon as possible ~ List on PAGE 4

Name to be announced tommorow :happydance:

Also wondered have any of you girls told anyone you at WTT? If so, what were their reactions? If not, why not?

I have told my Sister ~ But only because I had been making a HUGE point that my Daughter was my last! :haha:

Hey! Add me to the TTC (late summer, early fall)!! =) SO EXCITED!!!!:happydance:

As for group names, I vote Precious Pumpkins!!

Hello & a Very warm welcome :flower: I have added your vote onto my list, so dont worry about not being able to PM me :winkwink: I think you do have to have had a certain number of posts before you can PM

By the way, zumba rocks! I haven't been to a class in months but I'm thinking about getting the Wii game for it.

:happydance: Didnt know it was on the Wii ~ Thought it was only on Xbox ~ Ooohh might get that then :happydance:
Name game: Emmerson

Ooo Kelly, I cant wait to see what our name will be :happydance:
Hello everyone! I'd love to join your group! You sound like a great bunch of ladies. Thanx Kelly(C75) for inviting me! Unfortunately I cannot reply to your pm or send one about the name or facebook group (yet). I guess I don't have enough posts yet?

Here's my story:
I'm from South Africa, and I have 3 children. My oldest son is 10 and the sweetest boy ever. I was in labour for 10 hours when I had to have a c-section because labour didn't progress (I'm an extremely tiny person, and he was a big baby!).

My daughter is the most adorable being, she's 7 and is special-needs. In mainstream school though. She's just been through a huge back operation (for a neural tube defect) but has recovered beautifully and her symptoms has improved tremendously beyond all odds. Her birth was a bit traumatic. She came early and my wish for a VBAC was squashed because she was in big trouble and had to be taken out immediately. So I had a 2nd c-section.

My youngest, another boy, is 3 and the spill around which all of us turns. He's quiet, peaceful and so calm. Such a lovely child to have. I thought about a VBA2C, but I was 4 days in early labour, after which my c-section scar started to bleed. So I had my 3rd c-section.

My dh only wanted 2 children, so he was adamant that our third was our last, but I've been sooooo broody and he relented to reconsider. I'm taking the next 3 months to get off birth control, start with folic acid and getting our finances in order to prove to my hubby we can indeed afford a 4th baby (I'm a SAHM so we only have 1 income). Then we can start TTC. I'm so excited and can't wait!! Though, I'm very scared for the c-section and spinal (had some bad experiences!) and how I'm going to cope with a baby, a special-needs child, another child in school with after-school activities and a toddler ontop of it!

Oh, and I'm scared of my age! I'm turning 37 next week! I fell pregnant with each child the first time I ovulated, but I'm older now, and scared of chromosomal defects.

About breastfeeding: I'm extremely pro-breastfeeding. My first son weaned himself age 15 months, I weaned my daughter after age 2, and my 2nd son weaned himself age 14 months after which I've now expressed for 2 years! Firstly due to his allergies, and secondly due to the fact that it kept my period at bay (I have endometriosis with horrible periods!) and it served as birthcontrol. I'm going to stop now within the next 2 weeks or so.

Shewie, sorry for this long introduction!

Welcome aboard. :flow:

Your family sounds wonderful, and a different mix of personalities. My OH and I wish for 4 children, although after a 2 we might get put off :haha:

I only have 1 baby, but I think the scary aspect comes from the unknown. We dont know how we will cope with 1 baby or 2 under 2, or in your case 4 children, but we somehow cope, because we have to.

I to am a SAHM, and I enjoy it so much, and cant wait to expand my family. It is lovely your OH has agreed to reconsider, which means there is hope. My OH's firsts thoughts when it comes to having a baby, is always money. I think because he doesnt deal with the bills/personal allowence he worries how we will cope. Where as I know what comes in, what goes out and the true cost of things in the shops. :haha:
Hi Girls :flower:

Just a reminder if you want to vote for our group name ~ The votes need to be PM'd to me by tommorow ~ If you cant PM because you are a new member, please just post your vote on this thread

The nominations are:

1.Perfect Pumpkins
2.Precious Pumpkins
3.Proud Pumpkins
4.Anxious Acorns
5.Amazing Acorns
6.Pumpkin Harvests
7.Autumn Stars
8.Autumn Angels
9.Fall Fantasies
10.Fall Fawns
11.Fall Fireflies
12.Autumn Harvests
13.Autumn Leaves
14.Autumn Seedlings
15. Autumn Acorns
16.Autumn Harvest
17.Harvest Moon
18.Harvest Moon Mamas
19.Preggo Pumpkins
Welcome 'BlueHadeda' :flower:So pleased you have joined us :hugs:

Im sure you'll love this group :happydance:

Lovely to hear your story ~ I also have had 3 csections now & would be having a fourth ~ Have you spoken to anyone medically about this yet ~ Im not sure what they would say to us? :wacko:
Morning everyone :)

Welcome to all the new members.
BlueHadeda fingers crossed you can convince your OH! You seem to have a wonderful loving family. I agree with others I think the fear for everyone with children is just the fear of the unknown you never really know how your going to cope with it but you always do :)

Today my house is a wreck as we are waiting to hear if hubby gets this job he has spent the last week and a half interviewing for. Huge prayers and fingers crossed ladies? This is what determines if we can TTC. Heck it determines if we can even keep affording ourselves (we will find a way but right now times are VERY rough).

Other then that things are pretty boring here. Going to spend the day cleaning and playing with Athena and relentlessly checking email and the phone.

Hope all you lovely ladies have a wonderful day. I feel honored to be accepted into this group :)
Today my house is a wreck as we are waiting to hear if hubby gets this job he has spent the last week and a half interviewing for. Huge prayers and fingers crossed ladies? This is what determines if we can TTC. Heck it determines if we can even keep affording ourselves (we will find a way but right now times are VERY rough).

Eeek, its a nerve-racking time for you & your Hubby
Will keep my fingers & toes crossed for you both
Just had a little thought.

Maybe in the first post where all members a listed, we can add a little detail next to them such as:

21year old mum of one little girl Amara Lee.
Lives in Portsmouth,UK.
Engaged to be married in September '11.
Birthday is 18 November.
WTT#2 < then change this is TTC#2 when the person is TTC.​

Something like that, what do you all think?

Could add a random fact to it as well, or whatever everyone else wants.

ETA: Could also put either a :blue: or a :pink: next to the gender of the baby we would secretly hope for.

Also think instead of listing our birthdays next to our names we should group all the birthdays in order underneath all the members info. :thumbup:?

Thanx all, it's a relieve to hear I'm not the only one scared of the unknown with adding another baby to the mix. Even though I desperately want another. And dare I say I hope for another little girl?

Oh, and sorry, I didn't mention that my name is Essie. I don't mind being called bluehadeda of course...they wake me every morning! :growlmad: :sleep:

Good luck Kellysays2u on your hubby's interview! Hope it's good news!

Well, I just went out and got myself some folic acid! .5mg....how much are you supposed to drink with a history of neural tube defects. Anyone know?
Just had a little thought.

Maybe in the first post where all members a listed, we can add a little detail next to them such as:

21year old mum of one little girl Amara Lee.
Lives in Portsmouth,.
Engaged to be married in September '11.
Birthday is 18 November.
WTT#2 < then change this is TTC#2 when the person is TTC.​

Something like that, what do you all think?

Could add a random fact to it as well, or whatever everyone else wants.

I like this idea! :thumbup:
Lovely to hear your story ~ I also have had 3 csections now & would be having a fourth ~ Have you spoken to anyone medically about this yet ~ Im not sure what they would say to us? :wacko:
I asked my doctor last year with my check-up and she said I have the green light to go ahead with a 4th! :happydance: She said there's no reason to worry about a 4th section these days...lots of women have them.

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