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Welcome to the ttc in fall group..........AUTUMN ACORNS!!!!

OMG A ZUMBA BUDDY!!!!! EEEEEKK!!! Im excited!!

My Friend was raving about Zumba the other day ~ I may have to look into this :happydance:

I have the Zumba dvds but i have never taken the classes. The DvDs are great for a workout, i should start getting into it again! I've heard the classes are better and more fun.

Thanks Elski, she is having quite a hard time with the whole thing. My dad died in a motorcycle crash 2 years ago so i know how hard it is to lose a parent at a young age :( She said she was going to go back to work in 2 days because she can't afford to take off!! I was like oh hell no you're not, i will work for you for a couple weeks and you can keep your paycheck.
Name Game: Isabell
There is so much going on in this thread! WOW!
I went to my first zumba class last week and it was awesome, I'm hoping to go this week as well! I'm also a yoga fanatic!
I can't believe that we have so many November birthdays, mine is the 30th.
I thought the average first birth was more than 12 hours, 18 sounds about right - everybody is just so different.
I'm so excited to have a lo and DH is super excited too! We tcc for 4 months, back in December - obviously with no luck. He's away at some more training right now and we will be reunited in august or september when we move to England! I will get to see him for memorial weekend - Yay :happydance: we've been apart for about 10 weeks now. I'm having some medical tests run currently so all of our short visits CANNOT result in a lo because I can't be pregnant during these tests :hissy:
IHeartBaby - Ahh, aren't you a lovely friend! She's very lucky to have you to support her. Sorry about your dad too :hugs:

Pixie - I hope your tests are ok and not anything serious x
Name game: Eva

Im so tired tonite (its only 9pm!) So im off to read in bed ~ Nite Nite Ladies
Name game: Andrew

Ah so many posts since I was at my mum's. Amara is in bed (hooray) so thought I would have a catch up.

Welcome all new comers! :wave: Stacey_Ann you are getting married 3 days before me! How exciting, how are the plans coming along?

My labour with Amara was 7.5 hours.
I had to be induced at 38+4 because I am High risk. I went in on the monday and they checked me over and I was 1cm dialated. They then gave me a pessary and said they would check my again in 4hours time. Well 4 hours went by and no one came to see me the rest of the day, they were too busy, so I had to wait until the next morning. Tuesday mornign arrives and i get taken back down to Labour ward at 10.30am. They checked me over and I was 4cm dialated, but could easily stretch to 5cm, so she broke my waters there and then, and put me on the drip to induce me. By 5.50pm i had only got to 6cms, and coping well naturally with the contractions. The contractions soon got SO painful, that I eventually took Gas and Air. About 20mins later I said that i was ready to push, and I started pushing. Midwife was telling me to stop pushing I wasnt really, and that she will check me. She checked me, and told me to start pushing :haha: I had gome from 6cm to 10cm in 20mins. I stopped using the Gas and Air at this point, and within 3 pushes she was out!

My contractions were so much more painful then actually pushing her out, I cant wait to do it all again!

When are the results for the group name being announced? I am glad everyone liked the banner thing, I can make it a bit better (with the aligning of words) once we have our name, that is if you dont mind me creating it?

Just a cheeky little bump!

Also wondered have any of you girls told anyone you at WTT? If so, what were their reactions? If not, why not?

Myself personally, I accidently let it slip to my sister (I got caught out) and she told me what a stupid idea it was, as Amara is so young and I need to focus on her while she is still young. I have also told my brother's GF, who is also a friend of mine and my bridesmaid. I can tell her anything really, as she is always supportive of my decisions, and always happy for me because she knows it will make me and OH happy.

I havent told my Parents/Grandparents/Aunties and Uncles/Other friends as I know what their reactions will be like: my sisters. I know the majority will worry because if I were to get pregnant then I would have 2 under 2, and basically looking after them on my own. I also think they believe I am easily led to depression. I suffered with depression after my MC (before Amara) but that was because I had lost my baby, and I personally knew the way I would get out of depression was by trying for another baby, and sure enough it worked. (Dont get me wrong, it doesnt stop me thinking about my baby I lost) Mainly my parents and nan will think that I should enjoy the time I have with Amara, which is true, but I just want to extend my family with my OH.

This is the reason why, if I do get pregnant this autumn, that I wont be telling any of them that I am pregnant (except bridesmaid friend) because I dont want to hear all they have to say, I got it enough when i was pregnant with Amara from OH's family. I hope that if I could keep quite until 16 weeks, then it wouldnt be long before I can announce the sex and maybe name of baby.

Sorry for the long ramble. :wacko:

ETA: It is just under 10 weeks until I can start TTC! :happydance::dance::yipee::headspin::smug::loopy::wohoo:
Hey! Add me to the TTC (late summer, early fall)!! =) SO EXCITED!!!!:happydance:
Hey! Add me to the TTC (late summer, early fall)!! =) SO EXCITED!!!!:happydance:

Welcome :wave: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? (I feel like a host on a quiz show):haha:

I'm Jess.


I'm Stacy. Been married 7 years this coming July! We have a beautiful 4 year old.... puppy! =) He's our baby! With my husband still in school and a lot of traveling and all we've put it off.. we've never been in any hurry although we LOVE kids and def wanted them one day.. but we decided once he gets his med school acceptance letter (and I have NO doubts about him being accepted) then we'll start trying!!!! It's such a scary but exciting thing to realize.. that YES! We ARE going to start trying. It's kind of like getting married. You dream about it, then it's SO surreal when it actually becomes reality! So now I've got a to-do list to get started! Appointments, cleaning and rearranging house.. all those fun things. Already got me some vitamins, and the What to expect when you're expecting book that was recommended to me.
Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome so far! I started on another forum, and everyone there seemed pretty hateful so I didn't post. You all seem much more of my kind of people! =)
Hey! Add me to the TTC (late summer, early fall)!! =) SO EXCITED!!!!:happydance:

Welcome :wave: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? (I feel like a host on a quiz show):haha:

I'm Jess.


I'm Stacy. Been married 7 years this coming July! We have a beautiful 4 year old.... puppy! =) He's our baby! With my husband still in school and a lot of traveling and all we've put it off.. we've never been in any hurry although we LOVE kids and def wanted them one day.. but we decided once he gets his med school acceptance letter (and I have NO doubts about him being accepted) then we'll start trying!!!! It's such a scary but exciting thing to realize.. that YES! We ARE going to start trying. It's kind of like getting married. You dream about it, then it's SO surreal when it actually becomes reality! So now I've got a to-do list to get started! Appointments, cleaning and rearranging house.. all those fun things. Already got me some vitamins, and the What to expect when you're expecting book that was recommended to me.
Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome so far! I started on another forum, and everyone there seemed pretty hateful so I didn't post. You all seem much more of my kind of people! =)

Hi Stacy, I bet it does seem surreal. i know when my OH said yes we can try for another I was so excited, and still am! I think once a date has been set it makes everything else fall into place. It seems you have a fair bit to keep you busy in the months leading up to it all. I havent, and didnt with Amara do anything before I got pregnant, and I doubt I will be by the time we try for another.

I didnt read any books while pregnant, but I watched an awful lot of baby programmes, and I really believe that that was why my labour went so well. I knew what to expect (to a certan degree) when it got down to the pushing stage I knew that if I focused on pushing properly then it would all be over, and I could meet my daughter. I pushed her out in 10mins! :haha: So hopefully that book is of great use to you.

It's a shame that on another forum you felt unwelcome. I'm sure it wont happen here, just get stuck in conversation. :thumbup: I speak for myself and all the girls in here that I have made friends with, that they are all lovely women, easy to get along with, and great to chat to!

Welcome aboard!

Hi Stacy, I bet it does seem surreal. i know when my OH said yes we can try for another I was so excited, and still am! I think once a date has been set it makes everything else fall into place. It seems you have a fair bit to keep you busy in the months leading up to it all. I havent, and didnt with Amara do anything before I got pregnant, and I doubt I will be by the time we try for another.

I didnt read any books while pregnant, but I watched an awful lot of baby programmes, and I really believe that that was why my labour went so well. I knew what to expect (to a certan degree) when it got down to the pushing stage I knew that if I focused on pushing properly then it would all be over, and I could meet my daughter. I pushed her out in 10mins! :haha: So hopefully that book is of great use to you.

It's a shame that on another forum you felt unwelcome. I'm sure it wont happen here, just get stuck in conversation. :thumbup: I speak for myself and all the girls in here that I have made friends with, that they are all lovely women, easy to get along with, and great to chat to!

Welcome aboard!


Thanks! And yeah, I can already tell the positive vibes from this group! Love it! I'm on numerous other forums for my hobbies and career and all, but couldn't figure out why mommies-to-be would be so critical and hateful. So I left as quick as I joined LOL
I do have a lot to keep me busy over the next few months, but I'm ready to get started and have that experience! I know the time will fly by so I am enjoying the time now with anticipation! What's the link to the facebook page? I'm almost scared to join, even though I know it's private and hidden, I don't want ANYONE to know we're even thinking about it. Being married 7 years, we've been hounded enough as to when we're having kids, so I don't want any pressure.. ya know!? =) Plus, I really like surprises!!!!
Name game: Willow

Ahh thats understandable, but the group is hidden really, so no one on your FB friends can see what is going on amongst the group, just those who are a member. If you message me your facebook name then I can add you as a friend, and then into the group! :thumbup:

I'm not sure what it is really with certain groups, just different personalities that clash maybe? I am glad you feel welcome here, we have all sorts of games lined up, and one that is rolling at the moment (name game)

Name game: Willow

Ahh thats understandable, but the group is hidden really, so no one on your FB friends can see what is going on amongst the group, just those who are a member. If you message me your facebook name then I can add you as a friend, and then into the group! :thumbup:

I'm not sure what it is really with certain groups, just different personalities that clash maybe? I am glad you feel welcome here, we have all sorts of games lined up, and one that is rolling at the moment (name game)


so how do you play the name game?

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