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Welcome to the ttc in fall group..........AUTUMN ACORNS!!!!

and okay, maybe I'm not doing something right, but how do you send private messages?
At the start of a post you make (doesnt have to be every time) you type a name that starts with the same letter as the last letter of the name before it, if that makes sense?

For instance the last name up is Willow, so the next possible name could be Walker. The next name could be Rosalie, and the next Etta.

Does that make more sense? Im rubbish at explaing things :haha:
Just off to wash bottles, I will be back in 15mins or so!

Maybe I Have to post a certain amount before it lets me send PMs.. because that's not even an option. =( OH well, I'll keep posting!

okay.. so with the name game. You said Willow...

I say.... Waylon
Just a cheeky little bump!

Also wondered have any of you girls told anyone you at WTT? If so, what were their reactions? If not, why not?

Myself personally, I accidently let it slip to my sister (I got caught out) and she told me what a stupid idea it was, as Amara is so young and I need to focus on her while she is still young. I have also told my brother's GF, who is also a friend of mine and my bridesmaid. I can tell her anything really, as she is always supportive of my decisions, and always happy for me because she knows it will make me and OH happy.

I havent told my Parents/Grandparents/Aunties and Uncles/Other friends as I know what their reactions will be like: my sisters. I know the majority will worry because if I were to get pregnant then I would have 2 under 2, and basically looking after them on my own. I also think they believe I am easily led to depression. I suffered with depression after my MC (before Amara) but that was because I had lost my baby, and I personally knew the way I would get out of depression was by trying for another baby, and sure enough it worked. (Dont get me wrong, it doesnt stop me thinking about my baby I lost) Mainly my parents and nan will think that I should enjoy the time I have with Amara, which is true, but I just want to extend my family with my OH.

This is the reason why, if I do get pregnant this autumn, that I wont be telling any of them that I am pregnant (except bridesmaid friend) because I dont want to hear all they have to say, I got it enough when i was pregnant with Amara from OH's family. I hope that if I could keep quite until 16 weeks, then it wouldnt be long before I can announce the sex and maybe name of baby.

Sorry for the long ramble. :wacko:

ETA: It is just under 10 weeks until I can start TTC! :happydance::dance::yipee::headspin::smug::loopy::wohoo:

My parents know we're wtt and so does my sister and her DH. My sister and her hubby are really supportive, my mom is pretty negative - she's like my DH before he was 100% on board, she always has a reason why we should wait.
Sorry for so many consecutive posts.

Welcome LovePurple! That's weird about it not letting you PM hmmm...
Sorry for so many consecutive posts.

Welcome LovePurple! That's weird about it not letting you PM hmmm...

yeah, I don't know what the deal is. Hoping it'll kick in any minute now Haha!
Thanks for the welcome Pixie! VERY happy to be here!!!! And LOVE the REASON I'm here!! hehe! SO excited!

It is really exciting! At this point I'm just trying to stay really positive! I'm glad to know that every day I'm closer to ttc!
It is really exciting! At this point I'm just trying to stay really positive! I'm glad to know that every day I'm closer to ttc!

Me too! Before we officially decided and I just was all thoughts.. I was really scared. The whole process scares me.. all the unknowns.. how our lives will change.. but I chose to look at it as excitement rather than being scared! It's another new adventure in our marriage and such an amazing thing that my husband I will be creating a human being!! WOW!!
Pixie - I hope your tests are ok and not anything serious x

Thanks for your concern Elski. Finding out what's wrong now could really help in having a healthy baby. Luckily, as far as we know, my issues are not too serious. I'm very glad that I finally have a doctor who is taking my pain and illness seriously so I can get on to living a normal life.
Name game: Yaya

Pixie: I just dont get why people cant be happy for their family members. It doesnt really affect them in a sense of having to pay/provide for the baby. They should be happy that there will be a new addition to the family! OH's family new warmed to the idea of having a grandchild all the way through my pregnancy, and never saw LO until she was 8 days old, so I really hope things dont pan out like that for you, I am sure once you have a baby growing inside you, your mum will soon change her mind and get really excited! because it is exciting!

LovePurple: strange it wont let you send a message.
I've been trying to read back through the thread, but I guess I haven't gotten there yet. What's up Pixie?! I hope everything is okay!

Yeah, I don't know why I can't send msgs. =(

Luckily my mom is not completely negative, I think she will be happy when we have concieved, when she found out though that hubby and I will be moving to England she was all - you should wait to have a baby or you're never gonna get to travel (because when they moved to England she was pregnant with me so she never really got to travel) plus she says I should wait until I'm a little older, or I need to know what my healthcare will be like out there. Excuse after excuse. Sorry for the ramble, but I have been able to defend everything she throws at me.
I think that she has trouble focusing on all the positive things - like I'll be more fit to take on a baby or that I'll have more years to spend with grandkids down the line. She doesn't see the positives because the negatives of how she did things stands out to her, even though there are a lot of positives with how she did things; she doesn't know the negatives or positives that I will quite experience because times are different and situations are different. It's not that she doesn't want me to have kids, but that she really wants me to think things through. With that said, I think she'll be really happy when we have kids, but my mom is my mom and I know that she is always going to voice her opinion because she wants what's best for me.
Name Game: Isabell
There is so much going on in this thread! WOW!
I went to my first zumba class last week and it was awesome, I'm hoping to go this week as well! I'm also a yoga fanatic!
I can't believe that we have so many November birthdays, mine is the 30th.
I thought the average first birth was more than 12 hours, 18 sounds about right - everybody is just so different.
I'm so excited to have a lo and DH is super excited too! We tcc for 4 months, back in December - obviously with no luck. He's away at some more training right now and we will be reunited in august or september when we move to England! I will get to see him for memorial weekend - Yay :happydance: we've been apart for about 10 weeks now. I'm having some medical tests run currently so all of our short visits CANNOT result in a lo because I can't be pregnant during these tests :hissy:
Im a yoga and zumba girl as well...also run a bit!!!
Hey! Add me to the TTC (late summer, early fall)!! =) SO EXCITED!!!!:happydance:

Hey welcome!!!! We are sooo excited to have u!!!!

I will get all names of new members added to member list on first post by tomorrow...kya had a doctors appointment today and I had to do grocery shopping...plus had mommy and me yoga...sooo im a bit behind!!! Pleassseee forgive me ladies!!!
name game - Thomas

Has the TTC group name been chosen yet?

name game - Thomas

Has the TTC group name been chosen yet?


I have not heard anything from KellyC75 on the name yet but she and I will get together and see where we stand!!!

I also wanted to let u ladies know how awesome u are!!!!! We have only be up and running a few days and we are already nearing 20 members!!!! Have like 30 some odd pages of posts!!! A awesome facebook group!!! I can't even tell u ladies how blown away I am...I told myself we were gonna give it a week before we really started playing games...just so we know how many members we have!!! The number just keeps growing...I am sooo impressed bc I know it is due to how warm...inviting and fun u ladies really are!!!

Ok don't forget to send me ur nominees for WTTer of the week on Friday...or now if u already know...I will announce on sunday who the one with the most votes is...if u wanna include a little on why u think this member is WTTer of the week even better I will add those comments to the winners post...it can be anonymous comment if u like!!

I just wanna make sure that all u ladies get a chance to know exactly why u rock!!!

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