Welcome to the ttc in fall group..........AUTUMN ACORNS!!!!

Morning everyone :)

Today my house is a wreck as we are waiting to hear if hubby gets this job he has spent the last week and a half interviewing for. Huge prayers and fingers crossed ladies? This is what determines if we can TTC. Heck it determines if we can even keep affording ourselves (we will find a way but right now times are VERY rough).

My fingers are crossed for you and your husband! Hopefully you hear sson, and its good news.

One Group name is steaming way ahead :thumbup:

If you want your vote to count ~ PM me :comp:

(How showbiz do I sound!:coolio:)
Hi Girls :flower:

Just a reminder if you want to vote for our group name ~ The votes need to be PM'd to me by tommorow ~ If you cant PM because you are a new member, please just post your vote on this thread

The nominations are:

7.Autumn Stars

Aaahhhh, there's quite a number of those names I like. But okay, if I have to choose, I'll go with nr 7. Even though it will technically be spring in my country when I want to TTC end Aug/Sep. :winkwink:
Welcome BlueHadeda! What a lovely family you have. :)

Skybluheaven, my c-section was in February, so if I conceive when I want to, it'll be 6-7 months removed; 15-15 months when I'll have the next c-section. It may not be an issue, but I've heard from others on the c-section support group that sometimes there are issues with needing the uterus to heal for longer. (I think that's how I understood it.)
Hey! Add me to the TTC (late summer, early fall)!! =) SO EXCITED!!!!:happydance:

Hello, you seem like a lovely lady!!! You'll fit right in :) Glad to have you in our group!

Thank you Kelly :)

I was just reminicing about when Brit n Kait were younger....ah brings tears. Anyhow, I thought I'd share a few things that you ladies may want to try as your LO's get older...granted it'll be several years before these things will be useful...they helped my husband and I tremendously!

1st Day...Having 2 girls 23 months apart has its issues! When the girls were 3 and 5 we started having 1st day. This started out with who got to chose movies or sit with mom during the movie...etc. Brittany was born on an even day, Kaitlyn on an odd...so Brit's 1st days are even numbered days, Kaitlyn's odd days. Whenever we have a question of who gets to do what we ask who's 1st day is it. That girl got to chose or be first on whatever activity or choice. It eliminated arguements :) We still use it and the girls are 16 and and almost 18! The only difference now is that they use it to get out of certain household chores or who gets to drive to school.

High/Low...we took this from a movie with Michele Phiffer. At dinnertime we each go through our high and low of the day. Over the years our family and friends have become accustomed to it as well. We've found that even when our schedules are busy and we have limited time to find out all the days details we can at minimum have the opportunity to share our high and low with each other. Often, a discussion will arise from someone's high or low...but generally we try not to interupt the person who is talking.

We also did regular story time...which many families do. It was such a terrific bonding time for us and the girls. While they were young hubby and I would take turns reading to them. As they got older we each took turns reading and helped the girls to sound out words. When Harry Potter came out we started reading a chapter a night. Each of us took turns and ultimately we read all 7 books together and went to each movie. Can't wait for the final one!

Hope these things don't sound too corny...but even if they do they have been great for our family and we'll no doubt continue to use them with Mackenzie and her future brother or sister :)

Anyone else have activities/ideas for family bonding or making family life easier?

I don't think they sound corny at all, it sounds wonderful and you all seem to have a great relationship!! :thumbup: Me and OH have been thinking about this recently and came up with a few things to do as a family.

I think on important birthdays for the kids - like maybe ages 6, 10, 16, and 21 we will let the birthday child pick a vacation to go on! Then for example when my LO is 10 maybe he will want to go to disney world or when he's 21 maybe he will want to go to Las Vegas. All the inbetween years we will go on little vacations like camping and whatnot but will be saving up a little each month to go on a BIG vacation for those birthdays.

Right now every Sunday I cook a big, yummy breakfast for me and OH. The rest of the days we just eat cereal or toast lol. So we are definitely going to continue this with the kids and we all be sitting around the table as a family.

We might also make Sunday a movie/game night where everyone takes turns picking games, movies, and snacks.

This is all we've come up with so far, sorry if that was confusing :haha:

Just a cheeky little bump!

Also wondered have any of you girls told anyone you at WTT? If so, what were their reactions? If not, why not?

Myself personally, I accidently let it slip to my sister (I got caught out) and she told me what a stupid idea it was, as Amara is so young and I need to focus on her while she is still young. I have also told my brother's GF, who is also a friend of mine and my bridesmaid. I can tell her anything really, as she is always supportive of my decisions, and always happy for me because she knows it will make me and OH happy.

I havent told my Parents/Grandparents/Aunties and Uncles/Other friends as I know what their reactions will be like: my sisters. I know the majority will worry because if I were to get pregnant then I would have 2 under 2, and basically looking after them on my own. I also think they believe I am easily led to depression. I suffered with depression after my MC (before Amara) but that was because I had lost my baby, and I personally knew the way I would get out of depression was by trying for another baby, and sure enough it worked. (Dont get me wrong, it doesnt stop me thinking about my baby I lost) Mainly my parents and nan will think that I should enjoy the time I have with Amara, which is true, but I just want to extend my family with my OH.

This is the reason why, if I do get pregnant this autumn, that I wont be telling any of them that I am pregnant (except bridesmaid friend) because I dont want to hear all they have to say, I got it enough when i was pregnant with Amara from OH's family. I hope that if I could keep quite until 16 weeks, then it wouldnt be long before I can announce the sex and maybe name of baby.

Sorry for the long ramble. :wacko:

ETA: It is just under 10 weeks until I can start TTC! :happydance::dance::yipee::headspin::smug::loopy::wohoo:

So sorry to hear about your loss! I feel for anyone who loses a baby, that must be so hard. :hugs: I'm glad things are looking up for you though and were able to conceive a happy, healthy little girl!

I have not told anyone about TTC except you ladies! I don't think i will announce anything actually until i get the BFP. They would not very supportive honestly, especially since my family already thinks i'm too young to be settling down. It will be easier for them to accept when i'm already pregnant and they can't do anything about it :rofl:
Name game: Nahla

I think my loss made me a stronger person actually. I have never experienced loss before. (I did lose my dad when I was 12 weeks old, but I cant remember) and even though I sunk into depression, Amara helped me out of it :cloud9:

Thats kinda my way of thinking. The same with names really. Once there is a face to the name, it is really difficult, and would be very hurtful, so say anything negative about the name, because there is an adorable baby staring at them.

Hello everyone! I'd love to join your group! You sound like a great bunch of ladies. Thanx Kelly(C75) for inviting me! Unfortunately I cannot reply to your pm or send one about the name or facebook group (yet). I guess I don't have enough posts yet?

Here's my story:
I'm from South Africa, and I have 3 children. My oldest son is 10 and the sweetest boy ever. I was in labour for 10 hours when I had to have a c-section because labour didn't progress (I'm an extremely tiny person, and he was a big baby!).

My daughter is the most adorable being, she's 7 and is special-needs. In mainstream school though. She's just been through a huge back operation (for a neural tube defect) but has recovered beautifully and her symptoms has improved tremendously beyond all odds. Her birth was a bit traumatic. She came early and my wish for a VBAC was squashed because she was in big trouble and had to be taken out immediately. So I had a 2nd c-section.

My youngest, another boy, is 3 and the spill around which all of us turns. He's quiet, peaceful and so calm. Such a lovely child to have. I thought about a VBA2C, but I was 4 days in early labour, after which my c-section scar started to bleed. So I had my 3rd c-section.

My dh only wanted 2 children, so he was adamant that our third was our last, but I've been sooooo broody and he relented to reconsider. I'm taking the next 3 months to get off birth control, start with folic acid and getting our finances in order to prove to my hubby we can indeed afford a 4th baby (I'm a SAHM so we only have 1 income). Then we can start TTC. I'm so excited and can't wait!! Though, I'm very scared for the c-section and spinal (had some bad experiences!) and how I'm going to cope with a baby, a special-needs child, another child in school with after-school activities and a toddler ontop of it!

Oh, and I'm scared of my age! I'm turning 37 next week! I fell pregnant with each child the first time I ovulated, but I'm older now, and scared of chromosomal defects.

About breastfeeding: I'm extremely pro-breastfeeding. My first son weaned himself age 15 months, I weaned my daughter after age 2, and my 2nd son weaned himself age 14 months after which I've now expressed for 2 years! Firstly due to his allergies, and secondly due to the fact that it kept my period at bay (I have endometriosis with horrible periods!) and it served as birthcontrol. I'm going to stop now within the next 2 weeks or so.

Shewie, sorry for this long introduction!

Sorry i missed your post! There's just so much going on in this thread, it's hard to keep track but glad to have you :happydance:

I admire you for doing so well with breastfeeding!! I was only able to go 6 weeks with my son :( I tried so hard and my nipples hurt so badly i was in tears every time he latched... sometimes i had to bite down on something to keep from screaming. I saw 2 lactation consultants and they both said his latch was perfect so i still don't know why it was such a problem. I wanna try again with #2 and i'm adamant to stick it out next time no matter what the cost!
Thank you iHeartbeatbaby!

I also haven't told my family that I want to TTC again. I'm also planning on dropping the news on them once there's nothing they can do about it. They're going to give me such an earful...:nope: I can already hear them:
"Why would you take a chance on your health like that. What if you leave your other 3 motherless?"
"Why do you want another one! You have 3, and both girl and boys! There's no need for another!"
"Why would you have 4 children in today's age and economic climate. Are you crazy?"
"Don't you think you're too old?"
"Where will you find the time for another baby, especially with your daughter's special needs?"
"Why would you take time away from your children...shouldn't you rather concentrate on them (and not your own foolish/selfish desires!)"
Urgh...I can just go on.

Oh, about the breastfeeding. Yes!!! Me too!!! Had to bite on his towelling nappy not to scream in pain. Numerous times! You have to "get through" that time period, until the nipples harden. For me, it takes about 5 weeks. Thereafter it's completely painless, and so worth it. When it gets really, really bad and you're bleeding and in too much pain, it helps to take baby off the painful breast for about a day (so that it can heal up a bit) and just express. Either giving the expressed milk with a syringe or a bottle if you're not scared of nipple-confusion. Good luck with it next time! It really isn't easy, that first 6 weeks. But I promise you, it gets soooooo much easier thereafter. And by 3 months it's as easy as changing a nappy!
Name Game: Athena! I finally got to use her name haha.

Still waiting on the email or phone call from OH's (fingers crossed) future employer. They said afternoon but we have been waiting since yesterday hoping for an early call. They are reviewing all the tests and everything from the 20 that had the mock training and there are 10 open positions for the next open real training. Although they can take more then the ten it would mean having to wait another 5 weeks for the next training to start.
Name game: Amara :haha:

Ahh no news is good news? lets hope so!
Just had a little thought.

Maybe in the first post where all members a listed, we can add a little detail next to them such as:

21year old mum of one little girl Amara Lee.
Lives in Portsmouth,UK.
Engaged to be married in September '11.
Birthday is 18 November.
WTT#2 < then change this is TTC#2 when the person is TTC.​

Something like that, what do you all think?

Could add a random fact to it as well, or whatever everyone else wants.

ETA: Could also put either a :blue: or a :pink: next to the gender of the baby we would secretly hope for.

Also think instead of listing our birthdays next to our names we should group all the birthdays in order underneath all the members info. :thumbup:?


I was thinking the same thing...except I was gonna post and ask y'all to pm me what u wanted next to ur name....if u can't pm now just post here...or u can wait till u have enough posts...it doesn't take long to get them here!!!

However...I did not think about the stork icon thing!!! That's genius girly!!!!! Or a birthday list below instead of in....I also considered having all y'all pm me ur bdays...so I could add them to ur profiles im creating...then when the time came post one big happy bday tribute post to u!!!
NOW......WITH ALL THAT SAID.......I shall pass this honor to Shabutie!!!!!!! Send Shabutie all the info u want....she can then type it up how she thinks would be cute in a pm...then she can send it to me and I will simply add a note of thanks to her on it then copy and past it to first post.....if Shabutie does not mind we will make her like the human resources person lol she will get in touch with any new members to get their info and pass it over to me to post???

We love all the help and ideas u ladies offer...y'all are such smart and creative women!!!! I love u girls more and more daily!!! Such fantastic women that will make or already are super fantastical moms!!!!
OOOooo HR lady... Love it!

I will gladly do all of that. I love organising things (as if you couldnt tell :haha:), so this is perfect for me.

My mum and nan are comming round for an hour tonight, so once they have gone, I can crack on with it and ask everyone what I want from them. :thumbup:

Good morning ladies, or whatever time of day it is where you are! I hope you're all having a blessed day!
Evening lovelies! :wave:

Hello PurpleLove and BlueHadeda!

Noone knows about TTC yet, I don't really want to tell people as I then feel like I'm under pressure and that people will ask all the time how it's going :wacko:
Shabutie - Yay!! It's coming round quick now....107 days to go :)

We're getting there now, next big things are deciding on how big I want the tiers for our cake and making the invites (I've decided on cake and invite but it's my Nan and I are that are doing them - I'm also making fudge for our favours) and I'm also going shopping at the end of the month for my underwear, shoes and jewellery.

Aside from MIL stresses, actually just general IL stresses it's all going well so far! How about you?

FAO all Zumba peeps: I LOVE it!! I lost 4 stone with SW over 14 months (reached target Dec '10) and my resolution for this year was to improve my fitness so I now do 2x zumba classes per week and also a kettlebell class too :)

Will do my vote now!

Ooooh I love a wedding, how exciting!
Shabutie - Yay!! It's coming round quick now....107 days to go :)

We're getting there now, next big things are deciding on how big I want the tiers for our cake and making the invites (I've decided on cake and invite but it's my Nan and I are that are doing them - I'm also making fudge for our favours) and I'm also going shopping at the end of the month for my underwear, shoes and jewellery.

Aside from MIL stresses, actually just general IL stresses it's all going well so far! How about you?

FAO all Zumba peeps: I LOVE it!! I lost 4 stone with SW over 14 months (reached target Dec '10) and my resolution for this year was to improve my fitness so I now do 2x zumba classes per week and also a kettlebell class too :)

Will do my vote now!


Ooo exciting, you seem like you have IL issues just like I do, I dont get why they have to be so difficult :grr:

Yeah everything is pretty much sorted, until OH comes home and we sort out his suits, but he isnt home until 5 weeks before. Everything is booked up its just the little details that I need to do, but there are so many of them :haha:

Hi all, as the HR lady :haha: I am compiling all of our details to go into the first post.

So I just want a little bit of information from each of our members if thats okay :thumbup:

Information needed:



(you dont have to include the year) Can you write the month out please, because English and Americans say them back to front from each other)

Children you have

Your location

What number baby you are WTT for

What gender baby you are secretly wishing for :blue: or :pink:

A random fact about yourself

Your favourite colour

I think that is all.
Also, when you are starting to TTC (because I know we are all in the Autumn, but some are starting at variey stages) can you please let me know as we shall send some :dust: your way in the first post.


ETA: You can either PM me or do it through a post in here!

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