Welcome to the ttc in fall group..........AUTUMN ACORNS!!!!

CheerCoach - hope they were just bad tests and that it is a :bfp:

this is what I was going to say, maybe your pee was more concentrated yesterday this happend to me a few times with Rowan.

also your ticker shouldn't be saying 2 weeks because you can't detect pregnancy even with a blood test til very close to 4 weeks so you probably ovulated at a different time this month and are too early for all tests to pick it up :hugs:

congrats on all the bfps! to everyone who got af just think every month your a month closer to your bfp, it will come soon :happydance: :)
Thank you both...I hope that's the case. I noticed the ticker dates as well and was confused by it...

I started my cycle on July 16th, O'd on the 29th/30th and tested last night...which was only 6-7dpo. The earliest I had ever had a bfp in the past was 8dpo. But I have read of women getting them at 6 and 7 dpo..just not super common. The equate brand has been known to pick up 5mL hcg so I'm assuming that's why I got the bfp w/that brand so early and that the others require 20/25mL. I'll be crushed if they are false positives :(

Even if I am off on my O date I can't be off by much as hubby and I only DTD once in the past month as we've had non stop company. The only time we DTD was Friday the 29th. Prior to that it was before CD1 by at least a week.

So...color me confused :( I'm going to wait and test Tues or Wednesday.
What's going on Shabutie?


Come back on here for 5 mins to chill. We are already arguing :haha:

I dunno, he just doesnt seem bothered in family life, and more in computer games etc. He has always loved his computers, but he needs to realise having/being a family should come first. I dont know if it's stress of wedding casuing us to keep having arguments or what!?! He cant seem to ficus on amara for long enough, and when she whines a little, because she isnt playing with him, he gets in a mood and always says 'oh she's tired' when she has only been up an hour. He constantly wants to put her up in bed asap at night so he can go play computer games :( Im just a bit fed up really. We seem to argue other silly little things, but they then escelate into bigger things. We always kiss and make up, and he always prmises he will change, but not even 24hrs and he lets me down again. I always fall for it, and believe in him more then i think he does himself. Hes currently doing the rest of the kitchen atm, so he isnt all bad. It then makes me wonder should we even consider having more children yet, if he cant stay relaxed and enjoy Amara, he is a wonderful dad, and can make her giggle like no one else, but it feels like he just thinkgs being a dad is playing and thats it, mums have to do everything else.

If he worked 9-5 for example and came home every night, i wouldnt expect him to do anything major, but the fact he is home for 2 months solid with no work, and practically like a SAHD then he should help.

God im rumbelling, so ill stop, thanks HM! :hugs:

Hope your enjoying the beach, its been naff weather here!


KellyC75 - sorry for your loss :hug:

LaurGil - :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Welcome to Autumn Acorns Mrz Heuzen, Fabian, and lazandkiko

CheerCoach - congrats on your BFP

I'm feeling down in the dumps. I'm apart from DH, sunday is our 3rd wedding anniversary, we can't ttc because we're apart, it'll probably be atleast late september before we get to be together again. I hate the distance and I hate having to wait to continue ttc. having a down moment :cry:

Happy anniversary hun, sorry your away from your OH. It will come around really quick and before you know it he'll be back with you and you can TTC :hugs:

Sorry I haven't been on ladies been a busy few days. On Thursday my step sister gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl (Amelia), then my DH and I have been driving around in my new wheels that he bought me.

:cloud9: aww new baby girl and :happydance: for the new wheels!

UGH...I had posted that I got the :bfp: but I happened to have tests lying around so I retested and got several :bfn: :(

I don't know what to think. I took 2 equate that were strong :bfp: yesterday and then today I did 2 First Response. I've never had this happen before. I'm feeling so guilty about not being excited yesterday...I was ready to be excited today and now I'm sad.

I emailed my doctor yesterday and asked him to set my first prenatal appt...I so don't want to email him back to say nevermind *pout*

I'm hoping that the sensitivity on the other 2 was much higher and that's why they are :bfn:

Fingers and toes crossed that they wernt as sensitive hun and you do really have a :bfp: :hugs::hugs:
Cheecoach, please don't stress too much yet. Until at least the 13th of Aug, any test could give you a false negative! It's much rarer to get a false positive, so hang onto that! You're most likely pregnant, but it's just very very very early.

Welcome Lazandkiko and Fabian! :hi:

Pixie, it must be awful being so apart, and having to wait to TTC. :hugs:

Shabuti, Mouse_Chicky, me and dh only had massive fights during the 6 months we planned our wedding. It was awful! Before that, we were so happy and in love. After that, again we were so happy and in love. But during that time before the wedding...geez, I thought we were going to be that bickering couple that always fight. Now, after 13 years of marriage, we're like a calm river. We rarely, rarely fight.

Shabuti, cut your dh some slack! He sounds pretty normal to me! :) My dh and I are fortunately both huge computer (and games) fans. We're ALWAYS playing. And yes, we too can't wait until the babies are all in bed so that we can start playing, LOL. That doesn't mean that we don't love our kids! Or don't want to spend time with them. We're just crazy about our hobbies. I do make sure the kids aren't neglegted, and yes, I do almost everything for them. My hubby just do what he wants. That's fine by me though, because he's the working part of us, I'm staying at home. Oh, and it also got MUCH better once our eldest were older. Your baby is still so small. It's difficult for men to find them entertaining for longer than 5 minutes, LOL. Once they're about 18 months to 2 years, they've got so much personality, that men find it easier to connect and entertain them.
I think my birthcontrol methods that I used until May, is still messing my period around. I've been spotting since Thursday. Too much for it to be implantation I believe. So the :witch: got me, but it's weird. I usually only spot for one day before AF. Now it's been 3-4 days. And ontop of that, she came early by 4 days, which cut my luteal phase from 13 days down to 9. Scarying me that I might struggle if this doesn't correct itself SOON. Urgh, why can't things just be straightforward? I just want that BFP now already. :cry: :cry: :cry: I'm just so impatient! And it would've worked out perfectly. I would've had the baby around a school holiday next year. Now I have to suffer through AF before we can try again. :growlmad:
Sorry to hear chearcoach, but it is true that false negatives are a lot more common than false positives. fx crossed for you! :hugs:

Bluehadeda, sorry to hear you have to suffer through another month, lots of dust to you that it happens soon. :dust: :dust: :dust:

Today we are hanging out with our houseguests then going to help my mother move some furniture and have dinner with my brother. So a pretty full day, but so far my DH has been super on board with the regular DTD, hopefully we will be able to keep it up. :) I think he wants a baby more than he lets on sometimes, so I'm really happy about that.

And I did cut my hair super short yesterday, I am a little freaked out but my DH loves it, so I guess that is all that matters. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, hm hope your vacation is going well! :hugs:
10 dpo today! Getting close to finished with this 2ww!!

Cheercoach - I hope the new tests were wrong and that your BFP sticks!! 6 or 7 dpo sounds very very early. Hopefully what you've guessed is exactly what happened - the bfp tests were very sensitive, and the frer just need a few more days to catch up.

Bluehadeda - It stinks doesn't it! I wish they told us up front how much those hormones could screw with our body.. my cycles are STILL a bit wacky and I came off bcp last December!! Anyways, I'm sorry you have to wait another month.. I hope it happens for you soon!

FX and lots of :dust: to all those in limbo between AF and BFP!
cheercoach- hope the test do change back to bfp's i have a felling the the first responses are getting worse rather than having the faitfulness they claim as they use to be...

shabutie... sorry this is happening for you. my ex (my daughters real father that is MIA) he was like that, great dad just never was with her always playing world of warcraft. and other games. the argument was usually about him being with us or the game. glad im have a loving husband now and he treats my daughter like he was her real father. she hasnt seen her birth father since she was 2. i pray he changes for the better hun and hope it all gets better before you get married.

HK-how are you hun,......?
Sweetpea - I'm okay, I think today can be considered CD1. I think my cycle ranges from 25-27 days. I'm glad I have the OPK's so I can be extra sure when I ovulate this month. DH is still 100% on board with starting in 2 weeks.

How are you doing?

Han does the opk thing work?my gyno usually scans my uterus to know d possible days i might be ovulating then places me on hormonal Drugs to make me ovulate but so far no bfp.
Sweetpea - I'm okay, I think today can be considered CD1. I think my cycle ranges from 25-27 days. I'm glad I have the OPK's so I can be extra sure when I ovulate this month. DH is still 100% on board with starting in 2 weeks.

How are you doing?


im doing good dont remember what dpo i am i have tried not to worry about it much, and not symptom spotting either, i have had bad migraines and a head cold, with earache all week so i have no clue how to symptom spot from each thing anyways. i got a new cell hone this week(from our anniversary present to each other) its the new epic android htc phone, it has apps for ttc on it and it also has a built in nook so i have down loaded tones of new books... so i have been busy with reading...hope this cycle goes well for you and you get your bfp...
I love the pregnancy apps for Android!! I use Ovuview for AF tracking!
i will look that one up now.. lol ok down loaded.. lol thanks hk
Can someone tell me how to multiquote? I always want to answer or reply to several posts but when I hit the multiquote nothing happens :(

Today I'm more optimistic about the very early bfp and the negatives being false. I took 2 more tests today and they weren't bfp's...well I'm not certain, I got very very very faint lines (the kind you really have to strain to see...lol). I know that some would say evap line...but I'm going with the optimist part of me and deciding it's a super light :bfp: The good part is that the faint lines were both under a min...I believe evaps happen after ten minutes.

Okay, I'm trying to do this from memory...so if I get names wrong please forgive me. I really need to learn how to multiquote :)

Shabutie~ My hubby isn't a gamer but gets quite caught up in television or playing music...whatever the case may be. It drove me crazy while our first 2 were really young, he was a great Dad but many times would put the girls down early so he could have his time...etc. What I did...may or may not work or be feasible for you...is plan outtings together. We hike alot so I got a baby backpack for each of us and an off-road jogging stroller. We went out for hikes, picnics, beach trips..etc and during those times hubby was much more interested in participating w/the girls. Maybe something like that could help? Or asking him to turn off all electronics for so much time a day to spend w/you and Amara. I hope that you are able to find a common ground. :hugs:

HK~ Sorry to hear evil :witch: seems to be arriving, but the positive side is this is going to be your final cycle before your :bfp: Hope you are enjoying your vacation and relaxing. :hugs:

Miss Redknob~ Wow, congrats on the baby niece and on the new wheels :)

Pixie~ Happy Anniversary...sorry you and your DH aren't together for it, but its still a lovely milestone. :hugs:

KellyC~ Hope you are hangin in there okay. :hugs:
Cheercoach... right next to the "Quote" button is a + sign... click on that for all the ones you want to quote/reply to. On the last one you want to quote/reply click the actual "Quote" button and it will multi-quote. :)

Also, fx'd that this is your :bfp: you were testing very early and the new tests most likely just weren't as sensitive as the first. Especially if you're getting a faint pink in 1 minute today!!! :dust:

Yay for all of the TTC'ers and the new ladies! :flower:

So, as you know I just refinished an armoire for our future nursery. I have now purchased two dressers (matching) to refinish to match. I just couldn't find any new furniture that I liked so I found a good deal on an old pair of solid wood dressers. I think they are going to turn out beautiful and of course it will give us a custom nursery which I love! I'll post pics as soon as I'm done! I learned a lot refinishing the armoire so hopefully I won't make the same mistakes again. :dohh:

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!! :yipee:
GIRLS!! I got home this afternoon and decided to be silly and POAS even though I expected it to be BFN (only 10dpo, and not even FMU). But....



:yipee: :wohoo: :yipee:

GIRLS!! I got home this afternoon and decided to be silly and POAS even though I expected it to be BFN (only 10dpo, and not even FMU). But....



:yipee: :wohoo: :yipee:


wow congrats:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: i totally see the line!!!

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