Hi ladies!! Do you mind if I join you please? New to this site but this thread seems to fit my situation!
I have a long story but to cut it short... Came off pill end of August 2012 with the hope of getting my body back to normal (pre-pill) and trying to conceive baby number 1!
Since then I have not had what I would consider a proper period! I experienced some very dark brown discharge/spotting in December (which i thought was old blood due to been on pill sorry tmi!!) and one day of bright red blood in January the 21st! I assumed this was a good sign as it was red and signalled that my body is getting back to normal! or not! Lol!
Had nothing since, however I have been using opk to try and figure out what my body is doing! I've had 2 positives where I believe my body geared up to ovulation but didn't actually ovulate.
Recently on feb 11th got my next positive opk, we did the deed lots over this time! The day after the positive opk I noticed I had really tender nipples! It even hurt in the shower! Never experienced this before!!! So this time I think I did actually ovulate! Yay!!!! (I googled and apparently it can be a sign that you have ovulated!) so..... I'm hoping to take a hpt soon to see if we were lucky!!! I guess I ovulated on the 12th feb so when do you think I should test?
If I get a bfn I will be expecting some kind of bleed I guess! Although my body doesn't seem to have adjusted properly yet! It feels like we've been waiting ages! We can't wait to start a family! Any info or advice on my situation would be great!!

thank you!