Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

I pretty much just get really friendly in the evening on the couch and he takes it from there. Although last night he practically jumped me! Lol

Nice to be wanted sometimes just because ;)

DH gets home from work at 9:30 and I'm pretty much in bed by 10 ...unfortunately not a lot of time for subtleties... I REALLY miss that...only get to really do it on the weekends...literally...if you look at my chart we pretty much only do it on the weekends haha...all the mid week AM dtd sessions were at like 2 am when DH crawled into bed haha
I find DH gets anxious if I tell him. He likely has an idea though cause I get really 'friendly' for about a week each cycle. Lol

that's hilarious...i think i need to be a bit more subtle...i just attack and it's really obvious. ha!!!

I tell DH nonchalantly during the day via text, usually with a picture attached haha and then I'm really friendly when he gets home from work :)

that's awesome. :)
Hey Ladies,

Last night I did an OPK and in less than one minute it was super dark!!! We dtd... however from I arrived at work this morning I've been having serious ovulation pains. More left side than any. Its been hurting all day!!! Im definitely ovulating today... Im hoping i dont be in this much pain to BD when I get offf... ugh it hurts soooo bad :(

if you're ovulating today, then dtd last night will be plenty if you're in too much pain for tonight. Good luck!

Hey Girl! Its been awhile since Ive seen how you and the twins are and Im heart broken to find that you lost them at 8 weeks... Im so sorry... :cry: You start another round of clomid? Praying that it sticks for you! Its one thing to get pregnant but then to go through worrying for that first part if your gonna lose them... keep strong my dear girl! :hugs:

Hi bluz...yeah, it's been really rough. It was a week ago today that we found out. Can't start again until my HCG is back to 0 and who knows how long that could take. Today's number was really high at 2365. I go every monday for blood draws now until 0. Then i have to wait for a period to return and only then can we start trying again...i'm hoping this all just take a couple of months or less. no more clomid until then. They are going to do a bunch of blood work between now and then to find out why my babies don't make it past a certain point. Hopefully we'll get some answers and my next pregnancy will stick. Thank you for checking on me. How are you???

I'm so sorry to hear all of this! Was so excited for you... cant imagine now how much it stinks to have to wait all the way till they are back to 0... hows OH taking it? What are you doing to keep your mind off of it? And just by your statement, have you been pregnant before? THeres a certain point they dont make it? Im a praying woman and so every now and then ( my hubby knows I go here for support) I tell him about one of my ladies that needs prayer. Youll go on that and you will get a sticky bfp in no time... Im doing ok... Tryin to not focus on ttc and just worrying now if i have something wrong with me... i know its not a year yet, but its getting close.. OH has some issues as well and im wondering if they are whats making it take awhile.. he feels so guilty and wants to be a dad so bad.. so we are getting an appt soon... i just wanted to try on my own and make it, you know? If its him then because of the condition he has we can only do IVF and I dont know how I feel about doctors choosing the best sperm and egg that meet their genetic criteria... seems wrong.. anyhow.. just trying to not let it take over my life.. seems like ppl that would be great moms cant get there... and i have tons of friends who dont want it and have tons... but it will all be worth it in the end!!! :hugs:

Thank you so much. I appreciate that. We were super excited about this too...just sucks. DH is doing well. He's had his moments here and there but has been the biggest most wonderful ROCK for me and that's so important. He's constantly picking up the pieces for me so I feel blessed to have him through this. He's ready to try again...he hates waiting too. Just trying to keep busy with house projects and stuff and having friends over...that's helping a little. But i wake up thinking about it and being sad like it was a nightmare but I'll be better in time. Yes, this is our 3rd pregnancy...3rd loss. First was in 2011, we were 10 weeks, 3 days. Second was a chemical, only lasted a week and then this one at 8 weeks, 1 day with twins. It never gets easier. Yeah, both normal pregnancies had heartbeats and everything and both ended about 7 weeks so they are going to try to figure out why...i'm a very much praying woman too so me and God have been having multiple chats a day. :) I'm asking him to please give me a break and to give me peace through this. Please God give us our forever baby. thank you SO much for praying for us too and putting us on your prayer list. That means the world to me.
And it's so hard not to focus on it when it's all you want...i completely get that. I made a list in my journal awhile back for things to look forward to if we didn't get pregnant this last time and it was a good list. you should check it out...it would help with focusing on other things. :) I would definitely get an appointment soon too. You all need to know what's going on. Even if OH has those issues, the chances are still so great to conceive. I have a friend that's full proof of that. Her DH's SA said 0% normal and no motility, etc. They now have a perfectly healthy beautiful baby girl, Vivian. It's amazing. Doctor said they would never conceive on their own.
I understand you wanting to try on your own but after so long, a little help wouldn't be a bad idea. I tried for a year and finally asked for some medical help with it and they put me on clomid and i got pregnant right away. It was awesome.
Yes bluz, it will ALL be worth it in the end when we're holding our babies. Take care hun!!! :hugs:
Hi - this is my first post in any TTC forum, and I'm glad this thread for newbies like me exists!

AF just arrived... again. We've been TTC for six months now, and I'm starting to get frustrated and sad. I never realized how hard this process would be - doesn't it just seem like everyone else around you gets pregnant easily and exactly when they want to? I know that is not the case - but I feel like I'm losing my perspective. I want to conceive our first healthy baby so badly. I told myself when we first started that I would not stress it until it had been at least 6 months... and now here we are. Should we start looking into fertility testing and seeing doctors? Uhg- I don't know - but I know having this forum to talk to other women going through the same thing will be so helpful. Thanks Baby and Bump!

hi hopeful! welcome! you sure came to the right place. So sorry you've been trying for that long now and it's not happened yet. It's such a hopeless feeling. I totally get it. You just hang in there and keep on trucking on girl! Yes, we also notice more now in the way of other pregnant ladies because we want this so bad so to us, they are EVERYWHERE! If we weren't trying, we would not notice it like we do now. It's like a cruel joke...i hate it too. you could call your doctor and see what they would suggest but most don't do anything until you've hit the year mark or have had losses in between. But it for sure wouldn't hurt to call and get the ball rolling! Do you track your cycles at all? Do you temp or do OPK's? Those are all things that can greatly improve your chances if you know the best times to DTD. :) Good luck sweetie!
Had my fertility specialist appt. wednesday...didn't get to see doc cause he was sick but had blood drawn for both me and DH, had vaginal ultrasound, and got DH setup for his SA which he is going to try to do today...don't know too much until the doctor looks at my notes and some bloodwork but the nurses think he will put me on metformin ..yay :)

this is all great and steps in the right direction. Good luck!!! :dust:
I pretty much just get really friendly in the evening on the couch and he takes it from there. Although last night he practically jumped me! Lol

Nice to be wanted sometimes just because ;)

AMEN to that sister! :)
Hi - this is my first post in any TTC forum, and I'm glad this thread for newbies like me exists!

AF just arrived... again. We've been TTC for six months now, and I'm starting to get frustrated and sad. I never realized how hard this process would be - doesn't it just seem like everyone else around you gets pregnant easily and exactly when they want to? I know that is not the case - but I feel like I'm losing my perspective. I want to conceive our first healthy baby so badly. I told myself when we first started that I would not stress it until it had been at least 6 months... and now here we are. Should we start looking into fertility testing and seeing doctors? Uhg- I don't know - but I know having this forum to talk to other women going through the same thing will be so helpful. Thanks Baby and Bump!

hi hopeful! welcome! you sure came to the right place. So sorry you've been trying for that long now and it's not happened yet. It's such a hopeless feeling. I totally get it. You just hang in there and keep on trucking on girl! Yes, we also notice more now in the way of other pregnant ladies because we want this so bad so to us, they are EVERYWHERE! If we weren't trying, we would not notice it like we do now. It's like a cruel joke...i hate it too. you could call your doctor and see what they would suggest but most don't do anything until you've hit the year mark or have had losses in between. But it for sure wouldn't hurt to call and get the ball rolling! Do you track your cycles at all? Do you temp or do OPK's? Those are all things that can greatly improve your chances if you know the best times to DTD. :) Good luck sweetie!

I definitely agree... cant hurt to give a call to them. At least see if you are healthy and he is and that you can continue trying... remember it normally takes longer for the first... and alllll of my friends seemed to get preggo at 10 months with their first babies... so Im with you and ttcbabyism with frustrations, though she has more cause than any... Im at 8 months of charting and all of that and can be overwhelming when you finally decide. But also if it helps anyone else to remember... your body is incredible and it chooses the strongest sperm and egg to fertilize and implant... so a blessing it takes awhile and when a woman can carry full term because your body knows what its doing... and God does too.... He has a time that is perfect!! Oh and we prayed for you last night TTCBABYISM!!! My hubby is odd... loves hearing all the stories i tell here about the ladies I meet. :blush:
Hi - this is my first post in any TTC forum, and I'm glad this thread for newbies like me exists!

AF just arrived... again. We've been TTC for six months now, and I'm starting to get frustrated and sad. I never realized how hard this process would be - doesn't it just seem like everyone else around you gets pregnant easily and exactly when they want to? I know that is not the case - but I feel like I'm losing my perspective. I want to conceive our first healthy baby so badly. I told myself when we first started that I would not stress it until it had been at least 6 months... and now here we are. Should we start looking into fertility testing and seeing doctors? Uhg- I don't know - but I know having this forum to talk to other women going through the same thing will be so helpful. Thanks Baby and Bump!

hi hopeful! welcome! you sure came to the right place. So sorry you've been trying for that long now and it's not happened yet. It's such a hopeless feeling. I totally get it. You just hang in there and keep on trucking on girl! Yes, we also notice more now in the way of other pregnant ladies because we want this so bad so to us, they are EVERYWHERE! If we weren't trying, we would not notice it like we do now. It's like a cruel joke...i hate it too. you could call your doctor and see what they would suggest but most don't do anything until you've hit the year mark or have had losses in between. But it for sure wouldn't hurt to call and get the ball rolling! Do you track your cycles at all? Do you temp or do OPK's? Those are all things that can greatly improve your chances if you know the best times to DTD. :) Good luck sweetie!

I definitely agree... cant hurt to give a call to them. At least see if you are healthy and he is and that you can continue trying... remember it normally takes longer for the first... and alllll of my friends seemed to get preggo at 10 months with their first babies... so Im with you and ttcbabyism with frustrations, though she has more cause than any... Im at 8 months of charting and all of that and can be overwhelming when you finally decide. But also if it helps anyone else to remember... your body is incredible and it chooses the strongest sperm and egg to fertilize and implant... so a blessing it takes awhile and when a woman can carry full term because your body knows what its doing... and God does too.... He has a time that is perfect!! Oh and we prayed for you last night TTCBABYISM!!! My hubby is odd... loves hearing all the stories i tell here about the ladies I meet. :blush:

I don't think it matters how long or short you've been trying, we are all in the same boat at it hurts just as much no matter what! :) Yes, it does get more and more frustrating as time goes by but i don't think i'm worse than anyone else. we are all in this together. thank god we have each other, that's for sure. we are the only ones that truly understand all of this madness. And wow Bluz, you just made me cry saying you prayed for us last night. Wow...that's awesome! Thank you so much!!! :hugs:
AF finally arrived after my first round on 100mgs Clomid days 5-9. It is by far the most painful period I have had to date. Now trying to figure out of this is my day 1 or not to start 150mgs Clomid days 5-9... What is the rule of thumb when it comes to cycle days and starting Clomid on the right day? I might have done it wrong this past cycle.

At least now I have a clean slate and am not in limbo.
Ok..New to the site. And to forums as a whole. Hubby and I have been TTC since November 2012. Was on the pill for many years before. So I finally think my body is adjusting to its own thing. Gained a few lbs after coming off..mostly in my rear and tatas. Anyone else experience this?
We don't want to monitor b/c we want to make it fun and to let God do the work. But its just so frustrating and discouraging when people tell you oh it didnt take me anytime to get pregnant! ughhh. Any advice of just going with the flow of things is much appreciated!
Best thing i would suggest is the usual "give it time things will happen" trust me you'll hear it a LOT when ttc!! We still do now and its been 3 years i'd also suggest going to the docs and explaining ANY worries or medical issues you already have (i'm diabetic and have PCOS) as they will be able to get you to the hosp and get seen without putting too much stress on each other!!! Fingers are crossed for you and wish you all the best!
Thank you! Yeah last year I was diagnosed with LQTS after my first heart attack at the young age of 24. Doc's tell me to live my life normal and to not stop doing what im doing. So were still trucking along. Hubby's in the Navy so hes in and out to sea alot. So hoping we get pregnant sooner rather than later!:winkwink:

Best thing i would suggest is the usual "give it time things will happen" trust me you'll hear it a LOT when ttc!! We still do now and its been 3 years i'd also suggest going to the docs and explaining ANY worries or medical issues you already have (i'm diabetic and have PCOS) as they will be able to get you to the hosp and get seen without putting too much stress on each other!!! Fingers are crossed for you and wish you all the best!
bless ya!! Fingers are very crossed, sounds like its been hell for you both so far! Its not easy ttc and it will be hard when people say "itll happen when it happens" but dont loose courage it will do at some point and as it's been said for many years practice makes perfect!! Keep practicing we do!!! LOL!! xxxxx
AF finally arrived after my first round on 100mgs Clomid days 5-9. It is by far the most painful period I have had to date. Now trying to figure out of this is my day 1 or not to start 150mgs Clomid days 5-9... What is the rule of thumb when it comes to cycle days and starting Clomid on the right day? I might have done it wrong this past cycle.

At least now I have a clean slate and am not in limbo.

Sorry you got AF but glad you're not in limbo anymore...you should count day 1 as the first full day of red flow or how your period normally is...good luck.
Ok..New to the site. And to forums as a whole. Hubby and I have been TTC since November 2012. Was on the pill for many years before. So I finally think my body is adjusting to its own thing. Gained a few lbs after coming off..mostly in my rear and tatas. Anyone else experience this?
We don't want to monitor b/c we want to make it fun and to let God do the work. But its just so frustrating and discouraging when people tell you oh it didnt take me anytime to get pregnant! ughhh. Any advice of just going with the flow of things is much appreciated!

welcome and good luck to you taking the less stressed approach. Good for you. I don't have much advice in that as I'm a crazy charter, temper, etc. but i wish you all the best! :dust:

If you'd like to keep it simple the best advice I've gotten was to BD every other day. Eventually you will catch an egg and voila! Lol (really so much more goes into that but hey, lol).

Good luck!
AF finally arrived after my first round on 100mgs Clomid days 5-9. It is by far the most painful period I have had to date. Now trying to figure out of this is my day 1 or not to start 150mgs Clomid days 5-9... What is the rule of thumb when it comes to cycle days and starting Clomid on the right day? I might have done it wrong this past cycle.

At least now I have a clean slate and am not in limbo.

Sorry you got AF but glad you're not in limbo anymore...you should count day 1 as the first full day of red flow or how your period normally is...good luck.

So yesterday as I woke up cuz of terrible cramps used the bathroom and saw red in toilet and on toilet paper...??
AF finally arrived after my first round on 100mgs Clomid days 5-9. It is by far the most painful period I have had to date. Now trying to figure out of this is my day 1 or not to start 150mgs Clomid days 5-9... What is the rule of thumb when it comes to cycle days and starting Clomid on the right day? I might have done it wrong this past cycle.

At least now I have a clean slate and am not in limbo.

Sorry you got AF but glad you're not in limbo anymore...you should count day 1 as the first full day of red flow or how your period normally is...good luck.

So yesterday as I woke up cuz of terrible cramps used the bathroom and saw red in toilet and on toilet paper...??

that was probably day 1 then...if tomorrow is the same or more, then yes...

I'm new to all of this as this is my first month TTC. This will be my third month off BC so I started out by trying to work out my cycle. Last month I was blessed with a 29 day cycle so I set this as a starting point and tried again with a 32 day. The first day of my last period was 3rd March, I was given ovulation dates between 14th-21st March (depending how long my cycle was). I can't say that I paid much attention to my mucus in the first half of my cycle...until last week even. Symptoms recorded prior to this are a metal taste in my mouth on the 15th March and mild cramps from around the 16th.
We BD'd every day during this time (we are both young so no risk of overdoing it)
on the 19th I started looking at my mucus..all are finger test results
18th yellow stain in knickers with two brown dots
19th White and Sticky, deposited in knickers. held shape.
20th Watery, not in knickers
21st Small amount of EWCM in knickers
22nd Sticky white and wet mucus, not in knickers
23rd lotion like white sticky mucus
24th lotion like white sticky mucus, forms peaks, could feel inside when moving but not in knickers
25th (today) lotion like white sticky mucus on finger test, slightly stretchy (up to 1cm) dries quickly on knickers. (BFN today)

Could anyone provide any advice on when I may have O'd?

Other symptoms include constant thirst, frequent urination, cramps and odd achey/stabbing pains in boobs.

AF finally arrived after my first round on 100mgs Clomid days 5-9. It is by far the most painful period I have had to date. Now trying to figure out of this is my day 1 or not to start 150mgs Clomid days 5-9... What is the rule of thumb when it comes to cycle days and starting Clomid on the right day? I might have done it wrong this past cycle.

At least now I have a clean slate and am not in limbo.

Sorry you got AF but glad you're not in limbo anymore...you should count day 1 as the first full day of red flow or how your period normally is...good luck.

So yesterday as I woke up cuz of terrible cramps used the bathroom and saw red in toilet and on toilet paper...??

that was probably day 1 then...if tomorrow is the same or more, then yes...

As for cycle day count the specialist also told be that if bleeding starts before 6pm then that is your CD1, if it starts after 6pm then the next day is CD1...this all depends on the continuation of bleeding as already stated :)

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