Hey Ladies,
Last night I did an OPK and in less than one minute it was super dark!!! We dtd... however from I arrived at work this morning I've been having serious ovulation pains. More left side than any. Its been hurting all day!!! Im definitely ovulating today... Im hoping i dont be in this much pain to BD when I get offf... ugh it hurts soooo bad
if you're ovulating today, then dtd last night will be plenty if you're in too much pain for tonight. Good luck!
Hey Girl! Its been awhile since Ive seen how you and the twins are and Im heart broken to find that you lost them at 8 weeks... Im so sorry...

You start another round of clomid? Praying that it sticks for you! Its one thing to get pregnant but then to go through worrying for that first part if your gonna lose them... keep strong my dear girl!
Hi bluz...yeah, it's been really rough. It was a week ago today that we found out. Can't start again until my HCG is back to 0 and who knows how long that could take. Today's number was really high at 2365. I go every monday for blood draws now until 0. Then i have to wait for a period to return and only then can we start trying again...i'm hoping this all just take a couple of months or less. no more clomid until then. They are going to do a bunch of blood work between now and then to find out why my babies don't make it past a certain point. Hopefully we'll get some answers and my next pregnancy will stick. Thank you for checking on me. How are you???
I'm so sorry to hear all of this! Was so excited for you... cant imagine now how much it stinks to have to wait all the way till they are back to 0... hows OH taking it? What are you doing to keep your mind off of it? And just by your statement, have you been pregnant before? THeres a certain point they dont make it? Im a praying woman and so every now and then ( my hubby knows I go here for support) I tell him about one of my ladies that needs prayer. Youll go on that and you will get a sticky bfp in no time... Im doing ok... Tryin to not focus on ttc and just worrying now if i have something wrong with me... i know its not a year yet, but its getting close.. OH has some issues as well and im wondering if they are whats making it take awhile.. he feels so guilty and wants to be a dad so bad.. so we are getting an appt soon... i just wanted to try on my own and make it, you know? If its him then because of the condition he has we can only do IVF and I dont know how I feel about doctors choosing the best sperm and egg that meet their genetic criteria... seems wrong.. anyhow.. just trying to not let it take over my life.. seems like ppl that would be great moms cant get there... and i have tons of friends who dont want it and have tons... but it will all be worth it in the end!!!
Thank you so much. I appreciate that. We were super excited about this too...just sucks. DH is doing well. He's had his moments here and there but has been the biggest most wonderful ROCK for me and that's so important. He's constantly picking up the pieces for me so I feel blessed to have him through this. He's ready to try again...he hates waiting too. Just trying to keep busy with house projects and stuff and having friends over...that's helping a little. But i wake up thinking about it and being sad like it was a nightmare but I'll be better in time. Yes, this is our 3rd pregnancy...3rd loss. First was in 2011, we were 10 weeks, 3 days. Second was a chemical, only lasted a week and then this one at 8 weeks, 1 day with twins. It never gets easier. Yeah, both normal pregnancies had heartbeats and everything and both ended about 7 weeks so they are going to try to figure out why...i'm a very much praying woman too so me and God have been having multiple chats a day.

I'm asking him to please give me a break and to give me peace through this. Please God give us our forever baby. thank you SO much for praying for us too and putting us on your prayer list. That means the world to me.
And it's so hard not to focus on it when it's all you want...i completely get that. I made a list in my journal awhile back for things to look forward to if we didn't get pregnant this last time and it was a good list. you should check it out...it would help with focusing on other things.

I would definitely get an appointment soon too. You all need to know what's going on. Even if OH has those issues, the chances are still so great to conceive. I have a friend that's full proof of that. Her DH's SA said 0% normal and no motility, etc. They now have a perfectly healthy beautiful baby girl, Vivian. It's amazing. Doctor said they would never conceive on their own.
I understand you wanting to try on your own but after so long, a little help wouldn't be a bad idea. I tried for a year and finally asked for some medical help with it and they put me on clomid and i got pregnant right away. It was awesome.
Yes bluz, it will ALL be worth it in the end when we're holding our babies. Take care hun!!!