Oooo, positive opk works. Tell them that... And given that the positive would be a day or so before O that really means cd 21/22. How many DPO are you now??
Thanks for the thoughts everyone.... It really helps...
DH and I have decided that this cycle will not involve any temping or testing or anything. Just good old fashion baby dancing....a lot! Lol
This is our 6th cycle since MC (5th cycle trying) so if no BFP this cycle then off to the doctors. It's about one year total trying and with my 33rd birthday this month and DH's 36th we feel its time...
So provided no AF in 32 days I will break out a FRER. wish us luck and lots of
***waiting patiently for May 14th***
New to this forum...long story short: 26 yo been ttc with my DH for 1 year. Had a miscarriage at 6 weeks along in October. No luck TTC or even ovulating after the MC. AF was coming about every 50-60 days. Started seeing a RE in February. Got diagnosed with PCOS...started metformin. Also got put on Femara. Did 5 days of that and then had an ultrasound. Grew 2 follicles, did Ovidrel to release them and then the "perfectly time" BD. Today was the end of our TWW and a BFN!!!!!! My DH tires to be very positive and is a wonderful husband, but lately I have felt very very alone. He just doesn't get what emotions I go through day in and day out.
During the TWW I scrutinized every little change in my body and routine. Did I go to the bathroom more than usual, are my breast sore, do they feel larger, am I nauseous or just anxious? I feel obsessed over every detail. I wasn't very hopeful this am while I waited the 3 long minutes for 1 pink line. All my girlfriends have children or are pregnant. One with PCOS is due in May. My sister just had a baby in February. My mother, sister, and close friends know we are struggling with this, and yet I feel like I am battling all these emotions on my own. I am still hopeful, but if one more person says, "don't worry" or "you're young" or "it'll happen" I'm going to go insane. Anyone else feel alone in a sea of people that love you?
Hi everyone... Im a newbieIm 28 and was on BC for 12 years and this is our seventh cycle of trying
I had a chemical pregnancy a few months ago but since then no BFP. I think i might have a lining that is too thin, at first AF was only two days and i could get by with a panty liner but at least now im up to four days
so hopefully Ill get my BFP soon- his was my first cycle doing temps and i did get a temp rise, i am getting my progesterone checked on CD 21 (in 2 days) to make sure im ovulating cuz my cycles are anywhere from 25-36 days... Eek. Its starting to get frustrating since all my closest friends are having babies and i am a neonatal intensive care nurse so im either surrounded by babies at work or my friends babies outside of work. Dont get me wrong, i LOVE my job and my friends babies.... I just want MY baby already!!!!
Hi, I have been TTC no 1 for almost 3 years now, and I am just now finding this forum. I am looking forward to participating and seeing if I can learn any new things that might help me. If you have an suggestions for me, I would love to hear them. Thank you!