Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

ooooooooo fingers crossed!!!!! Keep us upto date tho!!!!

praying for :baby:!!! i definitely will keep you informed! im so hyper right now cause im not sure if im going to start or not. lol. she better not show!!! but technically she shouldve came full blast yesterday & she didnt i dont want to get my hopes up... D:
Hey girls,

how is everyone going? I went to my internal ultrasound scan yesterday and everything was great :happydance: all working as it should and nothing out of the ordinary so now gunna book in for the hubby to have a check. I suppose just keep :sex: and keep our fingers crossed.

Oh and yesterday we got a fertility monitor ready for new cycle and got Balance Activ Conceive Fertility Spray to try, we shall see how that goes. 22 months and counting!
Hello Everyone. It's my first time on this platform. I've been married for about 2 years now. My husband and I have been trying all the while, but we haven't been successful.
I had an HSG in June, but it wasn't done properly with the x-ray suggesting that I had blocked tubes, so the gynecologist said I had to do another one
The second revealed that my tubes were clear! That was just last month. So we're trying now and hoping for the best.
Hello Everyone. It's my first time on this platform. I've been married for about 2 years now. My husband and I have been trying all the while, but we haven't been successful.
I had an HSG in June, but it wasn't done properly with the x-ray suggesting that I had blocked tubes, so the gynecologist said I had to do another one
The second revealed that my tubes were clear! That was just last month. So we're trying now and hoping for the best.

Good luck and welcome!! I'd be extremely annoyed to have to go back because they messed up results they should have got it right first time. Keep up the trying tho and don't loose hope!
Hey guy's

I have been on here for quite a bit but decided to ease off for a while. Now back on as i'm getting frustrated.
A little about me, i am 28 and hubby is only just 30. TTC for around 1yr 8m. I was on depo for a while (too long) and started regular periods January 2012 which is when we started ttc. I do opk's and always get a positive every time but it's just not happening. I have never done temp's as am a shocker at getting up at the same time every day, ooppps. I am booked in next Monday for an internal ultrasound to check whats going on, had bloods done but that came back normal.

Just wanting to chat and have been reading everyone else's comments. :)

Welcome giggles! i've been a little mia lately focused on my own stuff but i'm trying to play catch up. Good luck to you and i hope you get preggers soon! :dust:
first day on here! kinda new to this kind of thing. my husband and i have been ttc since July. this month might be it! two days late, and ive been very sore, and have to pee every 10 minutes. the past few days ive been getting really bad cramps, but no af. is this normal?

Wow welcome Maddy, looks like you got your positive not long after this post. CONGRATS!!!! :happydance: :hugs:
Hello ladies, ive been scanning these posts for 16 months after having implanon implant removed, went crazy ttc #1!! Like mental crazy! Temping,mucas checking, date obsessing:! Lol so 3 mpnths ago for the sake of my health i had to stop and planned my wedding instead :) Now im getting married on monday and i am 6 weeks pregnant!! :D So plz plz plz dont give up! Dont get stressed! All good thing come to thoes who wait... Luv to you all x x x
Btw first symptoms for me as i wasnt 'sumptom checking' were i had brown discharge inside( sry tmi) none on tp though..on day witch was due(implantation bleeding)? And my bbs stayed sore after due date..they didnt hurt anymore than usual tho.. Funny hpw i only had thoes 2 symptoms when.6months.ago i would hsve said i had every symptom going lol!! Oh and quick tip...have sex when u feel like it..(you feel sexy when u r around ovulation) not when u think u should..ur body knows u better than a chart. X x
Hi ladies,
This is my 5 month of trying, and I feel a little different this month I am 5dpo, and today I am very tired, also since about 3dpo my boobs have been very tender. I dont know if these are just hormones or what the heck is going on!! I hate this tww!!! I have some cramping to kinda feels like AF...... I have heard a lot that you can't have symptoms early wondering if this could be the month. I am due for my period on the 12 of october so still early in the TWW.

welcome Jam and sounds like all great signs! Yes, those are definitely hormonal symptoms but could very well be pregnancy related too. It's almost time for you to test! Best of luck! :dust:
well heres a update on me. still no af day 63 now 17 dpo, i had super bright red blood last night & 3 days ago it was light pink mixed with brown started crying cause i thought i started checked today very light brown again so yeah i dont think im going to actually start. im requesting a blood test for next wednesday so hopefully i can get one. so so far since the 3rd my blood has gone from brown, pink, light brown, red, light brown. implantation maybe? still getting negs well they look like faint positives to me but i cant really tell cause im not sure if im imagining the line or not but hubby always sees them when i do so idk.. hopefully i can get a blood test done!:)
Hello ladies
I am new to posting but have been ttc for a yr.
Me 33 Pcos. Dont O on my own. mc in 2007 @ 7w6d gestational age. 140bpm 10 hrs before mc :cry:
DH 35 perfectly fine
married 5 yrs w no contraception used
I was seeing regular endow since mc and was getting nowhere. Finally spoke up and got referral for RE. Best move ever. After 6 mos adjusting med dosage and dancing with insurance co to cover SIS/FEMVUEfinally got a Protocol in place. First cycle so trying not to get too excited.
9/18/13 provera to induce af. 9/23/13 CD1. 9/26/13 CD4 u/s. CD5-9 clomid 150mg.
10/4/13 CD12 u/s 2 follies only 8 & 10. CD15 second :happydance:u/s follies grew! 22 & 20.
Ovidrel trigger that night and timed bd all week. Side effects are not fun. How do people get pregnant on accident??
good luck to all of you in trying to make your miracle!
Hi Ladies.
New to posting. I'll give abit of background. myself and hubby are 30,highschool sweethearts(hate that word though) and married nearly 3years . This is our 4th cycle ttc as well as being of bc. we have been trying to take a very relaxed approach, only using an app to tell us when O is and then also dtd when we feel like it. I have always been a very regular 25days and never late. last month was 5days late. got extremely excited but waited til morning of day5 before I poas.bfn and started 5mins later.:( I'm hoping that means bc is now completely out my system. This month I have no clue how long my cycle will be as I was 5days late month. but hoping its anything from 25-28. I have an idea when I O'd and I believe im either 11/13dpo. On 8/10dpo I got a stabbing cramp which had me doubled in pain which lasted bout 10mins and then all was fine again. Hoping this was implantation. Have been having cramps on and off last few days, every so often something smells stronger than normal but its not constant and boobs are sore round the nipple area. hoping this is our month but also don't wanna get my hopes too much.
FC to everyone who is ttc
Welcome Lolly. Those all sound like good signs, and the relaxed approach is the best if you can do it naturally. Stress tends to mess everything up. We tried off and on since the m/c in 2007, but my cycles were anywhere from 35 days to 6 months, and the first dr wasn't helping at all. The last year has been a whirlwind of sonos and lab work and meds, hope you don't have to go through it. Lets hope we both get our good news by the end of the year:D
Hi ladies me and the hubby have been TTC for ova a year now, I ahve been taking geritol complete. I heard its an old wise tale and it will help. Been taking them for only a week now, and n the process af came. Me and the hubby had sex in the process of af. I notice this month af wasnt bad as last month doe. I have been tired lately but dont knw if its from changing no job and times or what. Hopefully I will have a BFP soon. I goin to continue to take geritol complete until I get my BFP.. Baby dust to you all
Got my tests in the mail today. Took one around 5 this afternoon. Negative. So my period is 2 weeks late today. Guess my body is just messed up. This month makes a year that we've been trying. I think it's time I just forget about it.

Awe Sam, i'm sorry honey. You hang in there. DON'T GIVE UP! :hugs:
Gutted just gutted mother nature came 3 days early so woke up in a mess and very upset obviously. Last month was the last month of clomid so now we are onto ivf baby dust to everyone hope it's your month this time!!:cry:

Ugh, so sorry Cuddles! :-( :hugs:
:dust: to you too and i hope IVF works for you and SOON!!!!
BROWN TO LIGHT PINK BACK TO BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope thats a good sign, so far its a good birthday since the bitch hasnt shown yet!!! ****knock on wood**** i hope thats a good sign since thats never happened to me before. LOL. no cramps i feel perfectly fine no symptoms besides craving brownies but im not sure if sweets is really a craving? LOL! uhm uhm, took a test negative but i expected that because i seen the pink and was like yeeeah im done shes coming but it went back to brown. well it only lasted a hour. LOL!!! sorry for the ramble im SOOOOO hyper right now!!! :D <3 :happydance:

Your poor thing, i hope you get answers soon!!!

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