Hello everyone!
I'm new here and this is my first month TTC. I need some advice. My periods are always very regular. Every 31 days and the first day is really heavy and painful. This month is different though. I was supposed to start on 10-17-13. But on 10-14-13 at 3:30 pm I started bleeding very lightly. Then it stopped on 10-16-13 and was brown. I was completely dry on the 17th ( day period supposed to be due) then on 10-18-13, I woke up and I had brown spotting. And I'm cramping and bloated. The spotting isn't enough to fill a pad or tampon, barely a pantyliner.
I took a test on 10-18-13 and got a BFN. Dr. said to wait a week and retest. I was just wondering if any on you knew what this meant? I fully believe that i would be having a normal period this month if i weren't pregnant. Could this possibly be implantation bleeding? Or just a really wacky period?
These are my symptoms.
DPO tracker
4 dpo- veiny swollen boobs, peeing a lot, hot, ovary twinges, dry mouth, rash on chest and between boobs, had baby makin sex, heart palpitation,
5dpo- cried at the croods. slight headache, tired, ache in right ovary area
6do- woke up at 5 am extremely hungry. Feeling puffy all over, breaking out like crazy, constantly having to pee
9dpo- laid in bed all day, extremely exausted and very emotional, discharge, congested
10dpo- nauseas after eating, super hot!, smelling my lotion really strong, lazy, discharge, congested , ovary twinges all day~somewhat strong
11dpo- pants fitting tight, congested, feeling a little sick, hot, feeling full in my uterus area, cramping a little bit, twinges on ovary areas, back ached like crazy
12dpo- horrible cramping like on my period, bloated, eating constantly, sore boobs!
13dpo- cramping off and on, twinges in ovaries, sore boobs, tired
14dpo- cramps and bleeding. Light bleeding that's very smooth. Bright red, but has zero clots. 4 days before expected period. Boobs still sore.
15dpo- light bleeding, no clots.
16dpo- light bleeding turned brown-stopped that evening at 7ish.
17dpo-nothing! dry
18dpo-woke up to brown spotting. Took pregnancy test and it was BFN.
19dpo-brown spotting-barely
Any advice and if i'm posting in the wrong forum, im sorry. =(