Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hey, new user here, just wanted to say hi, not sure if I'm the only guy registered on here or not, just seemed the only vastly informative forum on the internet with personal experiences etc.

Reason I've joined is to take some of the pressure off of my wife. She's the most amazing woman in the world and has changed my entire outlook on life and how I live it. She suffers from extreme PCOS, at times the pain cripples her, and because she knows so many people she knows are getting pregnant lately, (even my mother!), she's also started suffering from depression.
We went to a fertility doctor who did tests on myself and found that I had abnormal/deformed sperm with low motility. Needless to say, I was rather upset, but I'm one of those guys who just tries to get on with things.

I've tried to take a lot of the pressure off of her, by saying the reason we're not conceiving is down to me because she's read so many stories of women who suffer from PCOS but have given birth a number of times since being diagnosed.

We've been trying to conceive for two and a half years, and I've taken all kinds of vitamins and supplements, with no end result. Has anyone else had these sperm problems and managed to fix them? My wife is my entire world, and it kills me that I can't give her the one thing she wants more than anything else in the world, especially after being turned down by fostering agencies due to her age (she's 22). Being a mother is in her nature. She's a mother without a child.
Hey, new user here, just wanted to say hi, not sure if I'm the only guy registered on here or not, just seemed the only vastly informative forum on the internet with personal experiences etc.

Reason I've joined is to take some of the pressure off of my wife. She's the most amazing woman in the world and has changed my entire outlook on life and how I live it. She suffers from extreme PCOS, at times the pain cripples her, and because she knows so many people she knows are getting pregnant lately, (even my mother!), she's also started suffering from depression.
We went to a fertility doctor who did tests on myself and found that I had abnormal/deformed sperm with low motility. Needless to say, I was rather upset, but I'm one of those guys who just tries to get on with things.

I've tried to take a lot of the pressure off of her, by saying the reason we're not conceiving is down to me because she's read so many stories of women who suffer from PCOS but have given birth a number of times since being diagnosed.

We've been trying to conceive for two and a half years, and I've taken all kinds of vitamins and supplements, with no end result. Has anyone else had these sperm problems and managed to fix them? My wife is my entire world, and it kills me that I can't give her the one thing she wants more than anything else in the world, especially after being turned down by fostering agencies due to her age (she's 22). Being a mother is in her nature. She's a mother without a child.

Welcome to the forum yes there is a lot of ladies on here but men are welcome as you guys are half the fun to having a baby! (in most cases) What i can suggest is speak to the doctors and ask for help, we spent 2 years before we finally went to the docs to find i had pcos (i'm also a diabetic) they put me on Clomid to begin with for 6 months which finally made me ovulate but we didn't fall so after another 6 months we finally got the hospital to sway our way to let us have ivf (check online how many your entitled to) so we are up for that next year. I'd highly recommend both doing the jillian 30 day shred if you need to loose weight (this REALLY helps the effects of pcos) and make sure you take Zinc tablets daily (try holland and barrett or docs) my DH has noticed a difference in amount and motility since taking them also ask your lady to speak to the hosp/docs about Pioglitazone as this may help in conception also a very very good med i'm on is Metformin an absolute legend as it will help with sugar resistance which in turn will help with weight loss etc etc. Hope this info helps!!! Sorry for the essay!!!
Hi everyone, I am very new here but I am really glad there is somewhere I can ask questions or just read and feel like i am not alone!

So my husband and I have been trying for a while, we were kinda saying we're trying but not trying "see how it goes" stuff but really evey month its horrible when he does't happen. so now we are really trying! make sense? I apologise in advance for waffling!

We really want a baby, and I have been pregnant before in a previous relationship but had a miscarrige but my husband is convinved theres something wrong with him. Whilst he is an upstanding member of society these days that wasn't always the case and he had used a fair bit of cannabis in the past and he's read somewhere that that can cause problems with sperm. I am tracking my ovualtion and my cycle is regular as clockwork so I am just wondering if there is anything else we can do? Any advice? He's really struggling, he doesn't want to go to the doc because I think if he hears that yes it is pproblem it will complely crush him. Sorry if this isn't where I am suposed to post, if someone can direct me that would be awesome
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Hi everyone, I am very new here but I am really glad there is somewhere I can ask questions or just read and feel like i am not alone!

So my husband and I have been trying for a while, we were kinda saying we're trying but not trying "see how it goes" stuff but really evey month its horrible when he does't happen. so now we are really trying! make sense? I apologise in advance for waffling!

We really want a baby, and I have been pregnant before in a previous relationship but had a miscarrige but my husband is convinved theres something wrong with him. Whilst he is an upstanding member of society these days that wasn't always the case and he had used a fair bit of cannabis in the past and he's read somewhere that that can cause problems with sperm. I am tracking my ovualtion and my cycle is regular as clockwork so I am just wondering if there is anything else we can do? Any advice? He's really struggling, he doesn't want to go to the doc because I think if he hears that yes it is pproblem it will complely crush him. Sorry if this isn't where I am suposed to post, if someone can direct me that would be awesome

Hi there and welcome! My DH has also had a shaky past and I have also done a bit of reading and all the stuff I could find suggested that as long as he isn't using it now all should be fine. Sperm is not like eggs where you only ever have so many, it is constantly regenerating.

We all desperately want to conceive but try and take a little bit of the pressure off. If you haven't conceived after 6 months of really trying then I would go see a Dr.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Thanks CKM, that makes me feel better, we have been trying for about 8 months, we were trying to keep relaxed about it but at this stage its just so frustrating:wacko: My husband now wants to seriously try but I have been tracking ovulation for months ( I am a planner)

Good luck to all!!:spermy::spermy::dust:
Hey everyone I'm a newbie :) I have been ttc for over a year now. My periods are long & irregular. I haven't had a period in almost 2 months so my obgyn prescribed me provera & gave me some samples of pregnitude. Anyone here ever tried pregnitude & have a success story?
Hey everyone. I am completely new here. I think it's great to have a forum to ask questions or read through. My bf and I have been ttc for a year this month with no luck. This month I have my fingers crossed for a bfp!
Hi ladies!!! I am joining your thread! I am supposed to test on Christmas Day!!

I am a little excited about testing in a few days but i don't want to get my hopes up just yet!!!

So maybe some of you lovely ladies can give me some advice or your experiences... My DH and i have been married since February and TTC our first with no success so i went to the DR and was diagnosed with a prolatinoma (tumor on pituitary gland secreting prolactin)... My prolactin was at 89 and i have been taking 2.5mg of bromocriptine since november and this week my level is at 19 which is normal... i got AF on dec 1 and a + opk on dec 10 not supposed to get AF again until january... so i am now in the two week wait... the longest two weeks!

since last Saturday (dec 14) i have been a little nauseous here and there, headache for a few days, pretty moody, sore boobs and the last 4 days i have been having lower back pain its not severely painful it feels like AF cramps and a constant throbbing. I don't know if AF is coming early but i have never had any AF symptoms this early. I have not had any implantation bleeding, does that happen to every one? Has anybody else had the same symptoms?
Hey, new user here, just wanted to say hi, not sure if I'm the only guy registered on here or not, just seemed the only vastly informative forum on the internet with personal experiences etc.

Reason I've joined is to take some of the pressure off of my wife. She's the most amazing woman in the world and has changed my entire outlook on life and how I live it. She suffers from extreme PCOS, at times the pain cripples her, and because she knows so many people she knows are getting pregnant lately, (even my mother!), she's also started suffering from depression.
We went to a fertility doctor who did tests on myself and found that I had abnormal/deformed sperm with low motility. Needless to say, I was rather upset, but I'm one of those guys who just tries to get on with things.

I've tried to take a lot of the pressure off of her, by saying the reason we're not conceiving is down to me because she's read so many stories of women who suffer from PCOS but have given birth a number of times since being diagnosed.

We've been trying to conceive for two and a half years, and I've taken all kinds of vitamins and supplements, with no end result. Has anyone else had these sperm problems and managed to fix them? My wife is my entire world, and it kills me that I can't give her the one thing she wants more than anything else in the world, especially after being turned down by fostering agencies due to her age (she's 22). Being a mother is in her nature. She's a mother without a child.

Wow, welcome here Shack, you are in the right place and how brave of you to come into this ALL WOMAN forum. :-) I love it. You are so awesome to post on behalf of your wife. She's a lucky woman. That stinks she has PCOS and you have sperm issues but i fully believe you will be blessed one day and hopefully soon! You're doing everything right. Keep taking those vitamins and trying to be healthy, no smoking, moderate drinking, etc. She needs to be on a prenatal vitamin daily. And it might help if she tracks her cycles on fertilityfriend.com. It's great. Temping and tracking will give you all the best time to have sex and give yourselves the highest chances. BEST OF LUCK!!! :hugs:
Hi all,
I am TTC #1...finally got my boyfriend to agree to having babies:happydance: Today is CD1 for me after a long 40 day cycle where I had every obsessive BFP symptom out there and of course I was let down today by AF:witch: :cry: This was our 3rd cycle of actively trying, doing everything except temp's; including OPK's, BD every other day, CM checking, CP checking, etc. My cycles range from 30-42 days with average cycle length of 34. I "think" I know when I ovulate based on OPK's and CM but even though we are doing everything right...BFN and AF keep showing up:growlmad: I am type-A, obsessive over everything in my life and I am a PLANNER to the max! My dear boyfriend on the other hand is a go with the flow, see what happens kind of man and DOES NOT want to plan this. Therefore, I am reaching out to others in my TTC #1 journey so I don't go completely INSANE! I am keeping it a secret from family and friends (despite my father constantly asking for grandchildren) so I don't feel any more pressure than I am already putting on myself. Just want to get through this cycle with some support and be able to follow other's journey TTC. I am so ready and I know you all know how I feel! This cycle I am planning on using the "Sperm Meets Egg Plan", OPK's, green tea, 2-3 days of weekly exercise, massage (in my attempts to plan, yet relax haha), and try to make love instead of just trying to make a baby. Trying to stay positive! Hope everyone is well and look forward to joining this forum!

Best of luck to you sweetie!!! I hope it happens for you guys right away!!! :dust:
I am new to this sight and this kind of thing so I am not sure what to say. I am 28 and my bf is 40. I have 3 children and he has none. I have never had a problem getting pregnant until now. Wanting to know if there are any methods I could try...or tips anyone can offer? He is really touchy on this subject and doesn't want to see a fertility specialist...wants to do it the old fashioned way...HELP!!!

Come check me out! :hugs:
Welcome to the forum yes there is a lot of ladies on here but men are welcome as you guys are half the fun to having a baby! (in most cases) What i can suggest is speak to the doctors and ask for help, we spent 2 years before we finally went to the docs to find i had pcos (i'm also a diabetic) they put me on Clomid to begin with for 6 months which finally made me ovulate but we didn't fall so after another 6 months we finally got the hospital to sway our way to let us have ivf (check online how many your entitled to) so we are up for that next year. I'd highly recommend both doing the jillian 30 day shred if you need to loose weight (this REALLY helps the effects of pcos) and make sure you take Zinc tablets daily (try holland and barrett or docs) my DH has noticed a difference in amount and motility since taking them also ask your lady to speak to the hosp/docs about Pioglitazone as this may help in conception also a very very good med i'm on is Metformin an absolute legend as it will help with sugar resistance which in turn will help with weight loss etc etc. Hope this info helps!!! Sorry for the essay!!![/QUOTE]

Yeah, she starts taking the clomid things at the end of next month, she was given them two months ago and the specialist said to start taking them at the end of January.

We've got a sneaking suspicion we're being palmed off until my wife is 23 for some reason, as we've been to the specialist four times now, six months apart, just to do the same things and the same tests. He keeps telling her she needs to reduce her BMI, which would be fine if we didn't leave the hospital and see a woman twice her size talking to someone about coming in to book an IVF treatment...

My weight isn't an issue, and I don't drink whatsoever, although I do smoke but nowhere near as much as I used to.

Trouble is, my wife has said she wants to lose the weight, all eight pounds the specialist has told her to lose, she's gone swimming which causes her immense pain as her hip comes out of place alot, and does all this wii fit b*llocks, and none of it seems to work. It doesn't help that we appear to be miscarrying on average once every two to three months within six weeks of apparent conception which makes her incredibly upset and depressed.

I've been taking vitamins and supplements for the last two years as that's how long we've been trying, I just wondered whether anyone had found something that solidly 100% works to improve things.
So my husband and I have been trying for a while, we were kinda saying we're trying but not trying "see how it goes" stuff but really evey month its horrible when he does't happen. so now we are really trying! make sense? I apologise in advance for waffling!

It's nice to know that someone else has taken the "see how it goes" approach and really ended up stressing/being super disappointed (I hope I am not putting words in your mouth). We haven't been "seeing how it goes" for very long, just a couple of months. But we are starting to ask ourselves a lot of questions. I have a physical scheduled in about 2 weeks and plan to ask the questions we have when I go. Then, maybe we will seriously start TTC and not just waiting and seeing how things go.

I have been ready for a baby for a long time, but we only got married 2 months ago and DH is just coming around to being ready. I don't want to push him, that would be an awful thing to do. So, we are just taking life one day at a time and making sure to communicate with each other.
I don't suppose anyone knows how easy it is to get referred to a new specialist? We've just looked through the NHS guidelines for treatment and our specialist hasn't done a single thing on the NHS list, he even tried to put my wife on Metformin, an anti diabetic drug to force her to lose FIVE pounds!
I don't suppose anyone knows how easy it is to get referred to a new specialist? We've just looked through the NHS guidelines for treatment and our specialist hasn't done a single thing on the NHS list, he even tried to put my wife on Metformin, an anti diabetic drug to force her to lose FIVE pounds!

i'd prob suggest to go back to your docs and ask them to refer you to another specialist as your not happy with the one your with. In regards to the Metform take them as they offer them to every woman with PCOS as it helps with the effects I take them and have been brilliant so far if they tell you its for weight loss most docs do that as its all down to the BMI rubbish they won't do anything at all until your both at least looking like your trying to get you BMIs where they should be (trust me i know!!!!!) but take the metformin it'll help!!
So my husband and I have been trying for a while, we were kinda saying we're trying but not trying "see how it goes" stuff but really evey month its horrible when he does't happen. so now we are really trying! make sense? I apologise in advance for waffling!

It's nice to know that someone else has taken the "see how it goes" approach and really ended up stressing/being super disappointed (I hope I am not putting words in your mouth). We haven't been "seeing how it goes" for very long, just a couple of months. But we are starting to ask ourselves a lot of questions. I have a physical scheduled in about 2 weeks and plan to ask the questions we have when I go. Then, maybe we will seriously start TTC and not just waiting and seeing how things go.

I have been ready for a baby for a long time, but we only got married 2 months ago and DH is just coming around to being ready. I don't want to push him, that would be an awful thing to do. So, we are just taking life one day at a time and making sure to communicate with each other.

That's exactly how I feel! Every month I get a warning headache and its just soul destroying when it's the same ol same ol, probably because pretending to not be bothered can only last so long! Good luck to you, hopefully it happens soon for both of us!
I was doing some googling and I came across a book: https://www.impatientwoman.com/author.html

Has anyone here heard of it? Read it? I am thinking of getting it. It addresses a lot of the stress/anxiety/and depression that a lot of us go through on this journey. The author is a psychology prof. at U of San Diego State.
I was doing some googling and I came across a book: https://www.impatientwoman.com/author.html

Has anyone here heard of it? Read it? I am thinking of getting it. It addresses a lot of the stress/anxiety/and depression that a lot of us go through on this journey. The author is a psychology prof. at U of San Diego State.

i have this book and have been reading it off and on. i really like it so far. i need to start reading it again but that would require me to take time away from this site. He, he...

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