I am leaning towards getting it. Especially since we have a giftcard and coupon for Amazon!
HI guys I haven't been on this site since we found out we were pregnant back in July, and we found out it was tubular in September and I almost died from it. I was wondering if I could jump in and maybe vent and basically join this 'family' again?
Hi everyone,
I just joined after TTC for what I pains me to even write- almost 2 years of both not preventing and TTC. DH and I have been together for almost 8 years and started not preventing right before we married in March 2012. Its painful to discuss with friends and family, so I almost always avoid the discussion all together. I've gone back and forth between aggressively TTC and letting nature take it's course. It's frustrating and at times mind consuming.
I moved away from my home town to take a new job, start fresh, and leave a lot of stress that I'm hoping was the reason for us not being successful thus far. I'm hopeful that 2014 is our year.
Babydust to everyone that is out there and experiencing the let downs each BFN.
Hi Ladies, I have a question! I am ttc (i had a baby july 29th 2013 but lost her I was only 6 months when i had her) well my question is I had a AF dec 13th 2013 and then dec 28th I started to spot only when i wiped for 3 days. Then I took a opk jan 1st and today (jan 2nd) and they were positive. But when I do a ovulation chart it says my fertility days are 12-26-13 to 12-31-13. I am just so confused why the opks are positive . Thank you
Well hats off to year #2 of ttc... sigh. But ordered Fertilaid for men and women, Ovaboost, FertilCM, and ConcievePlus. Please let all of this help me reach my goal this year.... Iplan on continuing this regimen for 6 months and if I dont get my BFP then I will be visiting my doc..... (my dh has even been going commando as well as not drinking!)