Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1


How are you getting on? Xx

Its a big fat no :sad2: unfortunately! Auntie flo decided to turn up after being 6 days late and a pregnancy test cow bag.....Lol!! But the silver lining is tho I've started on the clomid again this week so fingers crossed it'll work out and i won't need the ivf in june!
25 yrs old female,80lbs and 4"11 tall.Been married for 5 yrs and been trying to conceive for about 2 and a half yrs now.

To begin my story,my period is always a week or a couple days early.For example;Period Start January 18,2014- January 24.And on February it did start on the 11th and was done by 15(Very heavy with clots for like 3days as always).And this march I have been having Headache,always hungry,boobs sore,Lower back aching and tire/sleepy.like I'm getting my period so I waited but did not come yet.so March 9th,me and my husband make love but still have not got my period(which is normally my period comes the very next day after we do make love.)I still waited and it's already a day late.March the 12th,afternoon I got my period but very different.First day very light,2nd Day medium heavy with some clots and 3rd day was gone.then the next day come back but only brownish pinkish drops(March 15) then gone at night.And Today My stomach is like cramping,my Lower back is aching,so sleepy,starving all day,been eating but never feel full or satisfied.Now my question is am possible preggy but yet still got my period?or am I sick?PS:I am gaining and bloating also lol.
Forgot to put this.3days before my period on February we did make L-v-.and a day after the February period we did make lo-- again.im sorry if this sounds nasty but I need some help from you guys.im scared to buy and use HPT and get a negative results again.i am so down already and feel so discourage since it's been almost 3 yrs been seeing negative results.ty for the future responses
Forgot to put this.3days before my period on February we did make L-v-.and a day after the February period we did make lo-- again.im sorry if this sounds nasty but I need some help from you guys.im scared to buy and use HPT and get a negative results again.i am so down already and feel so discourage since it's been almost 3 yrs been seeing negative results.ty for the future responses

Best thing i can suggest is to not go a buy any tests i find they are the most depressing thing to have in the house especially when you've been trying for years and it doesn't happen, best thing to do is track your periods when you miss two in a row then yes go out and buy a test if not totally convinced wait til past the 3 month mark of no periods then do a test. Or if your anything like me when your flo is here scoff loads of chocolate drink some nice wine and sod the diet for a few days!!!:thumbup:
Thanks for the welcome. Tested today. 13 dpo, bfn. Will stay positive and try again tomorrow. AF is due Thursday, hoping she stays away.
Hi Ladies, I'm new here!
Cycle # 2 with clomid, ovidrel and progesterone suppositories.
anyone doing this treatment?
I'm 1 dpo

Hi All,

I wanted to introduce myself. I came across this site this morning and decided to join and get some online support. I do not know all of the abbreviations but will do my best.

A little about myself: My name is Amy, 33 years old. Married my husband in November 13. Came off BC at the beginning of November 2013. Stopped preventing in December 2013, started trying in January 2014. I had a LEEP procedure in 2008 (which my doctor said will not cause an issue getting pregnant but could cause cervix issues when pregnant). I had originally started BBT and OPK in January but I felt like it really took the "fun" out of trying and somewhat stressed me out. My Doctor said it generally takes up to a year to get pregnant and that it might be better for me not to BBT and OPK, and just simply try counting back from my time of the month. He wasn't recommending not knowing how my body works, but just simply maybe doing all of that right now isn't the best for me. I'm using the OVIA app to track the days we try and when I have my time of the month.

Right now I am on CD 31 with no AF signs (normally I have spotting at CD 22-23 and start AF on CD 25-26).

Look forward to getting to know you all, reading the other threads, commenting and getting/giving support! Thank you in advance and nice to "meet" you!

Hi Sassmaster/Amy


It can be so scary and frustrating it's great to have this support.

I OPK but they don't really work perfectly for me, I've started temping this month but I am defo bored of it all now!
Ttc for 10 months no luck.

I have had some tests done which all seem fine and I'm now being referred for further checks just to rule anything else out.
I thought my BFP was this month but it's not looking that way

Looking forward to chatting to you x
Hi All,

I wanted to introduce myself. I came across this site this morning and decided to join and get some online support. I do not know all of the abbreviations but will do my best.

A little about myself: My name is Amy, 33 years old. Married my husband in November 13. Came off BC at the beginning of November 2013. Stopped preventing in December 2013, started trying in January 2014. I had a LEEP procedure in 2008 (which my doctor said will not cause an issue getting pregnant but could cause cervix issues when pregnant). I had originally started BBT and OPK in January but I felt like it really took the "fun" out of trying and somewhat stressed me out. My Doctor said it generally takes up to a year to get pregnant and that it might be better for me not to BBT and OPK, and just simply try counting back from my time of the month. He wasn't recommending not knowing how my body works, but just simply maybe doing all of that right now isn't the best for me. I'm using the OVIA app to track the days we try and when I have my time of the month.

Right now I am on CD 31 with no AF signs (normally I have spotting at CD 22-23 and start AF on CD 25-26).

Look forward to getting to know you all, reading the other threads, commenting and getting/giving support! Thank you in advance and nice to "meet" you!


Hi Amy, welcome!! I am new here too!!
I'm also looking for some support on this crazy process which is to get pregnant :winkwink:
Me, different than you, I am taking meds to help me ovulate, and I am being timed by the doc with ultrasounds and blood work.
We tried all natural for couple of months, and then we decided to go to an RE and have all the tests done, because I was extremely irregular, making very hard to predict O.
Turns out I have PCOS, reason why we started with clomid to help me O.
today I am on 2dpo, need to wait until March 31 to go back to the doc for blood test.
wishing all of us GOOD LUCK!!!!:flower:
hi everyone,
been TTC for 18 months. I turned 25 yesterday and DH is 28. I am on my first clomid dose. praying hard that it is the last. its quite stressful but i am a graduate student and being in school helps take my mind off a bit. ten more days to AF. hope it does not come soon.

baby dust to us all.
Hi Sassmaster/Amy


It can be so scary and frustrating it's great to have this support.

I OPK but they don't really work perfectly for me, I've started temping this month but I am defo bored of it all now!
Ttc for 10 months no luck.

I have had some tests done which all seem fine and I'm now being referred for further checks just to rule anything else out.
I thought my BFP was this month but it's not looking that way

Looking forward to chatting to you x

Hi, thanks for the welcome!

I originally started OPK in January, but I never seemed to get a positive, or at least it wasn't very clear to me.....but then If I thought it might be I'd say we needed to BD and DH would get a little turned off by that....I think it was too much pressure. I think I may start tracking all of that but not tell him. I think that will make it a little less stressful for me. I would have sworn I was getting a BFP, but still nothing. Going on CD 33 now with no signs of anything. Hoping for AF soon so we can get this ball rolling again!
Hi Amy, welcome!! I am new here too!!
I'm also looking for some support on this crazy process which is to get pregnant :winkwink:
Me, different than you, I am taking meds to help me ovulate, and I am being timed by the doc with ultrasounds and blood work.
We tried all natural for couple of months, and then we decided to go to an RE and have all the tests done, because I was extremely irregular, making very hard to predict O.
Turns out I have PCOS, reason why we started with clomid to help me O.
today I am on 2dpo, need to wait until March 31 to go back to the doc for blood test.
wishing all of us GOOD LUCK!!!!:flower:[/QUOTE]

Hi, thanks!
Good luck with the clomid and RE. A friend at work tried for years without success. She started on clomid and is pregnant with twins :)
Hoping we don't have any issues, but trying to keep track of everything just in case.
Hi mother2015, welcome!!
Happy belated bday!
we are almost on the same cd. Did you use the ovidrel trigger, or are you on clomid alone?
I did my trigger last Fri, March 14.
I'm having a little bit of discomfort, but I dont know if it is still the ovidrel or something else.
Anyone felt some discomfort on the tubes / ovary area? My right side is bothering and it is not the cramp from the next day of Ovidrel.

I think that if your DH doesnt like to "know" when to do it, you can innitiate BD without him knowing why :) that way he will not have the pressure, and will enjoy it. I guess it is very personnal whether you want to try the OPK, or just "forget about it" and have fun and do it often.
Me, i just decided to check myself up and my DH, and I found out that I wasnt Oing every month, that's why I started with the treatment.

Wishing everyone good luck :)
Yes, I know 2 women that got preg with twins taking clomid, and this is scares me a bit, because I have a twin brother!
But life is just too funny. First I wanted a girl and I knew when I wanted her to be born. Now that I am having some difficulties to get prego, I dont care anymore if it is a girl, a boy, when they are born, if they are twins LOL
I just wanted to be done with this treatment!!!!!
Thanks for the welcome PriandRafa
i am using only clomid 50mg but DH is on some fertility drugs too. the doctor says he will do more complicated test if it doesn't happen this month. i took a pelvic scan prior to the clomid treatment and DH had semen analysis. The doctor prescribed some medications he said will boost the quality of the semen.
Nine days to AF and the waiting is killing.
its great to be here knowing that everyone understands your situation and is ready to help with some advise makes it comforting. I hope we all graduate to the next level.....expecting mothers.
it has been a stressful journey so far....it appears all my friends have babies. My mom has been supportive but she never experienced this and that is different. my sister-in-law is worried because she waited for four years and she understands how it feels like.
Hoping a BFP for us all soon..
i thanks for the birthday wishes.
I took clomid form 2nd to 6th march. I have a 28 day cycle that is fairly stable. I ovulated on the 16th. For three days now I have been having some sharp pains in the right side of my stomach. it feels like stitches and last for a few seconds. it feel it mostly immediately i wake up from sleep. my body temperature also appear to have risen. i am feeling warm most of the time and feel uncomfortable in clothes. I am feeling tired most of the time too.
Are you feeling same?
Hi mother2015

Yes, this 2ww is really bad! on my first cycle I tried not to think about it, but this one, I guess bc the first didnt work, I am checking and feeling all types of things, trying to compare, and I am going crazy.
My RE had me and DR do all the tests before we started the treatment, so it was about 2 months for us to actually start after the first visit.

I only have 2 friends that know we are ttc. 1 that actually went through all that, but only got preggo after 2 years, and with IVF. but then 1 year later she got preggo completely natural, with no planning at all.
my mom knows I'm off bc, but has no idea we are actually doing a treament. I just dont want to have everybody asking me every month. When it happens, I will happily announce to everyone.

We are pretty much with the same days. but I took the clomid from 3/5 to 3/9, then did the trigger on 3/14.
I believe I Oed on the 16 too, cramps and ovary pain the whole day!!
Since yesterday I am having pain on my right ovary (it is the one I had the most folicles)
I am feeling tired too, but not as much with my first cycle with clomid. The first one, I would wake up as if I hadn't slept. It was horrible!
So symptoms, per say, just the pain on the right ovary, feel bloated and a little tired. Yesterday and today I got home, laid down on my sofa and fell sleep for 30 min.

I am supposed to test on the 31 and go to the doc for the blood work.
Oh, I have a question.

I made an appt with my OB for my regular annual check up, not making the calculation, and I am supposed to go on the 28. Should I try to test before? Can I do the annual with the possibility of being pregnant?
i keep forgetting to call them and explain the situation, just wondering anyone had it done....
I'm 18 years old and my period is 8 days late as of today and when I was 2 days late I took two dollar tree test, both negative. On 4 days late I took a walgreens early response test and there was a faint positive. And last night (5 days late) I took another Walgreens test and it was negative. I was wondering if it was because it was a very small amount of urine and late at night when I did it could it affect the results? I felt like I had to pee so bad and nothing barely came out....I'm usually strictly 28 days in my cycle and as of today it's been 36 days since my last period. I feel bloated and constipated as I do when on my period. I've never had acne breakouts EVER throughout puberty and I a know. Also a very wet feeling..I keep thinking I'm starting my period because it's so wet but it's like just discharge. Mostly watery but kind of white and thick. I took another pregnancy test yesterday with the 1st morning urine and there was a faint positive. (They are the walgreens test) I also hve been peeing a lot but when I go there's a small amount and it's barely yellow. I've also had minor cramping...Any advice or thoughts ?

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