Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

You know I did the clear blue with smileys and also with answer one, both of them were off, one told me my LH was at high peak where as the other showed one line? I hate it. On the other thing about DH, usually he tells me we have to get busy! And I take advantage of it, and sometimes if he's about to go into work I say, baby give me 10 minutes that's all I need and he thinks I'm crazy. Men understand but then again, I don't think they understand it all. Tie him up to the bed and say we're doing this now! Hah, jk..
I totally understand where your coming from, sometimes we can't help how we feel but they say that sex is the best medicine for a headache because afterwards the pleasure is supposedly 10 times stronger than pain meds and it's proven to help with any pain. That's just what I heard. I hope you don't miss your window just keep at him!
Of I'm honest I've just given up, he's in bed sleeping and I'm sat downstairs watching telly.

We have to go out soon and won't be able to bd until Monday so we will defo miss out !!!! Bloody men!

Oh well, I sound mental!!!!!

Now I have to wait a whole other month before I can try again - gutted xxx
Hi Ladies,

MimiMama and Brandi, welcome!!!

Phoenix, I would be mad too. My hubby is great, but sometimes I feel men just dont have a clue of what we all go through, emotional, physical, chemical LOL
And you can tell him that orgasm releases hormones that makes headaches and other aches go away LOL it is true!!!!

Brandi, I'm sorry for all this time you are trying... dont give up and i really hope you can find some encouragement here and you get your bfp soon!!
Here we understand each other :winkwink:

I tested yesterday at cd12 and got a negative. Wont try again, but Monday have appt for blood work and most likely AF will come on Tuesday and clomid cycle # 3 will start.
I was very disappointed yesterday, for some reason I thought that this cycle had worked, but God knows... I'm putting in His hands, and will continue to have faith
Brandi, this will be my third cycle with clomid, but we were trying on our own for about 7 or 8 months before.... I have PCOS so I dont ovulate regularly, so clomid is working for me, just could not get a bfp yet!

I am taking clomid with Ovidrel (the trigger shot), but if you ovulate on your own and to the opks, I'm not sure how beneficial this will be for you. It doesnt hurt to try, though.

:dust: to all of us!!!!

Hey, I did clomid for 4 or 5 rounds first time around, they gave me more cyts. I waited a year to try clomid again, doctor says even though I avulate clomid can help with more follicles hoping to get a bfp sooner. But no luck with clomid. Me and DH did our first iui couple weeks ago, and I didn't even make it two weeks and started my period, I'm pretty sure it was my period, but I started spotting for two days and then next two days after were a regular-light flow and cramps and lower back pain and been heaving headaches. I would like to do the trigger shot with iui #2, to try and pin point exactly when I am ovulating instead of looking for the surge and not being sure of the exact day and everything. Thanks for your reply.
Sex feels great but I cant orgasm. Has anyone experienced this and still gotten pregnant?
You can still get pregnant and not have an orgasm. If the male isn't orgasm then no..
Hi Ladies,

MimiMama and Brandi, welcome!!!

Phoenix, I would be mad too. My hubby is great, but sometimes I feel men just dont have a clue of what we all go through, emotional, physical, chemical LOL
And you can tell him that orgasm releases hormones that makes headaches and other aches go away LOL it is true!!!!

Brandi, I'm sorry for all this time you are trying... dont give up and i really hope you can find some encouragement here and you get your bfp soon!!
Here we understand each other :winkwink:

I tested yesterday at cd12 and got a negative. Wont try again, but Monday have appt for blood work and most likely AF will come on Tuesday and clomid cycle # 3 will start.
I was very disappointed yesterday, for some reason I thought that this cycle had worked, but God knows... I'm putting in His hands, and will continue to have faith
Brandi, this will be my third cycle with clomid, but we were trying on our own for about 7 or 8 months before.... I have PCOS so I dont ovulate regularly, so clomid is working for me, just could not get a bfp yet!

I am taking clomid with Ovidrel (the trigger shot), but if you ovulate on your own and to the opks, I'm not sure how beneficial this will be for you. It doesnt hurt to try, though.

:dust: to all of us!!!!

Prisndrafa I know right???
My fella is usually on the ttc plan but a random headache and we are out for a month but he can still do what he wants!!!

Well needless to say I made him feel v guilty snout yesterday.
Today he said he "might" feel up to it, are you kidding me????

Well I was REALLY ill this am and gave felt pants all day however I am still making him bd tonight - that's dedication.
That way if I haven't ovulated yet I may still have a shot.

How are you getting on? Xx
Hi Phoenix!!
I hope you got your bd last night :)

How is everybody feeling?

I'm disappointed! Went for blood work this morning, still waiting for the nurse to call me back, but I know it didnt happen this month....
I was already getting excited for next month, but I will have to skip next month
I will have to a crown replacement on 1 of my tooth, and doing this I dont think I will be able to go for cycle # 3. meaning, one I have no idea how much this crown will cost me yet, and 2, I hate dentists, I get nervous, my blood pressure changes, plus the anesthesia.. so I cannot be pregnant doing all this.. and I need to do this before I get pregnant, because if not, I will only be able to do it after, and it will be 1 year with a bad old crown... just disappointed...

Ybump, you dont need to orgasm to get pregnant. Of course it doesnt hurt if he can be patient, or you could guide him to the right spot. With all this medication, stress, hormone changes, our bodies change and our "tastes with like and dislikes" change too, so we need to adapt!!
Hi Phoenix!!
I hope you got your bd last night :)

How is everybody feeling?

I'm disappointed! Went for blood work this morning, still waiting for the nurse to call me back, but I know it didnt happen this month....
I was already getting excited for next month, but I will have to skip next month
I will have to a crown replacement on 1 of my tooth, and doing this I dont think I will be able to go for cycle # 3. meaning, one I have no idea how much this crown will cost me yet, and 2, I hate dentists, I get nervous, my blood pressure changes, plus the anesthesia.. so I cannot be pregnant doing all this.. and I need to do this before I get pregnant, because if not, I will only be able to do it after, and it will be 1 year with a bad old crown... just disappointed...

Ybump, you dont need to orgasm to get pregnant. Of course it doesnt hurt if he can be patient, or you could guide him to the right spot. With all this medication, stress, hormone changes, our bodies change and our "tastes with like and dislikes" change too, so we need to adapt!!

Thanks hun, yes we did and my monitor seems to be showing good signs with the line getting darker. Hopefully that means the egg is coming, just have to catch the damn thing now!!!!

I hope to bd tomorrow as well and see what the sticks say after that xx
Hi everyone. This is my first month ttc baby#1..i'm so nervous and excited. I had my implant out on the 7th of Feb and then AF came on the 8th of March..expecting it to show up on the 5th of April..i know it's too soon but I hope it doesn't come! I was thinking of using opks next cycle..what days best to start? X

Hi, I always start the opk around day 9, you start from the first day of your period and start day 9, I usually get a positive LH surge around 11 or 12 the line gets darker. Lots of baby dust for you! Me and my husband have been TTC #1 for 3 years. Everyone is different. I hope you get your bfp soon!

Hi, I always start the opk around day 9, you start from the first day of your period and start day 9, I usually get a positive LH surge around 11 or 12 the line gets darker. Lots of baby dust for you! Me and my husband have been TTC #1 for 3 years. Everyone is different. I hope you get your bfp soon!

Hi emmielou

Welcome, I've been ttc baby #1 since June 13 and OPKs haven't worked for me but it's usually cd9 and then around the days you start to get 2 lines twice a day.

Fingers crossed for you xx

Ladies so the saga continues, I've attached my monitor sticks as I'm now v confused as to when/ if I've ovulated or if I'm still due to??
What do you think? Xx


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I'd love to join this thread!

Hubby and I are TTC for #1 and we're not telling anyone so I could really use an outlet.

This is my first cycle TTC and AF is due in 2 days. I'm not feeling very positive about it bc I had a pap this morning and they did a urine pregnancy test that came back negative :( So maybe next month will be our lucky one!

Anyone having any symptoms? Testing soon?
I'd love to join this thread!

Hubby and I are TTC for #1 and we're not telling anyone so I could really use an outlet.

This is my first cycle TTC and AF is due in 2 days. I'm not feeling very positive about it bc I had a pap this morning and they did a urine pregnancy test that came back negative :( So maybe next month will be our lucky one!

Anyone having any symptoms? Testing soon?

it's my first cycle TTC aswell. I'm not feeling very positive eitther..last month I had such bad PMS after coming off the implantI really thought I was pregnant. This month I'm not feeling anything really. Let's hope we are still in for a chance this month :) !
Hey Emm.

How are you doing today? I'm feeling slightly less discouraged. I'm not feeling the same as I normally do before AF. Today I'm feeling queasy and my back hurts so I guess that could be good? yeah?
Hi All,

March was my first month off of BC and AF just showed up today so I'm hoping for good things in April/May. We are ttc our first but I haven't told anyone so I would love to join in to share and support.
I have been hesitant to post this on this forum because I know some forums don't welcome BFP announcements. This forum got me through 1 year of charting to prepare to conceive with every day obsessive stalking and then through my last 7 months trying to conceive. I was so excited and hopeful when someone else would post a BFP after having a hard time and I wanted to know exactly what they did that cycle, their symptoms, etc. So I can't hold back the excitement! I'M PREGNANT!!!! 2 CBD tests showed pregnant right away and I cannot even believe it! I found out March 30th, my DF's birthday!! I was a couple days late for my period but that is NOTHING unusual and I was completely prepared to see another negative. I didn't even test from 6DPO on because I was sure I was out and was so tired of the let down. My boobs were way way way more sore than usual but I was having definite period cramps and I just knew AF would be here any minute...probably as soon as I peed on a stick (which has happened 3 times before). I got to give my DF the birthday present of his lifetime! It is a true blessing and we could not be any happier! I wanted to donkey kick people in the throat when they would say the cycle they got pregnant was the one they "quit trying" and I almost want to kick myself but it is true for me this cycle. We said we were not trying this cycle and I was 90% sure I didn't even ovulate this cycle. I was working day and night shifts and it just worked out the 3 days before my usual ovulation time we had BD'd 3 days in a row. I want to wish every single person TTC luck and tons of baby dust!! It will happen!!!!
I have been hesitant to post this on this forum because I know some forums don't welcome BFP announcements. This forum got me through 1 year of charting to prepare to conceive with every day obsessive stalking and then through my last 7 months trying to conceive. I was so excited and hopeful when someone else would post a BFP after having a hard time and I wanted to know exactly what they did that cycle, their symptoms, etc. So I can't hold back the excitement! I'M PREGNANT!!!! 2 CBD tests showed pregnant right away and I cannot even believe it! I found out March 30th, my DF's birthday!! I was a couple days late for my period but that is NOTHING unusual and I was completely prepared to see another negative. I didn't even test from 6DPO on because I was sure I was out and was so tired of the let down. My boobs were way way way more sore than usual but I was having definite period cramps and I just knew AF would be here any minute...probably as soon as I peed on a stick (which has happened 3 times before). I got to give my DF the birthday present of his lifetime! It is a true blessing and we could not be any happier! I wanted to donkey kick people in the throat when they would say the cycle they got pregnant was the one they "quit trying" and I almost want to kick myself but it is true for me this cycle. We said we were not trying this cycle and I was 90% sure I didn't even ovulate this cycle. I was working day and night shifts and it just worked out the 3 days before my usual ovulation time we had BD'd 3 days in a row. I want to wish every single person TTC luck and tons of baby dust!! It will happen!!!!

Congrats!!!! It's so lovely to read that another member is havin a baby! I found out a close friend of ours is 15 weeks and she didn't want to tell us as she thought it would upset us but it hasn't!! We are so pleased for them and i'm so pleased for you!! Sod what anyone else says at the end of the day you have been going thro this hard taxing journey with us all and have reached your goal it just may take a bit longer for the rest of us. Congrats again!!!! :thumbup:
Thank you cuddles28 and thank you for the reminder that each journey has unique timing. I'm sure I will continue to stalk this forum to see how everyone is doing. Hoping for more BFP's in the days to come!!
Hello Ladies,
I have been TTC for 11 months now and am getting ready to start another round of trying. My cycles are finally a little more regulated and things seem to be shaping up so I am hoping that maybe this time around will give me a good chance of actually getting that BFP I've been dreaming of! lol but seriously....

I was just wondering for those of you who have been trying and finally gotten your BFP if there was anything you did differently on that cycle that you think may have contributed to getting it to FINALLY HAPPEN!?!?!

Thanks in advanced!! :-)

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