Welcome to Trying To Conceive #1

Hey guys, I am back! Ultrasound didn't show anything alarming. She said it looked pretty typical for irregular cycles. She put me on progesterone to bring on AF, and I just finished up a round of clomid.
Hi ladies!

I'm new here - just completed my first TTC cycle and no BFP. Officially on CD2 of TTC Cycle #2. We certainly were not expecting to get it the first try, but I realized during the dreaded TWW that I needed support from forums. So here I am. : ) I love reading about everyone's experiences and journeys. Headed into our TTC journey optimistic just really wanted to share thoughts/concerns with other ladies going through the same thing.

Looking forward to making new friends and joining the community!
Welcome atc! GL on your ttc journey, I hope it is a short one for you :)
Cycle #1 in my TTC journey! 5dpo and I am hopeful! This wait is long but every minute I can't help but thank God for this opportunity to be on this journey with my husband! I am due to start my period on October 1st, what is the earliest I can test? I tried looking online but everywhere it says something different. 2 days before...4 days before...day of...day after...a week before? I want it to be as accurate as possible so I don't get false BFN!
Also, I am currently taking Prenatal vitamins. Does anyone have a good healthy, organic kind they like the best? Are they really necessary? What is your battle strategy for getting all the good stuff into your body?

....so excited to be on this site!
Hi i just wanna know if anyone is in the same boat as me. Im at DPO 10 and ive been having strong food aversions to eggs and sushi, i cant even think about them or i get really nauseated. Im constipated- TMI but still... i get occasional head aches, my skin is beautiful and clear which never happens this close to AF, i feel exhausted but hen when i sleep im tossing and turning. Im really emotional, i almost cried for no reason, then i was pissed off then i was happy. I took a test to day and got a BFN, but i think it may be a bit too early??
Hi Ladies

I am new to this forum and this is my first post here.
DH & I started trying this month

I am dpo 10 today and I am going crazy wondering whether I really have symptoms or they are just in my head :wacko:
I took an hpt today on dpo 10 and it was a BFN :(
I have sore boobs dpo 4/5 onwards and on & off cramping, slight headaches and vivid dreams every other night since dpo 5.
I also have pinching pains on the left side of my belly button and slight dizziness at times.
I got cotton mouth on dpo 9 and it vanished today on dpo 10..
I am not sure what to make out of all this!!

Please advise ladies!!
Well here I am back again after a round of progesterone and clomid. Feeling a little defeated. The clomid did exactly what it was supposed to do, and we timed BD'ing right and everything, but still AF came. I think we are going to stop trying for a while. :(
Hi. I am new to this whole thing. My husband and I have been trying for a long time. I am older, and thought to give it a go one last time, and got real serious about charting my BBT, and using an app to track my ovulation. My BBT has remained about the same.

I think I might have implant bleeding, but being new to this, I am so confused after reading articles and looking at lots of pictures. My period is not due until next week. Today I noticed brownish discharge, slightly watery. At first I was disappointed, but am remaining hopeful after hearing about implant bleeding.

Some of the other things I am noticing is lower back pain (real dull), slight tender breasts, and frequent urination.

My app does not recommend a pregnancy test until next week. Does anyone recommend taking an early pregnancy test, or just wait it out?
Hi Geenie,I really hope it is ib for you,sounds promising! On this site you hear of a lot of ladies getting early bfp but just as many who only get their bfp after the day AF is due. It would all depend on the sensitivity of the tests you would use etc. reliability wise,if you can wait it out til AF is due,it is ideal but I myself can never prevent myself 😂 GL!
Hi! I am new to babyandbump completely but really feel like I needed to have some support during this TWW from others who struggle to just wait patiently for AF to be due! I am 28 yo and this is the second month TCC for me and DH. I'm definitely type A personality so waiting and being out of control is very difficult for me. I'm now 8dpo and had a negative hpt this morning. The reason I tested is because I've been temping and my BBT dipped on 5 dpi and has risen again since. Wondered if this was an implantation dip that I had read about..but no BFP yet. Also the morning of 5dpo I woke up after having had a really vivid dream about taking four different pregnancy tests and they were all strong positives. And the rest of that day I had a terrible headache that has come and gone everyday since. Bbs are swollen, sleep is disturbed, frequent urination (no UTI) and having sharp twinges in my lower abdomen since 6 dpo...I know all of these can mean nothing but they are slowly driving me insane. Anyone else been in the same position and have anymore insight? I really have the utmost respect for those of you who have been TTC for ages and go through this process every month, have you adopted any helpful coping mechanisms while you wait?
Hey girls! This is first post here, new to this! But I'm excited to see what people have to say and get to learn a little more!!
So let me start with how me and my fiance are ttc . He has a daughter from previous relationship. She is now 5. Any who..we had unprotected sex (he finished in me) on Dec 14 and I got af on Dec 15 2016. It lasted 6 days until 20th. 27 and the 29th we had more unptctd sex(same ending). I'm not sure when I ovulate or how long my lp is or how long my cycle is. I am irregular as to where I had a 20 day period once or twice! (Spotted on and off) an app on my cell says I ovulated on Jan 1 2017. On Jan 7 I noticed some creamy light pinkish beige cm on underwear. Not even a lot at all. I've heard of IB and possibly it can be! I wasn't sure as to where I took a rephresh pill. (Felt like I had something going on down there, either uti,or bv) I stopped taking them since the spotting incase was caused from pill. On Jan 9 and today the 11th I've taken about 2 test prep strips that I've ordered from Amazon and both came back negative. I always get hyped every month thinking I've gotten that special spermie to meet my egg without us trying, Im hoping since we dtd somewhat around ovulation time that this month it worked! I should get af around the 15 if not pregnant. Any thoughts or knowledge if dates would match up to getting a bfp soon!!
Tmi but I also have also been noticing diarrhea, getting ghost pimples under skin of noes, eating more, peeing a little more, stomach been making noises to point I feel them lol my tummy feels tight as well near hips.
Hey all! I am 27 and trying to have my first baby. I have been trying for 4 months and still haven't had any luck. I know that compared to some 4 months is a drop in the bucket but for me it's seemed like a lifetime already. All of the women in my family can get pregnant at the drop of a hat. In fact, although I am the oldest of all sisters and female cousins, I am the only one without a child. Everyone is giving me such a hard time because I'm not pregnant yet. Everyone immediately says there must be something wrong with me. Almost to the point where I am finding myself getting anxiety over it. It would be nice to talk to anyone going through this seeing as how I've pulled away from them a lot.
Hey all! I am 27 and trying to have my first baby. I have been trying for 4 months and still haven't had any luck. I know that compared to some 4 months is a drop in the bucket but for me it's seemed like a lifetime already. All of the women in my family can get pregnant at the drop of a hat. In fact, although I am the oldest of all sisters and female cousins, I am the only one without a child. Everyone is giving me such a hard time because I'm not pregnant yet. Everyone immediately says there must be something wrong with me. Almost to the point where I am finding myself getting anxiety over it. It would be nice to talk to anyone going through this seeing as how I've pulled away from them a lot.

Hey I have been trying for 8 months and STILL no luck.


Do you calculate your ovulation?
I feel like I have tried everything.
All of my friends have kids and I just get so broody and jelouse (in a nice way).

Most of my friends miracles weren't planned, however All that I've asked have said they were trying for years and as soon as they weren't thinking about it.. BAM missed period..

I know exactly what you're goin thru, month after month and no luck!?...

Good luck to you hope it all works out soon 😋
I have always sorta tracked my ovulation. I have endo so my period varies from month to month. I try really hard to make sure I am on top.of it so that if there is a CRAZY variation the I can tell. My best friend just started the adoption process after years of trying and while I support her 100% ...it still scares me that I may be on that same road! Good luck to you babe!!!!!!
I have always sorta tracked my ovulation. I have endo so my period varies from month to month. I try really hard to make sure I am on top.of it so that if there is a CRAZY variation the I can tell. My best friend just started the adoption process after years of trying and while I support her 100% ...it still scares me that I may be on that same road! Good luck to you babe!!!!!!

Good luck to you too!! Thankyou loverly.. I haven't been trying long . I was not trying but not preventing for around 2 years and have been properly trying and calculating ovulation for around 8 months.. I always think I have the symtoms then AF shows 😩.
My best friend is 8 months pregnant after 6 years of trying..
She was LTTTC and she's due next months! So happy for her it just doesn't seem real. We both used to sit with each other and discuss it and her and I just felt like it would NEVER happen and here she is ready to give birth soon as baby's engaged, it gives me hope.. and she's only been with that partner for a year ( she tried for baby with previous partners which she was with no longer and no luck) she said she was least expecting it because she stopped trying and ALL of my girls have said that too.. I think if it's meant to happen it will good luck for you baby dust for everyone as I always say!! Xx
Anxiety Disorder + TTC

Hi everyone! My husband and I have been TTC for almost 3 months, and it has been a rollercoaster! It's mainly due to the fact that I have a generalized anxiety disorder, and I have had to go off of all meds for fertility purposes. It has been so hard managing my stress levels during the ups and downs of TTC. It got so bad, I had to leave my job because I could not handle the stress of work + TTC. So I am now a stay at home wife, and I am trying to focus on being calm during all this. I've started working out regularly to boost my mood and energy levels naturally, and I am eating healthier. I've managed to reduce the frequency of panic attacks, but it's still really hard - I get so worried it's going to interfere with getting pregnant :(

Anyone else dealing with mental health challenges while TTC? What do you find helps?
Hey all! I am 27 and trying to have my first baby. I have been trying for 4 months and still haven't had any luck. I know that compared to some 4 months is a drop in the bucket but for me it's seemed like a lifetime already. All of the women in my family can get pregnant at the drop of a hat. In fact, although I am the oldest of all sisters and female cousins, I am the only one without a child. Everyone is giving me such a hard time because I'm not pregnant yet. Everyone immediately says there must be something wrong with me. Almost to the point where I am finding myself getting anxiety over it. It would be nice to talk to anyone going through this seeing as how I've pulled away from them a lot.

I feel like I am in such a similar situation! I have been trying for almost 3 months, and it feels like it's been forever already! My friends/family who have conceived seemed to have had it happen really easily - and are totally into the mom life now, or they aren't ready to have a baby/ aren't interested. It's made me feel like I'm somewhere in between, and totally alone when it comes to reaching out to anyone that I know :( It's made me feel really anxious, which sucks because I have an anxiety disorder and I worry that getting anxious will affect getting pregnant. Anyone I have reached out too just says "relax, don't think about it!" and it drives me nuts, because it's not that easy!

Anyways lol, sorry for the rambling! I just wanted to say you're not alone here! :flower:
Anxiety Disorder + TTC

Hi everyone! My husband and I have been TTC for almost 3 months, and it has been a rollercoaster! It's mainly due to the fact that I have a generalized anxiety disorder, and I have had to go off of all meds for fertility purposes. It has been so hard managing my stress levels during the ups and downs of TTC. It got so bad, I had to leave my job because I could not handle the stress of work + TTC. So I am now a stay at home wife, and I am trying to focus on being calm during all this. I've started working out regularly to boost my mood and energy levels naturally, and I am eating healthier. I've managed to reduce the frequency of panic attacks, but it's still really hard - I get so worried it's going to interfere with getting pregnant :(

Anyone else dealing with mental health challenges while TTC? What do you find helps?

I also have anxiety too! Health anxiety it's horrible !
But I don't take medication but I'm just worried about my stress levels hope it works out for you good luck xxx
Anxiety Disorder + TTC

Hi everyone! My husband and I have been TTC for almost 3 months, and it has been a rollercoaster! It's mainly due to the fact that I have a generalized anxiety disorder, and I have had to go off of all meds for fertility purposes. It has been so hard managing my stress levels during the ups and downs of TTC. It got so bad, I had to leave my job because I could not handle the stress of work + TTC. So I am now a stay at home wife, and I am trying to focus on being calm during all this. I've started working out regularly to boost my mood and energy levels naturally, and I am eating healthier. I've managed to reduce the frequency of panic attacks, but it's still really hard - I get so worried it's going to interfere with getting pregnant :(

Anyone else dealing with mental health challenges while TTC? What do you find helps?

I also understand how horrible it is when people say "just relax" it is so not that easy!!!!
People don't understand unless they're going through it.
What triggers if for me is caffeine ( I mean physical things not my brain)
And cutting down on that if you intake a lot will help your anxiety and will help you to conceive !!

This may not work for you but I suppose it's worth a try,
When your feeling anxious, lay on your back and take gentle breaths. (The quicker you breathe, the more the oxygen levels drop and then can cause you to hyperventilate which makes it worse.)

Anyway lay on your back and rub your tummy gently or get your partner to as you can try and relax then...

Also google some calming symptoms online.


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