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Jessica.. Oh I am driving myself nuts! I want to test, but I also don't want to get a BFN!!! Plus its too early.. From what I have read, implantation causes the HCG to increase, and that is what can cause early nausea, and if that is the case then I only just started having HCG in the body. Might need to wait a few more days for it to build before I test. But then again I might just be crazy and test now.. LOL! Now if only I could pee..
Jessica & Ali- yes I was extremely excited to get mybfp! I had mc'd (miscarried) in November and it was very bad--hospital stay, surgery, etc. Anyway the doc's all told us that we could ttc as soon as we felt up to it so decided "why not now?" :haha: Only "now" ended up not happening the first month as we got sick :( but then, the next month we dtd the day before and the day after Ov...and I got my bfp at 10 dpo with a FRER (First Response Early Result). I couldn't believe my eyes! Everywhere I read it stated because of my age this and this were likely to happen and a bfp would likey NOT happen, bla bla...anyway I asked my doc about progesterone and he prescribed a natural progesterone suppository (vaginal supps) up until 12 weeks. I ams o glad that we did this as last pregnancy ended at between 8-10 weeks. One theory is chromosomal but another theory was possibly that my corpus luteum matured early (as happens at my age 36) and failed to produced enough progesterone resulting in the mc. Anyway sorry for the long story! :dohh:

I was stunned to get a bfp after having only tried the once so I know it can happen. I am currently in my 18th week...we are set to do a gender and growth scan on the 31rst so am excited! :happydance:

Ali- you are right about giving the hcg time to double up in your body. It enters your blood first, then your urine, each stage takes a few days then it has to double (another few days) to register ona FRER. I'd say if you are 7 DPO today maybe test Friday with a FRER- because I tested with one of those STUPID STUPID blue cross hairs and I dislike them immensley :haha: It did show a very faintest shadow of a line that almost immediately faded but the FRER was undeniable. Again, I tested at 7-8 dpo with bfn's then again at 10 DPO and got a positive. Fx'd! I'm gonna post some pics of my first results so you can see how faint it may be at 10 dpo :)
I just tested with a cheapie! It is BFN, but again its only 7dpo so I wasn't really expecting much. Here's hoping that I get a BFP in a few days!!!
You were able to pee! Lol!

HAHA.. I was! But unfortunately it was all for not. At least I have cheap PTs to use. Got them online, the ones in the drugstores are so expensive!
You were able to pee! Lol!

HAHA.. I was! But unfortunately it was all for not. At least I have cheap PTs to use. Got them online, the ones in the drugstores are so expensive!

Lol, I made this same mistake--more than once! I always tested early :dohh: even though I knew it would be bfn at the time :) The store brands are expensive- but I managed to find some FRER on eBay that were reasonably priced once in a while. They do sell those IC's (Internet Cheapies) that are like 10 mIU so they can tell right away. I never did buy those though. Because I tested with a FRER and got bfp and immediately tested the same urine with an IC and got bfn...so I am thinking the IC's are a 20 mIU or higher :shrug:
You were able to pee! Lol!

Isn't it amazing what we women can do when we need to!! :haha:

Yep.. we always seem to be able to pee on command!

I'm just going to wait for a few more days.. then test again. I do have some drugstore ones, and will go get some FRER since everyone swears by them on this site it seems!
Philomena, :flower:

Thank you for asking about me. How are you doing? Praying that you aren’t feeling too sick or too exhausted and are able to enjoy being pregnant. What a blessing! :crib:

Grey Eyes, :wave:

Thank you, too, for asking about me, too. Are you still doing well? I remember you said you were having a bad time with morning sickness. Your “baby bump” picture is precious. Babies are a blessing! :yellow:


How are you? You’re in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs:

I want to apologize for being away from the board for a while. The last few weeks have been crazy.

On April 30th, my DH graduated from the Nuclear Engineering Technology program at our local technical college. This was a brand new program which started in September 2010. He already had his Bachelor of Science in Physics with a Chemistry and Math minor from our local 4-year college. On May 7th, he started his internship at a nearby nuclear plant. I am extremely proud of him. :amartass:

Graduation was at 7:00 pm, but Hubby had to be there no later than 5:15 pm. We made sure we left early to make sure to have plenty of time with traffic.

We were almost to the Civic Center and had to stop at a red light about 5 to 10 minutes up the road. We were stopped right next to the college where I work at the main library. As the light was going to turn green, Hubby put his foot on the gas and nothing happened.

I had no idea that anything was wrong and thought that DH didn't realize that the light had changed. Then I hear him saying, "Oh, no! What's going on?"

The car was trying to turn over but couldn't. The "crossing guard" they have at that corner finally came over and full of attitude and was as stupid as a person can get. He kept saying that we had to move and Hubby kept telling him and showing him that the car wouldn't go. You would think we did this to make his day difficult.

He finally called Public Safety. They came and called a tow truck for us. They were nice enough to drive us the few minutes left down to the Civic Center. I told DH how ironic it was that after all the federal background checks he had just gone through, he arrives at graduation in a police car. LOL!

Hubby got there right before 5. We thought we had a way home with a classmate of Hubby's but we got separated from her. We stood out in front of the Civic Center for a while until another classmate of Hubby's came swinging by because he was wondered if we made it home all right. He gave us a ride home and picked Hubby back up for their exam the next morning. Gave him a ride back home afterwards, too.

I thought I knew what happened with DH's car. He takes it to the dealership in Thomson for servicing. For a few months, they've encouraged us to have the timing belt changed. It would cost about $900 to replace. I was trying to wait until we had some more money in the bank. I had a bad feeling the belt finally went.

We had the car towed to a local repair shop we’ve done business with before. They called me the next morning and told me that the belt had either broken or slipped. He asked if we were moving when it happened. I told him that we were stopped at a light. He told us that probably was the best then because when the belt broke, if it bent any valves, then we would have a bill of over $2000.

They called back later in the afternoon. God was continuing to look out for us because no valves were broken. They would replace the timing belt, the water pump, and the serpentine belt. The thermostat was starting to go bad, so it would be replaced. Also they noticed a fuel line leaking on the back wall. They would replace it at no cost for us. It would be ready Thursday.

Thursday morning they called and said that the fan wasn't coming on at low speeds. The fan needs to be replaced.

Hubby picked the car up Thursday afternoon. All the repairs came to $1673.46. :shock: :sad2:

My last period started on April 20th, so I’m waiting to see if I’ll still be on a 28 day cycle this month. If I am then I should start this Saturday. I haven’t had any PMS symptoms until late yesterday afternoon. My nipples were “at attention” and very sore. (My nipples don’t usually stick out.) Sorry if this is TMI! :blush:

This morning, I woke up with a lower backache and my nipples still sore. What surprised me was my breasts were sore. I’ve only had that as a PMS symptom twice since I began menstruating. By the time I got to work, I was shocked at how sore and swollen they were. The swelling and soreness has been coming and going all day.

I’ve been constipated or not going very much at all for about a week now. Lots of darn gas though.

Putting on more weight and going to sleep at the drop of a hat. Poor DH has the worst time trying to wake me up to get a shower so I can go to bed. I know I can thank my Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency for all that. I haven’t been giving myself the nightly shots as I should. I think my level of growth hormone has plummeted again.

I tested using the ovulation strips, starting the day after my period ended. I did see a second line after a few strips, but, this time, I never saw a definite second line. The three or four times, I saw the line it was always faint. I’m guessing I didn’t ovulate this cycle.

I did try a couple of things differently this time. I’ve used the Instead Softcups before, but I would have hubby put one in directly after BD. This time, we waited about 10 minutes and then he put one in.

Also, DH usually would keep thrusting while he ejaculated. This time I asked him to just push in as far as possible and stay still until he felt he had finished. Then I asked him to finish thrusting to make sure everything had come out. :sex:

I’m still taking the Fertility Blend For Women. I finished my first bottle on May 13th.

Hubby and I last BD’d on May 13th. That was his 38th birthday. Afterwards, I told him how wonderful it would be if we had just created another birthday to celebrate. He got misty eyed. :cry: (I forgot that it was Mother’s Day, too.)
Georgia- good to "see" you again! :thumbup: Remember those shots :growlmad: lol! It has to be difficult I am sure but did your doc say it is for the best while ttc? What has your doc said about possibly not ov'ing during your cycles?
Oh, btw, I was browsing eBay and found some FRER's for like $6.00 and change if any of you are interested :shrug: just do a search for


and it will pop up. It's a buy-it-now with 3 boxes of 2 tests each available...:shrug:
This month, I had a positive OPK on CD13. I figured it was a fluke, but then my BBT went up yesterday and today (CD15 & 16). So, that means I probably O'd already, right?

We BD'd every night (yes, almost always at night - does it make a difference?) except for CD11 (which is kind of a bummer to have missed, in retrospect, as it was right in the fertile window). I guess we'll keep up the BD work for the next week, just in case (that wouldn't hurt anything, right?). And start the TWW!


Yes, I would say that you very likely ovulated on CD14! :thumbup: So Yay!for the tww! :happydance: And not bd'ing on CD11 is no big deal as sperm lives for up to 5 adys in the cervix...Oh, btw, I forgot to mention earlier about the cm...EWCM can very easily exist within your cervix but never show...in other words, just because you don't see it doesn't mean that it's not there. But if you are getting tons of cm and it is super thick and sticky then the Tussin will help with that :) And it doesn't matter what time of day or night you bd as long as you bd! :thumbup: So you are officially in the tww--can't wait to see your results:) Are you charting your temp with FertilityFriend so we can see your charts too? I tried it for a month and was going to continue but got my bfp so figured :shrug: Fx'd!

Thank you, Grey Eyes! I am charting this month (https://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/3cd48a). FF agrees with your CD14 estimate! You'll see that I had one anomalous, high temp on CD8, but I attribute that to a warm night (I woke up sweating). Is that possible?

I'm so not a fan of the TWW :nope:, even though it's only my second one. So, I might not be on here that much during this time, as I don't want to obsess, if I can avoid it.

Happy baby making all :winkwink:
Yes, if you woke up sweating and the night was overly warm that will attribute to a higher temp reading. Good luck in your TWW! And I couldn't help but obsess :blush: lol
Coy and Ali...how are the two of you feeling today?:flower:
Coy and Ali...how are the two of you feeling today?:flower:

Hey Jessica..

I don't know what to think.
I woke up initially needing to pee!
Then the wave of nausea hit me, then the lower back ache and the feeling that AF was on her way.
I ran to the convenience store cause I was out of water, and while I was there I stocked up on gingerale, juice, water and even chocolate milk.. since nothing seemed appealing. Then as I walked to the front of the store the smell of the grill and fryer got me and I almost ran out the door, it was nauseating!
Oh, and why is my hair so greasy? I usually wash it daily, but by the end of the day it is so very greasy that I would have to wash it again if I were to go out, it is just that gross. Like someone poured oil on my head. Is that a sign, or am I just losing my mind? LOL!!!

How are you doing/feeling today?
Coy and Ali...how are the two of you feeling today?:flower:

Hey Jessica..

I don't know what to think.
I woke up initially needing to pee!
Then the wave of nausea hit me, then the lower back ache and the feeling that AF was on her way.
I ran to the convenience store cause I was out of water, and while I was there I stocked up on gingerale, juice, water and even chocolate milk.. since nothing seemed appealing. Then as I walked to the front of the store the smell of the grill and fryer got me and I almost ran out the door, it was nauseating!
Oh, and why is my hair so greasy? I usually wash it daily, but by the end of the day it is so very greasy that I would have to wash it again if I were to go out, it is just that gross. Like someone poured oil on my head. Is that a sign, or am I just losing my mind? LOL!!!

How are you doing/feeling today?

It sounds a bit quirky, but I am praying for those types of symptoms! I had no idea they happened so early on though...is that normal?

With my son (15 years ago) I had no symptoms at all...well, in retro spect I think I was really tired initially. But I attributed that to the extra aerobic classes I was teaching at the time. The only signs of pregnancy I had through the entire 9 months was a missed period and a growing belly. I didn't even start to show until I was at the end of my 6th month.

But this time around, as crazy as it sounds, I would love to have just a few of the symptoms that are associated with pregnancy...and just for a little while...
Coy and Ali...how are the two of you feeling today?:flower:

Hey Jessica..

I don't know what to think.
I woke up initially needing to pee!
Then the wave of nausea hit me, then the lower back ache and the feeling that AF was on her way.
I ran to the convenience store cause I was out of water, and while I was there I stocked up on gingerale, juice, water and even chocolate milk.. since nothing seemed appealing. Then as I walked to the front of the store the smell of the grill and fryer got me and I almost ran out the door, it was nauseating!
Oh, and why is my hair so greasy? I usually wash it daily, but by the end of the day it is so very greasy that I would have to wash it again if I were to go out, it is just that gross. Like someone poured oil on my head. Is that a sign, or am I just losing my mind? LOL!!!

How are you doing/feeling today?

It sounds a bit quirky, but I am praying for those types of symptoms! I had no idea they happened so early on though...is that normal?

With my son (15 years ago) I had no symptoms at all...well, in retro spect I think I was really tired initially. But I attributed that to the extra aerobic classes I was teaching at the time. The only signs of pregnancy I had through the entire 9 months was a missed period and a growing belly. I didn't even start to show until I was at the end of my 6th month.

But this time around, as crazy as it sounds, I would love to have just a few of the symptoms that are associated with pregnancy...and just for a little while...

HEHE.. you can have mine!!! I would happily not feel this way. Providing that I am PG, I was thinking this morning, that I better be pregnant, if not, this is the worst case of PMS ever!!
Hi ladies!
Marathongirl- how are you today? I am gonna go check and see if you've updated your chart yet. You would be 12-13dpo right? Are you going to test soon?:happydance:
Ali- sounds like preg symptoms but it is early yet to tell for sure...I didn't get nausea until week 6 which is typical for most but some women have a strong reaction to the surging hormones and get nauseas earlier on. You are about...8DPO today? I remember feeling bloated...have you been temping at all for basal body temperature? Generaly it stays high when you are pg.

Jessica- how are you feeling today? You would be about 4DPO correct? So you are right about the same times as Ali, cool, we can symptom spot together:haha: It is really hard not to look for symptoms during the tww! :wacko:

AFM- I have been busy today...it is 1 p.m. and I am starving haven't really had time to eat yet... so off I go in search of fooood :haha:
Hi ladies!
Marathongirl- how are you today? I am gonna go check and see if you've updated your chart yet. You would be 12-13dpo right? Are you going to test soon?:happydance:
Ali- sounds like preg symptoms but it is early yet to tell for sure...I didn't get nausea until week 6 which is typical for most but some women have a strong reaction to the surging hormones and get nauseas earlier on. You are about...8DPO today? I remember feeling bloated...have you been temping at all for basal body temperature? Generaly it stays high when you are pg.

Jessica- how are you feeling today? You would be about 4DPO correct? So you are right about the same times as Ali, cool, we can symptom spot together:haha: It is really hard not to look for symptoms during the tww! :wacko:

AFM- I have been busy today...it is 1 p.m. and I am starving haven't really had time to eat yet... so off I go in search of fooood :haha:

Yep! 8DPO today. I know it's early, and I did take another cheapie HPT, and it is BFN.. again.. but I'm not discouraged as it is still early. I have not been tracking my temp, but I will definitely do that if this month is not fruitful!
Sounds like you need to eat!!! Need to keep that bump growing!!! :)

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