Good morning ladies!
Sorry I have been MIA. My computer died and I had to get a new hard drive. I was just catching up on all the posts I missed. Oh I am RH negative too! I am A- and Dh is B+. I have had the rhogam shot 3 times! Twice last pregnancy due to bleeding at week 6 and then again with d & c.
Ali- I know it is stressful waiting for that u/s but stay positive! We are all rooting for you!
Angel- You are doing really well and your anomally scan will be great. I know it.
Samsfan- You are not going through menopause. I am going to be 42 next month and if I was nearing menapause I would not have gotten pregnant twice in 3 months
I understand how you feel though because I starting thinking that way when I hadnt gotten pregnant for 3 years. You are not out this month. When I got my bfp in May I really thought we had missed the fertility window too but like Grey Eyes said, sperm can live for several days and you can think you ovulate a certain day going by opk and egg pops several days later. Ah the joys of ttcing over 35
You are 8 dpo. 4-5 days till you
Grey eyes- those roses will look so beautiful. I love the summer and planting things in the garden. Wish it could be like that all year long.
AFM-I had a week of severe acid reflux and morning sickness that started in the afternoon and lasted all night
. However it disappeared over the weekend and I ate to my heart's content! My first prenatal appointment was so emotionally draining
My Ob basically said she thought I was going to miscarry again
She asked me my birthdate and when I told her July 1971 she said " oh so you will be 42 when you deliver if you make it that far". That last part hurt.
She keeps going by my LMP and ignoring me when I tell her that I ovulated 5 days later than what she is calculating. She did an u/s in her office on a crappy machine and said the hb was very low (though she couldnt tell me what it was or what I measured). Like Ali says the point is there is a HB! Dh was so amazed when he saw the flickering he now calls our baby "little lightening bug". OB also said that she doesnt see any growth since last week when I measured 6 week 1 day with a 2mm fetal pole. Yet she couldnt tell my what the fetal pole measured on Monday
I have another u/s tomorrow on a better machine. Monday I cried
till my head hurt and eyes were all swollen and had insomnia that night. I am so scared this is another triploidy since they measure small. If my Ob is wrong I am going to a different OB. She is so negative and I think she wasn't expecting to see me back so soon. She was hoping I would get pregnant with donor egg. Well sorry God had other plans. Sorry for the long rant ladies. Please keep us in your prayers. Dh and I really want this to be our rainbow baby. He was talking to my belly the other night " Hi baby this is your Dad. Please keep growing in there. We love you. Can't wait to be a family" It made me tear up.