Went to a Obama Rally and heard Bill Clinton speak!


1 baby, 4 step-kids
Aug 31, 2007
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So yesterday President Bill Clinton attended a rally for Barack Obama in Downtown Fort Pierce Florida. I was so excitied to go. When we arrived I coudlnt believe how many people were there. The fire marshall said there wefre over 8,000 people :eek: We arrived at about 1pm and decided to wait under the shade because it was SO HOT. We had given up hope that we would even be able to see him. My Mom said when they opened the gates we would just push our way at the front, I was scared that people would start yelling at us.Luckly no one did and we got very close about 10ft away!!!:D Clinton didnt arrive till 2:45. So we stood in the sun till almost 4 o'clock. I have never sweat so much in my life. I tried to keep Noah in his stroller and out of the direct sunlight but right after Clinton arrived he started getting fussy and I knew I had to get him in the shade(We are very fair people) My Mom decided she would take him and worked her way through the crowd. The whole time Im worrying about if he is okay because she forgot to take anything with her. No bottle etc. Then I hear Brad say "Hey look there she is!" The Secret Serivce was escourting her to a near by resturant. LOL It was to funny. So now when Noah is older I can tell him all about that. It was great to see such a diverese(sp) group of people all together and really into the election. Here are some pictures of the event.

Cool pictures I bet it was really exciting being there, I cant believe how close you got to Bill Clinton. Noah looks really impressed as well!

I wish I was in Florida its my favourite place in the whole world!
I wish I was in Florida its my favourite place in the whole world![/QUOTE said:
Come visit anytime :D hehe
How fantastic brill piccies!

I am off to Florida tomorrow am and I cant wait :happydance:
Ohhh how cute is Noah with his "Kids For Obama" badge!!!!

Lucky you, I would have loved to have gone to that!!!!!
Great pic of Bill! Hes as sexy as ever!! :blush: OMG, Noah is totally rocking his Obama button!! If I got one for Keira, I would have found myself homeless in an instant! :rofl:
Great pic of Bill! Hes as sexy as ever!! :blush: OMG, Noah is totally rocking his Obama button!! If I got one for Keira, I would have found myself homeless in an instant! :rofl:

OH or DH doesnt approve of Obama?

It was fun and a real history make for our little town

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