Hi well done. I was feeling guilty as I have just managed to kind of stop smoking and only have 3 months to go. My OH is still smoking which makes it difficult. I have been on and off for the last couple of months but managed to get it to 5 a day, but I haven't had any in 2 days. It's really difficult though. Before I was sneaking one or 2 out of my husband's packet when he wasn't looking. This would keep me going, but I realised a couple of days ago that I just keep torturing myself and my wee one and that I just need to go complete cold turkey. I really, really want one though. I have severe Pelvic girdle pain/ pubic dysfunction worsened because of an accident a few years ago - even the docs and physio say it's the worst they've seen. But I keep using this as an excuse for smoking, which I am trying to stop doing! Eg, I'm in pain so I'm allowed a ciggie!!!!! Which I know is not true! I want tom stay strong but it is sooooo hard when I keep just thinking about them. I am tending to try to go for a sleep when I can instead and then think right that's another couple of hours without....only X amount of time left in the day! It's like I am willing each day to end faster, until it gets easier!!! Arrggghhhh. We will get there! xxx