What a immature inconsiderate *******!!!

I dont think I ever said that everyone should have the same reaction. I suggested that some of the side effects are usually expected. Like relaxation and the munchies.
I am also suggesting that "bad trips" and hightened anxiety have several different factors envolved. Such as pre exsisting mental health issues and the age in which one began smoking Marijuana. Also the levels of THC and CBC make a huge difference in the high one experiences. The use of a vaporizor heats up the bud and doesnt combust it, making the THC content in the smoke/mist higher. Even hash has a way higher THC content. Smoking out of a water bong, although the water filters out a few toxins, can also produce stronger highs because you have to smoke more out of it because of the filtering effects. Even eating Marijuana can make the high stronger.

There are so many different variables that one can argue about the pros and cons of Marijuana.
Now it's my bedtime ladies, so I am off. Maybe, just maybe bnb won't take 2-3 minutes to switch pages tomorrow... FX for that!
Now it's my bedtime ladies, so I am off. Maybe, just maybe bnb won't take 2-3 minutes to switch pages tomorrow... FX for that!

ugh. its been doing that to you too? i thought it was my computer lol
Now it's my bedtime ladies, so I am off. Maybe, just maybe bnb won't take 2-3 minutes to switch pages tomorrow... FX for that!

I noticed that it gets like that around the same time for me. 11:42ish PM.
Why does a name matter when it's just my opinion. In MY opinion there was another factor to some of the stories. In MY opinion.
What good what it be to call some one out on just an opinion. Who knows what really happen to those people. I don't and you don't.
It was just a fucking opinion based on my almost 6 years of smoking.
:haha: But MY opinion mattered didnt it. Your experience of smoking isnt going to be the same as evryone elses is it? Because someone else had side effects, had a hard time giving up and u think u dont it doesnt mean they have bent the truth.....I smoked for twice the amount of time that u have.


You keep saying boring yet you keep posting.. :shrug: if its boring you what do you keep posting for???

My OH smokes it and then comes to play with his kids or give them a bath.. So what? I would like to see how many would actually kick their OH's out for doing it if they were in that position! They say they would but your seriously going to make yourself a single mum for something you cant control. OH is his own person, I dont like it and I dont smoke it but I dont say oh well now your a parent you have to be dead straight down the line!
I swear lots. I do try not to do it around my children but I bet your all thinking oohh bad mum there! Everything we do gets judged.
I find Rinna Roos post boring, the fact that she goes on about being allowed to have her 'opinion' yet others, myself included have been put down told we are judgmental etc for having ours because we are anti weed.

The double standards are boring, saying that people arent telling the truth because their experiences dont match with hers, is boring.

Dont tell me im not allowed to say its boring now, as this is my 'opinion' :roll:
I find Rinna Roos post boring, the fact that she goes on about being allowed to have her 'opinion' yet others, myself included have been put down told we are judgmental etc for having ours because we are anti weed.

The double standards are boring, saying that people arent telling the truth because their experiences dont macth with hers, is boring.

Dont tell me im not allowed to say its boring now, as this is my 'opinion' :roll:

If you find it boring then just bloody ignore it!! Everyone has an opinion and you aired yours and she is airing hers.
So then why did you comment about me airing my opinion then? Im allowed to right?

Sorry but i can comment on what i like
If OH was regularly coming home drunk or stoned or whatever, then yes I would end the relationship. For me, he is not taking equal share of the responsibility of being a parent. We choose not to have people around our child, caring for her, who are not in full control or fully alert. I would not condone someone drinking and then driving and taking marijuana is no different. On several occasions we have had to take Emma to the hospital/ out of hours surgery- I don't want to be relying on someone else to drive because we are not able to due to drinking or whatever.

We enjoy ourselves plenty without adding drink or drugs into the mix. Legal or illegal is irrelevant. It is the lifestyle choice that we have made so if OH was not on board with that then we wouldn't really have a relationship IYKWIM?
I love how ones on here commented negatively on another thread about another mother doing other illegal drugs whilst caring for a child.

Pot calling the kettle black or what?
So then why did you comment about me airing my opinion then? Im allowed to right?

Sorry but i can comment on what i like

I didnt say you werent allowed I'm saying why keep going on about it being boring. Surely if your bored you would just leave it or ignore it. :shrug: Childish, I'm now bored of you so this is my last post quoting you.
I have said in previous threads and I shall say again. I used to smoke fags but I dont anymore. I dont do drugs and when I drink its on a rare occasion and I mean rare! I dont need none of that stuff to be happy because I have all that I need. BUT, if my OH wishes to do it then so? What MY OH gets up to is none of anyones business but mine and the family! I care for my children and I provide for them. If my children need a hospital then I take them because I own my OWN car and I drive MYSELF. I dont need to rely on OH whether he is stoned or not. If he chooses to do what he does with his life then I cant change that. I love him the same because theres more to him than what he smokes.
Ah... lol, here comes the 'illegal' thing again. As far as I know, pot is NOT illegal in every country like every other drug, if pot was THAT bad, would it not be outlawed everywhere like heroin, crack, ecstasy, etc? :flower:
It is outlawed for recreational use in most places. And where it isn't there are strong movements to do so.

But again the point is, if you don't like a law, push to have it changed. Choosing to ignore it is just wrong.
If my OH smoked a joint and we needed to go to hospital, the sheer panic would sober him up enough that in all honesty it wouldn't bother me for him to drive (only in an emergency) but I also do have a valid drivers license, as well as around 1000 people in my town, area which I could get to drive me if need be. I am sure most people have neighbors, and I mean if you want to never have a sip of wine or what have you, just because something might happen and you might need to drive someone to the hospital that is really not teaching your children well either is it? Lets raise a bunch of paranoid people who do not know how to enjoy themselves without thinking What if What if What if. I understand your point, but to live in constant fear or worry, isn't a good idea at all either.

Also my post you quoted was a joke, and really I shouldn't care.

Also, I know a few who aren't too sharpe without smoking marijuana, lol... sometimes it's not needed to slow things down.
Joke... just so you know. :flower:

Also yes, we chose to have children. I was there, so I am sure I know and understand that part, but that doesn't mean everything needs to change. I can guarentee my home is just as safe, loving, caring, open, warm as anyone elses. Even though " Dum dum dummmmm" pot has been in it! :shock:

I am sorry about your friends child, that must have been terrifying :( Very rare I am sure though to not be able to get an ambulance or taxi in most areas. I know two paramedics personally and we are out of town, small village and most nights they aren't getting many calls which is a good thing.

You do understand it is not medically possible for a 'shock' to rid someones system of a toxin that affects their brain. You might think he can scare himself sharp but the reality is, his reactions would be delayed. Not to mention again, driving under the influence is illegal, or do you think you can simply say 'Its ok office he got a scare so he's no longer dangerous:dohh:'

It's not about paranoia, it is about making sure you stay sharp. What I'm teaching my child is responsibility. That if there is a possibility you might need to drive, avoid taking a mind bending substance. I don't sit and worry all the time, I simply don't think that having a drink is so important and so vital that it absolutely must be done, regardless of the potential consequences.

Sure the majority of the time an ambulance is available but it does happen, especially in town, on a Friday and Saturday - ironically because they're so busy scooping up drunks. And it happens more often than you would think. But it only takes once. Just the other day there was a report in my home town that a baby had died because they were unable to get an ambulance to their home. Is a glass of wine worth that, no matter how small the chances are of it happening?

But for those who think it is perfectly ok. If you had a child in day care or used a babysitter and you discovered they were drinking or smoking whilst your child was in care, do you really think you'd be ok with that.

ETA: I did get that your link was a joke. But unfortunately people will seriously take that attitude. In that respect, it just wasn't funny.
You do understand it is not medically possible for a 'shock' to rid someones system of a toxin that affects their brain. You might think he can scare himself sharp but the reality is, his reactions would be delayed. Not to mention again, driving under the influence is illegal, or do you think you can simply say 'Its ok office he got a scare so he's no longer dangerous:dohh:'

My thoughts exactly :thumbup:
I have said in previous threads and I shall say again. I used to smoke fags but I dont anymore. I dont do drugs and when I drink its on a rare occasion and I mean rare! I dont need none of that stuff to be happy because I have all that I need. BUT, if my OH wishes to do it then so? What MY OH gets up to is none of anyones business but mine and the family! I care for my children and I provide for them. If my children need a hospital then I take them because I own my OWN car and I drive MYSELF. I dont need to rely on OH whether he is stoned or not. If he chooses to do what he does with his life then I cant change that. I love him the same because theres more to him than what he smokes.

I would agree with this. If you are both happy with the way it works and you are happy to stay sober for the children, your life is your business. I don't agree he should be breaking the law, but as an adult, who is not the sole carer of children, that is his choice. Presumably he understands the risks to his health and is willing to accept them. What worries me is there appear to be too many people who believe the urban myths and pro weed propaganda who actually don't seem to understand the risks, or are not willing to accept they exist.
I love how ones on here commented negatively on another thread about another mother doing other illegal drugs whilst caring for a child.

Pot calling the kettle black or what?

:thumbup: Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that!
I have said in previous threads and I shall say again. I used to smoke fags but I dont anymore. I dont do drugs and when I drink its on a rare occasion and I mean rare! I dont need none of that stuff to be happy because I have all that I need. BUT, if my OH wishes to do it then so? What MY OH gets up to is none of anyones business but mine and the family! I care for my children and I provide for them. If my children need a hospital then I take them because I own my OWN car and I drive MYSELF. I dont need to rely on OH whether he is stoned or not. If he chooses to do what he does with his life then I cant change that. I love him the same because theres more to him than what he smokes.

And that is fine. You asked if people would really break up over this and I was explaining my point of view. For me it is a no-no. We live together, we parent together and so on- I would not accept everything being my responsibility as this is something we chose to do together. I agree you cannot change someone unless they want to change.
I'm the sole carer of my girls and I do not take drugs so I'm ok with the way I live. He knows what he is doing, he is big enough to do what he wishes with his life. My girls dont see it and thats fine with me.
Why do people use underhand digs. Man up and say what you think. Pot/kettle rubbish!

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