What are the worst reasons people have suggested to you as reasons for you to quit BF

I love reading this thread and seeing how many mommas are sticking with nursing despite ignorant comments and pressure from outside.

My daughter is almost 13 months and still breastfeeding. To me, it's completely clear that she still needs to breastfeed - for comfort, nutrition and bonding. Could I give her cows milk instead? Yes but why would I? It's such an easy and special way to provide for her. I can also see that she's sloooowly weaning herself from it. Each day this week we've had one less nursing session. She just turns away and looks towards her crib, lol. Ok sweetie, your decision, you lead the way and show me what you need.

People should be pleased for you, not judging you.
My mom said my breasts will hang to my knees...they look perfectly fine after almost 5 years :haha:
I'm not even Pg yet, and have no kids, and my MIL is already telling me that I will be feeding my kids purees at 4 months because it helps them sleep. I tried to tell her that I plan on doing Baby Led Weaning, with BF until the baby self-weans, and she looked at me like I was crazy and basically told me I will be using purees. And then she went on to tell me that a friend of hers BF till each of her kids were 2, and I said maybe the babies weren't ready to wean all the way, or maybe it helped them sleep better, and she told me that the mother had obvious attachment issues, and that is why she didn't wean them off sooner. Like woah. I'm not even pregnant yet. People need to back up. You had your kids, you did with them what you wanted. When I have my kids, I will do with them what I want.
I'm a little shocked at how many people think it is their place to tell you how to feed your babies! I haven't had a single person say anything to me about breastfeeding or when/why I should stop. I guess I should count myself lucky!
I'm a little shocked at how many people think it is their place to tell you how to feed your babies! I haven't had a single person say anything to me about breastfeeding or when/why I should stop. I guess I should count myself lucky!

Happy six months Isla :flower:

I have not had a person say one thing to me either. Just as well, I'd tell em off promptly!
I figured I would point this out for those people who tell you that BF babies don't sleep as well - my son is 8 years old and was FF from the day he was born. He is the worst sleeper I have ever come across. He didn't sleep through the night consistently until he was around 4yo. He's still a horrible sleeper and I don't think anything is ever going to change that. On the other hand, his younger sister (who was BF for 3 months) is an excellent sleeper. :flower:
I bf my daughter for 3 months and had all sorts of comments. Most of them came from my own mother! The comments were always like "you're like a cow she's constantly on you", "oh just give her a bottle love" (for no reason whatsoever!), "you're such an earth mother" (saif as if that's a bad thing) and so on!
Haha, I cannot believe some of the utter crap some people have had said to them about breastfeeding!

Nobody has said anything to me yet (thankfully my mother extended-bf three children so it is quite normal in my family), but I do wonder sometimes if my MIL reckons I should have stopped by now (LO is about to turn 2). She does tend to stare like a weirdo whenever my toddler hops up on my lap going 'I want some BOO-BOOS!'

I generally do it anywhere, any time, as discreetly as I can without actually covering myself up - but really I couldn't give a damn that my kid is big enough to sit up on my lap with her legs dangling down. Let them stare and make comments. I don't care. We had such trouble with early nursing strikes all the time when she was tiny that I'm not about to start refusing her just to save face in public. Our hellish start to breastfeeding has left its mark and I'm terrified of triggering another strike or coercing her into weaning before she is ready.
I had a relation of partners say my children would have social disorders from breastfeeding. All kind sociable kids and shes eating her words. And I am smug as hell about that.
Another bit of great advise I received this week from a mom who bf 15 years ago was to have a glass of wine at night to help DS to sleep !

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