What are your Christmas Day plans?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2012
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What is everyone up to on the big day?? :xmas6:

We will open the Christmas presents first thing and then have some breakfast. Then James will have a nap as early as I can get him to nap so we can go out in time to MILs. We will open some more presents at MILs and have Christmas Dinner there :xmas14:

When we come home in the evening we will probably watch a Christmas film and I will have a tidy up as I like to get all the new presents put in the correct place as soon as possible! :haha:
Being that i will be almost 36 weeks pregnant i was hoping to spend most of it lying on the couch but instead we will get up open presents and have breakfast. Get ouraelves ready and drive to my mums for xmas dinner. My dad will be coming up as will my sister if she isnt snowed in! After dinner we will probably just come home for hot chocolate, more play with the toys and christmas film if it isnt too late.
Wake up, I'm usually first up. Girls open their santa sacks upstairs then we come down to see what Santa has bought. Lots of excitement all round.

We have a quick/easy breakfast which is usually cereal, croissants and crumpets.

We don't go anywhere all day (this was the same for me as a child) but we do get dressed. Normally in new clothes we got as gifts but DH and I don't have any this year.
DH and I both help with dinner and then in evening we may put a film on or music and play board games

Boxing day is pretty much the same but this year DH is working so will do party foods for me and the girls for lunch.

Day after boxing day we go to my Mum's and have a second Christmas :)

When we get back from my mum's I am usually quite down that it's all over so put all the gifts away and take the tree down (usually before NYE).
We'll get up and do presents then have breakfast, get ready and go to my mum and dad's house. We'll have lunch and Christmas dinner there, presents etc and stay the night ready to go do it all again at my grandparent's house the next day. :thumbup:
I usually go to my mams for christmas dinner but kids wanted to stay home this year so thats what we are doing
Plan is wake up, do presents and have breakfast then will unbox some stuff and let the kids play while i cook dinner will have that around 1 then will just play and chill the rest of the day. Not sure at what point littlest will go to his dads.
Were going to my mams boxing day
I'll be 37 weeks so hopefully not much :haha:
Get up around 9, open presents, have breakfast. Then my parents are coming to pick ds up to take him round to my sisters where he can play with his cousins (I would love to see them but too much family drama going on with my sister right now) for an hour, then DH and SIL will drive over to pick him up while I prepare lunch.
Then lunch, play with new toys, watch films and eat chocolate I think!
I'm like you, I like to get presents put away as soon as poss. Easier to relax then.
We usually get up and the boys open their presents from Santa (4 each this year). Then breakfast (crumpets!). Then we start on the presents from family (including me and Daddy) under Christmas tree. As I refuse to have it as a free-for-all I hand them out to each person (always my job as it was my Grandads when I lived at home so it reminds me of him :flower: ). This takes a while but whats the rush?!? Lunch at 1, then more presents, and nibbles in the evening. We watch the Snowman but try and keep the TV off all day. :xmas6:
We are staying at mums Christmas Eve provided I’m out of hospital (I’m being induced on 22nd) so will wake up there, let the kids open presents from Santa then have breakfast. After that we will all sit around the tree and do everyone’s else’s presents. We will then let the kids play and watch a film and all muck in with making dinner. We will have Christmas dinner then spend the afternoon watching films and the kids playing, will possibly go for a long walk too dependent on weather. Once kids are in bed the adults will watch a comedy dvd usually and eat party type food and eat too much chocolate and drink too much (with the exception of me as il be breastfeeding!) and probably have an early night as we will all be shattered! I also have to set up DD1 birthday presents and balloons etc for Boxing Day morning.
I don’t let the kids wake me up before 6. My mum had this rule so I have it to. We do stockings on our bed. A light breakfast and everyone gets dressed. We tend to dress on the smart casual side for Christmas.

The kids play with what they got. Normally our guest turn up for lunch but not this year :happydance: I will do Christmas dinner for about 12.30. Then after lunch we will do the bulk of the presents. We will have a cheese board tea and just chill playing with stuff until the kids go to bed and then we will potter around tidying up a bit.
Christmas stockings first followed by a good breakfast. Then we’ll change the kids into some new clothes (a tradition to wear new clothes on Christmas Day) followed by opening presents. Kids then get to play with their new toys while I prepare Christmas lunch (I make enough so we have food for dinner also). Might have a splash around in the pool afterwards. Nibbles in between. Dinner and then a film with some hot chocolate. Kids will go to bed late. Once asleep a bit of a tidy up for me.
I hand them out to each person (always my job as it was my Grandads when I lived at home so it reminds me of him :flower: ). This takes a while but whats the rush?!?

We always did this when I was little too and still do now! I like to control the order people open their presents from me in so they don't open all the good ones first haha. Typically me and my sister sit under the tree and fling presents to people around the room :rofl:
I hand them out to each person (always my job as it was my Grandads when I lived at home so it reminds me of him :flower: ). This takes a while but whats the rush?!?

We always did this when I was little too and still do now! I like to control the order people open their presents from me in so they don't open all the good ones first haha. Typically me and my sister sit under the tree and fling presents to people around the room :rofl:

I’ll put up my hand and say I’m another that does this. I also go disposing of the ripped wrapping paper as we go... less mess!
This year we're staying at home for the first time. I have a big family and we normally go to mum and dads and spend it with them all. However, this year mum suggested we all have a quiet chilled out Christmas day at home and then have a family day on boxing day. They've hired the village hall so mum's going to cook a big Christmas dinner there and we'll have presents and games.
On Christmas day itself when the kids wake up they'll bring their small stockings out of their room and open them on our bed. We'll then go downstairs and see what santa has put in their sack. We'll have cinnamon rolls for breakfast. (They'll stay in their C'mas Pyjamas all day) they'll play with their toys for a bit then I'll cook dinner and have a chill out afternoon with a film and more playing with their toys. Nibbles for tea and then bed (not too late cos they'll have another C'mas day on boxing day! )
We'll be sleeping at the in-laws Christmas Eve. The girls will open their stockings in bed before we get up. Then we'll go downstairs and open more presents. We'll probably try and fit breakfast in at some point. They'll probably just play with their toys till dinner is ready.

After lunch we'll take the dogs out, play with more toys and maybe watch some TV/movies.

We'll head home late afternoon and have a snack and hopefully get the girls to bed not too late. Then me and hubby can watch a film and have a glass of wine 😁🍷
Kids usually wake us up, around 6. Straight downstairs, the livingroom door is covered in paper so they cant see what is in there. Ds will spend a good few minutes reading the message on the paper that has covered livingroom door. Straight into the kitchen, to make tea and let the dog out. While we are waiting for kettle/ dog, usualy hand the kids some fruit or a pancake or something to eat. Then they get to burst through the paper and thats when all the fun starts. Presents, once all the ones from Us and santa are opened kids will have a play, while we do some proper breakfast and i get dressed. Ohs family usualy pop by around 9. Kids open their presents from them. They leave at 10. Then play some more, my family usually pop round at 12, kids open thwir presents from them. Then its just hanging out till dinner is ready about 4. Stuff ourselves full of food and pudding then play more. Once kids are in bed, me and OH will usually watch something, and eat more cake. Presents will be in the livingroom for a good few days before they get a space.
I hand them out to each person (always my job as it was my Grandads when I lived at home so it reminds me of him :flower: ). This takes a while but whats the rush?!?

We always did this when I was little too and still do now! I like to control the order people open their presents from me in so they don't open all the good ones first haha. Typically me and my sister sit under the tree and fling presents to people around the room :rofl:

I’ll put up my hand and say I’m another that does this. I also go disposing of the ripped wrapping paper as we go... less mess!

Yes, totally - plus my fear if I let the wrapping paper hang around in messy piles everywhere is that a small present might get accidentally chucked away along with it!
I hand them out to each person (always my job as it was my Grandads when I lived at home so it reminds me of him :flower: ). This takes a while but whats the rush?!?

We always did this when I was little too and still do now! I like to control the order people open their presents from me in so they don't open all the good ones first haha. Typically me and my sister sit under the tree and fling presents to people around the room :rofl:

Aww this is a lovely traditional to hand them out :)
I hand them out to each person (always my job as it was my Grandads when I lived at home so it reminds me of him :flower: ). This takes a while but whats the rush?!?

We always did this when I was little too and still do now! I like to control the order people open their presents from me in so they don't open all the good ones first haha. Typically me and my sister sit under the tree and fling presents to people around the room :rofl:

I’ll put up my hand and say I’m another that does this. I also go disposing of the ripped wrapping paper as we go... less mess!

Yes, totally - plus my fear if I let the wrapping paper hang around in messy piles everywhere is that a small present might get accidentally chucked away along with it!
My sister still mourns the loss of a plastic bat which was accidentally thrown away with the wrapping 30 odd years ago. I always tidy as we open, so satisfying to see the carpet again :rofl:
I tidy as we open too. I can't stand the mess and clutter!
Haha so glad it's not just me! It sounds fun-sucking but it's no big deal, we just keep a big plastic bag on the floor and put wrapping paper in it as we go, along with packaging if people (especially the kids of course) (...and me) rip into their presents straight away :haha:
Love reading what other people do! I don't have Facebook any more but when I used to I loved seeing pics of other people's christmases, so interesting and cute to see/hear how other people do things.

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