What are your Christmas Day plans?

My dad always hands out the presents and wears a reindeer Santa hat every tear :haha: it’s become a tradition.
Oldest dd will wake up early like 5-6 and probably wake up her brother and sister and they’ll all empty their stockings out onto our beds (buys us an extra half hour in bed lol!) before we all go downstairs to open the big presents in their sacks. Next breakfast then chill/play til we go to my parents house around 2 to open more presents and have Xmas dinne before heading back home around 8 :)
We are staying at home without visitors on the day for the first time ever. It’ll work for us it’s may nt be something we continue but it’ll be perfect for this year looking forward to it lots! The day before at my mum and dads hopefully see my brother there also, Boxing Day is with oh family so a packed house, then after hat visit friends and extended family x
When the kids wake up, they will open their stockings on our bed. OH will then go down to turn all the Christmas lights on and make sure 'he's' been.
We'll open Santa presents then probably have breakfast before opening presents from under the tree (if the kids will wait that is).
Once we're washed and dressed we will quickly pop to MIL'S to exchange gifts then up to my parents for christmas dinner where we will have more gifts to open. We will leave probably around 4-5pm and go home for an hour before my parents come down to us for lamb baps and crisps and chocolate!

We did used to go to MIL'S for a buffet tea but it gets too crowded, don't feel like eating that much as she can feed the 5000! Plus the kids just want to be at home with their toys.
It is tradition at my mum's that at least one thing gets thrown in with the rubbish!
It is tradition at my mum's that at least one thing gets thrown in with the rubbish!

😂😂 hahaha. It's tradition at my mums (though we're not spending it there this year) that after all the presents are opened, at least one person goes HANG ON A MINUTE where's the xxxxxx I bought so and so?! And it's later discovered to still be at the back of the giver's wardrobe haha
I accidentally threw £20 in the bin in what I thought was an empty envelope last year. It was only when they text about the money that we didn't think we had received any and checked through the bin and there it was!
We stay home. Get up whenever, Thomas tends to sleep in but this year he understands so we'll be up early probably. He opens his stocking in bed then before we open presents I go down and let the dog out, make coffee, put the heating on etc. After presents sean usually opens toys whilst I make breakfast. Then it's a day of eating, playing, walking the dog. Dinner is around 3pm.
Boxing Day is spent at my cousins house with all my cousins and their children, my aunt, uncle and nanna. My cousins in laws will be there this year too. Sean won't be there as he's working Boxing Day night. We open some more gifts and pig out all day whilst the kids play. Dinner is always leftover turkey, homemade chips, pickled onions, beetroot etc.

The 27th is when 2 of my little cousins have their birthdays so we are going to a restaurant this year as there is so many of us.

Last New Years we went to my cousins house. This new year I think we will stay home, I'm pretty sure sean is working the 1st so me and Thomas will go to my aunts house for the traditional beef dinner.
Always up nice and early, I wake up ridiculously early then can't get back to sleep because I'm so excited haha. Presents opened downstairs and the girls have a play. My sisters usually come over late morning with presents (lots of them) for the girls and myself so we exchange gifts with them and they stay for an hour or two.
Will go to my mums around 2.30/3ish and girls will get their presents from her there, and we take some down for my mum and brothers. Will have dinner at my mums then home around 7ish. Girls eventually go to bed and then boxing day about 11am their dad picks them up and they go and have a second Christmas there (santa leaves presents at both houses)
I take the tree down on boxing day because I need the space for toys!
We stay home as well. Mostly because I refuse to travel on Christmas day :haha: But DH's family isn't overly involved in our lives (loooooooooong story) and my family is all down in Texas. When the kids get up we come downstairs and open stockings. Then put breakfast on (cinnamon rolls, bacon, sausages) and the kids open their Santa gifts. We have breakfast and after breakfast we open the rest of the presents. I'm another one who does the hand out. 1 person opens 1 gift at a time. Usually Hannah hands the gifts around. :) After presents the kids play with their toys and DH and I start getting ready for Xmas dinner. We usually have friends over to eat with us. We generally eat around 3 so we have room for dessert later on!
It's interesting to see how different we all do Christmas day.

I couldn't imagine waiting until after breakfast or dinner for our presents. That's me too not the children lol. Though it does sound lovely to have a nice breakfast then do gifts, I just don't think I could stop myself ha ha.

My mum just messaged me asking how should we do presents at hers (we go the day after boxing day so not really a Santa's been type thing but there are loads of presents).
We have decided to put all gifts round the tree and let DDs deliver to everyone. Mum is going to keep some of DDs back and hide them around the house and do a 'present hunt' later in the day.
Usually the kids will get up between 7-8. They open their stockings while I make coffee! They play with their stocking stuff then open all of their presents. Then after all the mess is put away DH will put in the turkey and I make breakfast. Cinnamon buns, bacon and fruit usually.
Unfortunately all of my family are overseas and DH's in another state, so we always spend Xmas day at home. We usually have a very relaxed day, kids play with their presents with movies or music in in the background most of the day. Usually eat dinner around 4-5pm then have a nice walk after dinner.
Easy one for me. Kids will get their Christmas presents then hubby and the kids will bugger off to MIL's for lunch. I'm not going because a: I don't like her and can't be bothered and b: I'll be 34-35 weeks pregnant and just want to be left alone. There is also a lot of people who I haven't told I'm pregnant and I can't be bothered with the 'when are you due?', 'what are you having?', 'Logan should get the snip', 'wow you're huge' etc. I also can't be bothered with the helping of themselves to my belly like it's public property either. Also the same reason we are avoiding a BBQ this weekend because of the ex-friend who told everyone of my last pregnancy without any confirmation from me. I can't be bothered with that either.
I love reading how everyone does christmas day differently 😁
I have realised I think I'm the only one who doesn't do breakfast on Christmas morning, we always just eat chocolate for breakfast haha!

We will get up around 7ish probably, straight downstairs to see what santa has left. DS will open his stocking first and then a few other pressies. Me and OH will swap presents and open them. After a while we will get dressed and ready and me and DS will go to my mums for Christmas lunch with the family, after lunch we then all go round to my nans house (tradition) and swap gifts from each other. We then watch christmas tv, play games, play with new toys etc. DS will then go to his dad's about 5ish.
My nan usually does a buffet at teatime and we will stay there all evening pretty much :)
Then I get up about 4am boxing day for the next sale lol.

Last year I had to work christmas day so it wasn't quite the same but that's how it usually goes!
I love reading how everyone does christmas day differently 😁
I have realised I think I'm the only one who doesn't do breakfast on Christmas morning, we always just eat chocolate for breakfast haha!

We will get up around 7ish probably, straight downstairs to see what santa has left. DS will open his stocking first and then a few other pressies. Me and OH will swap presents and open them. After a while we will get dressed and ready and me and DS will go to my mums for Christmas lunch with the family, after lunch we then all go round to my nans house (tradition) and swap gifts from each other. We then watch christmas tv, play games, play with new toys etc. DS will then go to his dad's about 5ish.
My nan usually does a buffet at teatime and we will stay there all evening pretty much :)
Then I get up about 4am boxing day for the next sale lol.

Last year I had to work christmas day so it wasn't quite the same but that's how it usually goes!

Nothing would get me out of bed at 4am :haha:
We are staying home again this year. We will get up whatever time the kids get up and open presents, then the kids will play all day. I'll cook dinner (most prep done Xmas Eve) and then we'll eat, and then chill. Might go for walk depending on how the kids are. Perfect :)

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