What is really annoying you at the minute?


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2011
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Just thought id start a thread for all of us hormonal monsters to vent our anger about things that before we were pregnant used to just wind us up but now we are with child its more like "IF YOU DONT STOP DOING THAT I WILL KILL YOU"!!!!!!!!!!!!
For me its:

OH picking his fingernails or even worse toenails in the middle of corrie.

OH Snoring (it seems to be a million times louder than it was before).

MIL ringing every single night when she knows fine well we are eating because she's just been out to stay with us for 10days, SHE KNOWS WHAT TIME WE EAT!!!!

When people find out im pregnant i get "you want to be careful at your age, theres a lot of risks you know" or "you do know by the time your kid is at school youll be ready to retire"!! Bloody hell, im 37 ffs, im not exactly ready for my pension!!!!!

Bloke (or should i say overgrown boy) over the road "playing" with his off road bike thingy every bloody night!! I swear i am going to go out there and stab his petrol tank!!!

Im sure i will add to this as the day goes on but these are the worst offenders at the mo!!

What is really driving you bonkers?!!
Go on get it off your chest!!!

I'm finding it hard to sleep now amd doesn't help when OH listens to his ipod loud and snores loud and tosses amd turns...I could cheerfully strangle him then!
Actually...most things he does annoy me now that before I would have shrugged off.
Oh and not being able to take anything stronger than paracetamol..wjich doesn't work for me anyway :(
Sick of my oh's tempers and my mil sticking up for him cause her boy can do no wrong!
Wish she'd just Fuc* off and get a life and stop trying to make him climb back into her uterus!!!!!

Annoyed that no one seems to post on happy threads but as soon as a depressing or rant post comes up everyone posts on it.
I saw my baby yesterday and no one gives a shit thanks!
Yet someone creates a thread whinging no one comments on their thread and they get 8 pages of please don't go random person.
It's like if there's no drama no ones interested.

Really ticked off at someone asking can i feel the baby yet and when I say no giving me a concerned look as if there's something wrong and asking is that bad?, umm hello have you ever been pregnant? no then shut up.

I hate slow people, old people and spoilt kids.
People always smell, be it of BO or way too much perfume/aftershave.

I could rant about everything!

Now I want to cry!
Argh can't believe I just wrote all that :blush:.

I'm having a hormonal day :cry:
EVERYTHING is annoying me! My OH, my future MIL and SIL - let me decide, its my pregnancy!

Tourists on the underground.

Uncomfortable bras even though it is new!
am suffering with real bad lack of sleep & then oh turns round & says to me oh i need a early night he falls asleep well before me & then wakes after me & is like so you had good sleep then arrgggggh do these ginormous bags under my eyes look like i slept well

the fact that shorts i wore this time last week i now cant do up

the fact i'm missing something this weekend that been planned for ages because i'm still suffering with far too much nausea to be sat in the car for nearly 3 hours each way :(
LOVE this post!

My poor hubby is getting the brunt of all my anger. It seems like everything he does, or DOESN'T do makes me crazy. He picks his nails / toes on the couch, which sets a fire inside my sould and I just want to beat him senseless. <sorry for the crazy>

Don't get me wrong, I love him like crazy but lately I can't help how furious I get. It's like every breath he takes makes me want to punch him in the face. Poor guy, he hasn't done anything to deserve this really, I just can't help it.

Thanks for posting this so I can vent!! We will all get through this together! :)
Currently my 15 month old is annoying me. If I leave the room to go and tidy somewhere else she stands at the baby gate crying. If I let her out to come and "help" me then she runs off and hides somewhere. Little monster.
My co workers has microwaved eggs and I cannot stand the smell!
Microwaved eggs??? Vomit!!

My 7year old KNOWS I am utterly exhausted and instead of being sweet to me, she is taking the mickey asking for things because she knows I can't follow through when I say no so she does what she likes with "fake permission".
Im so annoyed at everything atm!

OH constantly sitting on his phone texting/on facebook messaging people
OH saying he understands when he obviously DOESNT!

Manager at work saying hes concerned when his boss is getting on his back

SIL (to be) arranging a party at my MIL's house when she doesnt even live there!

Friends wanting nothing to do with me and when I ask them why they just say they didnt hear their phone ring or didnt get the text!

People wearing WAAAYYYY too much perfume/aftershave!

Ohhhh I'm in a ranting mood now! There is alot more stuff but these are the main one lol xx
whats annoying me at the minute .....
Where to start? OH starts work at 6 so alarm goes off at half 4 and wakes the whole bloody street up, cant settle after that so end up getting up and doing housework.
Asked OH to get the washing out of the machine cuz I needed something for today so he did EXACTLY what I asked him to do got the washing out of the machine and left it in a wet smell pile on the kitchen table how many extra brain cells does it require to realise he need to hang the washing out to dry!!!!!
Sorry for the rant proper grump today cuz the weather is lovely and im stuck inside. Nearly home time tho!
atm its my OH's feet /socks and him leaving his socks and underwear strewn around the house. and the children squealing like wild things just caus the sun is out
People on public transport who smell like they need a good wash. For crying out loud, please wash before you go out! I thought I was going to chuck up over the man next to me on the train yesterday - in hindsight maybe I should have, it would have served him right haha :haha:

Also, unwashed people who sit far too close on public transport! Sorry, so not a people's person right now :growlmad:
At this very moment in time, the fact that DH is still in work even though he promised to leave 30 mins ago and I'm making his favourite dinner. He may end up wearing it if he's not careful....
People on public transport who smell like they need a good wash. For crying out loud, please wash before you go out! I thought I was going to chuck up over the man next to me on the train yesterday - in hindsight maybe I should have, it would have served him right haha :haha:

Also, unwashed people who sit far too close on public transport! Sorry, so not a people's person right now :growlmad:

Oh my god I am totally with you!! Seriously people, wash yourself, and equally important, wash your clothes, there's no point in showering if you're putting on the same skanky clothes every blooming day!
Argh can't believe I just wrote all that :blush:.

I'm having a hormonal day :cry:

Hunni dont worry about it!! I started this thread so we could all get off our chests what is really peeing us off right now but darent let rip to our loved ones for fear of actually killing them, you rant all you like!!:hugs:

It actually feels really good to get everything off your chest!! Rant away ladies!!:growlmad:

right now I am going bonkers because I really want to leave work. friday afternoons are torturous.


since I work basically in solitude, nobody's annoying me... yet...
I'm finding it really hard living with one of mine and OH's flatmates she's such a bully and an angry person, she was horrible today and we had a bit of an argument the stress made me feel like my heart was going to burst out of my chest :( but the good news is that me and OH are moving to our own place in just under a month YAYY.

Another annoying thing is that loads of things just taste a bit weird now. So strange!

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