What is the most complicated thing to do now that you have a baby?

Washing my hair!!! I swear lo knows everytime I try!

Sarah lo - so with you with the dog walking. Think I've finally got the routine sussed now (invovles locking dog out the garden unitl I'm ready!) but oh still needs me to help him do every step!!!


Also I'm sure she hears me push the plunger down on the toaster then she makes sure she cries non stop till the toast is cold!
explodeing shitty nappys... i never fail to get it all over lo!

ive mastered eating one handed,makeing a bottle one handed, going to the bog one handed and walking three dogs whilst pushing pram one handed... that last one took some trying tho lol!
Sleep-when I try to nap with her in the day she will sleep for about 10 mins but if I stay awake she will sleep for two hours .

Sex-I swear no matter how deep asleep she's in as soon as dh gets his willy out she will wake up and cry.it's like she has a willy sensor :haha: I'm not complaining tho coz I really can't b bothered with all that at the mo :rofl: xx
Getting ready to go out,i have 4 children and my eldest is only 4 years old!
in the beginning, everything.

now, eating. if i put anything near my mouth, or rustle a packet and crawls over at superspeed whining and pulling at my trousers. if i don't give him some, he dissolves into tears, regardless of when he last ate. he has also started trying to drink out of my mugs. i swear somebody has let him have a sip of tea from a mug because as soon as i have it he wants some and he never used to!!! i now have breakfast whilst he naps.

showering is no longer a problem, i either chuck him in with me, he crawls around the bath whilst i wash and then i pick him up or i put him in his walker :)

however, now he is cruising, i need eyes in the back of my head. he can reach everything...
Showering/getting hair & makeup somewhat done/being anywhere on time!!

Hi MissFish,

This may be a silly question, but what is this bright green potty-look-a-like your LO is sitting in and what is its purpose if I may ask? :haha: I am very interested to know what it is for....:winkwink:

P.S. Just to share, I think for me the hardest part is keeping up a good and steady - making my hair look nice- make up and puting on some decent clothes - routine. :dohh:
Eating is the main one as soon as i sit down to eat he wants feeding, even if i just fed him, if not he just gives me evils until i have finished :)

Also bathing, lo can be fast asleep and as soon as i get in the bath he cries lol
As a non driver, just shopping in general is complicated.

You can't push both a trolley and a pram round the supermarket but how the hell are you supposed to carry the shopping around the supermarket when pushing a pram :dohh: So I can only shop for a few items at a time these days.

Then theres the tricky issue of getting it home. Some buses have room for the pram but not all do. The other day the bus driver said I couldn't get on unless I folded the pram! I was like 'you're joking right??' I was on my own with a tiny sleeping baby, a bulky pram which is not very easy to fold and 2 bags of heavy shopping under the pram. I'd rather walk! So I did :nope:
Housework, I cannot get on top of it!! Jacob doesnt nap for long in the day and doesnt stay amused for long in the bouncer, bumbo, playmat etc. Plus I have to cart him around to each room with me coz I cant leave him with Phoebe for long on his own as she will be feeding him, picking him up etc :dohh: Plus he is awake all evening long so i cant even catch up then.
Cant wait to move at the end of the month & get the jumperoo in and up, lets hope its works as well as other people say it does and I can actually tidy.

And I cant wait for the day I can shower earlier than 11pm at night and not go to bed with wet hair, its the only time of day I can get in :haha:
Coffee is no longer hot. Though I've worked out that if i make my coffee at the same time as Louis' bottle, it's a nice temp when he's finished eating. :D As long as he's not being awkward and deciding he doesn't want his bottle anymore, then he does, then he poos part way through so needs changing, then wants his bottle like he's starving part way through being changed, then constantly spitting his bottle out when he gets it... and on it goes. Needless to say, when this happens, I end up putting him down and going to drink my coffee in the kitchen.

Housework. If Louis is not asleep then there's no chance of getting any done. Which means that washing-up, clothes washing, sweeping (hoover scares him so can't use it), mopping, dusting etc needs doing during Louis' only nap of the day which can be anything between 30mins and 2 hours. I try not to do it once he goes to bed because that is mine and OH time and then time to myself when OH goes to work.

Thinking about it, it's anything really. It just took me about half hour to type this. :S
Housework definitely. I am struggling to keep up as LO seems to b high maintenance!
Bathing, I wish I could get in more, its definitely not doing good for my c-sec scar which gets red at times but I just cant find the time to get in!
Go to the loo. If its quick, I leave him on his play mat, but if it might take long, I bring his bouncer with me upstairs, while holding him. Meet friends outside... I never know when he will be napping. Eating, preparing food (he naps on me only). He is a good sleeper, so after his night routine, it's my time and I have the time for a shower/movie preparing food and just relaxing. I feel lucky cos he is down in his cot by 18:30-19:00, so I have plenty of time before I go to sleep (22:00).
All of the above except the one about peeing at the public pool. I'm nowhere near ready to be in a bathing suit - LOL! Walking the dog, check! Hot coffee, check! I suppose drying my hair is probably my main one right now. I'm lucky to get a shower. But then I also have to dry my hair. And even though I cut half of it off after I had LO it still takes minutes to dry. So 1st nap I shower. 2nd nap I dry my hair. Painful!
Eating. Everytime we eat she cries. I swear she knows we are eating. I've forgotten what a hot meal tastes like
All of the above. Also going anywhere because my 2 month old daughter cries after 5mins of being in her car dear. Also bathing. and one on one time with my husband. I've been trying to upload pictures to my computer for 3 days now... I'm writing this on my iPod as I nurse her... That's the only way I can go on these forums!! So basically EVERYTHING!!! But I luv her and wouldn't change it!

Amen! :thumbup:
Haha - all of the above and more.
Ive given up on shopping - never again will I struggle holding a basket as well as pushing a pram - if it doesn't fit in the almost non existent basket of the silver cross surf I'm not buying.
Reading a book in peace. I used to get through one in a week - I'd be lucky to get through one in two month.
Popping out to the shops - who'd have thought it would take so long to get ready only to not bother at the last minute as ds has projectiled all over his clothes.
Meeting up with people at a set time - hahahahaha - I'm on Freddie time now don't you know

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