What is your religion and what does it stand for?

Im mixed race so do not follow any particular religion. I dont know if there is a god. All i know is that I should live my life as a decent person and help others when I can and be the best that I can be. Any god should be happy with that and if there is a god that isn't then they are not worth believing in. I dont think it matters what you believe as long as you live your life in a peacful way which is free from discrimination and hate. I like the way religion gives people guidance but as most Gods that people believe in are forgiving than surely they would forgive a person for not knowing which religion to follow. Thats my theory anyway :)
I like the way that most religions believe in only one true god. MAybe all those religions are right there IS only one true god. And each religion is actually believing in the same god..so therefore it doesnt matter what you call god or which one you follow coz in the end its the same god and the same religion just with a different name (catholic,muslim,sikh etc) All believe in the one true god. Its people that separate the religions..my religion is right yours is wrong etc etc. Everyones is right i think.
Im happy to answer any questions anyone has about my faith and belief so if you have any please do ask..

My faith is so important to me, some days i couldnt get through without knowing that my Creator has a greater purpose for me and many blessings and gifts to share with me, I only have to look at my children to know that my God loves me as there is no way that I would have them if it werent for God or indeed be alive myself right now.
I'm a Spiritualist, and attend an SNU (Spiritualist National Union) church....

We have no holy books or rules to live by, just 7 principles which we must accept before we can really call ourselves a spiritualist:

1. The Fatherhood of God.
2. The Brotherhood of Man.
3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels.
4. The Continuous Existence of the human soul.
5. Personal Responsibility.
6. Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on earth.
7. Eternal Progress open to every human soul.

You can explore more on www.snu.org.uk, or I am happy to answer questions too, as best I can. Essentially we believe that all human beings are first and foremost spirits, and that the body is a tool, or shell used to enable us to learn on the earthplane. As spirit, we are all part of the Great Spirit (God) and can communicate with other spirits who are discarnate (not in a body, ie, 'dead').

We communicate with spirits who want to talk to us to prove that there is no death, and to encourage us to use this insight to live better lives, with more love and care for others. It's not for entertainment (though it can be entertaining!) and it's not to scare people - it's about showing the interconnectedness of the world and all spirit.

We have a philosophy but no rules, as I say, so we are very independently minded and don't try to persuade others to our point of view. We believe the evidence speaks for itself!
I was raised Catholic but I don't have a Catholic view.

I believe in people - in doing my best while on earth and striving to improve all aspects of all life.

I know theres "something" beyond our knowledge, but that all people are good and evil in equal meassure and its up to us how we live and what path we follow.

I live each day as a new beginning and try to do my best with each one and not hurt anyone, physically or mentally.

I am also fascinated with religion as a whole and did my degree in religion and am also a qualified religious studies teacher :)
I love this thread! I am also fascinated by different religions.

Personally, I'm a Bible-Believing Christian. Don't really have a "religion" - we're struggling with our church and haven't found another one in our rural area that we are satisfied with.
I believe God created the earth, sent Jesus to teach us and be our Saviour. He died on the cross to atone for our sins and the Holy Spirit lives in us every day.

I pray a lot - throughout the day, I thank, praise and ask. I could definitel do it more! We say the Benediction from Numbers 9 for our DS every night and say prayers together before bed.

We attend a weekly Bible Study where we read the bible, discuss the passage and like Caz said, apply it to our lives.

We are trying to do devotions at meal times and in the morning and evening, but it's kinda hard to organize our schedules. I love it when we do coordinate it!!

I wanted to press the "like" button for these posts...tee hee
Im another Christian,
I believe in God the Father and Creator of all things, Jesus his son and our Saviour and the Holy spirt sent by God to guide and comfort us,
I attend Church to Praise and worship God and follow the Bible's teaching as understood by me with the guiding of the holy spirit, I read the Bible and try to apply its teaching to my life and pray daily either by myself or with my husband and we pray blessings for our children and family everyday

I am Catholic, I believe in one God, in 3 parts- The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit. The most important part of my faith I believe is striving to live as Jesus did, to love my neighbours, treat others how I would want to be treated, to honour God, his creation, and to just bring as much positivity to the world as I can.

I believe that God loves all of his children, regardless of whether you are Catholic or not. I believe in the forgiveness of sins. I believe in eternal life in heaven. I believe in peace.

I go to mass weekly. I should go to reconciliation (confession) more often, but truthfully I've not been since before Elyse's baptism, and before that, since high school. We receive sacraments, which are important to us.. baptism, reconciliation, holy communion, confirmation... marriage.. etc

Oh, Caz, I wanted to like yours too, but I must have missed quoting it! :flow:
I'm Jewish. I believe in G-d - and that there is only one god - and that people are essentially good. /QUOTE]

^^^ This. I am a practicing Jew. Dh isn't Jewish but has the same basic beliefs and our children will be raised Jewish.
Well after much thought I have now decided to be baptised myself into the Christian faith along the same time as my daughter next year :)

Thank you for all your information it's lovely reading everyone's beliefs :)
I guess I consider myself agnostic. I got tired of being in a certain category and sort of just took pieces from different beliefs and made it my own. I was Wiccan for 8 years then sort of one day stopped practicing so a lot of my believes derive from that.
i'm Muslim, and nmwb78 wrote a wonderful post abour Islam.

we believe in:

One God,
all prophets (from Adam to Muhammad),
we believe that all monotheistic Holy books were sent by God,
we believe in angels,
in Judgement Day,

there are 5 pillars of faith in Islam:

1. declaration of faith in One God and that Muhammad is His messenger
2. 5 daily prayers
3. charity
4. fasting during the month of Ramadan
5. pilgrimage to Makkah
I'm Muslim and I believe in what soos does. Overall most Muslims have similar core beliefs; but peripheral beliefs and practices can vary quite widely. Traditionally in Sunni Islam there have been 4 schools of thought; but I follow all of them depending on which has the most evidence. I follow scholars who strive to take evidences from and follow the first three generations of early Muslims in their interpretation of the Qur'an and other religious texts. We believe the Qur'an is the direct speech of Allaah and is not created; and believe in all Allaah's names and attributes as described without trying to intepret them; add to them or say they are metaphorical.

The scholars I follow reject terrorism and extremism in all its forms and warn against it strongly.

Also Muslims believe Jesus peace be upon Him is the true Messiah; and address him as such 'Maseeh' is the term in Arabic; we believe he will return to fight the anti-christ in the end times and that he didn't die but was substituted on the cross with a likeness and taken up to the heavens alive.
i'm also a Muslim, i actually became a Muslim, i was a Christian before but wasnt practising. I love my faith and believe in everything it teaches. although a lot of people havent got a positive view on muslims (media doesnt up) but as malcolm x said islam is perfect muslims are not...unfortunately :(
i am a convert to islam i believe in one God that is Allah, i believe Mohammed S.A.W was the last prophet, the holy book Quran and its teachings, and also the Hadiths from our prophets!! Also judgement day, heaven and hell!! and much more!!

i wear head scarf, pray at home, read the Quran regularly, and fast during ramadan!
im still learning at the mo trying to read the Quran in Arabic and hopefully learn it of by heart!!

i am not a strict muslim as i do wear jeans and long tops! but am still covered, always i do only eat halal food, dont drink alcohol and dont smoke

i could go on forever but il stop here hehe

oops i forgot to write what islam means to me

islam is not just a religion to me it is a way of life, i hold my religion close to my heart as it has made my life better, also i have found peace for myself through islam!! when i converted i wasnt a stranger to islam as my fathers side are muslim but my mums side isnt!!

I'm a convert to Islam also but have been Muslim for 14 years now and converted while at school and living in an area with very few Muslims. Interestingly very recently I have found I have Muslim ancestry many centuries ago, which is weird as I know some other converts who have found similar. I do attend the mosque, though not often as its difficult with the kids; and the mosques I attend have men and women all in one room for the prayer (for talks etc they may have different facilities); but women at the back as we believe this is the way it was with the early Muslims.
I'm a total atheist. while I do believe in the afterlife, I don't believe in any way shape or form in a deity or conscious being that created us. it's not logical to me, plus there is soooooooo much evidence to the contrary. evolution for example is FACT.
I'm a christadelphian. I love my religion. We believe that there is only one God who is the all powerful and Creator of all. Jesus is his son that was born into the world and tempted as we were and died for us having a hope of eternal salvation. We read the Bible daily by a reading plan, do in-depth studies of the Bible. We have meeting on Sunday and midweek Bible study with the ecclesia as a whole. Also for the younger adults and teens we have another study night we attend as well. We try our hardest to live as Christ did but know we all fall short daily buy luckily we have a loving father who forgives us for our sins through repentance and prayer and a strong faith. We believe Jesus will come back to the earth and there will be the judgment of the living and the dead of those who are responsible. I could go on and on but I must run and make dinner now! :)
My religion is Islam (I am a Muslim).

In some ways I can say that I am an agnostic Muslim in the sense that I do believe in its principles and way of worship but can't say that I know it to be the ultimate truth. There might be so many different ways to follow God's will. We just need to tap into our nature state it and eliminate everything else. I choose Islam to help me do that because the truth in Islam seems to be purer to me than any other religion I learned about.

I get inspiration other religions though that I feel do not at all contradict Islam like the Eightfold Path to Enlightenment for Buddhists or reading some of the Hidden Words of Bahaullah for Bahais or just thinking "What would God want me to do?" which is not unlike WWJD?

In the end Islam is the religion that allows me to be spiritual in the way I want/need to be and brings the right balance between this life and the next. It is the middle way.
my hubs is catholic so is his family he is half spanish.
i do follow the Saddle Creek Cowboy Church. kinda hard for me cause i went back in TX every sunday and u dont find it in germany
Impacting The Cowboy Culture with the Gospel of Jesus by Planting Cowboy Churches in Every County
Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo,
I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

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