My 2 year old would love her hair straightened, she would sit still and if I wanted to do it, it would be MY decision as it ISN'T child abuse.
I wonder if the people bitching about hair straightening have pierced their kids ears.
I have a son, but even if I did have a daughter, I've always expressed my wish that I do not want my daughter having her ears pierced until she's at least 8-10 years old.
I believe that vanity in children should be left well alone until it gets to those years where they themselves take more of an interest in their appearance.
The basics suffice well enough. Obviously I realise it's different strokes for different folks and I'm not saying she (Katie Price) is a bad mother, I am just shocked that she would have straightened Princess's hair. People have said they would do it for a special occasion, fine fair enough, but it seemed...and yes, before people jump down my throat, it SEEMED, although can't be sure and obviously none of my business, that it was just a general thing and what starts off as occasionally could develop into regularly which could be bad for Princess's hair and self esteem. However...Alicia Douvalls daughter saw the effects all of the preening and surgery had on her mum, so maybe Princess will go in the opposite direction. It just shocked me that's all because she has such beautiful hair and I read that young kids hair is very sensitive so thats part of the reason for my strong reaction. I wouldn't want any kid to have problems in the future with their hair because of premature use of using hair straighteners, however in an article I posted further up in the thread, they are safe enough to use as long as on a very low setting, so that's all well and good. My opinion on that is somewhat different.
It's not child abuse no, of course it isn't, I don't think anyone said it was. I think the point some people are trying to make is that children should be left unaltered or whatever the word is. Leave the beautification for the adults as lets face it, thats the market that these specific products such as make up and hair stuff is catered for. You don't see when you go to toy's r us and Argos a page for hair straighteners. Maybe pretend ones that don't do very much, but apart from that, nope.
It's just my view, might have been a bit harsh with my original post, but I stand by in that if I was the parent of a girl, she'd be allowed to play dress up, but without the make up and the hair straighteners and if there was make up, it'd be the ones you use on sensitive skin and it'd be very very neutral stuff, or clear lipbalm, so she'd wear it, but wouldn't see much but the fact she was wearing it would hopefully deter her from wanting to look like a clown lol!.