What The !?#@


Mummy :) xxx
Mar 26, 2008
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Just sitting in me house (in me pj's :blush:) and hear me car alarm going off.....me dogs start going nuts. So time i get up get outside etc and see some kids running off.......

Go to me car to turn the alarm off and they've completely smashed the back window and beside my car is one of them hammers you get on buses/trains to brake the glass in an emergancy!!

Lil F@#!ers!!! Of course i cant do F all about it seeing as im 42 weeks pregnant......so im sat now waiting for the police to come.....this is all i bloody need.

OH is going mad but aint home till 7pm from work so now i best go get some clothes on before the bloody police arrive.....

If this doesnt send me into labour i dont know what will :rofl: XxxX
the little F*%kers hope they catch them x

Probably a good thing for them you didnt catch them, nothing worse than a overdue pregnant lady lol
oh no thats just really taking the piss ... u ok tho? ur not feelin shuck up or out r u ? if u r uknow u shud maybe get dh home asap ?!?!?! unless theyve done it and gone, hope ur ok, but my god eh u cant av anything can u eh!

stay online and chat so it takes ur mind off it hun x x
Its a bloody joke :rofl:.......And worse thing is there's glass ALL over the road etc, but i cant clean it up until the police come....and then after i got to get down on my hands and knees and do it....and prob wont be able to get back up :rofl: well until OH comes home.....Im hoping the police do it :blush: not likely but ill play the heavily preg card :) XxX
oh no thats just really taking the piss ... u ok tho? ur not feelin shuck up or out r u ? if u r uknow u shud maybe get dh home asap ?!?!?! unless theyve done it and gone, hope ur ok, but my god eh u cant av anything can u eh!

stay online and chat so it takes ur mind off it hun x x

Im fine its just stupid lil kids, just it a bit of a piss take really....:grr: Its not like it was an accident thats whats pee-ing me off.....they bloody did it on purpose.....:grr: and to me.....:rofl: not that id be happy with it happening to anyone else.....XxX
Omg I cant believe taht! You should have chased after them.. would have scared the sh!t out of the kids and may have got things rolling for you :rofl:
i know wot u mean ...it always happens to me, same as if there was a million cars in carpark it wud be mine that got nicked!! honest!! just as long as ur ok? there not guna get far in life really r they ... very sad4them, av police been yet?
OMG that's awful!!

Hope you're ok hun, take things easy and try to stay calm if you can :hugs:

Little shits. What's the point in doing that to someone who's done nothing to them?

Argh, It makes me mad lol.
Little scrotes! (think thats how you spell it) Hope your ok Ema? :hug:
little F**k heads ill sort um out for ya . :gun: (doesnt mean im actaully gonna shot um)xx
I hate this sort of thing, little shitbags, kids these days have no respect and just dont care about damaging other peoples property.

Hope ur ok Ema, have the police been yet?
I'm sorry to hear this Ema! :hugs:
Ugh, badly behaved kids are the worst. How dare they...
Hope the police will be helpful and that your insurance will sort things quickly. I'm sure the car will be greatly appreciated when Jacob does decide to show.
Little fuckpots!!
Hope your ok hun xx
:cry: that is awful! I don't know what to say! I'd be fuming!!

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