Whats been your WORST xmas prezzy?

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i dislike getting cheap bath sets too. Buy me all the Lush, Sanctuary, Loccitane and Philsophy you want but I'll pass on poundland own brand :(
I always re-gift the bath sets to my gran lol she likes the bottles mainly
Well bil last year seems to get loads of stuff the hospital throws out where he works and he got some cups with little blue aliens on them and some writing in German I commented that the aliens were cute- anyway at Xmas I got him a 30 pound b&q voucher his partner a bubble/wash hamper and chocs and 50 quid on there two kids...you know what I got 12,of them poxy mugs with him saying oh you said you liked them so I got you some and we didn't have much money(they say this every year).
He had wrapped them to lol my DH eas trying to stifle his giggles
When i hit puberty i was desperate for a bra (i didnt need it, i wasnt very well endowed in that department!!) but i wanted one to be like my friends ha :haha: Anyway, i had visions of going shopping and picking one out - instead i unwrapped my very first bra on xmas day infront of all my family Dad and brother included, i was sooo embarrased!!! :blush::blush: I could have killed my mother! We laugh about it now but it was awful at the time trying to hide my shame and try to act happy :dohh:
A box of DVD RWs when I asked for a specific DVD. (My mum always delegated wish list items to various relatives-- and of course she had to delegate that DVD (a cricket DVD) to my grandpa , his comment on the card, have this stack of dvd rws so you can hjust borrow it from your friends at school and burn it.
Apart from that it is not the most 'legal' suggestion , the thing is none of anybody at my (German) school would have a cricket DVD. :dohh:

Number #2 is from the wife of my father: three big soap balls for a bubble bath. (I didnt have a bath tub at this time :dohh: ) Also especially disappointing seeing my brother got tickets to see Eric Clapton. :O

I cant think of my worst present but i do remember one xmas when i was around 7 - some got me a dressing up nurse outfit and i was MORTIFIED i have no idea why but it made me cringe lol
When i hit puberty i was desperate for a bra (i didnt need it, i wasnt very well endowed in that department!!) but i wanted one to be like my friends ha :haha: Anyway, i had visions of going shopping and picking one out - instead i unwrapped my very first bra on xmas day infront of all my family Dad and brother included, i was sooo embarrased!!! :blush::blush: I could have killed my mother! We laugh about it now but it was awful at the time trying to hide my shame and try to act happy :dohh:

when i was a teen my grandma kept buying me undies! they were always lacy bras and thongs too, cringe.
My 80 year old Aunty bought me a purse one year and I opened it and there was a teeny tiny white lace thong in it :rofl: last year my gran bought me a naughty fluffy Santa dress up underwear set for a laugh only thing is my mum, my brother, my gran, OH's mum and dad and his sister and husband and their kids were all there when I opened it I was mortified!!:haha:
My worst present ever was a large expensive gift set of White Musk products from the Body Shop courtesy of a boyfriend.
Why was this the worst present ever?
Because he and I had spent a rather long (and I thought rather interesting) conversation talking about how different scents work or don't work for different people because everyone's body chemistry is so different. He was singing the praises of White Musk and how much he had loved smelling it on various flames of the past. I was regretful and explained that it was one of the few smells that I actually really hated and it made me feel all kinds of horrible wearing it. We talked AT LENGTH about this particular perfume and the whole topic.
Enter Christmas gift exchange.
When I opened his gift, I thought he was joking. Then I felt really upset and confused and was trying to figure out if he was breaking up with me in some weird roundabout way. And then I realized that he had absolutely no recollection of that conversation. And the pennies started to drop about certain behaviours I had also thought were odd and I realized that this guy was a massive pothead and closet alcoholic. So, obviously not stuff I was super keen to put up with. I also felt that even if that hadn't been the case, I had just been handed a big huge indicator of how much listening was actually going on when we talked. Um, ouch? Glad to know how much you cared, babe. :s
Anyway, needless to say, we were done by January. Good riddance.
ok for a laugh I am going to do a poll of the worst present

bead on a string
maglite torch
maternity wear for virgin teen
pound shop chemicals
Ann summer gifts from MIL

They are top two need more. Knickers and stuff dont get it it has to be uniquely crap.
These are brill!

My MIL once gave me an air freshener.

And my ex once got me a year's membership to the national trust.
Draw liners :/

i mean i was like 15? what 15 year old would use draw liners?
-3 large size turtle neck shirts ( black, ugly green colour and beige) and I'm size XS or small and I wear turtle neck shirts from my dad
-a pad of paper
-weighing scale
-towel set
- extra large bathrobe ( I think it's a man's size) from my dad.
When I was about 13 or 14 my Nan got me something simalar to this:

she also bought me some sparkly pipe cleaners and she got upset when I used them all up in one day lol.

Me and OH are laughing about a present he bought me this christmas. It was a jumper from primark and the pattern looks like a cat pooping. It shrank the first time I washed it too lol!

Edit: I found a pic of the cat poo jumper. I typed cat poo jumper into google and it came up so i'm not the only one who thinks it looks like the cat is taking a dump lol

Lmao at cat poo jumper! Think that needs to go in the poll!
Aw no I dont think I can adjust the poll now I wish I had of known before, maybe after this xmas we can add that its certainly a contender!

Am I the only one who wants that jumper for some weird reason :blush:
Nothing funny at all. Just the normal cheap bath stuff my aunt is a horrible christmas shopper. My mom is the best one! She will remember something you said you wanted in march and it would be under the tree :)
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