When Can You Get Baby's Ears Pierced?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
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Hey ladies,
I was just wondering.. at what age does a baby girl usually get her ears pierced?
Im definatly getting my baby girls pierced, just occured to me that I don't even know when they usually get it done..
Is it traumatic to them? Like screaming etc..
I imagine it is traumatic for them getting holes punched through their ears when they dont have a clue whats going on. I dont know why parents cant wait til their child is old enough to ask for them to be done.
Be prepared for this thread to possibly go sour hun, I think its 4 months is the start at least where I am. I am pretty sure that is when I got my daughters done and she did fuss for about two whole seconds I think it freaked her out more then anything because it made a pop noise and she had no issues at all and never did tug on them. Her ears are still pierced and lined up perfectly. GL!
I think it's as soon as they have had all of their jabs! I was thinking o getting my lil girls done when she's old enough so that by time she gets to school ect they are able to be took out without risk of healing ect x
I think there's a time period you need to wait, like 7 months?

I don't have anything agaisnt anyone piercing their childs ears, i personally wouldn't. not just for the reason that it hurts but the fact that they can be sore, and catch on things, and babies arn't going to keep their hands away from their ears. I got mine done when i was about 9, when i asked my mum to have them done, and they got infected and i couldnt sleep for nights in case i rolled onto them

Also IMO i don't think they look at all nice on babies, but thats just my opinion.
I had my girls ears pierced at 7 months. They didn't cry, and they didn't mess with them so their ears never got infected and were completely healed within a couple weeks. If you have concerns, which I did, ask your daughters pediatrician. Some doctors will it in their office.
Why anyone would want to do this to their child is absolutely beyond me. Surely it should be their choice when they are older??
Different places will do them at different times.... Claires limit is believe is atleast 6 weeks...

I had LO's done at 7 months.. She cried for just a few moments and was fine after that... HOWEVER, you cant predict allergies to metals, etc. MIL bought her a cheap pair of earrings, and put rubber backs on them shortly after we got them done.. A ew days later, I went to clean them as usual and had noticed LO had shoved the rubber backing into her earring hole, which i had to dig out, and noticed an infection starting from a metal allergy. I didnt put the earring back in, and took the other one out. Will be getting them redone when she asks because it isnt worth her not letting me clean them, and them hurting her, kwim?
4 months- i did both my girls at that time- they dont even realize whats going on and the sound scares them more than any pain, it takes like 2 minutes :)

as mentioned before there are lots of opinions on this- lots of negativity on this site especially- but dont let it get you down- if you do it when they are little they never close up and you dont have to do it again.

i had to take them out of DD's ears at 2 because she kept playing with them and i was worried she would rip them out- at 4 she asked for them and has kept them in since.
Everyone's entitled to their own choice- but I don't understand why anyone would want to pierce their baby's ears. It looks quite tacky IMO ( don't want to cause offence). Plus the poor little thing will be in pain and uncomfortable. I got mine done when I was about 8 for my birthday- which I think is a nice idea! I was so excited :)
Different places will do them at different times.... Claires limit is believe is atleast 6 weeks...

I had LO's done at 7 months.. She cried for just a few moments and was fine after that... HOWEVER, you cant predict allergies to metals, etc. MIL bought her a cheap pair of earrings, and put rubber backs on them shortly after we got them done.. A ew days later, I went to clean them as usual and had noticed LO had shoved the rubber backing into her earring hole, which i had to dig out, and noticed an infection starting from a metal allergy. I didnt put the earring back in, and took the other one out. Will be getting them redone when she asks because it isnt worth her not letting me clean them, and them hurting her, kwim?

Yeah, see with my daughter I know I have a metal allergy unless its a at least 24 carat so I bought expensive studs because I knew id not want to chance it with me having the sensitivity. So sorry that happened to your LO!
Mine were pierced as a baby. I'm not sure what age but it was under 1 year. I have pierced ears in my first birthday picture but not in pictures around 6 months. My nieces have had it done as young as 2 months. They screamed and cried when they were pierced (obviously - it hurts) and for a while after. My older niece was fine in a couple days but my younger niece pulled at them for months until my sister gave up and took them out for a year or so.

Around the time I was 4/5 one ear became badly infected and no amount of cleaning/peroxide ect. would fix it. My mom took out both earrings and let them heal up. A few months later it was finally healed up enough to get them re-pierced and I can remember the excitement of that day very well. My mom made a whole day of it. I got my ears pierced, got to pick out lots of new earrings, go out to eat and get ice cream after then a trip to the park. There are plenty of pictures of me that day with huge smiles on my face. After that experience I've decided to wait and let my own daughters have the same. That way it can be a day of bonding, pampering and fun rather than a day of crying that will be forgotten shortly after.

I wouldn't say it's traumatizing or anything. I don't remember anything about my ears being pierced as a baby. And other than the much later infection no harm came to me because of it. But due to having such a great memory later on (which I wouldn't have otherwise and my nieces never had) I do like to point out that there are some great benefits to waiting. If you really want it done anyways, just call around to different ear piercing places and ask what age they start at. Some won't do babies at all, others will at certain ages. Good luck :)
My mom had mine done at 6 months :) im not sure what the age requirement is though . I always loved that they were done since I got to wear pretty earring while most of the other little girls had cheap clip ons lol in spain girls ears are pierced before they ever leave the hospital ... everyone will have different views on it but if its something you have decided to do they should just move on instead of sharing their non relevant opinion ,I see no need for this thread to go downhill. .. I would just call around and ask to find out what the age is in your area :)
I was 13 when my mum allowed me to have my ears pierced, my LO certainly won't be having them done any time before she goes to secondary school. Personally, I don't like to see little children, especially babies, with pierced ears. Everyone to their own though x
My nieces had theirs done around 1 year and the other around 2 years. The first niece wouldn't let her mom clean them though, and when she took them out she had too much trouble getting them back in after that. So she had them re-done around 2. They both cried but not much. I think I'll probably get my little girls done around 2 most likely.
Sorry but I don't see anything attractive about a little baby with tacky ear rings. Plus it might not hurt at the time but have you ever gone to bed with your ear rings in? Not nice is it? Well a little babies ears are much smaller and more sensitive.
My aunt took me and hand mine pierced at 2 mnths. My mother was not happy as she didn't know it was being done. It's a cultural thing though so my aunt just thought my
Mum hadn't gotten around to it.
It's your baby and I think if you've done the research and made the decision then that's your right but I will say if it had been left up to me I wouldn't hve had it done. I don't suit earrings and I don't wear them. I'd have loved for my holes to close but at 29 they are still there and I don't like them. So maybe that's something to consider. You don't know why your daughter may want. :shrug:
So many judgemental mothers! I thought this was a supportive forum.
I would personally wait until she's had all her vaccinations because of the risk of infection. Same with circumsicion or any other similar procedure.

PS if you can't say something nice, try to refrain from saying anything at all. Calling the mom's choice "tacky", doesn't help answer her question.
As many ladies have commented I had mine done out of choice when I was around 8 and was really excited about it. I feel I was old enough to make a decision and to understand that my ears would hurt a little for a while. Also understand the Importance if keeping them clean..

As to previous comments relating to people keeping opinions to them selves...I agree it's down to personal choice, as is breast feeding and so on but people are going to vent their
opinions on something like this and I think as long as it's not personal they have a right to..

Just IMO :)

I would maybe just consider other people's experiences and then make ur mind up..maybe ur little girl can choose for herself.. It was really exciting day for me :)

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