When Can You Get Baby's Ears Pierced?

These threads always kill me. Someone asks about peoples personal experience with their children and what to expect but then others come in and say things like. Its tacky, wrong, and why. How is that helpful to the poster at all? Do any of those things help answer her question? If you have nothing helpful, kind, or relevant to the question why do you feel the need to post? This is an honest question because it really get tiring seeing it on multiple subjects not just this. Personally I don't see an issue with having a child's ears pierced young and I can't understand why people think its wrong at a young age but ok at an older age say 5-10 do you think that the child will not experience fear and pain then as well? Or that it is not possible for them to then regret the choice later they are still children at those ages... I think its pointless to come in here and piss people off. I could care less if people think my child looks tacky that is your opinion but I do care that people decide to come in and post things that are not helpful to the topic. :shrug::shrug:
So many judgemental mothers! I thought this was a supportive forum.
I would personally wait until she's had all her vaccinations because of the risk of infection. Same with circumsicion or any other similar procedure.

PS if you can't say something nice, try to refrain from saying anything at all. Calling the mom's choice "tacky", doesn't help answer her question.

Shouldn't really be the Mums choice though should it? Should be the childs.
These threads always kill me. Someone asks about peoples personal experience with their children and what to expect but then others come in and say things like. Its tacky, wrong, and why. How is that helpful to the poster at all? Do any of those things help answer her question? If you have nothing helpful, kind, or relevant to the question why do you feel the need to post? This is an honest question because it really get tiring seeing it on multiple subjects not just this. Personally I don't see an issue with having a child's ears pierced young and I can't understand why people think its wrong at a young age but ok at an older age say 5-10 do you think that the child will not experience fear and pain then as well? Or that it is not possible for them to then regret the choice later they are still children at those ages... I think its pointless to come in here and piss people off. I could care less if people think my child looks tacky that is your opinion but I do care that people decide to come in and post things that are not helpful to the topic. :shrug::shrug:

She ASKED peoples opinions on if they think it is traumatic, if she didn't want people to say yes, she shouldn't have asked.
I've called around in my area and 6 months seems to be the earliest for me. And I will be getting them done at that time.
So many judgemental mothers! I thought this was a supportive forum.
I would personally wait until she's had all her vaccinations because of the risk of infection. Same with circumsicion or any other similar procedure.

PS if you can't say something nice, try to refrain from saying anything at all. Calling the mom's choice "tacky", doesn't help answer her question.

Shouldn't really be the Mums choice though should it? Should be the childs.

Same argument for vaccinations and many other things we do when it comes to our children... what if you jab your child with all these needles and inject them with all these substances/toxic preservative and one day they grow up and decide they wish you never did ? Sounds pretty ridiculous doesnt it ?
Has anything you've said been helpful to the OP ? Have you answered the OP's question? Im pretty sure the answer to both of those questions is NO. All youve done is waste your own time sharing an opinion that isnt likely to make a bit of difference ... just something to think about
So many judgemental mothers! I thought this was a supportive forum.
I would personally wait until she's had all her vaccinations because of the risk of infection. Same with circumsicion or any other similar procedure.

PS if you can't say something nice, try to refrain from saying anything at all. Calling the mom's choice "tacky", doesn't help answer her question.

Shouldn't really be the Mums choice though should it? Should be the childs.

Same argument for vaccinations and many other things we do when it comes to our children... what if you jab your child with all these needles and inject them with all these substances/toxic preservative and one day they grow up and decide they wish you never did ? Sounds pretty ridiculous doesnt it ?
Has anything you've said been helpful to the OP ? Have you answered the OP's question? Im pretty sure the answer to both of those questions is NO. All youve done is waste your own time sharing an opinion that isnt likely to make a bit of difference ... just something to think about

How can you even compare vaccinations to ear piercing?! :wacko: You vaccinate to PROTECT your child, you pierce their ears for vanity.

This is a public forum, if i have an opinion i will air it, just the same way as you do :thumbup: And yes, for the record, i did answer the OPs question- she asked if she thought it was traumatic on the baby and i replied yes.
These threads always kill me. Someone asks about peoples personal experience with their children and what to expect but then others come in and say things like. Its tacky, wrong, and why. How is that helpful to the poster at all? Do any of those things help answer her question? If you have nothing helpful, kind, or relevant to the question why do you feel the need to post? This is an honest question because it really get tiring seeing it on multiple subjects not just this. Personally I don't see an issue with having a child's ears pierced young and I can't understand why people think its wrong at a young age but ok at an older age say 5-10 do you think that the child will not experience fear and pain then as well? Or that it is not possible for them to then regret the choice later they are still children at those ages... I think its pointless to come in here and piss people off. I could care less if people think my child looks tacky that is your opinion but I do care that people decide to come in and post things that are not helpful to the topic. :shrug::shrug:

She ASKED peoples opinions on if they think it is traumatic, if she didn't want people to say yes, she shouldn't have asked.

Well maybe it is just me but my daughter crying for less of an amount then she does when she causes self harm from normal kid injuries does not fall under my definition of traumatic... She is 5 and likes to wear earrings and has never once said mommy I remember everything that happened and I can't believe you did this to me. :shrug:

trau·ma (trôm, trou-)
n. pl. trau·mas or trau·ma·ta (-m-t)
1. A serious injury or shock to the body, as from violence or an accident.
2. An emotional wound or shock that creates substantial, lasting damage to the psychological development of a person, often leading to neurosis.
3. An event or situation that causes great distress and disruption.
I had my ears pierced when I was about two I think. I don't remember it being done therefore don't remember any pain/trauma. I love the fact I can wear earrings now instead of the cheap clip on ones. To be honest, I don't think I'd ever have gotten them done if it had been my own choice at a later age, can't stand needles at the best of times! As I said though, I certainly don't remeber it being painful or traumatic x
These threads always kill me. Someone asks about peoples personal experience with their children and what to expect but then others come in and say things like. Its tacky, wrong, and why. How is that helpful to the poster at all? Do any of those things help answer her question? If you have nothing helpful, kind, or relevant to the question why do you feel the need to post? This is an honest question because it really get tiring seeing it on multiple subjects not just this. Personally I don't see an issue with having a child's ears pierced young and I can't understand why people think its wrong at a young age but ok at an older age say 5-10 do you think that the child will not experience fear and pain then as well? Or that it is not possible for them to then regret the choice later they are still children at those ages... I think its pointless to come in here and piss people off. I could care less if people think my child looks tacky that is your opinion but I do care that people decide to come in and post things that are not helpful to the topic. :shrug::shrug:

She ASKED peoples opinions on if they think it is traumatic, if she didn't want people to say yes, she shouldn't have asked.

Well maybe it is just me but my daughter crying for less of an amount then she does when she causes self harm from normal kid injuries does not fall under my definition of traumatic... She is 5 and likes to wear earrings and has never once said mommy I remember everything that happened and I can't believe you did this to me. :shrug:

trau·ma (trôm, trou-)
n. pl. trau·mas or trau·ma·ta (-m-t)
1. A serious injury or shock to the body, as from violence or an accident.
2. An emotional wound or shock that creates substantial, lasting damage to the psychological development of a person, often leading to neurosis.
3. An event or situation that causes great distress and disruption.

:thumbup: Thanks for proving my point.
So many judgemental mothers! I thought this was a supportive forum.
I would personally wait until she's had all her vaccinations because of the risk of infection. Same with circumsicion or any other similar procedure.

PS if you can't say something nice, try to refrain from saying anything at all. Calling the mom's choice "tacky", doesn't help answer her question.

Shouldn't really be the Mums choice though should it? Should be the childs.

That is not the point I was making. I'm saying that it isn't constructive criticism to insult the mom. I'm not going to pierce my baby's ears and yet I felt no need to come in here all "holier than thou" and make this mommy feel bad. I answered her question because I had something productive to contribute.

But to answer your question, I do think it's baby's choice but I do see the benefit of doing it at an age when it is quickly forgotten. My grandma pierced my ears when I was just 2 days old! I could never do it to my baby girl but can't say I'm mad that it was done to me.
These threads always kill me. Someone asks about peoples personal experience with their children and what to expect but then others come in and say things like. Its tacky, wrong, and why. How is that helpful to the poster at all? Do any of those things help answer her question? If you have nothing helpful, kind, or relevant to the question why do you feel the need to post? This is an honest question because it really get tiring seeing it on multiple subjects not just this. Personally I don't see an issue with having a child's ears pierced young and I can't understand why people think its wrong at a young age but ok at an older age say 5-10 do you think that the child will not experience fear and pain then as well? Or that it is not possible for them to then regret the choice later they are still children at those ages... I think its pointless to come in here and piss people off. I could care less if people think my child looks tacky that is your opinion but I do care that people decide to come in and post things that are not helpful to the topic. :shrug::shrug:

She ASKED peoples opinions on if they think it is traumatic, if she didn't want people to say yes, she shouldn't have asked.

Well maybe it is just me but my daughter crying for less of an amount then she does when she causes self harm from normal kid injuries does not fall under my definition of traumatic... She is 5 and likes to wear earrings and has never once said mommy I remember everything that happened and I can't believe you did this to me. :shrug:

trau·ma (trôm, trou-)
n. pl. trau·mas or trau·ma·ta (-m-t)
1. A serious injury or shock to the body, as from violence or an accident.
2. An emotional wound or shock that creates substantial, lasting damage to the psychological development of a person, often leading to neurosis.
3. An event or situation that causes great distress and disruption.

:thumbup: Thanks for proving my point.

LOL! It says GREAT distress and disruption.. BUT OK! :dohh:
Just because YOUR child wasnt distressed, doesnt mean others arent. Or can you not see further than your own experience?
Im not comparing vaccinations to ear piercing, im comparing your argument about the childs right to choose... really being injected with things is something that the individual should have to consent to but we get to make that decision as the parent. Also the OP asked is it WAS traumatic not if people THOUGHT it was traumatic theres really no need for an opinion, either it is or it isnt and judging by the meaning of the term traumatic as posted above the answer would actually be no , its not traumatic at all ... uncomfortable sure but uncomfortable is a far cry from traumatic .
Just because YOUR child wasnt distressed, doesnt mean others arent. Or can you not see further than your own experience?

There is no point arguing with you... You obviously need a fight or something commenting on something that you, yourself have never done. Do I think its caused others children such distress that they are never going to get over it? No but anything is possible as we all know. You have a good day though. :flower:
Just because YOUR child wasnt distressed, doesnt mean others arent. Or can you not see further than your own experience?

There is no point arguing with you... You obviously need a fight or something commenting on something that you, yourself have never done. Do I think its caused others children such distress that they are never going to get over it? No but anything is possible as we all know. You have a good day though. :flower:

You dont know me at all :) (not sure how you draw arguing from differing opinions) Simply because i wouldnt ever get my childrens ears done doesnt mean i have no experience of it. Nothing you say will convince myself that inflicting pain on your child for vanity is ever ok. I sure will :winkwink:
My question was genuine. Why would you want to?
Just because YOUR child wasnt distressed, doesnt mean others arent. Or can you not see further than your own experience?

There is no point arguing with you... You obviously need a fight or something commenting on something that you, yourself have never done. Do I think its caused others children such distress that they are never going to get over it? No but anything is possible as we all know. You have a good day though. :flower:

I was going to say the same thing. I think some people are just argumentative and rude because they're unhappy.
Do people not think babies getting vaccinated can not be "traumatic" to them? I was with my god daughter for every vaccination and when she got her ears pierced. And she cried just as much, if not more so, when she got the shot then when she got her ears pierced. But people don't seem to think getting vaccinations can be "traumatic" to a baby?
Yes, vaccinations are for medical reasons, and getting ears pierced are more cosmetic, but when that young there is no way that a 6 month old baby is going to remember it when they are 8 years old, just like they don't remember the multiple vaccinations they got over quite a few years.
Just because YOUR child wasnt distressed, doesnt mean others arent. Or can you not see further than your own experience?

There is no point arguing with you... You obviously need a fight or something commenting on something that you, yourself have never done. Do I think its caused others children such distress that they are never going to get over it? No but anything is possible as we all know. You have a good day though. :flower:

I was going to say the same thing. I think some people are just argumentative and rude because they're unhappy.

Do people not think babies getting vaccinated can not be "traumatic" to them? I was with my god daughter for every vaccination and when she got her ears pierced. And she cried just as much, if not more so, when she got the shot then when she got her ears pierced. But people don't seem to think getting vaccinations can be "traumatic" to a baby?
Yes, vaccinations are for medical reasons, and getting ears pierced are more cosmetic, but when that young there is no way that a 6 month old baby is going to remember it when they are 8 years old, just like they don't remember the multiple vaccinations they got over quite a few years.

The thread wasnt about vaccinations though, was it? And absolutely, i think vaccinations are traumatic for babya nd both Mum at times.

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